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Anopheles sundaicus s.l., a major malaria vector taxon, occurs primarily along coastal areas and on islands in Southeast Asia. Our previous studies using cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome-b, and internal transcribed spacer 2 markers discriminated three allopatric species: An. sundaicus s.s. in northern Borneo, An. epiroticus in Southeast Asia, and An. sundaicus E on Sumatra and Java, Indonesia. Morphological comparisons of three developmental stages did not reveal unique diagnostic characters that could reliably distinguish the three species. Therefore, we developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay based on two mitochondrial DNA markers to unambiguously identify them. This PCR was tested on 374 specimens from 24 different geographical populations, expanding our knowledge of the distribution of these species.
Studies of transmission, maintenance, infectivity, virulence, and pathogenicity of tick-borne agents require the use of large numbers of live laboratory-raised ticks. Colonies of Ixodes scapularis Say, Ixodes pacificus Cooley & Kohls, Amblyomma americanum (L.), Dermacentor occidentalis Marx, Dermacentor variabilis (Say), Hemaphysalis leporispalustris (Packard), and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latrielle) have been maintained in our laboratory at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for five to 18 continuous generations. New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are used as hosts for all tick species and developmental stages. Between feedings, ticks are stored in environmental incubators at 22–24°C and 90% RH with a day/night photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. The duration of feeding, molting, preoviposition, and periods of postmolting development were recorded. Here, we describe the life cycles of these common North American tick species under standardized laboratory conditions. At 22–24°C, the minimal time needed for each species to complete one life cycle was as follows: I. scapularis, 204–219 d; I. pacificus, 214–229 d; R. sanguineus, 162–177 d; H. leporispalustris, 209–224 d; D. variabilis, 176–191 d; D. occidentalis, 180–195 d; and A. americanum, 192–211 d.
The effect of temperature on survival, oviposition, gonotrophic development, and a life history factor of vectorial capacity were examined in adult Culicoides sonorensis (Wirth & Jones) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) that originated from two geographic locations. Flies originating from the United States (Colorado) had slightly reduced survival after a bloodmeal compared with wild flies collected in southern Alberta (AB), Canada. Survival of AB flies declined in a curvilinear manner with temperature, whereas survival of U.S. flies showed a linear response to temperature. The survivorship curve of the AB flies more closely followed a Weibull distribution than an exponential, indicating survival was age-dependent. Survivorship of the U.S. flies followed an exponential distribution. Females from both sources laid similar numbers of eggs throughout their life. The first eggs were laid by females from both sources at 31.9 degree-day (DD)9.3. Dissections of blood-fed flies reared at various temperatures indicated that flies from both sources were 90% gravid at 32 DD9.3. Relationships among temperature and life history components of vectorial capacity were similar among flies from the two sources and indicated that vectorial capacity would be ≈1.8–2.6-fold greater in a southern U.S. climate compared with southwestern Canada due solely to the effects of temperature on the life history of C. sonorensis. Using life history estimates derived from Weibull model had little effect on estimating vectorial capacity, whereas using estimates derived from the exponential model slightly overestimated vectorial capacity.
We monitored the abundance of Ixodes scapularis Say (Acari: Ixodidae) and the Lyme disease incidence rate after the incremental removal of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann, within a suburban residential area to determine whether there was a measurable decrease in the abundance of ticks due to deer removal and whether the reduction in ticks resulted in a reduction in the incidence rate within the human population. After three seasons, the estimated deer population was reduced by 46.7%, from the 2002 postfawning estimate of 2,899 deer (45.6 deer per km2) to a 2005 estimate of 1,540 deer (24.3 deer per km2). There was no apparent effect of the deer culling program on numbers of questing I. scapularis subadults in the culling areas, and the overall numbers of host-seeking ticks in the culling areas seemed to increase in the second year of the program. The Lyme disease incidence rate generated by both passive and active surveillance systems showed no clear trend among years, and it did not seem to vary with declining deer density. Given the resources required to mount and maintain a community-based program of sufficient magnitude to effectively reduce vector tick density in ecologically open situations where there are few impediments to deer movement, it may be that deer reduction, although serving other community goals, is unlikely to be a primary means of tick control by itself. However, in concert with other tick control interventions, such programs may provide one aspect of a successful community effort to reduce the abundance of vector ticks.
We examined the survivorship of Anopheles gambiae s.l. Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae and habitat productivity in three major habitat types in the western Kenya highlands. The age-specific distribution was determined for larvae and pupae, and survivorship curves were constructed. Larval-to-pupal survivorship was 6.8% in drainage ditches, 4.3% in cow hoofprints, and 1.8% in disused goldmines, respectively. High mortality rates were observed in all developmental stages. The estimated daily survival rate was highest in drainage ditches (0.74), followed by cow hoofprints (0.71), and it was lowest in disused goldmines (0.62). Productivity of emerging An. gambiae adults was generally low in these larval habitats (1.35, 1.55, and 1.84 mosquitoes per m2 per wk in drainage ditches, disused goldmines, and cow hoofprints, respectively). In total, seven families of larval mosquito predators were identified from the larval habitats, including Hydrophilidae, Dytiscidae, Corixidae, Nepidae, Notonectidae, Belostomatidae, and Cordulidae. Predator density in disused goldmines was significantly higher than that of other habitat types. Determination of the relative importance of predation, habitat stability and food contents on natural mosquito habitat productivity would help to design cost-effective vector control methods specifically targeted at the productive habitats.
Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), are among the most economically important arthropod pests of livestock in North America. In this study, we monitored the seasonal dynamics of a stable fly population in eastern Nebraska for 5 yr. Models based upon temperature and precipitation were developed to determine the affects of these variables on population levels as well as to project population trends. Stable flies appear in eastern Nebraska in late March to early April, and they build to a peak population during the last week of June and first week of July. In most years, the population decreases in midsummer, and then it increases to a second peak in mid-September. Temperature 0 to 2 wk before collection and precipitation 3 to 6 wk before collection were the most important weather variables accounting for 63 and 11% of the variation, respectively. Temperature 7 wk before collection was also significant, accounting for 3% of the variation. Reduced precipitation levels explained the observed midsummer drop in the stable fly populations. Changes in stable fly population levels were positively correlated with precipitation 1 to 2 wk prior and temperature the week of the change. Population change was negatively correlated with precipitation 6–8 wk prior and temperature 6–15 wk prior. The addition of the previous weeks trap collections to the climate based model eliminated the significance of temperature 2 and 7 wk before collection. Temperature 0–1 wk before collection accounted for 60% of the variation, precipitation 3 to 6 wk prior 12% of the variation, and the previous weeks’ trap collections accounted for 11% of the variation. Low temperatures during October through January were correlated with higher stable fly populations the following June and July.
The demography of the brownbanded cockroach, Supella longipalpa (F.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae), was studied based on the age-stage, two-sex life table at 25, 29, and 33°C. Females incubated at the three temperatures produced 11.8, 14.6, and 12.8 oothecae per female, respectively. The life expectancy for a newborn was 157.2, 207.7, and 147.9 d, respectively. The intrinsic rate of increase at these temperatures was 0.0161, 0.0306, and 0.0398 d−1, respectively. The net reproductive rate was 35.3, 100.9, and 87.2 offspring, respectively. The mean generation time was 222.1, 151.1, and 112.5 d, respectively. In the absence of other limiting factors, our results indicate that populations of S. longipalpa would be expected to establish and increase if introduced into environments where temperature was within 25 and 33°C.
The sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis Lutz & Neiva (Diptera: Psychodidae) is the principle vector of Leishmania chagasi/infantum Cunha and Chagas, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis. The disease is transmitted by blood-feeding females, which seek aggregations of males above potential hosts both to mate and blood-feed. Pheromones produced by male sand flies could potentially be used as lures in L. longipalpis control programs. We investigated whether attraction of male and female sand flies to pheromone could be increased by addition of host odor. Pheromone was attractive to females in the absence of host odor, although a 10-fold increase in concentration did not increase numbers attracted or reduce the proportion of flies not responding during trials. Odors from Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus, were more attractive to females than air when presented without sex pheromone, but this effect was masked by hexane, suggesting attraction to host odor alone may be relatively weak. Addition of hamster odor both increased the number of virgin female L. longipalpis attracted to sex pheromone (relative to a solvent control) and reduced the number of nonresponders, indicating that host odor may have both a synergistic and activating effect. Male sand flies were not attracted to pheromone with or without host odor, although addition of pheromone did counteract an apparent avoidance of host odor combined with a hexane control. These results indicate L. longipalpis pheromones function primarily to attract females and that their efficacy as lures may be increased through addition of host odor, or by deploying traps in the vicinity of host animals.
The impact of landscape fragmentation due to human and climatic mediated factors on the structure of a population of Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank (Diptera: Glossinidae) was investigated in the Mouhoun river basin, Burkina Faso. Allele frequencies at five microsatellite loci, and metric properties based on 11 wing landmarks, were compared between four populations. The populations originated from the Mouhoun river and one of its tributaries. The average distance between samples was 72 km with the two most widely spaced populations being 216 km apart. The sampling points traversed an ecological cline in terms of rainfall and riverine forest ecotype, along a river enlarging from downstream to upstream and oriented south to north. Microsatellite DNA comparison demonstrated structuring between the populations, but not complete isolation, with an overall Fst = 0.012 (P < 0.001). Wing geometry revealed significant centroid size and shape differences between populations, especially between the two most distant populations. There was no significant correlation between gene flow and geographic distance at this scale, but there was a positive correlation in females between metric distances (wing shape differences) and geographic distances that might be attributed to the cline of environmental conditions. The impact of the fragmentation of riparian landscapes on tsetse population structure is discussed in the context of control campaigns currently promoted by Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign.
The head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis (De Geer), is an hematophagous ectoparasite that affects mainly children. Resistance to insecticides belonging to pyrethroids and other pediculicides, such as malathion, is responsible for frequently reported treatment failures. Recent studies showed that a M815I-T929I-L932F kdr-like mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel α-subunit gene was associated with permethrin resistance in head lice from several countries worldwide. We searched for the presence of pyrethroid resistance gene in head lice populations obtained in schoolchildren in an urban area of France. All the 15 primary schools of Bobigny, a city located 3 km north of Paris, were selected to participate. Of 3,493 children enrolled, 3,345 (95.8%) children were screened for head lice by using fine-toothed antilouse combs. Live head lice were detected in 112 (3.3%) of children screened. A subsample of 90 lice was processed for DNA study. The amplification of a 332-bp portion of the kdr-like gene spanning the codon 929 was performed, and polymerase chain reaction products were submitted to the restriction enzyme SspI. Twenty of these lice (22.2%) were homozygous susceptible, 33 (36.7%) were homozygous resistant, and 37 (41.1%) were heterozygotes. Globally, the frequency of the T929I mutation was 0.57. The prevalence of pediculosis in schoolchildren of Bobigny seemed relatively low in comparison with findings of other European studies. The presence of the T929I mutation associated with permethrin resistance probably reflected the frequent local use of this insecticide. Further studies are now required to evaluate the prevalence of the kdr-like mutant allele in head lice in French schools.
The ovicidal activity of 21 hyphomycete fungi species against Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) was tested. Fungi with ovicidal activity developed on high numbers of eggs (≥70%) during 25 d of exposure. A clear ovicidal activity with low values of hatch (1.3–40%) was observed after 25 d of incubation with Isaria farinosa (Holm: Fries) Fries, Paecilomyces carneus (Duché & Heim) Brown & Smith, Paecilomyces marquandii (Massee) Hughes, Isaria fumosorosea (Wize), Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, Penicillium sp., Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, and Evlachovaea kintrischica Borisov & Tarasov. More than 63% of eggs hatched after 25-d exposures to 11 other fungi species deemed as ineffective. These are the first results to show the effects of entomopathogenic fungi against eggs of Ae. aegypti, and they suggest their potential as control agents of this vector.
Characterization of insecticide resistance provides data on the evolutionary processes involved in the adaptation of insects to environmental changes. Studying the dominance status and resistance level represents a great interest, in terms of understanding resistance evolution in the field to eventually adapt vector control. Resistance and dominance levels conferred by the G119S mutation of acetylcholinesterase (ace-1R) of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) were studied for various insecticides belonging to different classes, using strains sharing the same genetic background. Our survey shows that the homozygote resistant strain AcerKis displayed a very high resistance level to various carbamates (range 3,000- to 5,000-fold) compared with that of various organophosphates (range 12- to 30-fold). Furthermore, the dominance status varied between semirecessivity with fenitrothion and chlorpyrifos methyl insecticides to semidominance with temephos, carbosulfan, and propoxur. These results indicate that this resistance mechanism could spread rapidly in the field and then compromise the use of organophosphate and carbamate compounds in public health. This study underlines the necessity to monitor the ace-1R mutation in natural populations before planning and implementing malaria control programs based on the use of these insecticides.
The effects of two widespread environmental pollutants, perchlorate and hexavalent chromium, were assessed on the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) and Bacillus sphaericus (Bsph) against fourth instars of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) in 24-h laboratory bioassays. Although 250 mg/liter perchlorate, a level somewhat higher than would be considered ecologically relevant, did not affect the control provided by either larvicide, presence of 1.04 mg/liter hexavalent chromium, an ecologically relevant concentration, increased the efficacy of both Bti and Bsph by 21 and 80%, respectively. In the presence of hexavalent chromium, improved suppression could be expected from Bacillus applications at the current label rates. However, because hexavalent chromium has been shown to affect many taxa, we propose that the potential exists for increased susceptibility of nontarget organisms to Bacillus products in polluted habitats.
During the past two decades, resistance to pyrethroids within the cattle tick genus Boophilus has caused tick control problems in various tropical countries, mainly in Latin America, southern Africa, Australia, and New Caledonia. A Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) strain from Costa Rica, exhibiting resistance to the pyrethroid deltamethrin but only a very low resistance to organophosphates (OP) was kept under selection pressure for 9 to 11 generations by using deltamethrin or coumaphos (OP), either exclusively or in rotation. The objective of this acaricide rotation was to examine the possibility of delaying or reducing the full emergence of pyrethroid resistance. In the substrain selected with deltamethrin at the LD50 concentration, resistance to deltamethrin was measured after five generations (resistance factor [RF] = 9.2) and very high resistance after 11 generations (RF = 756), compared with the starting field strain from Costa Rica. In the substrain selected with deltamethrin then coumaphos in rotation, resistance to deltamethrin was variable from one generation to the next (RF = 1–4.2), but no high, stable resistance developed. After 10 generations of rotation, the deltamethrin RF was 1.6. In the substrains selected continuously with coumaphos or coumaphos and deltamethrin in rotation, no consistent change in resistance to coumaphos was observed. Rotation of deltamethrin with coumaphos seems to delay the development of strong resistance to deltamethrin in a population that had initially a low level of deltamethrin resistance.
Culex pipiens complex is the significant vector mosquito of West Nile virus. To take stock of the current situation of insecticide susceptibilities and design an ideal mosquito control strategy, we collected Culex pipiens pallens Coquillet, Culex pipiens form molestus Forskal, and Culex quinquefasciatus Say from fields in Japan and conducted bioassays for five larvicides (fenitrothion, temephos, etofenprox, diflubenzuron, and pyriproxyfen) by using a larval dipping method. Among five insecticides tested, obvious reduced susceptibilities were observed for etofenprox, which is the only pyrethroid compound registered as a larvicide in Japan. Twenty-two of 56 colonies exhibited a >10% survival rate at the etofenprox concentration of 5.7 μg/ml, which is a 10 times higher concentration of the working solution. The LC50 of a colony collected from Fukuoka prefecture for etofenprox exceeded 60 μg/ml (resistance ratio >2,307), and this colony also exhibited cross-resistance to other pyrethroids, permethrin (299-fold) and phenothrin (1,200-fold). The insect growth regulators diflubenzuron and pyriproxyfen were found to be sufficiently effective enough to control Culex larvae present, but decreased sensitivities to these insecticides were slightly detected in some colonies of Cx. p. form molestus collected from urban areas. Several etofenprox-resistant colonies of Cx. p. form molestus exhibited simultaneously decreased susceptibilities to other insecticides, including temephos, diflubenzuron, and pyriproxyfen.
In fall 2003, we began testing an integrated control strategy to rapidly achieve and sustain reduced numbers of Ixodes scapularis Say (Acari: Ixodidae) in a residential area. We combined two host-targeted technologies in conjunction with single, barrier acaricide applications to sequentially attack each postembryonic life stage of the tick. Granular deltamethrin applied to the lawn–forest interface of participant properties resulted in 100% control of host-seeking nymphs. Nymphal and larval tick burdens on targeted small mammal hosts at treated properties were reduced by 92.7 and 95.4%, respectively, after the first year (2004) of combined interventions. Over the same period, populations of host-seeking nymphs, larvae, and adults were reduced by 58.5, 24.8, and 77.8%, respectively. After interventions in 2005, tick burdens on small mammals were maintained at similar levels, whereas control of host-seeking nymphs, larvae, and adults increased to 94.3, 90.6, and 87.3%, respectively. Prospects for widespread use of these technologies to protect the public’s health are discussed.
Flies were collected by sweep net from the vicinity of two small groups of “backyard” poultry (10–20 chickens per group) that had been identified as infected with exotic Newcastle disease virus (family Paramyxoviridae, genus avulavirus, ENDV) in Los Angeles County, CA, during the 2002–2003 END outbreak. Collected flies were subdivided into pools and homogenized in brain-heart infusion broth with antibiotics. The separated supernatant was tested for the presence of ENDV by inoculation into embryonated chicken eggs. Exotic Newcastle disease virus was isolated from pools of Phaenicia cuprina (Wiedemann), Fannia canicularis (L.), and Musca domestica L., and it was identified by hemagglutination inhibition with Newcastle disease virus antiserum. Viral concentration in positive pools was low (<1 egg infectious dose50 per fly). Isolated virus demonstrated identical monoclonal antibody binding profiles as well as 99% sequence homology in the 635-bp fusion gene sequence compared with ENDV recovered from infected commercial egg layer poultry during the 2002 outbreak.
Andrew F. van den Hurk, Petrina H. Johnson, Sonja Hall-Mendelin, Judy A. Northill, Russell J. Simmons, Cassie C. Jansen, Stephen P. Frances, Greg A. Smith, Scott A. Ritchie
Biological transmission of arboviruses to a vertebrate host occurs when virions are expelled along with saliva during blood feeding by a hematophagous arthropod. We undertook experiments to determine whether mosquitoes expectorate flaviviruses in their saliva while sugar feeding. Batches of Culex annulirostris Skuse and Culex gelidus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) were orally infected with Japanese encephalitis (family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, JEV), Kunjin (family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, KUNV; a subtype of West Nile virus), and Murray Valley encephalitis (family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, MVEV) viruses. After a 7-d extrinsic incubation, these mosquitoes were offered sucrose meals via cotton pledgets, which were removed daily and processed for viral RNA by using real-time TaqMan reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays. JEV, MVEV, and KUNV RNA was detected in all pledgets removed from batches of Cx. gelidus on days 7–14 postexposure. In contrast, detection rates were variable for Cx. annulirostris, with KUNV detected in 0.3 M sucrose pledgets on all days postexposure, and JEV and MVEV detected on 57 and 50% of days postexposure, respectively. Higher concentrations of sucrose in the pledget did not increase virus detection rates. When individual JEV-infected Cx. gelidus were exposed to the sucrose pledget, 73% of mosquitoes expectorated virus with titers that were detectable by TaqMan RT-PCR. These results clearly show that flaviviruses are expectorated by infected mosquitoes during the process of sugar feeding on artificial pledgets. Potential applications of the method for arboviral bioassays and field surveillance are discussed.
Samantha N. Hammond, Aubree L. Gordon, Emperatriz del C. Lugo, Gilberto Moreno, Guillermina M. Kuan, María M. López, Josefa D. López, Marco A. Delgado, Sonia I. Valle, Perla M. Espinoza, Eva Harris
To characterize the production patterns of the dengue virus vector Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culcidae), pupal surveys were conducted in selected neighborhoods of two major cities in Nicaragua. In León, 833 houses were visited in July and September 2003, corresponding to the beginning and middle of the dengue season; in Managua, 1,365 homes were visited in July 2003. In total, 7,607 containers were characterized, of which 11% were positive for Ae. aegypti larvae and 4% for pupae. In addition to barrels, potted plants and superficial water on tarps and in puddles were identified as highly productive sites. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed frequency of container use, use of a lid, and rainwater filling as key variables affecting pupal positivity. Importantly, this survey demonstrated the risk associated with the presence of lids, the limited temporal efficacy of temephos, and the lack of association of water availability with risky water storage practices. Finally, we introduce the concept of an efficiency value and an accompanying graphical display system that can facilitate development of targeted pupal control strategies. These data underscore the importance of entomological surveillance of pupal productivity to gather information from which to derive streamlined, efficient, and effective vector control measures to reduce the density of Aedes mosquito larvae and pupae and thus the risk for dengue.
Mosquito-borne avian diseases, principally avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum Grassi and Feletti) and avian pox (Avipoxvirus sp.) have been implicated as the key limiting factor associated with recent declines of endemic avifauna in the Hawaiian Island archipelago. We present data on the relative abundance, infection status, and spatial distribution of the primary mosquito vector Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) across a mixed, residential–agricultural community adjacent to Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park on Hawai‘i Island. We modeled the effect of agriculture and forest fragmentation in determining relative abundance of adult Cx. quinquefasciatus in Volcano Village, and we implement our statistical model in a geographic information system to generate a probability of mosquito capture prediction surface for the study area. Our model was based on biweekly captures of adult mosquitoes from 20 locations within Volcano Village from October 2001 to April 2003. We used mixed effects logistic regression to model the probability of capturing a mosquito, and we developed a set of 17 competing models a priori to specifically evaluate the effect of agriculture and fragmentation (i.e., residential landscapes) at two spatial scales. In total, 2,126 mosquitoes were captured in CO2-baited traps with an average probability of 0.27 (SE = 0.10) of capturing one or more mosquitoes per trap night. Twelve percent of mosquitoes captured were infected with P. relictum. Our data indicate that agricultural lands and forest fragmentation significantly increase the probability of mosquito capture. The prediction surface identified areas along the Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park boundary that may have high relative abundance of the vector. Our data document the potential of avian malaria transmission in residential–agricultural landscapes and support the need for vector management that extends beyond reserve boundaries and considers a reserve’s spatial position in a highly heterogeneous landscape.
We developed an efficient molecular method for the identification of the bloodmeal sources in the tick Ixodes ricinus (L.), the European vector of the agents of Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis. A ≈145-bp orthologous fragment of the vertebrate mitochondrial 12S rDNA was used as a molecular marker to discriminate host vertebrate species. The method consists of a single run polymerase chain reaction amplification of the 12S rDNA molecular marker by using nondegenerate primers followed by a reverse line blot hybridization assay by using specific oligonucleotide probes. The palette of probes allowed us to distinguish major groups of host vertebrates (e.g., mammals, small rodents, artiodactyls, birds, lizards) and to identify the bloodmeal sources at the genus or species level. External primers were designed and used to sequence the 12S rDNA molecular marker of a broad range of known or potential host vertebrate species (n = 60), including mammal (n = 28), bird (n = 31), and reptile (n = 1) species. The use of this technique coupled with known methods for identification of tick-borne pathogens (e.g., Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato) allowed us to determine the source of infective bloodmeal and to identify reservoir species. The present method was successfully used to identify the source of bloodmeals in all feeding I. ricinus ticks and in half of questing field-collected I. ricinus ticks. Moreover, the bloodmeal source was identified in 65% of ticks infected with B. burgdorferi sensu lato. Further development of this technique may be envisaged for the detection of other vector-borne pathogens and their reservoir hosts.
Comparative performance and complementarity tests of four arthropod sampling methods (aerial netting, hand collection, pitfall traps, and sticky traps), used by forensic entomologists in death investigations, training workshops, and research trials, were conducted from simultaneously placed human and porcine subjects inside the Forensic Anthropology Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. A secondary aim investigated the widely held claim that pig carcasses are reliable surrogates for human corpses. Over a 35-d period in summer 1989, >72,000 invertebrates from three subjects (one human, two pigs) were sampled of which 93% were members of the forensically important (FI) fauna. Performance tests revealed that hand collections, when performed by an experienced forensic entomologist, consistently yielded the largest fraction of FI arthropods from the total invertebrate catch, followed by aerial netting, sticky traps, and pitfall traps, regardless of subject. Pitfall traps and hand collections were broadly effective at sampling both fly and beetle populations, whereas aerial netting and sticky traps mostly targeted flies. The best two-method combination, based on the highest combined catches of FI taxa, were hand collections and pitfall traps, regardless of subject. Between-subject comparisons revealed negligible preference by FI arthropods for human over pig remains. Insofar as our limited comparisons allow with only three study subjects, these results validated the concept of transferability of “best practices” from one subject to another and confirmed the claim that pig carcasses (of 23–27-kg starting mass) can substitute for human corpses in research and training programs, at least for summer-exposed and unconcealed remains in the first 5 wk postmortem.
Southern cattle ticks, Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) (Acari: Ixodidae), collected in Coahuila, Mexico, were determined to be resistant to permethrin. Discriminating concentration (DC) tests at the LC99 and 2X the LC99 of susceptible ticks produced 0 and 0.5% mortality, respectively, for permethrin. However, measured mortalities for coumaphos and amitraz acaricides were within the expected ranges. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of this strain detected a 99% frequency of homozygous resistant individuals in this strain.
In the northeastern United States, risk of human exposure to tick transmitted disease is primarily a function of the abundance of the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say. We assessed seasonal variability in the abundance of nymphal stage I. scapularis over 13 yr, collected from several forested areas throughout Rhode Island. Specifically, we examined intraseasonal differences by using two temporally distinct tick collections made during the peak nymphal tick season. Intraseasonal factors significantly impacted tick abundance, with the June tick rate (mean = 40.42, SD = 14.79) significantly more abundant than the July tick rate (mean = 27.64, SD = 15.47). The greater variability in July (coefficient of variation: June, 36.61%; July, 55.95%) lead us to conclude June tick rates are relatively stable from year to year, whereas July tick rates contribute more to intraseasonal and yearly variation.
In 2006, we examined Kangaroo Island kangaroos, Macropus fuliginosus fuliginosus, for ticks. We collected three tick species: Ixodes hirsti Hassall, Hemaphysalis bancrofti Nuttall & Warburton, and Bothriocroton concolor (Neumann). Surprisingly, the specimens included eight females and one nymph of B. concolor, which had previously been considered strictly host specific to the echidna (Tachyglossus sp.). This is the first record of B. concolor on the Kangaroo Island kangaroo.
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