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VOL. 40 · NO. 4 | October 2004
Ivan V. Kuzmin, Alexandr D. Botvinkin, Lorraine M. McElhinney, Jean S. Smith, Lillian A. Orciari, Gareth J. Hughes, Anthony R. Fooks, Charles E. Rupprecht
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 617-631, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: epidemiology, former Soviet Union, rabies, phylogenetics, Russia
Randall L. Zarnke, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Robert A. DeLong
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 632-638, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alaska, infectious disease, serologic survey, wolf, Yukon Territory
Zdenek Hubálek
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 639-659, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: arboviruses, bacteria, birds, Fungi, migration, protozoa, viruses
Peter B. Pearman, Trenton W. J. Garner, Monika Straub, Urs F. Greber
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 660-669, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: amphibian decline, cannibalism, emerging diseases, Frog virus 3, iridovirus, IUCN Red List, ranavirus, Rana latastei
Robert J. Bildfell, James W. Mertins, Jack A. Mortenson, Doug F. Cottam
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 670-681, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alopecia, Columbian black-tailed deer, Damalinia (Cervicola), Demodex odocoilei, hair loss, lice, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, parasites, pediculosis
Robert J. Dusek, Marilyn G. Spalding, Donald J. Forrester, Ellis C. Greiner
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 682-687, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Anemia, Florida, Grus canadensis pratensis, Haemoproteus antigonis, Haemoproteus balearicae, Leucocytozoon grusi, sandhill crane
Christine Fournier-Chambrillon, Philippe J. Berny, Olivier Coiffier, Philippe Barbedienne, Bernard Dassé, Gérard Delas, Hubert Galineau, Alexandra Mazet, Pascal Pouzenc, René Rosoux, Pascal Fournier
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 688-695, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: bromadiolone, chlorophacinone, Lutra lutra, Mustela lutreola, Mustela putorius, Mustela vison, secondary poisoning
Philip Stott, Nicole Wight
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 696-703, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: European hare, European rabbit, fertility, Lepus europaeus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, phytoestrogen
Justin D. Brown, Jean M. Richards, John Robertson, Steven Holladay, Jonathan M. Sleeman
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 704-712, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Aural abscess, Eastern box turtle, pathology, hypovitaminosis A, squamous metaplasia, Terrapene carolina carolina
Dan L. Baker, Margaret A. Wild, Mary M. Connor, Harish B. Ravivarapu, Richard L. Dunn, Terry M. Nett
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 713-724, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: contraception, GnRH agonist, leuprolide, luteinizing hormone, mule deer, reproductive behavior
Lowell A. Miller, Jack C. Rhyan, Mark Drew
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 725-730, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: gonadotropin-releasing hormone, immunocontraception, GnRH vaccine, bison
Meg Sutherland-Smith, Juan Manuel Campos, Carrie Cramer, Cindy Thorstadt, William Toone, Patrick J. Morris
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 731-736, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Anesthesia, Catagonus wagneri, Chacoan peccary, immobilization, ketamine, medetomidine, Telazol®, tiletamine, zolazepam
Y-K. Kwon, S-H. Wee, J-H. Kim
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 737-740, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: carbamate, Korea, organophosphates, pesticide, phosphamidon, poisoning, wild birds
Eric M. Gese, Seija M. Karki, Mead L. Klavetter, Edward R. Schauster, Ann M. Kitchen
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 741-748, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: canine adenovirus, canine distemper virus, Canine parvovirus, Canis latrans, coyote, Francisella tularensis, plague, swift fox, tularemia, Vulpes velox, Yersinia pestis
P. Nol, J. L. Williamson, T. E. Rocke, T. M. Yuill
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 749-753, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Clostridium botulinum type C, diagnostic technique, polymerase chain reaction, tilapia
Claire Jardine, Gary A. Wobeser, Elemir Simko
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 754-758, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: leiomyosarcoma, Lepus townsendii, mesenchymal tumor, neoplasia, uterine fibroma, white-tailed jack rabbit
Mitchell V. Palmer, W. Ray Waters, Douglas D. Pedersen, William C. Stoffregen
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 759-762, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: flavivirus, Rangifer tarandus, reindeer, vaccination, West Nile virus
E. Saita, S. Hayama, H. Kajigaya, K. Yoneda, G. Watanabe, K. Taya
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 763-768, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Dioxins, Great Cormorant, Organochlorines, Phalacrocorax carbo, thyroid gland, Tokyo Bay, Japan
James W. Carpenter, Gordon A. Andrews, W. Nelson Beyer
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 769-774, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: amyloidosis, Anseriformes, Cygnus buccinator, mortality, trumpeter swan, zinc toxicity
Andrea S. Freeman, John M. Kinsella, Chloe Cipolletta, Sharon L. Deem, William B. Karesh
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 775-781, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: ecotourism, endoparasite, entodiniomorph ciliate, Gorilla gorilla, habituation, lowland gorillas, Mammomonogamus
Maria S. Sepúlveda, Jon J. Wiebe, Dale C. Honeyfield, Heath R. Rauschenberger, Joy P. Hinterkopf, William E. Johnson, Timothy S. Gross
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 782-786, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: alligators, early life stage mortality syndrome, Florida, largemouth bass, Thiamine
Jerrold L. Belant
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 787-790, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: chemical immobilization, field study, Procyon lotor, raccoon, Telazol, tiletamine, xylazine, zolazepam
Reinhild Krametter, Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Angelika Loitsch, Wolfgang Froetscher, Viviane Benetka, Karin Moestl, Walter Baumgartner
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 791-795, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: bovine viral diarrhea virus, Border disease virus, free-living deer, serologic survey, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
Ana Hurtado, Gorka Aduriz, Nieves Gómez, Beatriz Oporto, Ramón A. Juste, Santiago Lavin, Jorge R. Lopez-Olvera, lgnasi Marco
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 796-800, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Border disease virus, chamois, pestivirus, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, Rupicapra pyrenaica
S. Solaymani-Mohammadi, M. Rezaian, H. Hooshyar, G. R. Mowlavi, Z. Babaei, M. A. Anwar
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 801-803, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Intestinal protozoa, Luristan, public health, survey, Sus scrofa, wild boar
Mio Hagihara, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Masanobu Kitahara, Katsuya Hirai, Koichi Murata
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 804-807, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: hematozoa, Japan, Lagopus mutus, Leucocytozoon lovati, rock ptarmigan
Brad Scandrett, Gary Wobeser
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 808-810, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: case report, Cervus elaphus elaphus, malignant melanoma, melanosarcoma, neoplasia, red deer
Sharon L. Deem, Rolan Davis, Luis F. Pacheco
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 811-815, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bolivia, feline panleukopenia virus, Leopardus tigrinus, oncilla, rabies, serology, Toxoplasma gondii
Deborah Fauquier, Frances Gulland, Martin Haulena, Murray Dailey, Randall L. Rietcheck, Thomas P. Lipscomb
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 816-819, (1 October 2004) Open Access
KEYWORDS: California sea lion, Liver fluke, meningoencephalitis, Zalophotrema hepaticum, Zalophus californianus
Kurt K. Sladky
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), 820-822, (1 October 2004) Open Access
No abstract available
Scott E. Henke
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (4), (1 October 2004) Open Access
No abstract available
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