VOL. 76 · NO. 2 | April 2005
John M. Pearce, John A. Reed, Paul L. Flint
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 109-118, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.109
KEYWORDS: band-recovery, Common Merganser, geographic variation, Mergus merganser, migration, survival
Christopher E. Hill, William Post
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 119-126, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.119
KEYWORDS: Ammodramus maritimus, extra-pair paternity, grouped territory, mating system, microsatellite
Carl J. Veltri, Daniel Klem
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 127-133, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.127
KEYWORDS: collision injuries, cooling towers, glass, tower kills, window kills
Eric A. VanderWerf
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 134-137, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.134
KEYWORDS: anting, Chasiempis sandwichensis, chemical defense, ‘Elepaio, Hawaii
Jean-Paul Gendner, Michel Gauthier-Clerc, Celine Le Bohec, Sebastien Descamps, Yvon Le Maho
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 138-142, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.138
KEYWORDS: Aptenodytes patagonicus, demographic parameters, king penguin, survival, transponders
Mark S. Monroe, Gary Ritchison
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 143-149, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.143
KEYWORDS: Ammodramus henslowii, breeding, Henslow's Sparrow, nesting, reclaimed surface mine, vegetation
Peter T. Fauth, Paul R. Cabe
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 150-157, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.150
KEYWORDS: Acadian Flycatcher, Empidonax virescens, Neotropical migrant, nesting success, source population
Eric Mellink, Gilfredo de la Riva
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 158-167, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.158
KEYWORDS: Colima, Cuyutlán, México, waterbirds, Wetlands
John M. Tirpak, William M. Giuliano, C. Allan Miller
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 168-174, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.168
KEYWORDS: brood, habitat, nocturnal, Pennsylvania, roost, ruffed grouse
Brant C. Faircloth, William E. Palmer, John P. Carroll
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 175-182, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.175
KEYWORDS: brood mixing, chick capture, chick marking, northern bobwhite, post-hatching brood amalgamation
Robert C. Dobbs
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 183-192, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.183
KEYWORDS: breeding biology, Dusky Flycatcher, Empidonax oberholseri, life history, nest success
Daizaburo Shizuka, Janis L. Dickinson
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 193-196, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.193
KEYWORDS: ageing birds, Hastings Natural History Reserve, moult, passerine, plumage
Fritz Hertel, Daniel Martinez, Marina Lemus, Juan C. Torres-Mura
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 197-203, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.197
KEYWORDS: birds, Chile, conservation, diversity, islands, nesting
Christina E. Donehower, David M. Bird
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 204-207, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.204
KEYWORDS: dyes, Great Black-backed Gull, gull predation, Herring Gull, marking
Bridget J. M. Stutchbury
Journal of Field Ornithology 76 (2), 208-213, (1 April 2005) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-76.2.208
No abstract available
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