VOL. 19 · NO. 1 | February 2008
Journal of Vegetation Science
J. Bastow Wilson, Alessandro Chiarucci, Sandra Díaz, Peter S. White
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 1-2, (14 January 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2008-8-18468
No abstract available
Jaan Liira, Torsten Schmidt, Tsipe Aavik, Paul Arens, Isabel Augenstein, Debra Bailey, Regula Billeter, Roman Bukáček, Françoise Burel, Geert De Blust, Raphaël De Cock, Jolanda Dirksen, Peter J. Edwards, Roman Hamerský, Felix Herzog, Stefan Klotz, Ingolf Kühn, Didier Le Coeur, Pavlina Miklová, Martina Roubalova, Oliver Schweiger, Marinus J. M. Smulders, Walter K. R E. van Wingerden, Rob Bugter, Martin Zobel
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 3-14, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18308
KEYWORDS: agricultural land use, habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, landscape structure, Plant functional type, Plant growth form, plant species richness
Benjamin Poulter, Norman L. Christensen, Song S. Qian
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 15-22, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18410
KEYWORDS: climate change, North Carolina, sea-level rise
Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi, Carla M. D'Antonio, Eric L. Berlow
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 23-30, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18311
KEYWORDS: Groundwater decline, nutrient cycling, positive feedback, stream incision, water relations
U. Bloesch
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 31-44, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18315
KEYWORDS: browsing, Dry evergreen forest, ecosystem dynamics, Termitarium, vegetation mosaic
Stéphane Dray, Sonia Saïd, François Débias
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 45-56, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/8-18312
KEYWORDS: correspondence analysis, Moran's I, multivariate analysis, SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION, Spatially Constrained Ordination
C. Ronnie Drever, Mark C. Drever, Christian Messier, Yves Bergeron, Mike Flannigan
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 57-66, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18313
KEYWORDS: Area burned, Canadian Drought Code, deciduous, Enduring landscape characteristics, Fire occurrence, Mixed-distribution, Mixed-effects modeling, Precipitation
Rune H. Økland, Knut Rydgren, Tonje Økland
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 67-74, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18330
KEYWORDS: bryophyte, microsite, peatland, Picea abies, Sphagnum
M. Victoria Campanella, Mónica B. Bertiller
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 75-85, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18333
KEYWORDS: Deciduous shrub, Evergreen shrub, Leaf litter mass, Leaf mass per area, lignin, Nitrogen total, perennial grass, Phenolics total
Alex Fajardo, Constanza L. Quiroz, Lohengrin A. Cavieres
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 87-96, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18332
KEYWORDS: Adesmia spp, Alpine demography, Azorella madreporica, Negative association, Plant demography, Positive interaction, Ripley's L-function
Beatriz Duguy, Vallejo V. Ramón
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 97-108, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18336
KEYWORDS: life-history trait, Mediterranean shrubland, Post-fire regeneration strategy, Resilience to fire, secondary succession
Oliver Tackenberg, Jürg Stöcklin
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 109-118, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18338
KEYWORDS: dispersal kernel, dispersal strategy, functional ecology, Glacier foreland, long distance dispersal, Macroecology, Seed dispersal model, simulation model, Terminal velocity, Wind dispersal model
Karel Mokany, Julian Ash
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 119-126, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18340
KEYWORDS: fertility, Functional, native grassland, Plasticity, Root trait, Trait strategy
H. Tanaka, M. Shibata, T. Masaki, S. Iida, K. Niiyama, S. Abe, Y. Kominami, T. Nakashizuka
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 127-138, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18342
KEYWORDS: demography, growth rate, Ogawa Reserve, Shade tolerance, survival, trade-off, Transition matrix model
Inger Auestad, Knut Rydgren, Rune H. Økland
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 139-148, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2007-8-18344
KEYWORDS: Complex gradient, management, Nested design, scale, Split-plot GLM
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (1), 149-150, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.3170/2008-8-18485
No abstract available
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