VOL. 36 · NO. 3 | September 2005
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Kevin Kimber, George V. Kollias
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 371-384, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-125.1
KEYWORDS: River Otter, Lontra canadensis, biochemistry, hematology, reintroduction, clinical pathology
Holly J. Haefele, Inga Sidor, David C. Evers, Darcy E. Hoyt, Mark A. Pokras
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 385-390, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-018.1
KEYWORDS: common loon, Gavia immer, hematology, reference ranges
James W. Carpenter, Meliton N. Novilla, Jeff S. Hatfield
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 391-400, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/02-051.1
KEYWORDS: sandhill crane, Grus canadensis, coccidiosis, coccidiostat, amprolium, clasuril, monensin
Scott B. Citino, Linda Munson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 401-416, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-117.1
KEYWORDS: cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, gastritis, Helicobacter, treatment
John P. Hoover, Cynthia L. DiGesualdo
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 417-421, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-071.1
KEYWORDS: African lion, Panthera leo, Thiamine, microbiological assay
Mike R. Dunbar, Michael A. Gregg, John A. Crawford, Mark R. Giordano, Susan J. Tornquist
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 422-429, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-065.1
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus urophasianus, hematology, nutrition, sage grouse, Serum
David Liang, Thomas P. Alvarado, Deniz Oral, Jose M. Vargas, Melissa M. Denena, James P. McCulley
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 430-433, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-121.1
KEYWORDS: comparative anatomy, eyes, gorilla, ophthalmic examination
M. Cecilia Norambuena, Mario Parada
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 434-439, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-016.1
KEYWORDS: Andean flamingo, biochemistry, hematology, Phoenicoparrus andinus, nutrition
Annabelle Heier, Christian Sonne, Andrea Gröne, Pall S. Leifsson, Rune Dietz, Erik W. Born, Luca N. Bacciarini
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 440-446, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-058.1
KEYWORDS: polar bear, Ursus maritimus, liver, retinol-binding protein, vitamin A, immunohistochemistry
Helena Beatriz de Carvalho Ruthner Batista, Franco Kindlein Vicentini, Ana Cláudia Franco, Fernando Rosado Spilki, Jean Carlos Ramos Silva, Cristina Harumi Adania, Paulo Michel Roehe
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 447-450, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-060.1
KEYWORDS: Brazil, wild captive felids, feline herpesvirus type 1, FHV-1, neutralization antibodies, serum neutralization
Susan Bowers, Scott Gandy, Ken Paul, Lisa Woods, Denise D'Angelo, Carolyn Horton, Chris Tabaka, Scott Willard
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 451-456, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-097.1
KEYWORDS: White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum), hormones, pregnancy, vaginal electrical impedance
J. Santiago-Moreno, A. González-Bulnes, A. Gómez-Brunet, A. Toledano-Díaz, A. López-Sebastián
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 457-462, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-107.1
KEYWORDS: mouflon, Ovis gmelini musimon, pregnancy diagnosis, ultrasonic fetometry, wild sheep
Matias Pablo Juan Szabó, Eliana Reiko Matushima, Márcio Botelho de Castro, Danilo Álvaro Santana, Cátia Dejuste de Paula, José Maurício Barbanti Duarte
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 463-469, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-404.1
KEYWORDS: Anesthetized, Blastocerus dichotomus, free-living, hematology, marsh deer, nonanesthetized
Els Goossens, Jozef Vercruysse, Joop Boomker, Francis Vercammen, Pierre Dorny
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 470-478, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-086.1
KEYWORDS: Cervidae, Gastrointestinal nematodes, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Spiculopteragia spiculoptera, Trichuris spp, zoo
Gerardo Suzán, Gerardo Ceballos
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 479-484, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-078.1
KEYWORDS: feral, mammals, Mexico, parvovirus, rabies, Toxoplasma
Jean Richards, Adrienne Lickey, Jonathan M. Sleeman
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 485-488, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-075.1
KEYWORDS: Gunshot trauma, prevalence, raptors, seasonal effect, Virginia
Christopher S. Hanley, Nancy J. Thomas, Joanne Paul-Murphy, Barry K. Hartup
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 489-497, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-047.1
KEYWORDS: exertional myopathy, capture, stress, Whooping Crane, Grus americana
Luis R. Padilla, Christopher J. Dutton, Joan Bauman, Mary Duncan
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 498-503, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-006.1
KEYWORDS: Arabian oryx, Oryx leucoryx, pseudohermaphroditism, sex differentiation, intersex
Robert S. Bakal, Brian H. Hickson, Brian C. Gilger, Michael G. Levy, James R. Flowers, Lester Khoo
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 504-508, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-044.1
KEYWORDS: Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, cataract surgery, Diplostomum sp, Fish, Gulf sturgeon, trematode
Deidre K. Fontenot, Scott P. Terrell, Michele Miller, Patricia K. Robbins, Mark Stetter, Martha Weber
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 509-511, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-084.1
KEYWORDS: Alpha toxin, clostridial myositis, Clostridium septicum, gas gangrene, gorilla, Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Cynthia L. DiGesualdo, John P. Hoover, Michael D. Lorenz
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 512-514, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-070.1
KEYWORDS: African lion, Panthera leo, Thiamine, ataxia
Christopher S. Hanley, Heather A. Simmons, Roberta S. Wallace, Victoria L. Clyde
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 515-519, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-077.1
KEYWORDS: Erythema multiforme, spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, drug reaction, canine distemper vaccine, canary pox vaccine
Laurie J. Gage
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 520-522, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-100.1
KEYWORDS: badger, behavior, Buspirone, enrichment, self-mutilation, Taxidea taxus
Heather L. Reid, Sharon L. Deem, Scott B. Citino
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 523-526, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-043.1
KEYWORDS: Chrysocyon brachyurus, extraosseous osteosarcoma, maned wolf, p53 suppressor gene, vaccine-site neoplasia
Rebecca J. Greenblatt, Thierry M. Work, Peter Dutton, Claudia A. Sutton, Terry R. Spraker, Rufina N. Casey, Carlos E. Diez, Denise Parker, Judy St. Leger, George H. Balazs, James W. Casey
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 527-530, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-051.1
KEYWORDS: Chelonia mydas, fibropapillomatosis, green turtle, herpesvirus
Joshua Powe, William Castleman, Christine Fiorello
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 531-533, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-035.1
KEYWORDS: Carcinoid, Panthera tigris, thymus, tiger
Jessica L. Siegal-Willott, Todd Henrikson, James W. Carpenter, Gordon A. Andrews
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 534-537, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-123.1
KEYWORDS: Panthera pardus, leopard, constipation, uterine leiomyoma
Jens P. Teifke, Christiane V. Löhr, Christoph Langner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 538-542, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-019.1
KEYWORDS: Canis lupus arctos, immunohistochemistry, metastasis, polar wolf, squamous cell carcinoma, tonsil
David S. Rotstein, Pamela Govett, Barbara Wolfe
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 543-545, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/03-053.1
KEYWORDS: North American black bear, Ursus americanus, squamous cell carcinoma, larynx
Brad A. Lock, Scott B. Citino, Audrey Pickup
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 546-549, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-030.1
KEYWORDS: Ammonia concentration, bile acids, Hippotragus equinus cottoni, portosystemic shunt, roan antelope
Katharine Hope, Carlos Sanchez, Suzan Murray
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 550-552, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/04-046.1
KEYWORDS: sloth, Choloepus didactylus, radiographs, bladder
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 553-554, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/1042-7260(2005)036[0553:AOSR]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36 (3), 570, (1 September 2005) https://doi.org/10.1638/1042-7260(2005)036[0570:E]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
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