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Pediculosis capitis is a prevalent and highly communicable condition infesting millions of elementary school students annually. Topical insecticides are the present standard treatment for this condition. Because resistance of head lice to insecticides is a growing concern, assessment of efficacy of pediculicidal and ovicidal activity of the various agents is needed for public health interests. Given the number of anecdotal and market-driven reported studies, assessment of topical lice therapies requires standardized testing. Evaluations based on adaptations of World Health Organization guidelines are not ideal, whereas a protocol reflecting clinical exposure to insecticides is preferable.
We evaluated the potential for several North American mosquito species to transmit the newly introduced West Nile (WN) virus. Mosquitoes collected in the New York City metropolitan area during the recent WN virus outbreak, at the Assateague Island Wildlife Refuge, VA, or from established colonies were allowed to feed on chickens infected with WN virus isolated from a crow that died during the 1999 outbreak. These mosquitoes were tested ≈2 wk later to determine infection, dissemination, and transmission rates. Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Aedes atropalpus (Coquillett), and Aedes japonicus (Theobald) were highly susceptible to infection, and nearly all individuals with a disseminated infection transmitted virus by bite. Culex pipiens L. and Aedes sollicitans (Walker) were moderately susceptible. In contrast, Aedes vexans (Meigen), Aedes aegypti (L.), and Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) were relatively refractory to infection, but individual mosquitoes inoculated with WN virus did transmit virus by bite. Infected female Cx. pipiens transmitted WN virus to one of 1,618 F1 progeny, indicating the potential for vertical transmission of this virus. In addition to laboratory vector competence, host-feeding preferences, relative abundance, and season of activity also determine the role that these species could play in transmitting WN virus.
Dina M. Fonseca, Scott Campbell, Wayne J. Crans, Motoyoshi Mogi, Ichiro Miyagi, Takako Toma, Mark Bullians, Theodore G. Andreadis, Richard L. Berry, Benedict Pagac, Michael R. Sardelis, Richard C. Wilkerson
Introduction of potential disease vectors into a new geographic area poses health risks to local human, livestock, and wildlife populations. It is therefore important to gain understanding of the dynamics of these invasions, in particular its sources, modes of spread after the introduction, and vectorial potential. We studied the population genetics of Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus japonicus (Theobald), an Asian mosquito that was recognized for the first time in the United States in 1998. We examined patterns of genetic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNA and sequences of ND4 of mtDNA by comparing samples from populations spanning the range of this mosquito in Japan (six samples) and the United States (nine samples) as well as specimens intercepted in New Zealand in 1999. We found geographically differentiated populations in Japan, indicating limited gene flow even on small spatial scales. In the United States, we found evidence of significant genetic differentiation between samples from New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey and those from mid-Pennsylvania and Maryland. We were unable to pinpoint the source location(s) in Japan, although some of the U.S. samples are genetically close to samples from south Honshu and western Kyushu. Further studies should include samples from Korean populations. Distinct genetic signatures in U.S. populations undergoing expansion suggest the possibility of local increases in genetic diversity if and where they meet.
We successfully applied the phenolphthalin (Kastle–Meyer) test used in forensic chemistry to distinguish between feces from triatomines and other domestic arthropods in sensing devices used for vector surveillance. All black or dark brown, but not white or yellow, fecal smears from laboratory-reared or field-collected Triatoma infestans Klug, Triatoma guasayana Wydgozinsky & Abalos, Triatoma sordida Ståhl (recently revalidated as Triatoma garciabesi Carcavallo, Cichero, Martínez, Prosen & Ronderos) tested positive, whereas dejecta from cockroaches and spiders, crickets, beetles, predatory bugs, and domestic flies tested negative. Black or dark brown dejecta from female Aedes aegypti L. and Cimex lectularius L. bedbugs also tested positive. In sensing devices installed in bedrooms of 11 houses in Amamá, rural northwestern Argentina, where neither cimicid bedbugs nor argasid ticks had been found over the years, only 62% of the black or dark brown fecal smears attributed to triatomines by a skilled observer tested phenolphthalin-positive. After insecticidal spraying, when bedroom areas were not colonized by triatomines, only 33–40% of the black or dark brown fecal smears in sensor boxes attributed to triatomines by another skilled observer tested phenolphthalin-positive. Eleven (79%) of the 14 houses with dubious or nontypical triatomine feces tested phenolphthalin-positive at least once during 1993–1995. Our study introduces a low-cost, simple and effective procedure for the identification of triatomine feces. The test, as a helpful adjunct to sensing devices used in triatomine surveillance, will aid in the accurate detection of infestations and the determination of the need for insecticide application.
Periglischrus leptosternus new species was found on the bat Choeronycteris mexicana in the central part of Mexico. The female, male, and protonymph are described and illustrated.
Green fluorescent protein-producing Escherichia coli were used to investigate the fate of bacteria in the alimentary tract of sterile grown maggots, Lucilia sericata (Meigen), using a laser scanning confocal microscope. A computer program was used to analyze the intensity of the fluorescence and to quantify the number of bacteria. The crop and the anterior midgut were the most heavily infected areas of the intestine. A significant decrease in the amount of bacteria was observed in the posterior midgut. The number of bacteria decreased even more significantly in the anterior hindgut and practically no bacteria were seen in the posterior end, near the anus. The viability of bacteria in the different gut sections was examined. It was shown that 66.7% of the crops, 52.8% of the midguts, 55.6% of the anterior hindguts, and 17.8% of posterior hindguts harbored living bacteria. In conclusion, during their passage through the digestive tract the majority of E. coli was destroyed in the midgut. Most of the remaining bacteria were killed in the hindgut, indicating that the feces were either sterile or contained only small numbers of bacteria.
To study interactions between Ixodes scapularis (Say) and Borrelia burgdorferi, an artificial feeding system was refined to allow controlled manipulation of single variables. The feeding system uses a mouse skin mounted on a water-jacketed glass membrane feeder. I. scapularis were infected using either BSK-H-cultured B. burgdorferi spirochetes or a B. burgdorferi-infected mouse skin as the source of spirochetes. Sixty-six percent of nymphs successfully fed to repletion using the artificial feeding systems with at least 75% of nymphs becoming infected with B. burgdorferi. Strain B31 B. burgdorferi spirochetes from passages 2–17 were equally infectious to nymphal ticks. At concentrations of one spirochete per microliter, 12% of nymphs acquired infection and 14 and 100 spirochetes per microliter resulted in 50 and 100% infection rates, respectively. Eighty-nine percent of nymphs fed by artificial feeding molted to the adult stage. When subsequently fed as adults, these I. scapularis successfully transmitted infectious B. burgdorferi spirochetes to mice.
Chagas disease constitutes a major human health problem in most Latin American countries. This endemic disease is transmitted by several species of triatomine bugs, the most important being Triatoma infestans (Klug). In this article, we report on the selection of strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. virulent to T. infestans for possible use as bioinsecticides. Four strains of B. bassiana isolated from Argentina (Bb 1, 10, 25, and 65) were evaluated. To calculate mortality and mean lethal time, nymphs and adults of T. infestans were treated with conidia produced on complete agar medium and wheat brain and rice husk medium (WH). The LD50 for nymphs and adults of T. infestans was calculated. The effect of different temperatures (18, 22, 26, 30, and 34°C) and relative humidities (35 and 90% RH) on mortality of nymphs were studied. We evaluated the compatibility of strains with Deltamethrin and Beta-Cypermethrin. Although the strain Bb 25 failed to grow on WH, the other three strains showed similar mortality values independent of the culture medium used to grow the microorganisms. The lowest LD50 values for nymphs were obtained with the strains Bb 10 and 65 and for adults were Bb 1, 10, and 65. The highest mean mortality was obtained with strain Bb 10, and among temperatures the highest mean mortality was observed at 26°C. Relative humidity did not affect the mortality of T. infestans nymphs with all strains and temperatures assayed. Deltamethrin did not affect any of the three strains for the four studied doses, and Beta-Cypermethrin could be used in combination with the fungus only at low doses. The strain Bb 10 was selected for future assays under natural climatic conditions.
Twenty species of bacteria were isolated from cattle manure and seven species were isolated from the gut of larval horn fly Hematobia irritans (L.). Bacteria in manure belonged to the Bacillaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, Micrococcaceae, Corynebacteriaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Microbacteriaceae, and two unassigned genera. Gut bacteria belonged to the Enterobacteriaceae, Bacillaceae, Neisseriaceae, and Pseudomonadaceae. H. irritans larval survival and growth on the various bacterial species were evaluated by rearing larvae in sterilized cattle manure that was inoculated with single bacterial isolates. H. irritans larvae failed to develop in sterilized, uninoculated manure, indicating that bacteria are necessary for larval development. Survival averaged 74% in nonsterilized manure and ranged from 4 to 53% in manure with individual isolates. Survival was highest when larvae were reared on manure inoculated with Pseudomonadaceae, Corynebacteriaceae, Micrococcaceae, and Bacillaceae and was lowest when reared in manure inoculated with Enterobacteriaceae and Microbacteriaceae. Pupal weights were heaviest when reared on the Flavobacteria, followed by the Pseudomonadaceae and Corynebacteriaceae. Pupae averaged 4.9 ± 0.08 mg when reared on gram-negative isolates, compared with 3.6 ± 0.09 mg when reared on gram-positive isolates. Pupal weights were not significantly correlated with larval survival, indicating that bacteria that promote growth do not necessarily promote survival. A reproductive index was used as a measure of fitness and was highest for larvae reared in the nonsterile control, followed most closely by Pseudomonadaceae and Corynebacteriaceae. These groups appeared to best meet the nutritional requirements of larvae and may be used in further experiments to define an artificial rearing media for H. irritans.
The influence of predacious Mesocyclops longisetus Thiebaud on the selection of oviposition sites by prey Aedes aegypti (L.) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. In both cases, gravid Ae. aegypti females were significantly more attracted to ovitraps containing copepods or to ovitraps with water in which copepods were held previously than to distilled water. Monoterpene and sesquiterpene compounds including 3-carene, α-terpinene, α-copaene, α-longipinene, α-cedrene, and δ-cadinene were found in hexane extracts of copepods by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses. These compounds may be responsible for attracting gravid Ae. aegypti females and may increase the number of potential prey for the copepod.
A topical (micro-droplet) bioassay is described for the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché). Key parameters are the short carbon dioxide anesthetization and the use of 0.1 ml of acetone per flea. The method was used to compare the effectiveness of 13 insecticides. LD95 values in nanograms per flea were nitenpyram 0.68, fipronil 0.69, deltamethrin 0.70, imidacloprid 0.81, cypermethrin 5.4, fenthion 8.0, diazinon 12, permethrin 19, malathion 29, bendiocarb 170, DDT 710, propoxur 1,300, carbaryl >10,000. Experiments repeated 2–5 yr later, with five of the chemicals, in a different facility, showed only small shifts in potency (0.38- to twofold of the original LD50 values).
Vectorial capacity of Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones for the transmission of bluetongue (BLU) virus was examined at a southern California dairy from January 1995 to December 1997. Insects were collected one to two times per week in five CDC-type suction traps (without light) baited with CO2 at a constant release rate of 1,000 ml/min. BLU virus was detected in midges collected from May through December with an estimated overall infection rate of 0.08%. The BLU virus infection rate of field-captured midges was not correlated with sentinel calf seroconversions to BLU virus. Sentinel calf seroconversions were highly seasonal, occurring from August through November with most calves seroconverting during September and October. Vector competence of field-collected nulliparous flies fed a locally acquired serotype of BLU virus in the laboratory was stable among years (17–23%). Vectorial capacity was strongly correlated with BLU virus transmission (measured by sentinel calf seroconversions) during 1995 and 1996, but not during 1997. Host biting rate estimated for traps nearest to the sentinel calves was the index best correlated with BLU virus transmission for all study years and was most highly correlated with sentinel seroconversions 4 wk later. The utility of vectorial capacity and its component variables is discussed for this system.
We report on fleas collected from small mammals in two forests, a lowland semideciduous dipterocarp forest and a highland evergreen forest, in southern Viet Nam. In the lowland forest, only one species of flea (Xenopsylla vexabilis Jordan) infested a single species of rodent [Berylmys berdmorei (Blyth)]. In the highland forest, seven species of fleas were collected from eight species of small mammals. Three species of fleas, Lentistivalius insolli (Traub), Lentistivalius occidentayunnanus Li, Xie & Gong, and Gryphopsylla jacobsoni (Jordan & Rothschild), collected from mammals in the highland forest represent new records for Viet Nam.
Interaction characteristics between Triatoma infestans Klug, 1834 and Triatoma sordida Stål, 1859 populations were studied in artificial ecotopes for 16 mo. The experimental design involved simultaneous treatments with T. infestans and T. sordida together in the same experimental unit (EU) and each separately in two control units (CU) made of adobe bricks. Chickens were used as host animals. Each unit was dismantled monthly to estimate triatomine population size and age structure, rebuilt, and repopulated with the same insects. In both units, T. infestans population growth followed a logistic model, whereas T. sordida did not show this pattern. T. infestans completed a generation in 24 wk (EU) and 32 wk (CU1), whereas T. sordida did not complete one generation during this period. We concluded that T. infestans showed a better colonizing success than T. sordida. After living together for 1 yr, an interference process took place that resulted in the extinction of T. sordida.
Mitochondrial gene diversity was used in house fly, Musca domestica L., populations to examine gene flow within and among 16 sealed barns in a large egg-laying facility in Renville, MN. Haplotypes in poultry barns were compared with those in outdoor house fly populations nearby and in St. Paul, MN. Haplotype diversities were greater in the closed than in the open populations. There was significant gene flow among poultry barns, and export of flies from barns was observed. Nevertheless, of three haplotypes detected in the closed populations, one was undetected in the open populations. A significant change in haplotype frequencies within poultry barns between years is attributed to genetic drift. The geographical origin of one haplotype is obscure.
Most insect transmitted pathogens interact with the midgut of their vectors for infection and, in some cases, development. Therefore, molecules associated with the midgut epithelium in direct contact with pathogens may be potential targets of infection-blocking measures. Here, we identify midgut-specific protein antigens from Aedes aegypti (L.) using monoclonal antibodies. Sixty-four monoclonal antibodies were generated with reactivity to the mosquito midgut, five of which are reported in this article. Three monoclonal antibodies identified protein antigens localized at the midgut epithelial surface (the brush border) and the peritrophic membrane. In addition, two monoclonal antibodies recognized mosquito nucleus-specific proteins by immunofluorescence microscopy. Because potential target antigens for blocking transmission of pathogens most likely are located at the interface of mosquito-pathogen interactions, these monoclonal antibodies could provide valuable tools for studying midgut-specific proteins and interactions of the mosquito midgut with pathogens.
From September 1997 through July 1999, 300 individuals and 46 species of birds were mist-netted and screened for ticks and spirochetes on St. Catherine’s Island, Liberty County, GA. Seventy-six (25%) of the birds were parasitized by a mean intensity of 4.6 ticks. Seasonally, more birds were infested with ticks during the summer (50% in 1998, 34% in 1999) than in spring (15% in 1998, 11% in 1999) or fall (21% in 1997, 20% in 1998), mainly because of severe infestations on some birds by immature stages of the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (L.), during this season. Eight species of ticks were recovered from 14 species of birds during this study: A. americanum (74 nymphs, 168 larvae); the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say (11 nymphs, 28 larvae), the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum Koch (two nymphs, 29 larvae); Ixodes minor Neumann (16 larvae); the rabbit tick, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (Packard) (one nymph, 14 larvae); the bird tick Ixodes brunneus Koch (two larvae); the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (one nymph); and Ixodes affinis Neumann (one larva). The Carolina wren was parasitized by more species of ticks (seven) than any other bird species, followed by the northern cardinal (five), white-throated sparrow (four) and painted bunting (three). Spirochetes were isolated in BSK II medium from one tick (a nymphal A. americanum) and from skin biopsies of 12 (4%) of the individual birds (three downy woodpeckers, three northern waterthrushes, two Carolina wrens, one American redstart, one pine warbler, one Swainson’s thrush, and one white-eyed vireo) all in fall 1997. This concentrated phenology of spirochete isolations might reflect periodic amplification or recrudescence of spirochetes in reservoir avian hosts.
Old and New World phlebotomine sand fly species were screened for infection with Wolbachia, intracellular bacterial endosymbionts found in many arthropods and filarial nematodes. Of 53 samples representing 15 species, nine samples of four species were found positive for Wolbachia by polymerase chain reaction amplification using primers for the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene. Five of the wsp gene fragments from four species were cloned, sequenced, and used for phylogenetic analysis. These wsp sequences were placed in three different clades within the arthropod associated Wolbachia (groups A and B), suggesting that Wolbachia has infected sand flies on more than one occasion. Two distantly related sand fly species, Lutzomyia (Psanthyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) and Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho), infected with an identical Wolbachia strain suggest a very recent horizontal transmission.
Anopheles gambiae s.l. and Anopheles funestus Giles are the primary vectors of malaria in East Africa. Identification of host-location olfactory cues may increase trap sensitivity for vector control and surveillance programs. Solid-state army miniature light traps were operated near sleeping humans in huts at night without lights and augmented with the potential attractants: L-lactic acid, Limburger cheese volatiles, hexanoic acid, and carbon dioxide. Mosquito response varied between species and gender. Female An. funestus exhibited a greater response to traps baited with L-lactic acid in combination with carbon dioxide than carbon dioxide alone in two different experiments.
The German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), and the closely related species B. bisignata (Brunner) belong to the germanica species group. They are similar in appearance, life history, reproductive cycle, and courtship behavior. The most significant difference is habitat preferences: B. germanica is a household species and lives in crowded conditions, whereas the feral B. bisignata lives outdoors in a solitary manner. Nevertheless, B. bisignata has recently been found in households. A comparison between the two species has shown that B. germanica displays gregarious behavior and produces an aggregation pheromone, whereas both characters are absent in B. bisignata. Mate preference experiments have revealed that B. germanica females accepted only conspecific males, whereas B. bisignata females mated with males from both species, provided that long distance calling was bypassed. In addition, the high reproductive potential of B. germanica outcompeted the other species: when 10 pairs of B. germanica and of B. bisignata were kept together in crowded conditions during 3 mo, B. bisignata was driven into extinction. It is concluded that the chances of B. bisignata becoming a new household species are remote.
Host-seeking females of Aedes albifasciatus (Macquart) were collected from April to September 1997, kept under seminatural conditions, and offered sugar solution and blood. Daily survival of females ranged from 0.91 to 0.96, with blood fed females living longer than sugar fed females. Overall, 43% of engorged females completed a gonotrophic cycle, and 15% of them refed and completed a second gonotrophic cycle. The life expectancy of females emerging at the end of summer was longer than those that emerged during winter. Immature developmental time and the developmental threshold were estimated by regression. Embryo development was recorded during autumn, winter, and spring, with a duration of 5–9 d. The developmental threshold for eggs was estimated to be 2.28°C. Egg mortality varied from 0.51 to 0.74. The development time for larva and pupa was between 16 and 29 d and was significantly correlated with temperature. The developmental threshold for larvae and pupae was estimated to be 4.75°C. A greater proportion of females than males emerged when temperatures averaged ≤18°C. Larval and pupal mortality was high at temperatures below the developmental threshold. Aedes albifasciatus females remained gonotrophically active and immature development continued during winter in Córdoba (10°C isotherm).
Genetic variability of eight Colombian field populations and two laboratory colonies of a tropical forest sand fly, Lutzomyia shannoni Dyar, was assessed by comparing allozyme frequencies at 20 enzyme loci. Substantial genetic variability was noted in all strains, with mean heterozygosities of 13–21% and alleles per locus of 2.0–2.8. Four loci were monomorphic. Six populations in north and central Colombia showed close genetic similarity (Nei’s distances, 0.01–0.09), despite mountainous environment, discontinuous forest habitat, and elevation differences from 125 to 1,220 m. Two samples representing the Orinoco (near Villavicencio) and Amazon (near Leticia) river basins were similar (Nei’s distance, 0.08) but diverged substantially from the central six samples (Nei’s distances, 0.26–0.40). Although the range of L. shannoni extends from the southeastern United States to northern Argentina, three genetically distinct, geographically discrete, groups were discerned by the current analysis: Orinoco-Amazon river basins, north-central Colombia, and eastern United States.
Sand flies were collected at a focus of leishmaniasis in Medina County, TX, from April through October 1997 and at a focus in Bexar County, TX, from April 1998 through December 1999. Lutzomyia diabolica (Hall) were collected from April through November with peak abundance in July. The male:female ratio of Lu. diabolica was 1:6.2. Almost all female Lu. diabolica in the collections were unfed. One gravid Lu. diabolica contained 49 ova. Female Lu. anthophora (Addis) were active from February through December with three peaks in abundance suggestive of successive generations. Unfed and gravid Lu. anthophora were collected in about equal numbers. Gravid females contained from 1to 64 ova per female. The male:female ratio was 1:1.8, with male Lu. anthophora collected in all months. One female Lu. anthophora was found infected with Leishmania in July 1999. Lutzomyia texana (Dampf) were collected from April through October with peak abundance in April during 1997. The male:female ratio was 1:1.4, with most females unfed. Two gravid Lu. texana contained 32 and 102 ova. An undescribed species of Lutzomyia was found only at the Medina County site from May through September 1997. Trapping sites four times per month versus two times per month in 1999 did not appear to adversely affect the abundance of Lu. diabolica or Lu. anthophora. There were marked differences in the species composition and relative abundance at the different sites, indicating that the spatial distribution of sand flies is patchy in nature.
Carcinops pumilio (Erichson) were collected from high-rise, caged-layer poultry facilities using two trapping methods, a blacklight pitfall trap and a mesh-bottomed trap placed on poultry manure. Starvation for 14 d significantly reduced larval production during the first 3-d oviposition period regardless of trapping method. Beetles collected with blacklight traps and subsequently starved for 14 d had higher larval production in the third through fifth oviposition periods than those fed daily, indicating that lack of nutrition was a limiting factor in C. pumilio larval production. No differences were observed in larval production, after the first oviposition period, between the 14-d starved and daily fed groups collected with the mesh-bottom trap. In all blacklight-captured treatments, larval production was lowest during the first oviposition period with the largest differences found among the three starved treatments. Larval production in the 14-d starved treatment increased significantly during the later oviposition periods in mesh-bottom trap studies. Within the fed treatment, larval production was consistently greater among beetles collected with the mesh-bottom trap than among beetles collected with blacklight traps.
A longitudinal survey of mosquito larval habitats was carried out in Asembo Bay, western Kenya, during the rainy season of 1998. All pools of standing water along a 700-m transect were sampled twice per week. For each habitat, eight environmental variables were recorded and a sample of anopheline larvae was collected for identification. In total, 1,751 Anopheles gambiae s.l. and 2,784 Anopheles funestus Giles were identified. Identification of An. gambiae s.l. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated that 240 (14.7%) were An. gambiae Giles and 858 (52.4%) were An. arabiensis Patton; PCR failed to identify 539 (32.9%) specimens. Repeated measures logistic regression analysis indicated that An. gambiae and An. arabiensis larvae were associated with small, temporary habitats with algae and little or no aquatic vegetation. Anopheles funestus larvae were associated with larger, semipermanent bodies of water containing aquatic vegetation and algae. Direct comparison of habitat characteristics associated with either An. gambiae or An. arabiensis revealed that algae were associated more commonly with habitats containing An. gambiae; no other differences were detected. Chi-square analysis indicated that these species were collected from the same habitat more frequently than would be expected by chance alone. Together, these results indicate that An. gambiae and An. arabiensis have similar requirements for the larval environment and that, at least in western Kenya, they do not segregate into separate habitats.
The Sindbis virus uses birds as vertebrate hosts in the summer amplification cycle, and the virus is transmitted by ornithophilic Culex species. Previous field and experimental studies have shown that mainly passerine birds are involved in the amplification. To delineate the pattern of Sindbis virus infections among passerines, we collected and sampled birds for blood at five study sites located in northern, central, and southern Sweden. All study sites were lowland forested wetlands and humid forests. The blood samples were assayed for Sindbis neutralizing antibodies, and we tested if the prevalence of Sindbis antibodies varied in relation to bird characteristics (i.e., species, body-mass, sex, and age), and environmental factors (i.e., year, month, and location). We found that Sindbis virus infections occurred in almost all passerine species sampled, but that the infection prevalence was unequally distributed among species. The fieldfare, the redwing, and the songthrush each had significantly higher prevalence than the average for all species. Large passerine species had higher infection prevalence than small species. The infection was less prevalent in hatching-year birds than in older birds during June and July, but not in August. Males and females had the same infection prevalence. The prevalence of Sindbis antibodies was higher in central than in southern Sweden, which coincided with a higher proportion of fieldfare–redwing–songthrush samples in the central region of the country. Thus, it is possible that regional and annual variations in the prevalence of Sindbis antibodies in Swedish passerine species depend on the number of fieldfares, redwings, and songthrushes available for feeding by vector mosquitoes.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) were collected from the Corozal Army Veterinary Quarantine Center in Panama and characterized for resistance to five classes of acaricides. These ticks were highly resistant to permethrin, DDT, and coumaphos; moderately resistant to amitraz; and not resistant to fipronil when compared with susceptible strains. Resistance to both permethrin and DDT may result from a mutation of the sodium channel. However, synergist studies indicate that enzyme activity is involved. The LC50 estimate for permethrin was lowered further in the Panamanian strain then in susceptible strains with the addition of triphenylphosphate (TPP), but not with the addition of piperonyl butoxide (PBO). This suggests that esterases and not oxidases are responsible for at least some pyrethroid resistance. Elevated esterase activity and its inhibition by TPP were confirmed by native gel electrophoresis. The LC50 estimate obtained for coumaphos in the Panamanian strain was not lowered further than what was observed for susceptible strains by the addition of TPP or PBO. This indicates that enzyme activity might not be involved in coumaphos resistance. Resistance to amitraz was measured through a modification of the Food and Agriculture Organization Larval Packet Test. All tick strains were found to be susceptible to fipronil.
There are two vectors of the Chagas’ disease in Chile: Triatoma infestans Klug the domestic vector and Mepraia spinolai Porter the sylvatic vector. The alimentary profile of M. spinolai has been poorly studied. In this work we study the participation of humans, goats, dogs, cats, rodents, rabbits, birds (hens), and reptiles in the diet of M. spinolai by analyzing the intestinal content through immunoradiometric assay. To put our results in a general context, we also compared the diet with that described for T. infestans. In decreasing order, we detected blood of rabbits, dogs, goats, rodents, humans, and birds (hens). There were 12.3% of insects infected with T. cruzi, but this fact was not significant for diet variance. In warm weather there was a larger diversity of alimentary sources than in a cold one. The niche breadth increased from 0.029 in cold weather to 0.464 in warm weather. The niche overlap of T. infestans and M. spinolai was 0.23.
The current study surveyed the 56-kDa type-specific antigen (TSA) gene DNAs of Orientia tsutsugamushi (Hayashi) in ≈4,000 unengorged chiggers obtained from the soil or ground surface in an endemic and a nonendemic area of the Tsutsugamushi disease in Oita Prefecture, southwestern Japan, by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Serotypes of O. tsutsugamushi were identified by restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. In the endemic area, 242 pools from five species [234 pools of Leptotrombidium scutellare (Nagayo, Miyagawa, Mitamura, Tamiya and Tenjin), two L. pallidum (Nagayo, Miyagawa, Mitamura and Tamiya), four L. kitasatoi (Fukuzumi & Obata), one L. fuji (Kuwata, Berge and Philip), and one Neotrombicula japonica (Tanaka, Kaiwa, Teramura and Kagaya)] were tested, and eight (seven pools of L. scutellare and one N. japonica) were positive for O. tsutsugamushi. Among the seven positive pools of L. scutellare, the distribution of serotypes was as follows: Kuroki (4), Gilliam (1), Karp (1), and Kawasaki (1). The first two serotypes (Kuroki and Gilliam) were identified for the first time in this species. In the nonendemic area, 128 pools from eight species were tested, and 13 were positive for O. tsutsugamushi. The positive rate was as follows: L. pallidum (4/41), L. kitasatoi (1/18), Gahrliepia saduski Womersley (2/10), L. fuji (4/50), L. himizu (Sasa, Kumada, Hayashi, Enomoto, Fukuzumi and Obata) (1/2), and Miyatrombicula kochiensis (Sasa, Kawashima and Egashira) (1/3). The latter three species were shown for the first time to harbor O. tsutsugamushi. All of the positive pools were Kuroki, except for two pools (one L. pallidum and one L. fuji), which were Gilliam (this serotype was also detected for the first time in L. pallidum). Further analysis revealed no differences in the nucleotide sequences (125 bp of variable domain 1 of TSA gene) of the same serotypes (i.e., Kuroki and Gilliam) among the positive samples. These data indicate that O. tsutsugamushi was widely distributed in various trombiculid species, even in the nonendemic area. The data are also suggestive of a possible horizontal transmission of O. tsutsugamushi among trombiculid species.
Infection of fourth-instar Aedes aegypti (L.) with the entomopathogenic digenean Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi) alters the carbohydrate metabolism of the insect. Within 24 h of cercarial penetration, total body extracts of infected fourth instars exhibited decreased trehalase activity, increased trehalose-6-phosphatase activity, and a concomitant accumulation of trehalose when compared with uninfected larvae. The amounts of glucose, glycogen and lipids, and the activity of glycogen phosphorylase a were similar in extracts of infected and control larvae. The predominant fatty acids, in both control and infected larvae, were C 18:0, C 18:1, and C 18:3. There were no significant differences in the types or proportions of fatty acids found in control and infected larvae. Parasitic infection is discussed in terms of impaired trehalose metabolism.
The diurnal questing behavior of adult Ixodes scapularis Say and Amblyomma americanum (L.) were monitored in the field to determine whether ticks would be collected with greater frequency during certain times of the day and under certain ambient meteorological conditions. Temperature and relative humidity explained a significant amount of the total variation in tick collections. Although both species were collected during every period, I. scapularis adults tended to quest earlier and later in the day when temperatures were lower and relative humidity higher, whereas A. americanum were collected with greater frequency in late morning and early afternoon during periods of higher temperatures and lower humidity. Questing of I. scapularis adults was observed at temperatures as low as -0.6°C, whereas no adult A. americanum were collected below 4.4°C. The questing temperature threshold for I. scapularis adults observed in this study was below that reported previously. The implications of these temporal activity patterns on the assessment of disease transmission risk and sampling bias are also discussed.
Effective arbovirus transmission requires that the principal vertebrate hosts and vectors have frequent contact. Vegetation and other landscape features used by roosting or nesting birds at night dictate their exposure to nocturnally active host-seeking Culex tarsalis Coquillett and therefore to western equine encephalomyelitis and St. Louis encephalitis viruses. Precipitin tests on 645 Cx. tarsalis that were collected resting and host-seeking near the Salton Sea in Coachella Valley, CA, indicated that passeriform birds (64%) and rabbits (25%) were the most frequent bloodmeal hosts and that the percentage of females feeding on birds varied temporally as an inverse function of mosquito abundance. Blood meals were not taken from communally roosting water birds. The spatial distribution of host-seeking females then was investigated by deploying dry ice baited traps within seven sites representative of habitats found along the Salton Sea. Mosquito catch was greatest at traps within elevated vegetation such as Tamarisk, mesquite, cattails, and orchards and lowest at traps positioned at snags over water, sand bars, open fields, and within housing in a small rural community. These data indicate that host-seeking Cx. tarsalis females congregated at specific landscape features that were not necessarily associated with large concentrations of potential bloodmeal hosts.
The vector potential of adult house flies, Musca domestica L., for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (Pfeiffer), a pathogen of domestic animals and humans, was investigated. Adult flies were allowed to feed on trypticase soy broth (TSB) containing Y. pseudotuberculosis for 6 h and then transferred to sterile containers with sterile TSB as a source of water and nutrients. At 6-h intervals, all flies were transferred to sterile containers with sterile TSB and 10 randomly selected flies were examined for the pathogen. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis did not establish a permanent population in the house fly colony; however, viable cells were detected from the digestive tract of flies for up to 36 h after the initial exposure, and flies contaminated their environment (sterile TSB) for up to 30 h after the exposure. These results demonstrated that house flies can carry Y. pseudotuberculosis for a considerable period and therefore must be considered as a potential mechanical vector of pseudotuberculosis infection.
We compared microsatellite polymorphism at nine loci located on chromosome 3 among two colonies and a field population of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto Giles mosquitoes. Numbers of microsatellite alleles observed at each locus and mean heterozygosities were drastically reduced among laboratory colonies. Genetic analysis of the field population used in this study revealed an unprecedented frequency of rare alleles (<0.05). In contrast, colony samples revealed large numbers of alleles with frequencies >0.50. Partitioning of field data to assess the impact of rare alleles, null alleles, and sample size on estimates of mean heterozygosity revealed the plasticity of this measurement and suggests that heterozygosity may be reliably estimated from relatively small collections using microsatellites.
Historically, malaria was a significant cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the western United States, and Anopheles freeborni Aitken was thought to be the vector west of the Continental Divide. In 1989, Anopheles hermsi Barr & Guptavanij was described and subsequently found to be an effective laboratory vector of Plasmodium. The adults of these two species are morphologically indistinguishable, and therefore polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze the DNA from 48 mosquitoes collected in Arizona and Colorado (identified morphologically as An. freeborni). All specimens were identified as An. hermsi. This was the first report of An. hermsi in Arizona and Colorado and indicated that this Anopheles species historically may have been a malaria vector in these two western states.
A single barrier application of granular deltamethrin to the woodland edges of a forested residential community in late spring significantly reduced the abundance of Ixodes scapularis Say nymphs. The application also suppressed the population of Amblyomma americanum (L.) nymphs, which recently became established in the study area. The efficacy of deltamethrin is compared with other commonly used acaricides.
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