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Sticky ovitraps (patent pending) were used to sample female Aedes aegypti (L.) weekly in a focus of dengue activity in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. In February 2003, transmission of dengue virus serotype 2 began in the suburb of Parramatta Park, peaking in mid-March 2003. This suburb features many older, unscreened houses with high populations of Ae. aegypti. Highest densities (2–3.5 females per trap per week) were obtained during peak dengue transmission (January and February) before mosquito control was initiated. Beginning in late March, female Ae. aegypti collected in sticky ovitraps were tested for dengue viral RNA by using a TaqMan reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay. Dengue viral RNA was detected in six pools of Ae. aegypti collected in late March. The highest minimum infection rate was 116/1000 mosquitoes. After the initiation of larval control (containers treated with S-methoprene or lambda-cyhalothrin) and adult control (interior harborage sites sprayed with lambda-cyhalothrin) in early March, trap collections dropped to <0.5 per trap per week, and no virus was detected in trapped mosquitoes. Human cases subsequently dropped from a high of seven cases per day in mid-March to only sporadic cases in late April, with the final reported onset of 7 May. Sticky ovitraps have potential as a monitoring device for gravid Ae. aegypti and can be used to assess control efficacy and dengue virus activity. A sticky ovitrap index (mean number of female Ae. Aegypti per trap per week) could be useful in gauging the risk of dengue transmission.
In central China, Anopheles anthropophagus is considered the primary malaria vector and Anopheles sinensis is a secondary vector. Identification of these two cryptic species would facilitate studies on malaria transmission and the application of control measures. At present, the only reliable morphological markers occur in the egg stage, making this approach impractical for any large scale field studies. In this study, we report on the development of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism procedure involving the ribosomal DNA ITS2 region for discrimination of these species. The PCR-amplified product size of the ITS2 was 574 bp for An. anthropophagus and 594 bp for An. sinensis. Diagnostic restriction fragment length polymorphisms appeared with the restriction enzymes RsaI or HinfI. This diagnostic PCR was tested on mosquitoes collected from different locations throughout China. Specimens identified morphologically as An. anthropophagus in the adult and egg stage from one location in Quangdong Province were found to be An. sinensis, while specimens from Liaoning Province, which were variable in their egg morphology, were found to be An. anthropophagus. The presence of An. anthropophagus in Liaoning Province extends the range of this species north to 42°N. The ITS2 spacer sequence was used in a maximum parsimony phylogenetic reconstruction of six members of the Hyrcanus group, two members of the Lesteri subgroup, and one member of the Nigerrimus subgroup, with the resulting molecular groupings at odds with the current morphological groupings.
Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided for the adult male and female, male genitalia, pupal, and larval stages of Anopheles (Anopheles) pseudopunctipennis Theobald, a major vector of human malaria in Central and South America. Taxonomic and related literature records, diagnostic features, distribution, and bionomics of the species are included. A neotype male for the species from the type locality of Grenada is designated.
Aedes (Stegomyia) cretinus is a rarely documented mosquito with a Mediterranean distribution, whereas Aedes (S.) albopictus has spread worldwide in the past two decades because of its anthropogenic associations. A third closely related species, Aedes (S.) flavopictus, is sympatric with A. albopictus in northeast Asia. The three species are characterized by a striking mid-thoracic white stripe and, consequently, field-collected individuals may be difficult to separate by morphology. Sixteen biochemical markers were described for laboratory strains representing the three species; these provided the first biochemical genetic profile for A. cretinus and A. flavopictus. Diagnostic enzymes for identifying each species pair were determined. A biochemical key was provided to distinguish among adults of the three species. Several enzyme loci that were diagnostic for the adult stage proved unreliable for identifying immature stages. Voucher specimens for link-reared series of larva, pupa, adult male, and adult female stages of the A. cretinus Crete strain (n = 88) and the A. albopictus Nepal strain (n = 105) were deposited at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, New Haven, CT.
Phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) were captured in an area of Argentina endemic for American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). A total of 44,944 flies were collected during a 130-wk interepidemic period from 1990 through 1993. These sand flies included Lutzomyia neivai (Pinto) (97.8%), Lutzomyia migonei (França) (1.2%), Lutzomyia cortelezzii (Brèthes) (0.8%), Lutzomyia shannoni (Dyar) (0.1%), and Lutzomyia punctigeniculata (Floch and Abonnenc) (0.1%). Lutzomyia neivai was more abundant in secondary forests and peridomestic environments associated with human cases than in primary forest or xeric thorn scrub areas. Time series analyses of species densities suggested a bimodal or trimodal annual pattern related to rainfall peaks, a 5-wk reproductive cycle, and peridomestic local populations that were located adjacent to secondary forests. In general, sand fly abundance was correlated with the rainfall of the previous year. Lutzomyia neivai spatial distributions were consistent with ACL incidence patterns during the study and in the recent outbreaks in Argentina. However, Lu. migonei also may be involved in peridomestic transmission. Our results suggest that there is a need for improved, long-term surveillance of sand flies and ACL cases, as well as development of effective intervention strategies.
Electrophoretically detectable isozyme differences in 15 populations of Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Say) (sensu stricto) from eastern Arkansas were compared to measure levels of genetic diversity and study the sources of the variation. All of the enzyme loci had 2–7 alleles. Average levels of polymorphism per population were 88.9%. Heterozygotes for alleles of at least 1 of the 9 loci made up an average overall loci of 0.323 ± 0.078 of the individuals examined. F-statistic analysis suggested a small, but statistically significant interpopulation differentiation of heterozygote frequency. The reduced heterozygote frequency was not attributable to the presence of more than one species in any population nor to the preferential use of oviposition habitats by certain populations within the species. Nei’s distance values for pairwise population comparisons were small (<0.06). Correlation between genetic and geographic distance matrices was not significant. Migration among populations in the agricultural areas of the Arkansas delta region is apparently sufficient to homogenize most of the genetic divergence arising because of habitat or geographic isolation between populations in the region.
Forensic entomology is a discipline that mainly uses insects collected in and around corpses to estimate the post-mortem interval in medicocriminal investigations. Among all scavenger and necrophagous insect groups that are related to corpses, blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are probably most important, not only because they occur in abundant numbers but also because they are one of the earliest groups to find corpses. However, most entomological evidence is strongly dependent on accurate species identification. Because identification allows the proper developmental data and distribution ranges to be applied in criminal investigations, species in Taiwan were surveyed from early 2000 and were identified using molecular data. Currently, eight species have been identified: Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), Chrysomya pinguis (Walker), Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart), Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann), Lucilia bazini Séguy, Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann), Lucilia hainanensis Fan, and Lucilia prophyrina (Walker). We focused on classifying these blow fly species to establish a knowledge basis for further forensic entomological research in Taiwan. Because molecular data are helpful in identifying insect specimens, especially when no specimen of suitable condition for morphological identification is obtained, we extracted mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) DNA of the preceding blow fly species to study its application value for their differentiation. The cloning and sequencing of the COI gene (≈1,588 base pairs) of these eight species were completed, and the data were analyzed. Preliminary results revealed the high support of congeneric groupings of species by using COI data; these sequences were also shown to be highly conserved within the same species. To actually use the database of COI sequences under various specimen conditions, specific primers were also applied for different insect stages, different segments of adults, and specimens preserved for various times. A molecular primer key was ultimately constructed for the purpose of rapid and accurate species identification at the molecular level regardless of which stage or which part of a blow fly specimen is collected.
Investigations on the inheritance and mechanism of resistance to Bacillus sphaericus Neide in Culex quinquefasciatus Say colonies, selected with strains C3-41 (RLCq1/C3-41) and 2362 (CqRL1/2362), were performed in China and Brazil, respectively. The progeny of reciprocal F1 crosses (susceptible female × resistant male and vice versa) from both resistant colonies responded alike in bioassays, indicating recessive inheritance. Data on larvae susceptibility from the backcross offspring between F1 and their respective susceptible and resistant parental colonies are consistent with a monofactorial and autosomal mode of inheritance. In vitro binding assays between 125I binary (Bin2) toxin and the brush border membrane fractions (BBMF) from CqRL1/2362 and RLCq1/C3-41 larvae showed that resistance, in both colonies, is caused by a failure in the binding step of the B. sphaericus Bin2 toxin to its specific midgut receptor. The specific and saturable binding of Bin2 toxin to BBMF from F1 larvae (CqRL1/2362 X susceptible counterpart) confirms the recessive inheritance of the resistance gene. Further studies are needed to advance understanding of B. sphaericus resistance.
Penned female and male white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman), were administered ivermectin both by direct subcutaneous injection and by ingestion of ivermectin-medicated whole kernel corn. Depletion rates of ivermectin were determined by biweekly and weekly assays of blood serum. No statistical differences were observed between mean peak ivermectin serum concentrations in deer (data of sexes combined) from injection and ingestion studies, and ivermectin concentrations decreased to below detectable within 21 d after injection and 14 d after ingestion.
We performed a series of experiments to determine if human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a healthy donor and dendritic cells (NHDCs) derived from these PBMCs reacted to molecules in a scabies extract. PBMCs extravasate from the circulatory system and enter tissues such as scabietic lesions, where monocytes become macrophages. Cells were cultured in medium alone or medium containing 50 μg/ml of Sarcoptes scabiei (SS) extract, 50 ng/ml E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or SS LPS together. Supernatants were collected and assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for specific cytokines. PBMCs stimulated with SS or LPS exhibited moderately upregulated production of interleukin (IL)-1β and huge increases in secretions of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. Cells co-stimulated with both SS and LPS generally secreted more of these cytokines than cells stimulated with either SS or LPS alone. LPS induced a small amount of IL-1α secretion, whereas SS did not, and neither additive resulted in the production of IL-10. NHDCs did not produce IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, or IL-10 in response to stimulation with SS. These cells did produce IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in response to LPS. When cells were co-stimulated with both LPS and SS, the production of IL-6 and IL-8 was significantly reduced compared with the levels secreted after LPS stimulation alone. These studies show that molecules in a whole body extract of S. scabiei modulate the function of PBMCs (probably monocytes) and dendritic cells.
Serum from seven patients with ordinary scabies and six with crusted scabies were screened by immunoblotting for IgE- and IgG-specific proteins in an extract of the mite, Sarcoptes scabiei variety canis. Sera from atopic individuals without sensitivity to house dust mites were used as controls. Serum from all of the patients with crusted scabies showed strong IgE binding to 11–21 and IgG binding to 1–7 scabies proteins. In contrast, three of the seven patients with ordinary scabies showed IgE binding to one to six scabies proteins, and their antibody binding was much weaker. Patients with crusted scabies had serum antibody that reacted with larger molecular weight proteins compared with patients with ordinary scabies. The results of this study indicate that patients with crusted scabies showed a pronounced IgE response to scabies mites, whereas patients with ordinary scabies did not.
The role of hematophagous arthropods in vesicular stomatitis virus (New Jersey serotype; VSV-NJ) transmission during epizootics has remained unclear for decades in part because it has never been shown that clinical or subclinical disease in a livestock host results from the bite of an infected insect. In this study, we investigated the ability of VSV-NJ–infected black flies (Simulium vittatum Zetterstedt) to transmit the virus to domestic swine, Sus scrofa L. Experimental evidence presented here clearly demonstrates that VSV-NJ was transmitted from black flies to the swine. Transmission was confirmed by seroconversion or by the presence of clinical vesicular stomatitis followed by seroconversion. Our results represent the first report of clinical vesicular stomatitis in a livestock host after virus transmission by an insect.
Edoh Soumbey-Alley, María-Gloria Basáñez, Yeriba Bissan, Boakye A. Boatin, Jan H. F. Remme, Nico J. D. Nagelkerke, Sake J. de Vlas, Gerard J. J M. Borsboom, J. Dik F. Habbema
The relation between the number of microfilariae (mf) ingested by host-seeking vectors of human onchocerciasis and skin mf load is an important component of the population biology of Onchocerca volvulus, with implications for disease control and evaluation of the risk of transmission recrudescence. The microsimulation model ONCHOSIM has been used to assess such risk in the area of the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP) in West Africa, based on a strongly nonlinear relation between vector mf uptake and human mf skin density previously published. However, observed levels of recrudescence have exceeded predictions, warranting a recalibration of the model. To this end, we present the results of a series of fly-feeding experiments carried out in savanna and forest localities of West Africa. Flies belonging to Simulium damnosum s.s., S. sirbanum, S. soubrense, and S. leonense were fed on mf carriers and dissected to assess the number of ingested mf escaping imprisonment by the peritrophic matrix (the number of exo-peritrophic mf), a predictor of infective larval output. The method of instrumental variables was used to obtain (nearly) unbiased estimates of the parameters of interest, taking into account error in the measurement of skin mf density. This error is often neglected in these types of studies, making it difficult to ascertain the degree of density-dependence truly present in the relation between mf uptake and skin load. We conclude that this relation is weakly (yet significantly) nonlinear in savanna settings but indistinguishable from linearity in forest vectors. Exo-peritrophic mf uptake does not account for most of the density dependence in the transmission dynamics of the parasite as previously thought. The number of exo-mf in forest simuliids is at least five times higher than in the savanna vectors. Parasite abundance in human onchocerciasis is regulated by poorly known mechanisms operating mainly on other stages of the lifecycle.
Within mosquitoes, arboviruses encounter barriers to infection and dissemination that are critical determinants of vector competence. The molecular mechanisms responsible for these barriers have yet to be elucidated. The prototype Sindbis (SIN) strain, AR339, and viruses derived from this strain, such as TR339 virus, have limited infection and transmission potential in the medically important arthropod vector, Aedes aegypti (L.). However, the Malaysian SIN virus strain, MRE16, disseminates in nearly 100% of Ae. aegypti 14 d after oral infection. Here, we compare the spatial and temporal infection patterns of MRE16 and TR339 viruses in Ae. aegypti. The results indicate that a midgut escape barrier is primarily responsible for the significantly lower dissemination and transmission potentials observed after oral infection with TR339 virus. MRE16 and TR339 viruses now represent a well-characterized model system for the further study of virus determinants of vector infection, particularly determinants affecting the midgut escape barrier in Ae. aegypti.
Between 1983 and 1999, 27 human cases of scrub typhus (two fatal) occurred in the Nodagawa River basin of northern Kyoto, Japan, an area where no cases had been previously reported. Antibody screening of infected patients’ sera showed that nine of 15 patients had high titers against the Gilliam type of Orientia tsutsugamushi (Hayashi). To determine the vector mite transmitting the disease, we studied rodent and chigger populations in and near a rice field alongside the Nodagawa River between 1996 and 1999. The most common rodent species was Microtus montebelli (Milne-Edwards), representing 73.3% (33/45) of the population. The mite index (average number of mites per infested host) was highest (190.8) in Leptotrombidium pallidum Nagayo, Mitamura & Tamiya parasitizing on M. montebelli, followed by Leptotrombidium intermedium (Nagayo, Mitamura & Tamiya) (174.9) on the same host species. Orientia tsutsugamushi was isolated from 60.5% (23/38) of rodents and from 71.2% (37/52) of pools of engorged L. pallidum. The Gilliam type of O. tsutsugamushi was most prevalent in rodents, and in engorged L. pallidum and it was the only type recovered from 10 isolates inoculated into L 929 cells for indirect immunofluorescence examination. Orientia tsutsugamushi infected 14.3% (181/1263) and 14.8% (306/2066) of engorged and unfed L. pallidum larvae, respectively, and was also detected in 0.055% (2/3634) of unfed L. intermedium, although previous studies suggest that this mite rarely bites humans. These results show that L. pallidum is the primary vector species of scrub typhus in this new endemic area in Japan.
Shoalwater Bay military training area (SWBTA), 2,713 km2 of land located 50–80 km north of Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, is used by Australian and allied forces for training purposes. Between March 1998 and February 2000, monthly collections of mosquitoes at 15 sites were conducted using carbon dioxide-baited traps to study the seasonal occurrence of mosquitoes and Ross River virus (RRV) and Barmah Forest virus (BFV) in mosquitoes. A total of 72,616 mosquitoes, comprising 3,897 pools were collected, and 2,428 pools were tested using a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. A total of 15 pools of mosquitoes were positive for virus, 10 RRV and five BFV. Blood meals from an additional 763 mosquitoes were tested by a gel diffusion assay, and the majority (96%) of those identified were from kangaroo, which was the most common mammal in the study area. The results indicate that Culex annulirostris Skuse and Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) are the main vectors of RRV at SWBTA.
The distribution of screwworms, Cochliomyia hominivorax, (Coquerel) was studied in a seasonally moist lowland tropical forest in the Republic of Panama using a combination of field collections and satellite imagery. We found that different forest types could be distinguished and mapped using remotely sensed data. To determine the temporal and spatial distribution of flies, we collected flies coming to rotted liver at 82 sites in ten vegetation types (open areas, edge forest, dry scrub forest, forest successional stage 1, forest successional stage 2, forest successional stage 3, forest successional stage 4, forest successional stage 5, mature forests, palm swamp forest, and forest along streams) over three seasons (dry, transitional, wet). Nine of the vegetation types (excluding dry scrub forest) were identified and mapped using SPOT XS and Landsat 5 TM satellite data. Screwworm flies were most abundant during the transition from wet to dry season. Fly numbers were consistently higher in forest habitats, particularly those with trees 20–30 m in height and a fairly open canopy composed of many deciduous species that shed their leaves during the dry season. Screwworm numbers were also high in palm swamp forest, edge forest, and mature growth forest. Traps sampled in open areas had fewer flies and were unrelated to proximity to cattle. Females accounted for 88% of the total fly counts. This study further substantiates the importance of forests in the ecology and behavior of screwworm flies and demonstrates that remotely sensed data can be used to construct the spatial distribution of these flies in a tropical landscape. We discuss implications of this information to the screwworm eradication program.
The residual life of bendiocarb was evaluated under field conditions in southern Mozambique. Bioassays conducted at monthly intervals using susceptible Anopheles arabiensis demonstrated that bendiocarb had an effective residual life of 6 mo. The different types of surfaces sprayed did not affect the residual life of bendiocarb. Therefore, to achieve effective control in a malaria-endemic area such as southern Mozambique, two spray rounds per annum are necessary.
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