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We examined patterns of dietary overlap of phyllostomid bats in interior Atlantic Forest of Paraguay. In addition, we examined microgeographic, seasonal, and species-specific, differences in dietary patterns. We obtained 4,519 dietary records for bats from two sites in eastern Paraguay representing 26 different kinds of resources. The three most abundant resources made up 85% of all dietary records. No significant difference in diets of phyllostomid bats existed between sites. Overlap was high and significantly greater than random. Overlap at both sites was higher in winter than in summer. Consumption of dietary items was different between seasons and reflected changes in consumption primarily of the three most consumed items. Resource breadth was narrower in winter than summer. Sites, season, and species together accounted for 71% of the variation in dietary items. Unique effects, after controlling for variation shared with other factors, of species and season were significant, whereas that of site was not. While much dietary variation in interior Atlantic Forest falls along phylogenetic lines, such patterns are weak and resource utilization appears to be substantively influenced by generalist ecology of bats and seasonal nature of the environment in this system.
Roads have direct and indirect impacts on animals present in the surrounding habitats. Bats have extensive foraging ranges which may include roads, and are therefore particularly affected by them. This study aimed to analyze the effects of roads on bat activity and diversity in the Brazilian savanna. Nine transects were established in protected areas in central Brazil with sampling points at 0, 500, 1,000, and 1,500 m away from roads. At each point, we recorded bat echolocation for 12 h and evaluated the influence of road type and distance from the road on bat activity, diversity, and foraging effort. Season, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and distance to water also were included in the models. We found that species richness in the dry season and activity of open space insectivores were significantly higher on road verges than on areas farther from roads, while foraging effort and activity of edge space insectivores were only influenced by season. The activity of edge space insectivores also increased significantly with increasing distance to water during the rainy season. We suggest that bat individuals do not forage near roads, but rather use them as flyways or cross them to forage in sites outside the protected areas, which can increase the risk of collision with vehicles.
Heterotherms vary their use of torpor and choice of refugia to deal with energetic stresses such as reproductive activity and extreme weather. We hypothesized that a temperate-region bat would vary its use of heterothermy in response to air temperature but use of torpor would also be influenced by reproductive stage and roost choice. To test this hypothesis, we collected data on skin temperatures of female Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) carrying temperature-sensitive radiotransmitters during the summers of 2013–2015. We also measured internal temperatures and external characteristics of roosts used by these bats. We analyzed the influence of daytime air temperature, roost canopy closure, roost type, and bat reproductive stage, on daily heterothermy index and torpor characteristics of 17 bats during 103 full roost days (data collected consistently from when a bat entered its roost in the morning to when it emerged at night). Our data showed that Indiana bat heterothermy was influenced by reproductive stage, roost choice, and weather. Although they used torpor, pregnant bats were the least heterothermic (daily heterothermy index = 3.3 ± 0.6°C SE), followed by juvenile bats (5.6 ± 0.5°C), lactating bats (5.7 ± 0.5°C), and one postlactating bat (13.2 ± 1.6°C). Air temperature also influenced heterothermy of pregnant bats less than bats of other reproductive stages. Thermoregulatory strategies varied on a continuum from use of normothermia in warm roosts to use of long and deep bouts of torpor in cool roosts. The thermoregulatory strategy used seemed to be determined by potential reproductive costs of torpor and energetic consequences of weather. Because Indiana bats used different degrees of heterothermy throughout the summer maternity season, managers should offer maternity colonies an array of refugia to facilitate varying behaviors in response to weather and energetic demands.
The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is the most basal living species in the phylogeny of the family Ursidae, with a specialized diet composed of a variety of bamboo species. The evolutionary history and past distribution patterns of the giant panda remain poorly understood. Our aim was to integratively apply distinct methods to evaluate the evolutionary history and distributional patterns of the giant panda; these included phylogeography, ecological niche modeling (ENM), and fossil data. To this end, we characterized the panda's past and present ecological niches and the environmental conditions that define them. To estimate the panda's phylogeographic patterns and the environmental conditions (precipitation and temperature) available across its historical geographic range, we evaluated its past distribution during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Considering that modeling biotic interactions (e.g., foraging, predation) is still an enormous challenge, we propose a novel modeling strategy based on the panda's specialized diet, using an ensemble of three bamboo genera with distribution across the panda's historical geographic range. Finally, we tested the accuracy of our approach by evaluating its ability to predict the LGM fossils. Our results support that the panda's diversification across its distribution happened ca. 2.7 million years (Mya), coinciding with the likely period when the panda changed from a carnivorous to a vegetarian diet (from the Pleistocene to the Pliocene), acquiring its exclusively bamboo-feeding habits until the mid-Holocene. Our findings provide evidence of a historical directional niche change along which the panda has currently reached the lower limits of temperature and precipitation conditions existing on the geography where its food is available. Our proposed ENM based on the panda's food habits accurately predicted 85.7% of the LGM fossils, in stark contrast with the traditional approach of modeling the distribution of species by using exclusively its own occurrences. These results provide insights on how to include Eltonian components to undertake more robust ENM when only abiotic variables are available. We emphasize the importance of integrating fossil information, whenever available, into the niche modeling process to include the historical component when estimating species ecological niches.
Changes in temperature and rainfall patterns can have marked impacts on small mammal populations that inhabit environments with highly fluctuating water availability. With projected increases in droughts and fewer but more intense rainfall events in the Southwestern United States, the persistence of many wildlife populations may be threatened. Our goal was to assess how temperature and rainfall during distinct dry and wet seasons influenced the dynamics of a population of big-eared woodrats (Neotoma macrotis) in a mixed oak woodland of coastal central California. We applied Pradel's temporal symmetry models to our 21-year biannual capture–mark–recapture data set (1993–2014) to determine the effects of climatic factors on the woodrats' apparent survival (Φ) and recruitment rate (f). Monthly Φ averaged 0.945 ± 0.001 and varied with season. Monthly f was 0.064 ± 0.001 in the wet season (f was fixed to 0 in the dry season). Monthly population growth rate (λ) varied from 0.996 ± 0.001 during the dry season to 1.001 ± 0.001 during the wet season, which indicated a stable population (0.999 ± 0.001). Total rainfall from the previous season and mean temperature during the same season positively influenced Φ and f. By contrast, Φ and f were negatively influenced by mean temperature from the previous season and total rainfall in the same season. The resulting λ fluctuated with total rainfall, particularly in the wet season. Our results suggest that the big-eared woodrat population may not be substantially affected by warm temperatures per se, potentially because of the microclimate provided by its stick houses. We also discuss its adaptability to local food resources and relatively slow life history relative to other cricetids, and propose that the big-eared woodrat population may be equipped to cope with future climate change.
The eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius) is a species of conservation concern across much of its range and has experienced a population decline since the 1940s. Little is known about the Florida spotted skunk (S. p. ambarvalis), a subspecies endemic to peninsular Florida, but previous studies and the frequency of incidental observations suggest that populations of this subspecies might be more abundant than the two eastern spotted skunk subspecies that occur elsewhere. To better understand the status and demography of the Florida spotted skunk, we assessed the density and survival of a population occurring predominantly in dry prairie habitat in south-central Florida. To obtain density estimates, we trapped spotted skunks on a mark–recapture grid over 11 independent 4-day trapping sessions from 2016 to 2018. To obtain survival estimates, we monitored weekly survival of 38 radiocollared spotted skunks (20 collared initially in 2016 and 18 collared initially in 2017) from February 2016 to August 2017. We captured a minimum of 91 unique spotted skunks on 404 occasions on the mark–recapture grid and our density estimates ranged from 6.52 ± 2.93 skunks/km2 to 23.29 ± 7.65 skunks/km2, depending on trapping session, but seasonal differences in density were not significant. The sex ratio of spotted skunks at our site was 1.0M:3.8F. Mean annual survival for all spotted skunks was 0.714 (0.503–0.925, 95% CI), and sex, season, and year did not have significant effects on survival. This survival estimate is the highest reported thus far for any skunk species. Collectively, the density and survival estimates from our study are higher than those of many other mephitids and mustelids of similar size, and these findings reinforce the value of studying locally abundant populations of small carnivores to better inform the conservation, management, and potential restoration of these species in the future.
Patterns in disturbance severity and time since fire can drive landscape heterogeneity that is critical to conservation; however, there is limited understanding of how wildlife interact with the spatial–temporal complexities of disturbance outcomes and at what scales. We conducted multiscale modeling of habitat selection for male and female Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) over an 8-year period. We aimed to identify the spatial scales at which bighorn sheep responded to various habitat features and determine how fire severity and time since fire can shape habitat selection by bighorn sheep over different seasons and between sexes. With the exception of litter cover, spatial scales that extended beyond the finest spatial grain (i.e., a 30-m pixel) to include the surrounding landscape were better at predicting habitat selection. Escape terrain, elevation, fire severity, year, perennial and annual forb and grass cover, and shrub cover occurred in every best-supported model. Associations with escape terrain, elevation, and perennial and annual forb and grass cover varied by sex and season. In contrast, bighorn sheep were consistently positively associated with low- and high-severity fire. Females increased use of low- and high-severity burned areas with greater time since fire, while males tended to decrease use of areas that burned at high severity with greater time since fire. Our results support the importance of landscape heterogeneity created by fire severity and time since fire for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and reinforces calls to integrate disturbance-driven heterogeneity into our assessments and management of wildlife.
Álvaro José Villafañe-Trujillo, Joseph M. Kolowski, Michael V. Cove, Emilia Patricia Medici, Bart J. Harmsen, Rebbeca J. Foster, Mircea G. Hidalgo-Mihart, Santiago Espinosa, Gorky Ríos-Alvear, Carolina Reyes-Puig, Juan Pablo Reyes-Puig, Marina Xavier Da Silva, Agustín Paviolo, Paula Cruz, Carlos Alberto López-González
Species' activity patterns are driven by the need to meet basic requirements of food, social interactions, movement, and rest, but often are influenced by a variety of biotic and abiotic factors. We used camera-trap data to describe and compare the activity patterns of the relatively poorly studied tayra (Eira barbara) across 10 populations distributed from the south of Mexico to the north of Argentina, and attempted to identify biotic or abiotic factors that may be associated with variation in level of diurnality. In a subset of sites we also aimed to document potential seasonal variation in activity. We used a kernel density estimator based on the time of independent photographic events to calculate the proportion of diurnal, crepuscular, and nocturnal activity of each population. Tayras were mostly active during diurnal periods (79.31%, 759 records), with a lower proportion of crepuscular activity (18.07%, 173 records) yet we documented some variation in patterns across the 10 study areas (activity overlap coefficient varied from Δ4 = 0.64 to Δ1 = 0.95). In northern localities, activity peaked twice during the day (bimodal) with most activity ocurring in the morning, whereas closer to the geographical equator, activity was constant (unimodal) throughout the day, peaking at midday: activity either was unimodal or bimodal in southern localities. Despite investigating multiple potential abiotic and biotic predictors, only latitude was associated with variation in the proportion of diurnal activity by tayras across its range, with increased diurnal activity closer to the equator. Seasonal comparisons in activity showed a tendency to reduce diurnality in dry versus rainy seasons, but the pattern was not consistently significant. This is the most comprehensive description of tayra activity patterns to date, and lends novel insight into the potential flexibility of the species to adapt to local conditions.
Extensive habitat loss and degradation have transformed the grasslands of North America into one of the continent's most vulnerable ecosystems and have greatly imperiled the plants and animals that depend on them. Small mammal communities play a pivotal role in maintaining the health and function of grasslands, and managing small mammal populations is an important, though overlooked, part of grassland restoration and management. We identified habitat variables in restored tallgrass prairie patches that were most strongly associated with variation in small mammal abundance and community composition, with the goal of aiding management efforts to manipulate small mammal populations. We found that small mammal abundance at the local vegetation scale was negatively related both to litter depth and plant diversity. At the landscape scale, small mammal abundance was positively associated with the amount of water surrounding a patch, and negatively associated with the amount of grassland surrounding a patch. Variation in small mammal community composition largely was governed by differences in habitat structure at the landscape scale, rather than differences in vegetation structure at the local scale. We suggested that managers interested in influencing small mammal abundance in grasslands employ tools such as prescribed fire to decrease litter depth if increased small mammal abundance is desired, or increase plant diversity by sowing a high diversity of seeds to depress small mammal abundance.
The drastic reduction of the Brazilian Cerrado has transformed this savanna hotspot into vast swaths of commodity-based agriculture fields, mainly soybean, sugarcane, and beef-production pasturelands. The resulting habitat loss and fragmentation are the principal factors underlying population decline of native species inhabiting the Cerrado, particularly those with a high demand for space, low population density, and specialized diet, such as the endangered giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Although the species has been studied in protected areas, we know much less about its ability to endure in disturbed landscapes. Here, we analyzed camera-trapping data to estimate a proxy of habitat use (; occupancy) and detection probabilities of the giant anteater, identifying environmental covariates influencing these parameters in landscapes with intensive agriculture and commercial forestry. We found this species using about half of the study area (model average ψ = 0.51, CI = 0.40–0.62), with two predictors strongly influencing habitat use: protected areas and unpaved roads. In turn, detection probability correlates positively with area of open Cerrado and negatively with area of settlements. The species is more likely to use unpaved roads inside protected areas ( = 0.90, CI = 0.47–0.75), compared to off road sites in the surrounding areas ( = 0.19, CI = 0.10–0.34). Our findings indicate that giant anteaters are dependent on nature reserves and native vegetation areas existing on private properties, whose protection is regulated by the Brazilian Native Vegetation Protection Law. Given the relative paucity of state-owned protected areas in the Brazilian Cerrado, increasing the adherence of rural owners to this law is, therefore, key for the conservation of the giant anteater. The intense use of unpaved roads might reflect travelling and/or foraging optimization, a behavioral response that, nevertheless, may compound this species' susceptibility to suffer mortality from roadkill.
Due to the rapid growth of urban environments, interactions between animals and humans in cities are increasingly common. Large mammals, such as capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), provide benefits to people and biodiversity of urban areas, but can also result in conflicts, such as animal–vehicle collisions or disease transmission. As a consequence, understanding the space use of urban capybara, and the effect of human activity on capybaras, is conducive to the promotion of coexistence. We studied the home range and the role of human disturbance on activity and habitat selection of urban capybaras in the city of Campo Grande (Brazil). We monitored nine groups of capybaras living at four parks: two parks subjected to high human visitation on workdays and two on weekends. Home range of the urban capybaras in the study is larger than those reported in previous studies of wild capybaras. The capybaras under study presented a bimodal activity pattern, which was delayed on days of high human presence, increasing animals' nocturnality. In addition, habitat selection was completely altered on days of high human presence, leading animals to increase avoidance of urban areas and reversing the selectivity patterns for forests, grasslands, and water bodies, that capybaras show on days with low human presence. Even when completely surrounded by an anthropic environment, our results indicate that a mosaic of grasslands near a water body and forested areas will allow capybaras to maintain daily activity and large home ranges. However, human presence significantly altered the daily activity patterns and habitat selection of capybara. Urban planners should account for these data to improve the coexistence of capybaras with humans and thereby minimize the potential for conflicts.
Despite striking diversity in mammalian social behavior, studies of social organization have often dichotomized species by identifying them as either solitary or social (i.e., group living). This tendency has been particularly pronounced for subterranean rodents, the majority of which have long been assumed to be solitary. As a result, variation in social organization has likely been underestimated for these animals, particularly for species in which patterns of space use suggest limited or temporally dynamic opportunities for interactions among conspecifics. Here, we characterize patterns of space use in a population of tuco-tucos (Ctenomys sp.) from Anillaco, La Rioja Province, Argentina. Although these animals have been the subject of extensive research regarding circadian patterns of activity, spatial and social relationships among free-living individuals have not been documented. Analyses of radiotelemetry data from 17 individuals monitored during the breeding season (December 2015) revealed that partial overlap of individual home ranges was common, occurring between male–female as well as female–female pairs of animals. Spatial relationships, however, were dynamic, with both home range sizes and overlap changing on a daily basis. Although members of the study population did not meet the criteria typically used to identify group living in subterranean species, they were not completely solitary. Instead, the animals displayed an intermediate form of social organization characterized by persistent partial overlap of the areas occupied by different adults. These data add to the growing comparative picture of social variation in Ctenomys and suggest that further studies of these animals should contribute to improved understanding of the factors underlying differences in mammalian social systems.
Sprawling urban development is fragmenting the landscape and native wildlife habitats on the Australian east coast. The impact of this rapid urbanization on wildlife health is largely unknown. This study surveyed the health of a high-density (5.4 individuals per ha) population of eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) affected by urban encroachment and prolonged drought. Blood parameters (hematological and serum protein), trace element and heavy metal concentrations, and parasite counts (fecal worm egg counts, ticks, and mites) are reported for a sample of ≤ 54 kangaroos at Look at Me Now Headland, New South Wales, Australia. These parameters were compared to lower density kangaroo populations from other sites in New South Wales. We found the health and welfare of this population to be severely compromised, with nonregenerative anemia and nutritional deficiencies evident. Our results indicate that high-density kangaroo populations isolated by urban encroachment are at significant health risk. To prevent further decline in this population's health, we discuss management strategies that could be employed, concurrent with ongoing health and disease monitoring, to mitigate the poor health outcomes in this population. We conclude that it is essential to retain habitat connectivity when altering land use in areas with resident kangaroo populations if managers are to maintain healthy populations.
The taxonomy of the oryzomyine genus Neacomys currently is in a state of flux: systematic studies in the last 20 years increased its diversity from four to 16 species, with an additional several undescribed phylogenetic lineages. Despite this progress, morphological variation and species limits remain poorly known for several species groups and complexes within the genus, such as N. tenuipes, N. musseri, and N. dubosti. Here we analyze the variation of morphological characters and morphometric patterns of two new candidate species of Neacomys for northern Venezuela and Pará state, Brazil, that are characterized by the presence of derived carotid circulation, a rare character state for the genus. Analyzed material included holotypes, type series, and/or topotypes of almost all described species of Neacomys, including type series of N. musseri, the holotype of N. tenuipes, and sequenced specimens of N. xingu. Qualitative comparison showed that 25 characters are informative for the distinction of the two new forms, and morphometric analyses corroborated the morphological separation of the new species. Results also point that N. tenuipes might represent a species complex. The new forms are sympatric with other species, including N. tenuipes and N. xingu, and can be identified by a suite of morphological characters, including the presence of a derived carotid pattern and, for the Pará form, by a unique morphology of the first upper molar. We review the occurrence of carotid circulation patterns within Sigmodontinae and discuss its use for the systematics of the subfamily. Further studies involving the new Neacomys species will contribute to understanding the biogeographic patterns and evolutionary trends within this distinct and diverse genus.
Felids are among the species most threatened by habitat fragmentation resulting from land-use change. In the Uruguayan Savanna ecoregion, about 30% of natural habitats have been lost, large felids have been eradicated from most of the region, and the impact of anthropogenic threats over the smaller species that remain is unknown. To develop management strategies, it is important to enhance knowledge about species population structure and landscape connectivity, particularly when land-use change will continue and intensify in the next years. In this study, we evaluate the population structure and gene flow of Geoffroy's cat in the Uruguayan Savanna ecoregion. We generated a matrix of 11 microsatellite loci for 70 individuals. Based on Bayesian approaches we found that within the Uruguayan Savanna, Geoffroy's cat shows high levels of genetic variability and no population structure. However, we observed genetic differences between individuals from the Uruguayan Savanna and those from the contiguous ecoregion, the Argentinian Humid Pampa. Four first-generation migrants from Humid Pampa were identified in the Uruguayan Savanna, suggesting a stronger gene flow in the west-east direction. We detected a past bottleneck followed by a subsequent recovery in Geoffroy's cat populations in both ecoregions. These results lay the groundwork to understand the population dynamics and conservation status of Geoffroy's cat in the Uruguayan Savanna ecoregion, and provide baseline data to establish population monitoring.
Cyclic climatic and glacial fluctuations of the Late Quaternary produced a dynamic biogeographic history for high latitudes. To refine our understanding of this history in northwestern North America, we explored geographic structure in a wide-ranging carnivore, the wolverine (Gulo gulo). We examined genetic variation in populations across mainland Alaska, coastal Southeast Alaska, and mainland western Canada using nuclear microsatellite genotypes and sequence data from the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and Cytochrome b (Cytb) gene. Data from maternally inherited mtDNA reflect stable populations in Northwest Alaska, suggesting the region harbored wolverine populations since at least the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21 Kya), consistent with their persistence in the fossil record of Beringia. Populations in Southeast Alaska are characterized by minimal divergence, with no genetic signature of long-term refugial persistence (consistent with the lack of pre-Holocene fossil records there). The Kenai Peninsula population exhibits mixed signatures depending on marker type: mtDNA data indicate stability (i.e., historical persistence) and include a private haplotype, whereas biparentally inherited microsatellites exhibit relatively low variation and a lack of private alleles consistent with a more recent Holocene colonization of the peninsula. Our genetic work is largely consistent with the early 20th century taxonomic hypothesis that wolverines on the Kenai Peninsula belong to a distinct subspecies. Our finding of significant genetic differentiation of wolverines inhabiting the Kenai Peninsula, coupled with the peninsula's burgeoning human population and the wolverine's known sensitivity to anthropogenic impacts, provides valuable foundational data that can be used to inform conservation and management prescriptions for wolverines inhabiting these landscapes.
The 18 extant members of the Tribe Phloeomyini, the “cloud rats,” constitute an endemic Philippine radiation of arboreal herbivores that range in size from ca. 18 g to 2.7 kg, most occurring in cloud forest above 1,200 m elevation. Although calibrated phylogenies indicate that the Phloeomyini is estimated to have begun diversifying within the Philippines by ca. 10–11 million years ago, no extinct fossil species have been described, severely limiting our understanding of this distinctive radiation. Our studies of fossil and subfossil small mammal assemblages from the lowland Callao Caves complex in NE Luzon, Philippines, have produced specimens of Phloeomyini that date from ca. 67,000 BP to the Late Holocene (ca. 4,000 to 2,000 BP). We identify three extinct species that we name as new members assigned to the genera Batomys, Carpomys, and Crateromys, distinguished from congeners by body size, distinctive dental and other morphological features, and occupancy of a habitat (lowland forest over limestone) that differs from the high-elevation mossy forest over volcanic soils occupied by their congeners. Batomys cagayanensis n. sp. is known only from two specimens from ca. 67,000 BP; Carpomys dakal n. sp. and Crateromys ballik n. sp. were present from ca. 67,000 BP to the Late Holocene. These add to the species richness and morphological diversity of this endemic Philippine radiation of large folivores, and show specifically that the lowland fauna of small mammals on Luzon was more diverse in the recent past than it is currently, and that Luzon recently supported five species of giant rodents (ca. 1 kg or more). All three occurred contemporaneously with Homo luzonensis, and two, the new Carpomys and Crateromys, persisted until the Late Holocene when multiple exotic mammal species, both domestic and invasive, were introduced to Luzon, and new cultural practices (such as making pottery) became evident, suggesting that modern humans played a role in their extinction.
The genus Oligoryzomys is the most speciose genus in the tribe Oryzomyini; however, under the general lineage concept of species, at least nine lineages are pending review and naming. In this study, I carry out qualitative and quantitative morphological analyses of specimens of Oligoryzomys andinus, O. aff. andinus, and O. arenalis, to delimit these three lineages. I show that O. aff. andinus is morphologically distinct both from O. andinus and O. arenalis, corroborating that the lineage merits recognition as a species, as suggested by previously published molecular analyses (Hurtado and D'Elía 2019). I therefore describe O. aff. andinus as a new species endemic to the Polylepis forests on the western slope of the Andes and coastal Lomas in central Peru. Finally, I propose two hypotheses about the biogeographical history of O. andinus, O. arenalis, and this new species.
KEYWORDS: acoustic variables, alarm call, audible vocalization, individual differences, Lagomorpha, mammal, manual and semiautomatic measurements, pika, ultrasonic frequency range
Colonial lagomorphs warn conspecifics of potential danger with alarm calls encoding information about attributes of presumptive predators as well as the caller. In this study, we show that alarm calls of Daurian pikas, Ochotona dauurica (Pallas, 1776), encode information about caller identity. We recorded the alarm calls produced toward a surrogate predator (researcher), slowly moving (0.5–1 km/h) between densely distributed colonies. The alarm calls of most (32 of the 35) callers started in the ultrasonic range at 22.41 kHz on average and rapidly decreased to 3.88 kHz on average at call end. Call duration was very short (0.057 s on average). The accuracy of classifying alarm calls to correct callers with discriminant function analysis (DFA) was 93.71% for the manually measured set of 12 acoustic variables and 95.43% for the semiautomatically measured set of 12 acoustic variables; in both cases exceeding the level of chance (17.28% or 17.33%, respectively). Nonlinear vocal phenomena (biphonations) only were detected in one individual. We discuss the relationship between vocal traits, individuality, vocal production mechanisms, and functions, of pika alarm calls. We propose a potential divergence of alarm calls in Asian pikas to high-frequency whistles (> 20 kHz in Daurian pikas) and in American pikas to low-frequency emissions (0.4–1.3 kHz in Ochotona princeps) during the evolutionary radiation of pikas at the center of the origin of lagomorphs in East Asia and their subsequent geographic dispersal.
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