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The ticks, Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) dromedariiKoch, 1844 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) schulzeiOlenev, 1931, are considered to be the species most closely associated with camels. H. dromedarii can behave as a three-, two-, or one-host species, with the two-host life cycle seemingly most common. Camels are the main hosts of the adults, which also parasitize other domestic animals. Nymphs and larvae can use the same hosts, especially camels, as the adults, but can also parasitize rodents, leporids, hedgehogs, and birds. H. dromedarii is widely distributed in North Africa, the northern regions of West, Central, and East Africa, Arabia, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia. H. schulzei is a two-host species. Camels are the principal hosts of the adults, with some records from cattle and goats, whereas the immature stages infest hares, burrowing rodents, and hedgehogs. H. schulzei has a more limited geographic distribution in Asia and Egypt than H. dromedarii, and with the exception of southeastern Iran, it is a fairly uncommon tick. Among other features that are fairly similar, males of H. dromedarii can be distinguished from those of H. schulzei by a narrow, subtriangular parma, usually very large subanal shields, and a long dorsal prolongation of the spiracular plates. Males of H. schulzei have a broad and rectangular parma, paramedian festoons that protrude posteriorly, smaller subanal shields, and a very short dorsal prolongation of the spiracular plates. The females of H. dromedarii can be distinguished from those of H. schulzei by a narrow V-shaped genital aperture compared with a very wide, deep, U-shaped genital aperture. Here all the parasitic stages of both species are illustrated and redescribed, and characteristics that distinguish the adults from those of other closely related species are supplied. Data on their hosts, geographic distribution and disease relationships are also provided.
A new species of argasid tick, Ornithodoros (Alectorobius) rioplatensis Venzal, Estrada-Peña, & Mangold, is described from larval and adult specimens collected in Uruguay. Further specimens from Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile are ascribed to the new species. Key distinguishing characters of larvae of the species are the number of pairs of dorsal setae (19–20 but typically 20 in O. rioplatensis, compared with 16–17 but typically 17 in O. puertoricensis and O. talaje), and the length of the hypostome, which is clearly longer in O. rioplatensis than in O. talaje. Morphological details of the adults of these species are inadequate for taxonomic purposes. The genetic distance between O. puertoricensis and O. rioplatensis, based on 16S rDNA sequencing, is ≈12.7%. Variability in some morphological features, using multivariate morphometric discrimination to assess congruence between populations, was examined among larval specimens of O. talaje and O. puertoricensis collected from the United States, and Central and South America. Larval specimens of O. talaje from Guatemala (near the type locality of the species) were morphologically different from Mexican and southern U.S. populations originally described as O. talaje. In the absence of DNA data for these populations, and because of inadequate statistical discrimination among body characters, we prefer to refer to the Mexican and U.S. material as O. nr. talaje until further analysis of population variability is conducted using an adequate sample size.
Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) species composition and distribution were studied using human landing catch data over a 35-yr period in Panama. Mosquitoes were collected from 77 sites during 228 field trips carried out by members of the National Malaria Eradication Service. Fourteen Anopheles species were identified. The highest average human biting rates were recorded from Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albimanus (Wiedemann) (9.8 bites/person/night) and Anopheles (Anopheles) punctimacula (Dyar and Knab) (6.2 bites/person/night). These two species were also the most common, present in 99.1 and 74.9%, respectively, of the sites. Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) aquasalis (Curry) was encountered mostly in the indigenous Kuna Yala Comarca along the eastern Atlantic coast, where malaria case history and average human biting rate (9.3 bites/person/night) suggest a local role in malaria transmission. An. albimanus, An. punctimacula, and Anopheles (Anopheles) vestitipennis (Dyar and Knab) were more abundant during the rainy season (May–December), whereas An. aquasalis was more abundant in the dry season (January–April). Other vector species collected in this study were Anopheles (Kerteszia) neivai (Howard, Dyar, and Knab) and Anopheles (Anopheles) pseudopunctipennis s.l. (Theobald). High diversity of Anopheles species and six confirmed malaria vectors in endemic areas of Panama emphasize the need for more detailed studies to better understand malaria transmission dynamics.
Anopheles minimus Theobald (=An. minimus A) and possibly Anopheles harrisoni Harbach & Manguin (=An. minimus C) are important malaria vector species in the Minimus Complex in Southeast Asia. The distributions of these species are poorly known, although detailed information could benefit malaria vector incrimination and control. We used published collection records of these species and environmental geospatial data to construct consensus ecological niche models (ENM) of each species’ potential geographic distribution. The status of the Indian taxon An. fluviatilis S as a species distinct from An. harrisoni has been debated in the literature, so we tested for differentiation in ecological niche characteristics. The predicted potential distribution of An. minimus is more southerly than that of An. harrisoni: Southeast Asia is predicted to be more suitable for An. minimus, and China and India are predicted more suitable for An. harrisoni, so An. harrisoni seems to dominate under cooler conditions. The distribution of An. minimus is more continuous than that of An. harrisoni: disjunction in the potential distribution of the latter is suggested between India and Southeast Asia. Anopheles fluviatilis S occurrences are predicted within the An. harrisoni ecological potential, so we do not document ecological differentiation that might reject conspecificity. Overall, model predictions offer a synthetic view of the distribution of this species complex across the landscapes of southern and eastern Asia.
Day-old larval Aedes sierrensis collected from six newly flooded treeholes in northern California were reared individually in the laboratory under simulated field conditions to compare larval developmental rates of males and females. Time to adult eclosion ranged from 133 to 219 d for this generally univoltine, winter-developing species. Males experienced significantly shorter first, second, and third larval instars than females. Females spent significantly less time as fourth instars (whose endpoint is determined by photoperiod). Length of pupal stage was equal for males and females. Time to mean adult eclosion differed among treeholes but was not determined by latitudinal position of treehole. Wing lengths were shorter for males than females in this sexually dimorphic species and also differed significantly among treeholes. Wing lengths were significantly correlated with total developmental time, but females spending more time in the fourth instar did not emerge as larger adults. In natural treeholes, resource utilization during rapid development by Ae. sierrensis males may limit the size and number of females produced from the same cohort if resources are limiting.
Exotic plants often invade areas of high human activity, such as along trails, roads, and forest edges, and in disturbed riparian areas. These same habitat types are also favored by ticks. This convergence suggests that habitat modifications caused by exotic plant invasions may mediate disease vector habitat quality, indirectly affecting human disease risk at the local spatial scale. We tested the hypothesis that experimental invasions of Japanese stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus, alter soil surface microclimate conditions, thereby reducing habitat quality for ticks. Microstegium is an exotic annual grass that is highly invasive throughout the eastern United States where the vector ticks Amblyomma americanum (Linnaeus) and Dermancentor variabilis (Say) occur. Ticks (n = 100 per species) were introduced into experimentally invaded and native vegetation control plots (n = 5 per treatment). D. variabilis mortality rate increased 173% and A. americanum mortality rate increased 70% in the invaded plots relative to those in control plots. Microstegium invasion also resulted in a 13.8% increase in temperature and an 18.8% decrease in humidity, which are known to increase tick mortality. We predict that areas invaded by Microstegium will have lower densities of host-seeking ticks and therefore reduced human disease risk. Our results emphasize the role of invasive species in mediating disease vector populations, the unpredictable consequences of biological invasions, and the need for integrative management strategies that can simultaneous address exotic plant invasions and vector-borne disease.
We present the identification of bloodfeeding sources of Haemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii Lutz and Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus (Dyar & Shannon) (Diptera: Culicidae) from different regions of Brazil, as analyzed by precipitin tests. Anti-sera for bird, bovine, equine, human, opossum, and rodent were used. Two hundred one mosquitoes were examined (147 Hg. leucocelaenus and 54 Hg. capricornii), of which 177 reacted for some anti-serum. For Hg. leucocelaenus, 86 (68.3%) reacted to one blood source, 38 (30.2%) to two sources, and two (1.6%) to three sources; the combinations of bird human (18.4%), bird rodent (15.8%), and bird marsupial (15.8%) were the most frequent. For Hg. capricornii, 34 (66.7%) reacted to one blood source; combinations bird rodent (37.5%) and bird marsupial (25%) were the most frequent combinations. Mosquito preference for bloodfeeding sources was different in these areas, possibly because of the availability of sources. This diversity of sources can have important epidemiological implications.
Analysis of differentially expressed genes is a common molecular biological tool to investigate changes in mosquito genes after a bloodmeal or parasite exposure. We report here the characterization of a differentially expressed actin gene, CNAct-1, from the subtropical mosquito, Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae). The CNAct-1 genomic clone is 1.525 kb, includes one 66-bp intron, and a 328-bp 3′-untranslated region. The 376-amino acid putative translation product shares high similarity with muscle-specific actin proteins from other insects, including Culex pipiens pipiens L., Aedes aegypti (L.), Anopheles gambiae Giles and Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen). CNAct-1 is expressed in second and third instars, late pupae, and adult females and males. Interestingly, Cx. nigripalpus actin was highly expressed in female mosquito midgut tissue isolated 6–12 h after ingestion of a bloodmeal. This expression profile indicates a unique function for CNAct-1 in midgut processes that are initiated after blood ingestion.
With the increase in indoor residual spraying in many internationally and nationally funded malaria control programs, and affirmation by World Health Organization (WHO) that DDT is appropriate for use in the absence of longer lasting insecticide formulations in some malaria endemic settings, DDT has been reintroduced as a major malaria control intervention in Africa. Indoor residual spraying with DDT was reintroduced into Mozambique for malaria control in 2005, and it is increasingly becoming the main insecticide used for malaria vector control in Mozambique. The selection of DDT in Mozambique is evidence-based, taking account of the susceptibility of Anopheles arabiensis (Patton) and Anopheles gambiae (Giles) s.s. to all the available insecticide choices, as well as relative costs of the insecticide and the logistical costs of spraying. Before this time in Mozambique, DDT was replaced by λ-cyhalothrin in 1993. Resistance occurred quickly to this insecticide, and in 2000 the pyrethroid was phased out and the carbamate bendiocarb was introduced. Low-level resistance was detected by biochemical assay to bendiocarb in 1999 in both Anopheles funestus (Giles) and An. arabiensis, although this was not evident in WHO bioassays of the same population. In the 2000–2006 surveys the levels of bendiocarb resistance had been selected to a higher level in An. arabiensis, with resistance detectable by both biochemical and WHO bioassay. The insecticide resistance monitoring program includes assessment of field populations by standard WHO insecticide susceptibility assays and biochemical assays. Monitoring was established in 1999, and it was maintained as part of an operational monitoring and evaluation program thereafter.
For >50 yr, N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (deet) has been the standard for arthropod repellents and has been an important tool to protect people from disease agents carried by ticks, mosquitoes, and other arthropods. However, some people avoid using deet because of concerns about adverse health effects. In 2007, a new repellent, BioUD, with the active ingredient 7.75% 2-undecanone, originally derived from wild tomato (Lycopersicon hirsutum Dunal f. glabratum C. H. Müll) plants, was registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In the current study, repellent efficacy of BioUD was compared using arm-in-cage studies with 7 and 15% deet against the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus Skuse. No differences were found in mean repellency over 6 h after application between BioUD versus 7 and 15% deet for Ae albopictus. For Ae. aegypti, no differences were found over the same time period for 7% deet. Compared with 15% deet, BioUD mean repellency was lower over the 6-h test period. Human subject field trials were conducted in North Carolina, United States, and Ontario, Canada, comparing the repellency of BioUD to products containing 25 and 30% deet. BioUD provided the same repellency or was more efficacious than 25 and 30% deet, respectively, in these studies. Laboratory trials were conducted to determine the repellent activity of BioUD against the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say), on human skin and cloth. BioUD repelled ticks at least 2.5 h after application to human skin. On cloth, no differences in mean repellency were found through 8 d after application between BioUD and 7% deet. In a two-choice test for BioUD versus 15% deet on filter paper, ticks spent significantly more time on the deet-treated surface than the BioUD-treated surface. Based on these studies in toto, BioUD is an efficacious alternative to deet in its repellent activity.
In a recent study, the combined use of 4-Posters and Maxforce TMS bait boxes along with a barrier application of deltamethrin resulted in accelerated control of Ixodes scapularis Say by sequentially attacking each postembryonic life stage. We report the results of a follow-up study to test the ability of 4-Posters used alone to sustain the high levels of control achieved through the integrated tick management (ITM) approach after withdrawal of the bait boxes. In the first year after withdrawal, we observed declines in the level of control of larvae on small mammals, as well as of numbers of host-seeking larvae in the treatment area. There was no difference in the level of control of host-seeking adults in the treatment area after 2 yr. Within 2 yr, we observed a decline in control of subadult ticks infesting small mammals, but continued to see significant control of both host-seeking nymphs (85.9%) and larvae (89.0%) in the treatment area. The inconsistency that we observed between the apparent ability of 4-Posters to sustain high levels of control of host-seeking ticks, although having less effect on tick burdens on small mammal hosts, may be explained by the host-seeking ecology of immature I. scapularis.
Boophilus microplus, collected from Nuevo Leon, Mexico, were found to be highly resistant to diazinon but not highly resistant to coumaphos, suggesting that different mechanisms of resistance were present in these ticks than other Mexican organophosphate (OP)-resistant ticks reported previously. When exposed to coumaphos and piperonyl butoxide or triphenylphosphate, the LC50 estimate was reduced by 3.5- and 6.3-fold, respectively, suggesting that mono-oxygenases and/or esterases were involved in resistance to coumaphos. Additionally, it was determined that this strain had an Acetylycholinesterase (AChe) that was insensitive to the active form of coumaphos, coroxon, taking at least 24 min longer to reach 50% reduction in AChE activity compared with the susceptible strain. When exposed to diazinon, none of the synergists tested significantly lowered the LC50. However, it was determined that it took six times longer to reach 60% inhibition of AChE in the resistant strain compared with the susceptible strain when exposed to the active form of diazinon, diazoxon. Insensitive AChE seems to be very common in OP-resistant B. microplus. The potential benefits for the development of a field-portable AChE inhibition assay kit are discussed.
A quantitative sequencing (QS) protocol that detects the frequencies of sodium channel mutations (M815I, T917I, and L920F) responsible for knockdown resistance in permethrin-resistant head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer) was tested as a population genotyping method for use as a preliminary resistance monitoring tool. Genomic DNA fragments of the sodium channel α-subunit gene that encompass the three mutation sites were polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-1 amplified from individual head lice with either resistant or susceptible genotypes, and combined in various ratios to generate standard DNA template mixtures for QS. After sequencing, the signal ratios between resistant and susceptible nucleotides were calculated and plotted against the corresponding resistance allele frequencies. Quadratic regression coefficients of the plots were close to 1, demonstrating that the signal ratios are highly correlated with the resistance allele frequencies. Resistance allele frequencies predicted by QS, using either “pooled DNA” (DNA extracted from individual louse specimens and pooled) or “pooled specimen DNA” (DNA simultaneously extracted from multiple louse specimens), agreed well with those determined by individual sequencing, confirming the reliability and accuracy of QS as a population genotyping method and validating our approach of using the pooled specimen DNA as the DNA template for QS. Our protocol for QS was determined to be highly reliable for the prediction of resistance allele frequencies higher than ≈7.4% at the 95% confidence level. According to the resistance allele frequencies determined by QS, pyrethroid resistance varies substantially among different geographical regions, emphasizing the importance of early resistance detection and proper management strategies.
To determine whether vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection of Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) affects subsequent blood-feeding behavior, midges injected with either virus-infected or virus-free cell lysates were allowed to blood feed for short (10-min) or long (60-min) periods on 2, 3, and 4 d postinoculation (DPI). Generalized linear mixed models were fit to test the effects of infection status, duration of feeding period, and DPI on the percentage of females that blood fed. VSV-infection significantly reduced the percentage of females that blood fed on 2 DPI, the day of peak virus titer. On 3 DPI a significantly greater percentage of midges blood fed when allowed 60 min to feed. This effect was not seen on 2 and 4 DPI and was not dependent on VSV infection status. The impact of changes in blood-feeding behavior by infected insects on virus transmission is discussed.
Identification of blood meals of vector mosquitoes is an important tool in the epidemiological investigations of vector-borne diseases. The blood meals of three mosquito species involved in the transmission of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) from the Kuttanadu area, Kerala, were determined using the agarose gel diffusion technique. A total of 4,959 blood smears belonging to Culex (Culex) tritaeniorhynchus Giles (3,273), Cx. (Culex) gelidus Theobald (64), Mansonia (Mnd.) indiana Edwards (735), and Ma. (Mnd.) uniformis (Theobald) (887) were tested. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus had predominantly fed on bovids (46.4%), and a good proportion (29%) had fed on more than one host. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus was highly zoophagic, and human feeding accounted for only 1.5% of those individuals successfully tested. Cx. gelidus showed bovid feeding at 36% and pig feeding at 12.5%. The test results showed 42.3% Ma. indiana and 12.2% Ma. uniformis had fed on humans. Multiple feeding was observed in Ma. indiana and Ma. uniformis, and most of the double feedings were from bovids and ovids (7.9 and 20.1%, respectively). Pig feeding accounted for 4.8% of the feedings by Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, 5.3% of Ma. indiana, and 6.4% of Ma. uniformis. This study is significant because of the role played by these mosquitoes in the transmission of JEV in the Kuttanadu area of Kerala, India.
Yersinia pestis, the etiological agent of plague, is transmitted by multiple flea species. Previous studies have reported wide variability in transmission efficiency among competent vectors. However, it is unclear to what extent such variation is explained by methodological differences among studies. To optimize an artificial feeding system where fleas are infected with controlled numbers of Y. pestis under standardized laboratory conditions that could be used to systematically compare vector efficiency, we sought to test the effect of host bloodmeal source on 1) the flea’s ability to remain infected with Y. pestis and 2) bacterial loads in fleas. Here, we demonstrate that both prevalence of infection with a virulent strain of Y. pestis (CO96–3188) and bacterial loads in rock squirrel fleas (Oropsylla montana) are affected by host-associated blood factors. The generality of this observation was confirmed by repeating the study using the rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) and a commonly used avirulent laboratory strain of Y. pestis (A1122). Implications of the results for rate of spread of Y. pestis in naturally infected host populations are discussed.
West Nile fever (WNF) is endemic in Israel. In 1999, country-wide adult mosquito surveys were initiated and intensified after the 2000 country-wide outbreak of WNF in humans. In 8 consecutive yr, groups of male and female specimens of different species and from different locations were tested for infection with West Nile virus (WNV). Three species made up >87% of the total catch: Culex pipiens L. (52%), with an infection rate (IR) of 0.5; Cx. perexiguus Theobald (20%), with an IR of 2.7; and Aedes caspius Pallas (15%), with an IR of 0.6. The geographical and temporal distribution of WNV-infected mosquitoes was similar but was not parallel to the seasonal abundance of the populations. The seasonal occurrence of human cases is in correlation with the finding of WNV-positive mosquito specimens reaching a peak 1 mo later than the mosquito peak. The relative importance of the mosquito species in the epidemiology of WNF is discussed. Cx. perexiguus is considered the major vector of WNF in Israel.
Host-seeking Ixodes ricinus (L.) (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks were collected systematically, from May to September 2006, at selected sites in southern Germany, including a large city park in Munich. Polymerase chain reactions for amplification of genes of the rickettsial citrate synthase (gltA), the outer membrane proteins A and B (ompA and ompB), and the 16S rDNA were used to investigate 2,861 specimens (adults and nymphs). GltA sequences of spotted fever group rickettsiae were detected in 151 of all samples (5.3%; 95% CI = 4.3–6.2%). Sequencing revealed Rickettsia helvetica in 91.4% of the samples and R. monacensis in 8.6%. Amplification of ompA was not possible for R. helvetica, but in all except one of the R. monacensis. The results were analyzed statistically to test the effects of season, location, developmental stage, and gender of the tick on prevalence of Rickettsia spp. Although rickettsial DNA was detected in all investigated sites, sites in natural forest areas had significantly higher prevalences than sites in landscaped city parks. Adult female and male ticks had a similar prevalence and were significantly more often infected than nymphs. Monthly differences were not statistically significant. These results clearly show that R. helvetica is widespread throughout the study region and could result in a threat to public health in areas of high prevalence.
The current reemergence of bed bugs in the western world has a multitude of causes. One of them may be low early detection rate of emerging infestations because of a current poor knowledge among the population of what bed bugs look like. In a survey conducted in three counties of the United Kingdom, 10% of 358 individuals recognized the bed bug when presented with a live adult. Older people were more likely to correctly identify the bed bug. If an increasing knowledge of the bed bug appearance facilitates early detection of infestations, the hospitality and travel industry may benefit from educating their staff on the bed bug appearance.
The range of the brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus C. L. Koch includes much of Africa and South and Central America. This medically important spider has been recently introduced to Japan, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Hawaii, and California. After the identification of the brown widow spider in New Orleans, LA, and southern Mississippi, surveys in the southeastern United States were conducted from the fall of 2006 through February 2008. We found populations of brown widow spiders in Georgia, Texas, and multiple localities in southeastern Louisiana and Mississippi. In Mississippi, specimens were collected as far north as a county bordering Tennessee. In New Orleans, the brown widow spider has been commonly collected from various locations where human contact is likely.
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