Special Volume 10: North American East Coast Shell Midden Research
VOL. 10 · NO. sp10 | 2017
Matthew W. Betts, M. Gabriel Hrynick
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1002
No abstract available
Arthur Spiess
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1003
No abstract available
Matthew W. Betts, M. Gabriel Hrynick
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1012
M. Gabriel Hrynick, Matthew W. Betts
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 1-17, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1004
Matthew W. Betts, Meghan Burchell, Bernd R. Schöne
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 18-41, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1005
Michelle Lelièvre
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 42-58, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1006
Sue Blair, Margaret Horne, A. Katherine Patton, W. Jesse Webb
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 59-69, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1007
David W. Black
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 70-89, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1008
Brian S. Robinson, A. Sky Heller
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 90-104, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1009
Arthur E. Spiess
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 105-112, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1010
Torben C. Rick, Leslie A. Reeder-Myers, Michael J. Carr, Anson H. Hines
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 113-125, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1011
William R. Belcher, David Sanger
Journal of the North Atlantic 10 (sp10), 126-142, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.3721/037.002.sp1013
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