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Biting midges of the genus Forcipomyia (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) have recently been implicated as vectors of kinetoplastid parasites in the Leishmania enrietti complex. This study assesses susceptibility of one of the few successfully colonized Ceratopogonidae, Culicoides nubeculosus Meigen, to infection with Leishmania parasites infecting humans. While Leishmania infantum initially developed in the midgut of C. nubeculosus until 2 d postfeeding, parasite populations on day 3 were considerably reduced. Despite this, a polymerase chain reaction-based assay continued to indicate presence of L. infantum for up to 7 d after the bloodmeal. These findings are discussed within the wider context of implicating arthropods as vectors of Leishmania and it is suggested that conventional polymerase chain reaction use in vector-competence studies should be accompanied by direct microscopical observations.
Mark-release-recapture methods were used to compare Aedes polynesiensis Marks adult numbers and dispersal between dry and wet seasons in a closed population on a small island (motu) in French Polynesia. Females were more than three times more common during wet (December 2008) than dry (May 2007) season samplings although high numbers of vectors were collected during both seasons. Lincoln—Petersen estimates for Ae. polynesiensis females on the motu were 6,055 per hectare for the dry season and 18,860 per hectare for the wet season. Marked females dispersed rapidly to all parts of the motu and survived until recaptures on days 1–5 after release. Males were not adequately sampled using human sentinels or Biogent Sentinel traps.
Blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis Say) are exquisitely sensitive to very cold and dry conditions. For this reason it has long been assumed that climatic differences among locations and within microhabitats have a strong influence on variation in their survival over winter. This assumption, however, rests largely on laboratory exposures and on broad-scale associations between climatic variables and the observed distributions of ticks. We present the results of a study of the overwintering survival of I. scapularis nymphs in their natural environment from October through May in two locations in New York State using a repeated sampling strategy to determine when mortality occurred, and whether those events coincide with extreme conditions. We then fit these data to a simple, flexible statistical model in which the hazard of mortality varies with measurable conditions, here minimum daily temperature and mean daily relative humidity. Regardless of winter conditions, >80% of ticks survived at both sites. A model with constant hazard (i.e., independent of temperature and humidity) was best supported by the data. Although models with hazard increasing at temperatures below 0 deg C and at >90% relative humidity provided slightly better fits to the data, these models were less parsimonious. These results weaken the expectation that cold-related overwintering mortality necessarily plays a major role in restricting populations of these ticks and thus, risk of tick-borne zoonoses.
Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide that is used for the control of adult mosquitoes and agricultural pests. Recent studies have shown that malathion affects competition among mosquitoes in the larval stage. Individuals from laboratory colonies are often used in experiments but it is not known whether there is a difference between laboratory and field strains in their response to competition and malathion. Intraspecific larval competition in the presence of malathion (0.11 mg/liter) was compared between laboratory and field strains of Aedes albopictus (Skuse), a native of Asia that has established in the United States. There was no difference in the responses of the two strains to the presence of malathion. The fitness (finite growth rate) of the field strain decreased at the highest larval density tested but there was no difference in fitness across densities for the laboratory strain. This finding suggests that laboratory rearing could reduce sensitivity to crowding.
Rhinacanthus nasutus (Acanthaceae) is a shrub reported to contain insecticidal activities. The current study was conducted to determine whether R. nasutus constituents could inhibit benzyloxyresorufin O-debenzylation (BROD) mediated by CYP6AA3 and CYP6P7. Both enzymes have shown pyrethroid degradation activity and been implicated to play role in pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles minumus (Theobald) mosquito, a malaria vector. Three compounds, rhinacanthin-A, -B, and -C that exhibited potent inhibitory activity were isolated and purified from aerial part of R. nasutus. Their kinetic parameters and modes of inhibition were determined. Rhinacanthin-B was the most potent inhibitor in in vitro inhibition assay and exhibited mechanism-based inhibition against both CYP6AA3 and CYP6P7. Rhinacanthin-C which is a major compound of R. nasutus reversibly inhibited both enzymes in vitro with 2–4 folds less inhibitory potency than rhinacanthin-B. In contrast, rhinacanthin-A reversibly inhibited CYP6AA3, but inhibition against CYP6P7 was a mechanism-based inhibition type. Where mechanism-based inhibition was found, the inhibition showed characteristic of time-, concentration-dependence, and requirement of NADPH. Using 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-y-1)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) cytotoxicity assay in intact Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells, the three compounds increased susceptibility of CYP6AA3- and CYP6P7-expressing cells to Cypermethrin cytotoxicity because of inhibition effect on mosquito enzymes. The combined inhibition effect on mosquito cytochrome P450 enzyme and synergistic effect on Cypermethrin cytotoxicity of the three R. nasutus compounds could be beneficial for resistance management strategies in mosquito vector control.
A successful sterile insect technique program depends upon mass production of goodquality sterile insects for release into a target area. Specifically, to control Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) in a pilot area in northern Sudan, 1 million An. arabiensis sterile males per day are needed. To reach this production objective, mosquito mass rearing is indispensable and larval diet, a key parameter for the production of healthy male mosquitoes, needs to be cost-effective. The Koi Floating Blend fish food, previously used at the Food and Agriculture Organization/International Atomic Energy Agency Insect Pest Control Laboratory for the routine rearing of the An. arabiensis colony, is no longer available. The aim of this study was to find a cheap and effective substitute for the discontinued diet. Several candidate powdered diets that are commercially available were tested to determine the best diet. By using mixture experiment principles and response surface methodology, the combination of two components, bovine liver powder and tuna meal, showed the best results in terms of larval survival, developmental, rate and adult size. The addition of a vitamin mixture further improved the diet. These positive production results coupled with the relatively low cost of our blend demonstrated the possibility of its use for mass rearing purpose.
Wei L. Tan, Chun X. Li, Zhong M. Wang, Mei D. Liu, Yan D. Dong, Xiang Y. Feng, Zhi M. Wu, Xiao X. Guo, Dan Xing, Ying M. Zhang, Zhong C. Wang, Tong Y. Zhao
To investigate knockdown resistance (kdr)-like mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles sinensis (Wiedemann, 1828), from Guangxi province, southwest China, a segment of a sodium channel gene was sequenced and genotyped using three new genotyping assays. Direct sequencing revealed the presence of TTG-to-TCG and TTG-to-TTT mutations at allele position L1014, which led to L1014S and L1014F substitutions in a few individual and two novel substitutions of N1013S and L1014W in two DNA templates. A low frequency of the kdr allele mostly in the heterozygous state of L1014S and L1014F was observed in this mosquito population. In this study, the genotyping of An. sinensis using three polymerase chain reaction-based methods generated consistent results, which agreed with the results of DNA sequencing. In total, 52 mosquitoes were genotyped using a direct sequencing assay. The number of mosquitoes and their genotypes were as follows: L/L = 24, L/S = 19, L/F = 8, and F/W = 1. The allelic frequency of L1014, 1014S, and 1014F were 72, 18, and 9%, respectively.
The pyrethroid insecticide Biflex AquaMax (bifenthrin) was evaluated for its ability to suppress coastal mosquito populations in a controlled suburban backyard study in Mango Hill, Queensland, Australia. The insecticide was applied to perimeter vegetation, fencing in selected backyards, or both, and mosquito populations were monitored weekly from 3 wk before to 8 wk aftertreatment (11 wk total) by using CDC miniature light traps and human bait landing rates. In addition, bioassays were conducted on vegetation and wood surfaces to monitor residual activity. The two most common species in light trap collections were the Ross River Virus vectors Aedes vigilax (Skuse) and Culex annulirostris Skuse. After treatment, Ae. vigilax populations in treated properties were significantly lower (75–90%) compared with untreated properties. In contrast, Cx. annulirotris, Coquillettidia xanthogaster (Edwards) and Mansonia uniformis (Theobald) populations were not impacted by the treatment. Bioassays revealed that the product gave better residual mortality when applied to vegetation (94.6 ± 11.8%) than wooden surfaces (75.9 ± 29.1%) during the 8-wk posttreatment period.
Over the past two decades, the majority of human plague cases have been reported from areas in Africa, including Uganda. In an effort to develop affordable plague control methods within an integrated vector control framework, we evaluated the efficacy of indoor residual spraying (IRS) techniques commonly used for mosquito control for controlling fleas on hut-dwelling commensal rodents in a plague-endemic region of Uganda. We evaluated both the standard IRS spraying (walls and ceiling) and a modified IRS technique that included insecticide application on not only on walls and ceiling but also a portion of the floor of each treated hut. Our study demonstrated that both the standard and modified IRS applications were effective at significantly reducing the flea burden and flea infestation of commensal rodents for up to 100 d after application, suggesting that IRS could potentially provide simultaneous control of mosquito and fleaborne diseases.
The ability of the plant-derived compound nootkatone to control nymphs of the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say, was evaluated at lawn perimeter plots at homes in Lyme disease endemic areas of Connecticut. Three formulations of nootkatone ranging from 0.05 to 0.84% (0.06–1.03 g AI/m2) were applied by a hydraulic sprayer from 2008 to 2010. In 2008, the 0.84% emulsifiable nootkatone formulation provided 100% control of I. scapularis through week 1, but declined to 49 and 0% by 2 and 3 wk posttreatment, respectively. A combination of 0.05% nootkatone and entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium brunneum Petch F52, resulted in 50% control for the first week posttreatment and no control in subsequent weeks. The 0.84% emulsifiable nootkatone formulation was phytotoxic, although no damage was observed with the 0.05% formulation with Metarhizium. Residual analysis of nootkatone collected on filter paper disks showed that ≥95% of the emulsified nootkatone for both formulations was lost within 7 d after application. A lignin-encapsulated nootkatone formulation (0.56 and 0.46% in 2009 and 2010, respectively) provided 100% control of I. scapularis for 8 wk in 2009 and, in 2010, 67% control at ≈1 wk posttreatment with respect to the pretreatment counts, although there was no difference in tick abundance posttreatment. A 0.60% Maillard-reaction encapsulated nootkatone formulation in 2010 provided a similar level of control (62%). Nootkatone in the lignin and Maillard formulations were more persistent than the emulsifiable formulation. Little or no phytotoxicity was observed with the encapsulated formulations. Encapsulating nootkatone reduced phytotoxicity and appeared to reduce environmental loss. While nootkatone can provide effective tick control, further work is needed to refine formulations to address phytotoxicity, yet provide sufficient material to control ticks.
A genetic sex separation strain (GSS) has been created for Anopheles arabiensis (Patton) (Diptera: Culicidae), one of the major African malaria vectors, for use in controlling wild populations of this species via the sterile insect technique (SIT). This GSS strain, “ANO IPCL1,” allows sex separation by a translocation linking a dieldrin resistance allele and the Y chromosome. Differences between ANO IPCL1 relative to wild strains might reflect its field performance and therefore are of concern. Of more immediate interest is how differences might affect production during mass rearing. Life-history parameters were measured for the ANO IPCL1 strain and the two wild strains from which it originated. Although developmental rate differences were found among them, none were large. However, a major observed variation was the very low intrinsic fertility of ANO IPCL1 because of the translocation itself. This resulted in a much lower rate of increase: ANO IPCL1 was able to double its population size, in 7.8 ± 0.4 d, whereas Dongola and Sennar strains could do so in 4.9 ± 0.5 and 5.6 ± 0.4 d. The presence of the Y-autosome translocation mainly affected the natural fertility of the males, and this will require amplification steps during mass rearing.
Pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors have become a serious threat for malaria control, and bed nets that reduce the development of resistance are urgently needed. Here, we tested the effects of bed nets treated with the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen against adult female Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Noninsecticidal nets made of 195 denier monofilament polyethylene with a mesh size of 75 holes per square inch (equivalent to the Olyset Net) were dipped in a 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001% (wt:vol) alcohol solution of pyriproxyfen and dried overnight. Adult females of an insecticide-susceptible An. gambiae strain were exposed to treated and untreated nets before and after a bloodmeal. Bioassays showed that females were completely sterilized after exposure to 0.1% (35 mg [AI] /m2) and 0.01% pyriproxyfen-treated nets both before and after a bloodmeal. In addition, adult longevity decreased after exposure to the pyriproxyfentreated nets in a concentration-dependent manner. The sterilizing and life-shortening effects of pyriproxyfen on the vector mosquito indicate that the combined use of pyriproxyfen and pyrethroids on bed nets has the potential to provide better malaria control and prevent the further development of pyrethroid resistance in malaria vectors.
The impact of commercially reared house fly parasitoids released into nine dairy calf coverall facilities were evaluated over 3 yr. Individual and equally mixed ratios of the pteromalid parasitoids Muscidifurax raptor Girault and Saunders and M. raptorellus Kogan and Legner were released at a rate of 500 parasitoids per calf per week for 8 wk. Prerelease, release, and postrelease parasitism was monitored using nearly 100,000 sentinel house fly, Musca domestica L., pupae during the 3 yr study. In general, very few adult parasitoids were recovered during the prerelease period and on the no-release farms during any period. However, considerable numbers of M. raptor and M. raptorellus were recovered from sentinel pupae on respective release farms. As expected, the greatest successful parasitism occurred during release periods, with a drop during postrelease periods. High successful parasitism and uneclosed pupae on M. raptorellus release farms suggests that this parasitoid was aggressive in attacking hosts with progeny production at approximately four wasps per pupa. Solitary releases of M. raptor provided sentinel mortality between 31 and 38%, whereas sentinel mortality on M. raptorellus-release farms was double, at 59–80%. Using mixed releases of the two species, overall fly mortality was slightly lower than that observed on M. raptorellus-only farms. This study documents the advantage of releasing M. raptorellus rather than M. raptor on New York dairy calf facilities, as supported by higher parasitism rates and lower costs (35–75%) for purchase of these gregarious wasps, as 75–80% fewer parasitized pupae are needed to achieve similar adult parasitoid levels.
In our search for effective tick repellents from plant origin, we investigated the effect of essential oils of four medicinal and culinary plants belonging to the family Lamiaceae on nymphs of the tick Ixodesricinus (L.). The essential oils of the dry leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) (L.), Mentha spicata (Spearmint) (L.), Origanum majorana (Majoram) (L.), and Ocimum basilicum (Basil) (L.) were isolated by steam distillation and 15 µg/cm2 concentration of oils was tested against ticks in a laboratory bioassay. The oils of R. officinalis, M. spicata, and O. majorana showed strong repellency against the ticks 100, 93.2, and 84.3%, respectively, whereas O. basilicum only showed 64.5% repellency. When tested in the field, the oils of R. officinalis and M. spicata showed 68.3 and 59.4% repellency at a concentration of 6.5 µg/cm2 on the test cloths. The oils were analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry and the major compounds from the most repellent oils were 1,8-cineole, camphor, linalool, 4-terpineol, borneol, and carvone.
We investigated the potential of carbon dioxide (CO2) fumigation as a method for controlling bed bugs, Cimex lectularius L. The effect of bed bug developmental stage, temperature, and CO2 concentration on the minimum time to kill 100% of bed bugs was determined. The minimum CO2 concentration lethal to all bed bug stages was ≈30% with 24 h exposure time at 25°C. The minimum fumigation time required to kill 100% of eggs using 100% CO2 at 20, 25, and 30°C were 3, 7, and 8 h, respectively; the minimum fumigation time to kill 100% of adult males/nymphs were 8,13, and 14 h, respectively. The minimum time to kill 100% of adult males/nymphs using 50 and 70% CO2 at 25°C were 18 and 16 h, respectively. We found that eggs were not completely killed after 24 h fumigation when the CO2 concentration was lower than 80%. Thus, bed bug eggs were more susceptible to 100% CO2 fumigation than nymphs and adult males but more tolerant than nymphs and adult males with lower CO2 concentration (50–80%). There were no significant differences among nymphs, adult males, and adult females in their susceptibility to 100% CO2 fumigation. A 24 h fumigation in sealed 158 liter (42 gallon) heavy duty garbage bags filled 90% full with fabric materials and/or boxes and 1,350 g dry ice per bag was sufficient to kill all stages of bed bugs hidden in the materials at room temperature (23–24°C). Sealed heavy duty garbage bags maintained ≥94% CO2 for at least 24 h. Custom-made double zipper plastic bags (122 × 183 cm) were also used to evaluate the effectiveness of CO2 fumigation for controlling bed bugs. Each bag was filled with fabric and boxes to 50–90% full. Bed bugs were hidden in various locations of each bag. CO2 was introduced into the bags through a CO2 cylinder. CO2 fumigation lasting 24–48 h was sufficient to kill all stages of bed bugs at room temperature, depending on the quantity of materials placed in each bag and whether CO2 was introduced one or two times at the onset. CO2 is an effective alternative to conventional fumigants for eliminating bed bugs hiding in infested household items such as clothing, shoes, books, electronics, sofas, and so forth.
Zanthoxylum plants (Rutaceae) have drawn attention because they contain insecticidal principles against insects. An assessment was made of the insecticidal and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activities of Zanthoxylum piperitum steam distillate and Zanthoxylum armatum seed oil, their 28 constituents, and eight structurally related compounds against female stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.). Results were compared with those of two organophosphorus insecticides chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos. Potent fumigant toxicity was observed with cuminaldehyde, thymol, (1S)-(-)-verbenone, (-)-myrtenal, carvacrol, (S)-(Z)-verbenol, Zanthoxylum piperitum steam distillate, cuminyl alcohol, Zanthoxylum armatum seed oil, piperitone, (-)-(Z)-myrtanol, and citronellal (LC50, 0.075–0.456 µg/cm3). However, they were five orders of magnitude less toxic than either chlorpyrifos or dichlorvos. An in vitro bioassay using female fly heads indicates that strong AChE inhibition was produced by citronellyl acetate, α-pinene, thymol, carvacrol, and α-terpineol (1.20–2.73 mM), but no direct correlation between fly toxicity and AChE inhibition by the test compounds was observed. Structure-activity relationships indicate that structural characteristics, such as carbon skeleton, degrees of saturation and types of functional groups, and vapor pressure parameter, appear to play a role in determining toxicities of the test monoterpenoids to stable flies. Global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic insecticides in the agricultural environment justify further studies on Z. piperitum and Z. armatum oil-derived materials as potential insecticides for the control of stable fly populations.
Culex erraticus (Dyar & Knab) is a competent vector of Eastern equine encephalitis virus and subtype IC Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, and both St. Louis encephalitis virus and West Nile virus have been isolated from field-collected specimens. Previous bloodmeal analysis studies have shown this species to be a generalist, feeding on a variety of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. This behavior can bridge arboviral transmission across different vertebrate groups. Our study examined the host preference of Cx. erraticus at Sonso Lake in Colombia. From July to August 2008, blood-engorged mosquitoes were collected from resting boxes, while vertebrate abundance was determined to calculate host preference. Based on mitochondrial DNA analysis of bloodmeals, birds were the predominant hosts (57.6%), followed by mammals (30.8%), and reptiles (6.7%); 9.5% of the bloodmeals were mixed. The most commonly fed upon species were: limpkin, black-crowned nightheron, striated heron, human, and capybara. Forage ratios showed the least bittern, limpkin, Cocoi heron, striated heron, capybara, and black-crowned night heron were preferred hosts across all vertebrates. Of the available avifauna, the least bittern, limpkin, striated heron, Cocoi heron, and black-crowned night heron were preferred, whereas the bare faced ibis, great egret, snowy egret, and cattle egret were under-used. This study shows that while Cx. erraticus is an opportunistic feeder, using diverse vertebrate hosts in the environment, certain avian species are targeted preferentially for bloodmeals.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is often used to detect microorganisms, pathogens, or both, including the reproductive parasite Wolbachia pipientis (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae), in mosquitoes. Natural populations of Culex pipiens L. (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes are infected with one or more strains of W. pipientis, and crosses between mosquitoes harboring different Wolbachia strains provide one of the best-known examples of cytoplasmic incompatibililty (CI). When we used PCR to monitor Wolbachia in the Buckeye strain of Culex pipiens, and in a Wolbachia-cured sister colony obtained by tetracycline treatment, we noted false negative PCR reactions with DNA samples from infected mosquitoes; these results were inconsistent with direct microscopic observation of Wolbachia-like particles in gonads dissected from mosquitoes in the same population. Assays with diluted template often improved detection of positive samples, suggesting that DNA prepared from whole mosquitoes contained an inhibitor of the PCR reaction. We reconciled discrepancies between PCR and microscopy by systematic measurement of the PCR reaction in the presence of an internal standard. Mosquito decapitation before DNA extraction restored the reliability of the PCR reaction, allowing accurate determination of Wolbachia infection status in infected and tetracycline-cured mosquito populations, consistent with microscopic examination. Using PCR primers based on the Tr1 gene, we confirmed that the Wolbachia infection in the Buckeye strain of Culex pipiens belongs to the genotype designated wPip1. Finally, to explore more widely the distribution of PCR inhibitors, we demonstrated that DNA isolated from the cricket, Acheta domesticus (L.); the beetle, Tenebrio molitor L.; the honey bee, Apis mellifera L.; and the mosquito, Anopheles punctipennis Say also contained PCR inhibitors. These results underscore the importance of measuring the presence of inhibitors in PCR templates by using a known positive standard, and provide an approach that will facilitate use of PCR to monitor environmental samples of mosquitoes that harbor endosymbionts or pathogenic organisms.
Ascogregarina taiwanensis (Lien and Levine), a protist gut parasite of Aedes albopictus (Skuse), is not known to complete its life cycle within the potential competitor species, Ochlerotatus japonicus (Theobald). In a laboratory cross infection study we demonstrated that A. taiwanensis completed its life cycle within Oc. japonicus and remained infectious. We also sampled cohabitating mosquito larvae in Mercer County, NJ, and based on ribosomal DNA sequence data, we determined that Oc. japonicus cohabitating with Ae. albopictus can become infected with A. taiwanensis.
Traps that selectively collect gravid mosquitoes have advantages over other collection methods for the purpose of disease surveillance: they trap mosquitoes with a higher probability of carrying disease as they have blood fed on at least one occasion. Gravid traps typically use infusions of organic material to attract gravid mosquitoes, particularly Culex quinquefasciatus (Say). These infusions are heavy and have an unpleasant odor, presenting logistical difficulties for disease monitoring programs. Typically, gravid traps use 4 liters of infusion. The present trial compared the responses of gravid female mosquitoes to 2 and 4 liters of infusion to see if equivalent numbers of mosquitoes could be collected using the smaller volume. In an attempt to better understand the effects of volume of infusion on mosquito oviposition behavior, egg laying on the two volumes was also monitored. There was a significant difference between the mean numbers of egg rafts laid on 2 and 4 liters of infusion. However, the mean numbers of gravid Cu. quinquefasciatus collected in gravid traps with 2 and 4 liters were not significantly different. The results indicate that 2 liters can be used instead of 4 liters for gravid trapping, significantly reducing the cost and logistical difficulties associated with such efforts. The behavioral responses of gravid females to different volumes are also discussed.
Adult females of the ectoparasitoid Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) are capable of distinguishing between hosts of different quality, and then correspondingly adjust clutch sizes and sex ratios of the offspring. In this study, we examined whether the size of the maggot mass, and presumably the developmental temperature, influenced the suitability of the resulting fly pupal and pharate adult stages as hosts for N. vitripennis. Three sizes of maggot masses (100; 500; and 1,000 individuals per mass) were selected for use to generate hosts based on previous studies characterizing developmental and heat shock response differences for the flies. For all host species tested (Lucilia illustris, Protophormia terraenovae, and Sarcophaga bullata), the rate of parasitism by N. vitripennis decreased with increasing maggot mass size. When successful parasitism did occur, parasitoid development increased in duration, clutch sizes decreased, mortality from egg hatch to adult emergence elevated, male biased sex ratios were produced, and adult wasp body sizes were truncated with increasing fly larval density. These wasp life history features are consistent with reductions in host quality. Host quality reductions corresponded to production of heat shock proteins 23, 60, and 70. Heat shock protein synthesis appeared to occur at the expense of normal protein production because total hemolymph protein concentrations decreased with increased larval density in maggot masses. These observations argue that use of N. vitripennis in criminal investigations to estimate periods of insect activity or a minimum post mortem interval must take into account the maggot mass history of the hosts used by the wasp.
The larvae of calliphorid flies are used to debride wounds of patients with severe tissue destruction, often concurrently with antimicrobials. The current study evaluates the effects of ceftazidime, tobramycin, amikacin, gentamicin, polymyxin B, doxycycline, paromomycin, amphotericin B, sodium stibogluconate, and miltefosine at 1,10, and 100× the Maximum Clinical Concentration (mg/kg/d) in raw liver assays. Effects on larvae were small and depended on dose and antimicrobial formulation, with hours in assay (24 or 48 h) having a significant effect on larval survival. Sodium stibgluconate had the strongest effect on maggot survival (80.0% at 48 h). These results suggest that the antimicrobials tested here may be used simultaneously with maggot debridement therapy, and may actually increase the effectiveness of maggot debridement therapy in certain applications where >1 × Maximum Clinical Concentration is indicated, such as topical creams for cutaneous leishmaniasis.
West Nile virus (WNV) spread across most of North America within a short time period after its incursion into the Western Hemisphere. The Canadian prairies had the highest human incidence of WNV disease in Canada, particularly in 2007. Statistical modeling and geographic information systems can be used to develop a predictive model and facilitate the mobilization of targeted disease management strategies. Using data collected between 2005 and 2008, we constructed models integrating abiotic and biotic factors to predict the WNV infection rate in female Culex tarsalis Coquillett, the primary vector of WNV in the Canadian prairies. During the study period, the highest mean Cx. tarsalis infection rate was during week 34 (late August). The Cx. tarsalis infection rate increased with increasing Cx. tarsalis abundance and mean temperature lagged from 1 to 8 wk, but decreased with increasing mean precipitation lagged from 2 to 6 wk. Furthermore, precipitation was a ‘distorter variable’ that altered the association between Cx. tarsalis abundance and the WNV infection rate. Our model clarified how weather influenced the Cx. tarsalis infection rate in the Canadian prairies, a newly and highly WNV endemic region of North America. An understanding of the role of lagged weather variables was essential for providing sufficient lead time to predict WNV occurrence, and for implementing disease control and prevention strategies. Furthermore, it is a useful tool for assessing the potential effects of future climate change on WNV in areas near its northern distributional limit.
The wing lengths of 3,553 unfed, recently emerged, and 13,256 gravid female Anopheles funestus Giles from exit collections, undertaken between March 2004 and May 2005, were measured. Only in the warmest months were mean wing lengths of unfed females significantly smaller than gravid females. Mean wing lengths of unfed, females varied from 2.26 mm (Bootstrap 95% CI [2.25–2.27]) in January when mean air temperatures were 24.8°C to 2.70 mm (Bootstrap 95% CI [2.68–2.72]) in July when mean temperatures were 8.4°C cooler. Mean wing lengths increased by 0.05 mm for each degree decrease in air temperature. Temperature explained 60% of the variation in wing length.
Data on the distribution and abundance of Lutzomyia spp. (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Bolivia is scarce. Sand flies from an area of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis endemicity in the Isiboro-Secure National Park in the Department of Cochabamba were captured and identified to species. In total, 945 sand flies (789 females and 156 males) belonging to 15 species were collected from the four collection points in two study villages in 2007. With 549 (58.1%) specimens, Lutzomyia shawi was the most abundant species, followed by Lutzomyia (Trichophoromyia) sp. (22.2%), Lutzomyia llanosmartinsi (8.3%), Lutzomyia antunesi (4.3%), and Lutzomyia olmeca (2.1%). Abundance and species composition varied between rainy and dry seasons, with 99.3% of all sand flies being collected outdoors. Because of species abundance and confirmed Leishmania infection in previous entomological collections, we believe Lu. shawi is the vector of L. (Viannia) braziliensis in Isiboro-Secure National Park.
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