VOL. 23 · NO. 1 | January 2004
Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Eric A. Strauss, William B. Richardson, Lynn A. Bartsch, Jennifer C. Cavanaugh, Denise A. Bruesewitz, Heidi Imker, Julie A. Heinz, David M. Soballe
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 1-14, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0001:NITUMR>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Nitrification, Upper Mississippi River, nitrogen cycle, nitrate budget
Christopher M. Swan, Margaret A. Palmer
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 15-28, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0015:LDALBI>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: mixed litter, leaf species richness, leaf breakdown rate, ecosystem processes, riparian, streams, leaf litter
Dani Boix, Jordi Sala, Xavier D. Quintana, Ramon Moreno-Amich
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 29-49, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0029:SOTACI>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Succession, temporary pond, biomass–size spectrum, hydroperiod length, Seasonality, water turnover
Darold P. Batzer, Brian J. Palik, Richard Buech
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 50-68, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0050:RBECAM>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Wetlands, invertebrates, hydroperiod, canopy cover
Pamela Silver, David Wooster, Margaret A. Palmer
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 69-77, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0069:CRTSSD>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Chironomidae, dispersal, disturbance, ephemeral resources, landscape stability, patch arrangement, patch area
Sohei Kobayashi, Takashi Kagaya
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 78-89, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0078:LPTDMA>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: spatial heterogeneity, POM, leaves, shredders, secondary production
Bryan L. Brown, Robert P. Creed
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 90-100, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0090:HPBAAE>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: symbiosis, epibiont, host selection, host preference
Alan D. Christian, Brittany N. Smith, David J. Berg, James C. Smoot, Robert H. Findlay
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 101-113, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0101:TPAPFS>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: trophic position, freshwater mussels, stable isotopes, microbial biomass and community structure, FPOM, digestive fluid enzymes
K. Elizabeth Poole, John A. Downing
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 114-125, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0114:RODMBT>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: agriculture, biodiversity, extinction debt, GIS, habitat, land use, mussels, riparian, species richness, streams
Grant Hose, Eren Turak, Natacha Waddell
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 126-139, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0126:ROARBU>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: AUSRIVAS, rapid bioassessments, reproducibility, macroinvertebrates, band allocation, O/E-Taxa values, taxa richness
R. Allen Curry, W. Scott MacNeill
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 140-150, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0140:PRTSDE>2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: brook trout, embryos, young-of-the-year, sediment effects, groundwater
Boris Kondratieff
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 151, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0151:BAOAI>2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
David J. Larson
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1), 153-154, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1899/0887-3593(2004)023<0153:COPCVA>2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
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