Rimvydas Juškaitis
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 73 (24113), 24113.1-11, (23 December 2024) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.24113
KEYWORDS: small-scale clear-felling, regenerating clearings, Muscardinus avellanarius, Glis glis
In many European countries, the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius is a rare and threatened species, while the edible dormouse Glis glis is common and abundant. In Lithuania, however, the hazel dormouse is widespread and common, but the edible dormouse is rare and endangered. This study aims to review the status of these two dormouse species in Lithuania and the importance of forest management for dormouse conservation in Lithuania and other European countries. Hazel dormice are prospering in Lithuania because forest management practices are favourable for this species. Small-scale clear-felling is a typical technique for harvesting timber in Lithuanian forests. In this way, a mosaic of forest plots is created, consisting of new clear-felled areas, regenerating clearings, young forest stands of different ages, and mature forest stands. Regenerating clearings on fertile soils are attractive to hazel dormice, and dormouse density can be much higher than in surrounding forest areas. However, these forest management practices are harmful to the edible dormouse as they gradually destroy mature oak-dominated forest stands, which are the primary edible dormouse habitat in Lithuania. The conservation status of different dormouse species may directly depend on forest management practices used in particular countries.