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Standardized tick surveillance requires an understanding of which species may be present. After a thorough review of the scientific literature, as well as government documents, and careful evaluation of existing accessioned tick collections (vouchers) in museums and other repositories, we have determined that the verifiable hard tick fauna of New Jersey (NJ) currently comprises 11 species. Nine are indigenous to North America and two are invasive, including the recently identified Asian longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis (Neumann, 1901). For each of the 11 species, we summarize NJ collection details and review their known public health and veterinary importance and available information on seasonality. Separately considered are seven additional species that may be present in the state or become established in the future but whose presence is not currently confirmed with NJ vouchers. We compare our list of hard ticks in NJ with those from neighboring states (Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland), discuss the importance of vouchers in tick research and surveillance, and examine the likelihood and public health consequences of additional hard tick species becoming established in NJ.
Although demodicosis caused by Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis is widely seen throughout the world, the pathogenic mechanisms are not fully known. To the best of our knowledge, the effect of Demodex mites in patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA) is not known. SCA is a genetic disease characterized by abnormal hemoglobin production and suppression of the immune system. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and Demodex density in SCA patients and to compare with healthy subjects. The study included 70 patients diagnosed with SCA and control group of 50 healthy individuals. Samples were taken from cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin and were examined microscopically. Infestation of ≥5 mites/cm2 was accepted as positive in the diagnosis. Demodex mite positivity was determined in 20 (28.6%) patients and none in subjects of the control group. In the SCA group, the mean number of mites was 26.10/cm2. A statistically significant correlation was found between Demodex mite positivity and the number of SCA symptom attacks experienced by the patients within the last 1 yr (P ≤ 0.001). No significant relationship was determined between Demodex mite positivity and age or gender (P = 0.56 and P = 0.11, respectively). Demodex mites are seen more often in SCA patients who suffer from a compromised immune system, and the presence of Demodex mites could be a risk factor in the appearance of SCA symptom attacks.
St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) and West Nile virus (WNV) have recently emerged in the southwestern United States. Surveillance for arboviruses in Las Vegas, NV, detected a surge of SLEV activity in the southern house mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus Say) during 2016. To identify candidate avian amplifiers, we assessed the identification, viral infection, and immune status of vertebrate hosts for 195 blood-engorged Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes collected in August and September 2016. Bloodmeals were identified from 164 engorged abdomens, representing 19 species of birds and three species of mammals. No SLEV or WNV viremia was detected, but one mosquito tested positive for Culex flavivirus. House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) (Muller) was the most common bloodmeal, followed by domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) (Linnaeus), American robin (Turdus migratorius) L., house sparrow (Passer domesticus) (L.), great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) (Gmelin), northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) (L.) and mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) (L.). SLEV-reactive antibodies were detected in six identified bloodmeals and WNV-reactive antibodies were detected in 33. House sparrow and house finch were the most likely hosts to show previous exposure to SLEV and WNV, respectively. Over-utilization by Cx. quinquefasciatus for bloodmeal hosts was observed primarily among robin, finch and sparrow, all species that roost communally. House finch stands out as a candidate important amplifier for both SLEV and WNV because of its preference by mosquito vectors, and high competence for closely related virus strains. While implicated in previous outbreaks as an important mosquito vector, Cx. quinquefasciatus feeds infrequently on mammals in Las Vegas, indicating a low risk for bridge transmission to humans.
Understanding short-range cues (e.g., host odorants, heat, moisture) of host-seeking female Aedes aegypti L. is very important for attempts to reduce mosquito bites, to complement current control strategies, and to develop potential spatial repellents. We investigated behavior under semi-field conditions utilizing a new portable uni-port taxis box with a caged chicken host. The combined influences of airflow regimes (0, 1.5, 3, 5, and 6 m/s), distance from host odor (10, 50, 100 cm), host-odor confinement (partial confinement/unconfined), and foraging periodicity (day/evening) were studied. Statistical regression analysis was used to delineate the significant factors that predict upwind flight behavior and short-range source location. Almost 15% of host-seeking Ae. aegypti were activated by an unconfined chicken odor in still air. This was double the number of attracted mosquitoes to confined host odor. The maximum behavioral response was reported with airflow of 5 m/s during daytime (76.7% ± 2.85) at a distance of 10 (70.7% ± 2.47) and 50 cm (56.7% ± 8.88). However, airflow of 6 m/s activated host-seeking orientation during evening assays. The host-seeking response between indoor and outdoor experiments was not significantly different and demonstrated the reliability of the portable taxis box in evaluating mosquito short-range behavioral response toward hosts.
Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida:Trypanosomatidae). It is transmitted to humans primarily through contaminated feces of blood-sucking vectors of the subfamilyTriatominae, known in Ecuador as ‘chinchorros’. Some Triatominae species can adapt to domiciliary and peridomiciliary environments where T. cruzi can be transmitted to humans. Triatoma carrioni (Larrousse 1926) colonizes domestic and peridomestic habitats up to 2,242 m above sea level (masl) in southern Ecuador (Loja Province) and northern Peru.This study describes the life cycle, feeding, and defecation patterns of T. carrioni under controlled laboratory conditions using mice as hosts. Specimens were collected in Loja Province, Ecuador, and maintained in the laboratory. The life cycle was approximately 385.7 ± 110.6 d. There was a high mortality rate, 40.9% for first instars and 38.9% for fifth instars (NV). Feeding and defecation patterns for each life stage were examined by recording: insertion time of the proboscis into the host, total feeding time, time to first defecation, and weight of the bloodmeal. Total feeding time varied between 20.6 ± 11.4 min for first instars (NI) and 48.9 ± 19.0 min for adult females. The time to first defecation was variable but ranged from 9.8 ± 10.6 min for NI to 39.4 ± 24.7 min for NV during feeding. This suggests that T. carrioni has an annual life cycle and is a potential vector of T. cruzi in Loja Province. Improved knowledge of populations of T. carrioni in domestic and peridomestic environments of Ecuador can have a significant impact on the prevention and control of Chagas disease.
Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve is the major human myiasis producer in tropical countries, including Sri Lanka. Although of great medical and veterinary importance, only a single study has been published on the development of C. bezziana. This limitation is due in part to the difficulty of maintaining this species in a colony outside of using a living host. In this study, a novel technique that overcomes this limitation is presented along with development data for C. bezziana fed on three different meat types: swine muscle, swine liver, and bovine muscle at two temperature regimes: 35 and 37°C. The optimum development of C. bezziana was recorded at 35°C in bovine muscle (262.20 h) followed by swine muscle (286.00 h) and swine liver (307.00 h). Data from the current study indicate tissue type significantly impacts change in length and width of larvae over time, whereas the two temperatures examined had no significant effect.
Laboratory microcosm experiments were conducted to evaluate effects of bacteria isolated from senescent white oak leaves on the growth and survivorship of larval Aedes albopictus (Skuse). Larvae hatched from surface-sterilized eggs were reared in microcosms containing individual bacterial isolates, combined isolates (Porphyrobacter sp., Enterobacter asburiae, Acidiphilium rubrum, Pseudomonas syringae, and Azorhizobium caulinodans), a positive control containing a microbial community from an infusion of white oak leaves, and a negative control consisting of sterile culture media. Experiments were conducted for 21 d after which microcosms were deconstructed, larval survivorship was calculated, and bacteria contained in pupae, and adults that developed were quantified to determine rates of transstadial transmission. Positive control microcosms containing diverse microbial communities had an average (±SE) pupation rate of 89.3 (±5.8)% and average larval survivorship of 96.0 (± 2.3)%. Pupation in microcosms with bacterial isolates only occurred twice among all experimental replications; average larval survivorship ranged from 19 to 56%, depending on treatment. Larval growth was not found to be dependent on bacterial isolate density or isolate species, and larval survivorship was dependent on bacterial isolate density, not on isolate species. Potential mechanisms for failed development of larvae in microcosms with bacterial isolates are discussed. Bacterial isolates alone did not support larval development. High larval survivorship in positive control microcosms suggests that a diverse microbial community is required to complete larval development. Additional studies are needed to evaluate larval growth and survivorship on nonbacterial microbes, such as fungi and protozoa.
Studying the biology of Culex species is crucial to understanding their role in arbovirus transmission and for the development of efficient control strategies. Assessments of survival, development, adult longevity, fecundity and egg hatching of Culex pipiens form ‘molestus' (Forsskål), were conducted, under nine constant and fluctuating temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 ± 0.5°C. Higher survival rates were observed at constant temperature of 25°C as well as fluctuating with the same mean. Complete mortality occurred at 35°C in both constant and fluctuating temperature regimes. Development rate from egg to adult increased between 15 and 32.5°C, in a linear fashion. Adult longevity ranged from 1.4 d at 32.5°C to 73.5 d at 15°C. Females lived significantly longer compared to males at all temperature regimes with the exception of constant 32.5°C where adult longevity was similar between males and females. Fecundity was higher at moderate constant and fluctuating temperatures compared to high temperatures, where females laid a significantly smaller number of eggs. Likewise, egg hatching was significantly lower at the highest tested temperature regimes compared to low and moderate ones. The lowest developmental thresholds of the species in different developmental stages ranged between 11.17 and 11.95°C at constant temperatures and between 11.09 and 12.74°C at fluctuating ones. Differences between constant and fluctuating temperatures were observed concerning developmental time, fecundity, and male adult longevity at the two lowest tested temperatures, highlighting the importance of testing also fluctuating temperatures that simulate field conditions.
Kissing bugs in the genus Triatoma are obligate blood feeders that feed mainly on vertebrate blood and have lost the predatory lifestyle found in other reduviid bugs. They occasionally also feed on the hemolymph of arthropods, especially during the first and second instar stages. The largest kissing bug species in the United States, Triatoma recurva (Stål) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), is poorly known and was chosen to investigate its ability to feed and develop on a diet of cockroach hemolymph. Molting from first instar individuals to second instars readily occurred at approximately the same rate reported for the species feeding on mammalian blood. Subsequent instars also fed on and survived on cockroach hemolymph with some individuals maturing to adults. In the larger instars, development time and survival rates were reduced relative to the results reported in the literature for mammalian-blood-fed individuals. Two other species of kissing bugs, Triatoma protracta (Uhler) and T. rubida (Uhler) failed to survive on cockroach hemolymph with most individuals failing to molt from the first instar stage. Although T. recurva does not thrive on a diet limited to hemolymph of cockroaches, it appears to be an unusual species in which cockroaches might be a primary source of nutrition for smaller individuals and are a viable exclusive source of nutrition for all immatures. At a minimum during times of limited availability of vertebrate blood sources, the presence of cockroaches enhances survival opportunities. Efforts to control populations of this kissing bug species likely will be improved with additional control of cockroach populations in the environment.
Culex pipiens molestus Forskål is common in subterranean and aboveground environments in Shanghai, China. However, little is known about its autogeny, fecundity, and other life history traits. In this study, Cx. p. molestus larvae were collected from four different types of underground parking lots and artificially maintained, without blood feeding, in a laboratory. Life history traits parameters were recorded from the F0 to F9 generation. Culex pipiens molestus from Shanghai can autogenously persist for at least 10 generations, and some females can develop more than one egg batch without blood feeding (oviposition rate in Lot C was >100% in some generations). The average number of eggs per raft produced autogenously ranged from 36.94 to 42.19.The average generation time (GT) ranged from 20.06 to 21.30 d, and the pre-oviposition time (POT) ranged from 2.17 to 12.68 d among the generations. Culex pipiens molestus from the four groups had different autogeny, fecundity, and longevity patterns.This variability may result from genetic polymorphism caused by co-occurrence with other Culex pipiens subspecies (Diptera: Culicidae).
The Australian sheep blow fly, Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann), is commonly reared in the laboratory for many sequential generations on simple, fixed diets, so it can be used in veterinary, medical, and forensic studies. To investigate the effect of diet and long-term laboratory rearing on L. cuprina, flies were fed with two different diets (sugar and milk-sugar) over a year and F1, F6, and F11 generations were used for comparisons based on the number of eggs, attraction to wool and liver, and wing size. The results showed that the number of eggs of gravid flies, and the attractiveness of wool and liver did not differ significantly between diets and generations, but gravid flies were more attracted to wool and liver than non-gravid flies (P < 0.05). Moreover, in the F1 generation, thorax length and wing aspect ratio were significantly longer than in the F6 and F11 generations (P < 0.05), and the wing length was significantly longer than in the F11 generation (P < 0.05). It was concluded that neither diet nor long-term laboratory rearing affect potential fecundity or the behavioral responses of L. cuprina, but the gravidity of flies affects their behavioral response, and long-term laboratory rearing significantly affects fly morphology, apparently explaining a loss in flight performance.
Insect succession on three rabbit carcasses placed 110.49 cm above ground in winter in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia was examined in three different microhabitats: dry, semi-submerged, and submerged in tap water. The complete decomposition of the carcasses took 20 d and included five stages. In total 715 insects collected from carrion in different microhabitats were identified morphological, followed by the partial sequence confirmation of their 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes. Results showed that the insect species found and species richness differed among microhabitats. Carrion placed in the dry microhabitat showed the highest species richness and colonized by 400 insect specimens belonging to 16 species. Carrion placed in the semi-submerged microhabitat contained 271 insect specimens belonging to 12 species, showing a relatively low species richness. Lastly, the submerged microhabitat showed the lowest species richness, as the carrion placed in it attracted only 44 insects belonging to 9 species.
Biological data on development of Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758) is useful to calculate the postmortem interval (PMI), thus being important for solving crimes. We aimed at gathering bionomic information on H. illucens, during the decomposition of a Sus scrofa, in the urban zone of Manaus, Amazonas State. Mature females and eggs were collected on the swine carcass. After hatching under natural conditions, larvae were observed daily. Different instars were fixed in ethylic alcohol to determine instar duration by the evaluation of the frequency distribution of cephalic capsule measurements and the principal components analysis (PCA). Females laid 620–700 eggs per posture in concealed locations preferentially, such as cranial cavities and slots on the metal cage. The larvae were found under the swine skin and on bones. After feeding, the larvae of H. illucens began to move slowly to pupate, did not seek for drier sites to do it, and buried themselves into the carcass instead. Pupae were observed as of the 60th day after death. H. illucens completed its life cycle in 53–82 d, which encompassed six larval instars and the pupa. About 93% of the eggs hatched, 11% reached the adult stage and the sex ratio was 0.49. Our results are complementary to the biological information of this species in Central Amazon, since most of the data were not known yet.This should render PMI calculation more accurate, even for corpses in advanced decomposition stages, as H. illucens spends relatively more time on the carcasses than most dipterans.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a zoonotic infectious disease caused mainly by Leishmania infantum Nicolle, 1908 (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatida) transmitted by dominant species Phlebotomus tobbi Adler & Theodor (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Adana, Turkey. CL has been reported to be detected commonly in low-socioeconomic status population scattered in rural areas. The environmental determinants are relatively poorly understood, especially in Adana despite the fact that Adana is endemic foci of CL. The subject of this study was the current and future probability model of P. tobbi in the study areas, and to determine the underlying factors affecting its distribution. Sticky papers and CDC light traps were used for capturing the sand fly specimens. The current and future presence of P. tobbi was modeled using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) techniques. The predictive model indicated the presence of P. tobbi in the southeast and south part of the selected study area with 0.816 area under the curve (AUC) value. The model also implied that its survival could tend to expand with suitable climatic conditions in future (2070) with 0.798 AUC value. In addition, aspect, digital elevation model, BIO3, BIO 10, BIO12, and BIO14 were determined as the most influential variables for current and projected future. ArcGIS and MaxEnt software were used for the ecological niche model analysis to explore the ecological conditions of the disease. I suggest that produced models contribute to better understanding of epidemiology and controlling of vector-borne diseases.
The presence of Lutzomyia (Tricholateralis) cruciata (Coquillett 1907) species complex has been suggested by morphological analysis of eggs and genetic studies of females. The present work aimed to compare the diversity in morphology of four populations of Lu. cruciata from the Coast of Chiapas, Mexico, using traditional (TM) and geometric (GM) methods. Several morphological characteristics that were analyzed provided consistency to differentiate at least, three populations of Lu. cruciata. Both methods were effective to detect morphological differences associated with the geographical sites of capture. In both sexes, three and four groups were detected by TM and GM, respectively.These results suggest marked morphological differences in both sexes of Lu. cruciata that make these methods potentially useful to identify the geographical origin of any specimen of this species captured in the study region. Although the results produced by both methods are coincident, geometric morphometrics turned out to be most advantageous with respect to traditional morphometry, since the latter requires more time and effort. The consistency of our results shows that the variability of environmental conditions on the coast of Chiapas determines a high degree of phenotypic plasticity in Lu. cruciata, with the possibility of prezygotic isolation and the formation of species complex.
Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse co-occur in a variety of water-filled containers where they compete for resources. Larvae of Ae. albopictus Skuse often outcompete those of Ae. aegypti L., but variation in biotic and abiotic parameters can modify the outcome of this interspecific competition. We tested whether container size can alter the magnitude and direction of intra- and interspecific competition by rearing three Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus larval combinations (100:0, 50:50 and 0:100) in three container sizes (small, medium, and large). For both mosquito species, individuals raised in small- and medium-sized containers had shorter development time to adulthood, higher survival to adulthood, and larger adult body size compared to individuals from large containers. For Ae. aegypti but not Ae. albopictus, survival to adulthood was significantly influenced by a two-way interaction between container size and larval competition. The negative effect of interspecific competition was stronger in the small and medium containers and the negative effect of intraspecific competition was stronger in large containers. Our results show that container size can affect the outcome of intra- and interspecific competition between Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus and may help account for the observed patterns of both competitive exclusion and coexistence documented in the field for these two medically important mosquito species.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the variables associated with the composition of mosquito species in rain pools of ‘Bosque de Ezeiza’, a large peri-urban forested park of Buenos Aires city, Argentina. A total of 12 rain pools were sampled biweekly over a 1-yr period in search of mosquito immature stages. Mosquito immature stages were present in all the occasions in which water bodies were recorded. A total of 14 species of five genera were identified, with the highest abundances observed in autumn and spring. The total abundance varied among dates according to previous temperature, precipitation, and flooding conditions. Only one species, Psorophora cyanescens (Coquillett) (Diptera: Culicidae), was associated with extreme conditions (high temperature and prolonged period of drought). Besides drought periods, two main variables were related to species composition: temperature, which accounted for seasonal changes in species composition, and flooding history, which accounted for the predominance of floodwater mosquito species on recently flooded dates and for that of stagnant water species on dates with a longer permanence of water. Regarding the pools, the most important variables accounting for species composition were the insolation level and the variability in the flooded area, with floodwater mosquitoes associated with pools with high variability in the flooded area. Interestingly, Culex (Mel.) pilosus (Dyar and Knab) (Diptera: Culicidae) showed temporal and spatial dynamics more similar to floodwater species than to stagnant water species in the rain pools studied.
A temporal study of the Calliphoridae fauna was conducted in five different types of habitats in the Humid Chaco ecoregion: an urban settlement, a cattle farm, an alfalfa crop, a savanna, and a forest. Research was carried out to analyze 1) how the species composition of blow fly communities changes across different types of human-modified and wild environments, 2) their seasonal fluctuations, and 3) the influence of climatic factors (relative humidity, temperature, and precipitations) on the temporal dynamics of these communities. In each habitat, five sites were selected for the collection of blow flies using bait traps, and flies were collected for 1 yr. In total, 32,100 blow flies were collected, distributed in five genera and 11 species. The native species Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was the most abundant, followed by the exotic Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). The abundance of exotic species represented 59.9% of the total sample, showing a reduction toward less disturbed sites. The Calliphorid communities were compared in terms of species richness, composition, and abundance between habitats and seasons. Our results showed that the habitat type and season affect the composition of blow fly communities. The alfalfa crop and the forest showed the highest diversity of species. In general, there was a decrease in blow fly activity during winter in all habitats. The climatic factors did not greatly affect the diversity of these flies. This study provides a first understanding of several ecological aspects of the Calliphoridae assemblages of the previously unsurveyed Humid Chaco ecoregion of South America.
In temperate regions, the populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) remain in the egg stage during the cold season. The ability of these eggs to survive until the next favorable season is affected by several mortality factors, including the action of predators. In the present study, we analyzed the temporal dynamics of the loss of eggs and identified predators of Ae. aegypti eggs along the unfavorable season in a temperate region of Argentina. To this end, eggs were exposed in field conditions in pitfall traps, where walking arthropod taxa were captured during 1-wk periods from early June to early September (Austral winter). The association of arthropod taxa with the loss of eggs was analyzed to identify potential predators. Based on the results obtained, two taxa were chosen to confirm their capacity to consume eggs in a laboratory study. The proportion of lost eggs and the abundance of predators were significantly higher in the winter–spring transition, although results were heterogeneous among traps in all exposure periods. Ants of the genus Strumigenys, isopods of the species Armadillidium vulgare (Isopoda: Armadilloidea), and dermapterans of the species Euborellia annulipes (Dermaptera: Anisolabidae) were positively associated with a high proportion of lost eggs. In laboratory conditions, A. vulgare and E. annulipes consumed the offered eggs, thus confirming their predator capacity. This study represents the first record of predation of Ae. aegypti eggs in temperate South America and the first evidence of dermapterans consuming mosquito eggs.
Deer keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena Nitzsch, 1818 and NeolipoptenaBequaert, 1942) are parasitic flies that primarily attack cervids and occasionally bite humans. Recent reports have documented nearly half a dozen pathogens in deer keds, but it is unknown whether keds are competent vectors. Although geographic ranges of the four North American deer ked species are known generally, precise limits are not well understood. If keds are competent vectors, knowing where they occur will inform the risk of pathogen transmission to people and animals. Herein, we report deer ked occurrence by county in the United States and Canada, including 10 new state and 122 new county/parish/administrative district records. We also include a key to North American deer ked species to facilitate specimen identification.
Mosquitoes may develop resistance to insecticide active ingredients (AIs) found in formulated products (FPs) due to environmental exposure from insecticides in mosquito control and/or unrelated to mosquito control, e.g., agricultural, household pest control. Mosquito control programs should implement resistance management strategies by assessing resistance in targeted populations, rotating different classes of insecticides based on resistance testing, and/or increasing insecticide concentration (i.e., saturation, using maximum labeled rate) to overcome emerging resistance. Resistance testing is often done solely on AIs, but should, in some cases, include both AIs and FPs at the concentrations mosquitoes may encounter in the field. The resistance/susceptibility status was determined for adulticides used in mosquito control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bottle bioassays were used to assess resistance/susceptibility status for eight AIs (i.e., bifenthrin, permethrin, sumethrin/ prallethrin, deltamethrin, tau-fluvalinate, chlorpyrifos, malathion, and naled) and eight FPs (TalStar, Biomist 3 + 15, Duet, Suspend Polyzone, Mavrik, MosquitoMist, Fyfanon, and Dibrom) that respectively contain the AIs. Current CDC guidelines were utilized: susceptible (97–100% mortality at diagnostic time [DT]), developing resistance (90–96% mortality at DT), or resistant (<90% mortality at DT). Significant differences were observed in mosquito susceptibility/resistance among and between AIs and FPs.
The house fly, Musca domestica L., is a global pest of public health and agricultural importance. The efficacy of conventional management has been waning due to increasing insecticide resistance. A potential management tool is the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana Vuillemin (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) (strain L90), although time-to-death is slower than desired by potential users. This research investigated the effectiveness of three gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas protegens Ramette (Psuedomonadales: Pseudomonadaceae) pf-5, Photorhabdus temperata Fischer-Le Saux (Enterobacteriales: Enterobacteriaceae) NC19, and Serratia marcescens Bizio (Enterobacteriales: Enterobacteriaceae) DB11) on house fly mortality when topically applied, compared to B. bassiana. Each pathogen's virulence was measured by injection into adult female house flies or by topical applications to their thorax. All bacterial strains were highly virulent after injection with 1 × 104 colony forming units (cfu), causing fly mortality within 24 h. Beauveria bassiana resulted in high mortality, 3 d postinjection at the high dose of 1 × 104 conidia/μl. Mortality due to topical treatments of P. temperata and S. marcescens was low even at the highest dose of 1 × 106 cfu/μl. Mortality after topical treatments with P. protegens was evident 4 d after application of 1 × 106 cfu/μl. Mortality from B. bassiana was low at 4 d but increased at 5 d. These results imply that P. protegens holds great potential as a biological control agent for incorporation into an integrated pest management program against adult house flies.
Invasive alien plants wreak havoc on native ecosystems and using them as a source of biopesticides could improve their management. We examined the toxicity of essential oil of wild carrot (also known as ‘Queen Anne's Lace’, Daucus carota Linnaeus), an aggressive invader throughout the United States, against Aedes aegypti L., Culex pipiens L., and Culex restuans Theobald larvae. Comparisons were made between essential oil extracted from umbels of local populations of wild carrot versus a commercial brand. Methyl isoeugenol (60.7%) was by far the most abundant constituent in commercial brand oil, whereas α-pinene (33.0%) and β-pinene (25.8%) were the dominant constituents in essential oil extracted from local wild carrot populations. The commercial brand essential oil was significantly more toxic to Cx. restuans larvae (LC50 = 44.4 ppm) compared with Cx. pipiens (LC50 = 51.0 ppm) and Ae. aegypti (LC50 = 54.5 ppm). Essential oil from local populations of wild carrot was significantly more toxic to both Cx. pipiens (LC50 = 42.9) and Cx. restuans (LC50 = 40.3) larvae compared with Ae. aegypti (LC50 = 64.6 ppm) larvae. Three of the nine tested chemical constituents of wild carrot essential oil (terpinolene, para cymene, and γ-terpinene) were consistently more toxic to larvae of the three mosquito species than the whole essential oil.These findings suggest that exploiting wild carrot essential oil and its chemical constituents as a biopesticide for mosquito control could be used as part of multifaceted approaches for controlling this invasive alien plant species.
The use of topical and oral therapies on pets has revolutionized the control of cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché). Herein, we tested the biological activity of two adulticides, fipronil and imidacloprid, and the insect growth regulators (IGRs), methoprene and pyriproxyfen. The LC50's of fipronil, imidacloprid, methoprene, and pyriproxyfen in larval rearing medium for second and third instars were 1.13, 0.73, 0.35, and 0.23 ppm, respectively. Combinations of imidacloprid and methoprene and pyriproxyfen were synergistic. The combination indices (CIs) at an effective dose (ED95) of imidacloprid:methoprene (Im:Meth) were 0.54, 0.44, 0.66, 0.73, and 0.62 for Im1:Meth1, Im5:Meth1, Im10:Meth1, Im20:Meth1, and Im40:Meth1, respectively. Similarly, the CIs of imidacloprid:pyriproxyfen (Im:Pyri) at an ED95 were 0.73 and 0.50 for Im1:Pyri1 and Im5:Pyri1, respectively. Combinations of fipronil:methoprene (Fip:Meth) provided variable results with Fip1:Meth1 being antagonistic (CI = 1.61). Combinations at 5:1, 10:1, and 20:1 at an ED95 were moderately synergistic. Combinations of Fip:Pyri at 1:1 were antagonistic at an ED95 with a CI of 2.87. When the combinations were reversed, neither the imidacloprid nor fipronil synergized either IGR. The dose response indices (DRI) for both Im:Meth and Im:Pyri indicate that the concentrations of the combinations could be significantly reduced and still be as effective as imidacloprid alone. Certain combinations of adulticides and IGRs were synergistic against immature fleas.
Determination of the residual activity of insecticides is an essential component in the selection of an appropriate insecticide for indoor residual spraying operations. This report presents the results of a laboratory study to evaluate the residual bio-efficacy of four insecticides sprayed on the most common house-wall surfaces that occur in Egypt (wood, mud, and cement) against Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli, 1786) (Diptera: Psychodidae) and Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Culicidae). In total, 28,050 P. papatasi females and 31,275 Cx. pipiens females were subjected to the WHO cone bioassay. Effective and extended control (≥80% mortality) was produced by lambda-cyhalothrin on indoor wood and cement surfaces. Lambda-cyhalothrin effectively controlled (>80% mortality) P. papatasi and Cx. pipiens for 10 and 12 wk postspray on wood surfaces, respectively. Deltamethrin effectively controlled Cx. pipiens for 8 wk on indoor wood, mud, and cement surfaces. Indoor and outdoor-kept surfaces treated with permethrin and malathion provided negligible efficacy against P. papatasi and Cx. pipiens. Phlebotomus papatasi was better able to survive bioassay exposure than Cx. pipiens against all insecticides investigated. The role surfaces might play in inhibiting IRS-based vector control endeavors in rural areas in developing countries was highlighted in this study. The current insecticide labeling system that includes both sand flies with mosquitoes under the same dosage category should be revised periodically.
Although scaled-up interventions and effective control efforts have drastically reduced malaria morbidity and mortality, malaria remains a serious threat to public health worldwide. Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann 1828 is a historically important vector of Plasmodium vivax (Haemosporida: Plasmodiidae) malaria in China. Insecticide resistance has become a major obstacle to vector-borne disease control. However, little is known about the insecticide resistance of An. sinensis in Wenzhou, an important coastal port city in Zhejiang province, China. The aim of this study was to examine insecticide resistance and mechanisms in An. sinensis field mosquito populations. Evidence of multiple insecticide resistance was found in An. sinensis adult female populations. Medium to high frequencies of target site kdr together with fixed ace-1 mutations was detected in both the Ruian and Yongjia populations. Both populations showed an association between kdr L1014 mutation and resistance phenotype when tested against deltamethrin and DDT. Significantly different metabolic enzyme activities were found between the susceptible laboratory strain and field-collected mosquitoes from both Ruian and Yongjia. Both field collected An. sinensis populations exhibited significantly higher P450 enzyme activity compared with the laboratory strain, while the field-collected resistant mosquitoes exhibited various GST and COE enzyme activities. These results indicate multiple resistance mechanisms in An. sinensis field populations. Effective implementation of insecticide resistance management strategies is urgently needed. The data collected in this study will be valuable for modeling insecticide resistance spread and vector-control interventions.
Zheng Hua Amelia-Yap, Mohd Sofian-Azirun, Chee Dhang Chen, I. Wayan Suana, Koon Weng Lau, Nur Mohd Roslin Elia-Amira, Amirah Haziqah-Rashid, Tiong Kai Tan, Yvonne Ai Lian Lim, Van Lun Low
The emergence of pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti (L.) has limited the success of vector control. Early detection of resistance could assist authorities in deciding well-suited control strategies to minimize operational failures of Ae. aegypti control. Herein, biochemical analysis was performed to investigate the mechanisms involved in pyrethroid resistance in nine populations of Indonesian Ae. aegypti. Enzymes of adult Ae. aegypti such as esterases (ESTs), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), and mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) were characterized. Elevated MFO activity was correlated with resistance phenotype, indicating the role of this enzyme in contributing to pyrethroid resistance. No significant correlations were shown between pyrethroid resistance phenotype and α-ESTs, suggesting that marginally exceeded enzyme levels relative to the reference strain in some pyrethroid-susceptible populations were causative factor for insecticide resistance in other groups of insecticides. However, significant correlation was demonstrated between β-ESTs and pyrethroid resistance phenotype. The lowest enzyme levels in GSTs indicated that this enzyme was not predominant in causing pyrethroid resistance, despite the presence of significant correlations. Because metabolic detoxification fails to comprehensively explain the pyrethroid resistance in some Indonesian Ae. aegypti, additional mechanisms such as altered target sites in voltage-gated sodium channel may also contribute to the high pyrethroid resistance in Ae. aegypti.
Pyrethroids and DDT are key insecticides in the control of malaria, yellow fever, and lymphatic filariasis vectors. Knockdown and metabolic resistance mechanisms have been proven to be important in determining the efficacy of insecticides. Here we investigated cytochrome P450 as a resistance mechanism in Anopheles gambiae Giles and Culex quinquefasciatus Say exposed to deltamethrin and DDT. Two- to three-days-old adult female mosquitoes were used for insecticide exposures and PBO synergistic assays using WHO standard guidelines, kits and test papers (DDT 4%, deltamethrin 0.05%, and PBO 4%). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were used for the identification of the species and for characterization of the kdr allele. Mortality at 24 h post-exposure was 18 and 17% in An. gambiae s.s. exposed to DDT and deltamethrin, respectively; 1 and 5% in Cx. quinquefasciatus exposed to DDT and deltamethrin respectively. Significant (P < 0.01) levels of susceptibility was recorded in mosquitoes pre-exposed to PBO, as KDT50 and 24 h of exposure ranged from 37.6 min to 663.4 min and 27 to 80%, respectively. Presence of a knockdown resistance allele was recorded in An. gambiae s.s., 22.5% for homozygote resistance and 7.5% for heterozygotes, while Cx. quinquefasciatus populations showed no kdr allele despite the high level of resistance to DDT and deltamethrin. Findings from this study indicated that cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase expression is highly implicated in the resistance phenotype to DDT and pyrethroids in An. gambiae and Cx. quinquefasciatus in the study area.
Anaplasma phagocytophilum is a pathogen of veterinary and medical importance. It is the causative agent of tick-borne fever (TBF) in ruminants (also known as bovine or ovine granulocytic anaplasmosis), and of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) in humans. In Europe, A. phagocytophilum is transmitted by Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus 1758) ticks. The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of A. phagocytophilum DNA in bloodsucking flies belonging to the Tabanidae family using molecular methods. It represents the first detection of this pathogen in Haematopota pluvialis (Linnaeus 1758), Tabanus bromius (Linnaeus 1758), and Tabanus distinguendus (Verrall 1909) in Europe.
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is a disease caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Ehrlichia canis. Tropical lineages of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks play an essential role in the transmission of this pathogen. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of E. canis DNA in tissue from R. sanguineus ticks in areas endemic for CME in Brazil and quantify levels of E. canis DNA in dissected tissues from these samples. A total of 720 ticks were collected from 72 dogs (36 dogs from the city Araçatuba in São Paulo state and 36 from Campo Grande in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul). Ticks were dissected to collect the guts, ovaries and salivary gland. A quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) targeting the disulphide bond formation (dsb) protein gene was performed to quantify the level of E. canis infection. The E. canis dsb-qPCR assay was positive for 31.9, 10, and 15.2% of the gut, ovary, and salivary glands, respectively. The average gut, ovary, and salivary gland bacterial load estimated by qPCR was 1.21 × 103, 2.60 × 103, and 4.92 × 103 gene copies/μl, respectively. This is the first report of E. canis DNA in ovaries of R. sanguineus ticks parasitizing dogs in these CME-endemic areas. These observations raise the possibility of E. canis trans-ovarial transmission.
Mayaro virus (MAYV; Togaviridae; Alphavirus) has drawn increasing attention as an arthropod-borne virus with potential to cause outbreaks among the human populations of the Western Hemisphere. In the tropical regions of Central and South America, the virus exists in sylvatic cycles between mosquitoes and primate reservoirs such as marmosets. Although forest-dwelling mosquitoes are regarded as important vectors for MAYV, it has been shown previously that the virus can infect and potentially be transmitted by the mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). Here, we compare the infection and transmission efficiencies of two MAYV strains, IQT 4235 from Iquitos, Peru (‘IQT’) and the type strain of MAYV from Trinidad, TRVL 4675 (‘TRVL’) in two laboratory-adapted Ae. aegypti strains, Higgs White Eye and Orlando. The TRVL strain was less efficiently transmitted by both mosquito strains than MAYV IQT. Based on the full-length nucleotide sequences of the two viral genomes, we show that the TRVL prototype strain of MAYV is phylogenetically ancestral and more distantly related to the IQT strain. The TRVL strain efficiently infected wild-type Ae. albopictus from Missouri and readily disseminated in those. Considering scenarios in which natural MAYV transmission cycles may overlap with those of chikungunya virus (CHIKV; Togaviridae; Alphavirus), we assessed the effects of mixed infections of the two viruses in mosquitoes based on coinfection or superinfection. Although coinfection had no measurable effect on the transmission potential of either virus, we observed superinfection exclusion for CHIKV in MAYV-infected mosquitoes but not for MAYV in CHIKV-infected mosquitoes.
Caprine theileriosis is a major production problem in regions of the world that rely on goats as a major source of milk, meat, and other means of economic income. Theileria ovis and Theileria lestoquardi are responsible for caprine theileriosis in Pakistan. The present study examined the prevalence of Theileria spp. infection using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and light microscopy of blood collected from goats from Multan, Pakistan. In addition, the prevalence and identity of the genus of ticks feeding on these goats was determined on specimens collected at the time of blood sampling. The current project hypothesized that Theileria spp. prevalence would be higher in goats infested with ticks than goats without tick infestation. Four hundred and sixty-three blood samples from goats were analyzed, and the prevalence of infection was 16.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] = ±5.96) 74 of 463 by PCR and 5.4% (95% CI = ±7.79) 25 of 463 by microscopic examination. Thirty-six (48.6%, 95% CI = ±4.96) and 30 (40.5%, 95% CI = ±7.10) of 74 samples were positive by PCR for T. ovis and T. lestoquardi, respectively. Eight samples (10.0%, 95% CI = ±9.61) had mixed infections of these Theileria species. Infection was observed significantly (P < 0.05) more often in male 22.8%, 95% CI = ±3.85 (23/101) than in female 14%, 95% CI = ±2.36 (51/362) goats. No statistical (P > 0.05) difference in prevalence was present among the three age groups of ≤1 yr (12.6%, 95% CI = ±6.70), 1–4 yr (16.2%, 95% CI = ±8.24), and ≥4 yr (17.7%, 95% CI = ±11.30) goats examined.Two hundred and one (43.4%, 95% CI = ±7.45) goats were infested with ticks, Rhipicephalus spp. and Haemaphysalis spp., which are capable of transmitting Theileria spp.Tick infestation was found to be a significant (P < 0.05) risk factor for infection. Prevalence of Theileria infection in goats was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the summer compared with the other three seasons. Data from this study support our hypothesis and demonstrate that both T. ovis and T. lestoquardi are highly prevalent in goats from Multan, Pakistan.
The present study evaluated the diversity of Anopheles Meigen, 1818 belonging to the subgenus Nyssorhynchus Blanchard, 1902 in four areas of Cachoeiras de Macacu municipality, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.The immature collections were carried out during a rainy period and a post-rainy season. During the two periods, 3,932 specimens of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) were collected: 562 in the rainy period (14.29%) and 3,370 in the post-rainy period (85.70%). Among 3,932 specimens collected during both periods, 489 were identified, 50 (8.89%) in the rainy period and 439 (13.02%) in the post-rainy period. Nine Anopheles species were recorded: Anopheles albitarsis Lynch Arribálzaga, 1878 s.l. (76.86%), An. braziliensis (Chagas, 1907) (17%); An. evansae (Bréthes, 1926) (8, 48%); An. triannulatus (Neiva & Pinto, 1922) s.l. (8.23%); An. oswaldoi (Peryassú, 1922) (6.43%); An. strodei Root, 1926 (5.40%); An. argyritarsis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827 (1.54%); An. rangeli Gabaldón et al., 1940 (1.28%); and An. aquasalis Curry, 1932 (0.51%). Among them, An. albitarsis was dominant and abundant in 93.75% of the collection points. Our results show a diverse Anopheles fauna in the municipality of Cachoeiras de Macacu, with a strong association of occurrence between An. rangeli and An. oswaldoi; An. rangeli and An. evansae; An. evansae and An. oswaldoi; and An. albitarsis s.l. and An. braziliensis during the rainy period. However, there was a weak correlation in the post-rainy period, except between An. rangeli and An. oswaldoi and between An. triannulatus and An. aquasalis, which displayed a moderate linear correlation. Our results suggest that following a potential reintroduction of malaria Cachoeiras de Macacu, local transmission of Plasmodium Marchiafava & Celli, 1885 may be enhanced by the presence of nine Nyssorhynchus species (all potential malaria vectors).
Since 2002, human cases of West Nile virus (WNV) have occurred every year in southern Canada, but WNV risk remains challenging to predict. Here, we explored the ability of weather-based forecasting models to predict the seasonal abundance of two WNV vector species (Culex pipiens-restuans and Aedes vexans) in Québec, Canada, and explored the importance of accounting for larvicide use and local habitat (forest park vs residential garden). A gamma-generalized linear model predicting mosquito abundance was developed based on an approach previously used in Ontario combining temperature and precipitation during the days preceding mosquito captures. This model was calibrated and validated for each species with independent entomological datasets from the Montréal region collected in 2013 and 2014. Culex pipiens-restuans abundance was associated with mean degree days (dd; >9°C) over the 22 d before mosquito capture and with mean precipitation over the 71 d before capture; Ae. vexans abundance with the mean dd (>12°C) over the 24 d before capture and mean precipitation over the 30 d before capture. These results are consistent with temperature effects on immature development rates and adult activity, and effects of precipitation on the abundance and suitability of breeding sites. Taking into account larvicide use and habitat significantly improved the predictions. This study provides evidence that weather conditions can yield robust short-term predictions of the regional daily mosquito abundance, particularly when accounting for local variation in habitat or mosquito control efforts, and may provide real-time indicators of WNV or other mosquito-borne disease risks during the summer.
Stephen Balinandi, Lawrence Mugisha, Johnson Bbira, William Kabasa, Teddy Nakayiki, Deon K. Bakkes, Julius J. Lutwama, Lidia Chitimia-Dobler, Maja Malmberg
Morphological abnormalities in ticks seem to be rare phenomena in nature, and are underreported in Africa. In this article, we describe general and local anomalies in two Amblyomma lepidum females and one Rhipicephalus decoloratus female collected from cattle in Moroto and Kasese districts, Uganda. One A. lepidum specimen displayed metagynander gynandromorphism with the presence of both male and female features in the same organism. The second A. lepidum female showed slight asymmetry and lacked a genital aperture. The R. decoloratus displayed multiple anomalies that included asymmetry on the right side in association with ectromely, chitinous formations and constrictions on the left side. This article presents the first report of metagynander gynandromorphism, as well as genital aperture absence which is not linked to gynandromorphism, in A. lepidum collected from cattle.
The viability of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) eggs was determined by storing the eggs for long period of up to 1,889 d. The viability of eggs declined over time from 88.54 to 4.89% for the storage period of 1–1,883 d (5.15 yr). The percentage of collapsed eggs was inversely proportional to the hatching rate of eggs. In the first day of storage, the eggs remained healthy and intact, and except a few, the eggs were deformed and boat shaped with cleft due to inward shrinkage during long storage of 1,883 d.
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) is a problem for livestock production systems, and its control has become challenging due to the selection of tick populations resistant to synthetic chemical acaricides. The use of repellent compounds prevents contact between the arthropod parasite and the host and can, thus, contribute to increases in the efficacy of these acaricides. Carvacrol monoterpenic phenol is a possible alternative method for controlling R. (B.) microplus; however, this compound is highly volatile, and its volatilization can be decreased through microencapsulation, which results in the timed release of the compound. The cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be utilized for the protection of volatile molecules. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro repellent effect of yeast cell wall-encapsulated carvacrol on susceptible R. (B.) microplus larvae. Specifically, the vertical filter paper bioassay was employed to analyze the repellent activity of encapsulated carvacrol, nonencapsulated carvacrol, and N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide at concentrations ranging from 0.75 to 0.001 mg/cm2, and the repellent activities were evaluated. Both carvacrol and encapsulated carvacrol exhibited repellent effects on R. (B.) microplus larvae, and the encapsulated compound showed the highest repellent activities at the lowest concentrations. Carvacrol encapsulated exhibited a low repellent concentration in all times (≤0.05 mg/cm2), whereas the carvacrol nonencapsulated ranged CR50 from 0.13 to 0.27 mg/cm2 at 1- to 6-h posttreatment. The present paper provides the first description of the use of a microencapsulation technique for achieving the highest repellent effect of carvacrol and indicates that this technique might be used to obtain new delivery systems for volatile and hydrophobic compounds.
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