VOL. 98 · NO. sp1 | December 2019
Leibin Li, Jianhua Zhang, Liang Wu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 1-5, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-001.1
KEYWORDS: slope, tunnel, cooperative blasting, blasting vibration, numerical simulation, finite element
Yi Yan, Tao Tian, Bo Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 6-9, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-002.1
KEYWORDS: Deep sea pile foundation, chloride ion, erosion environment
Yongmei Qian, Yu Dong, Wei Tian, Yujie Jin
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 10-13, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-003.1
KEYWORDS: ANSYS simulation
Shengbang Song, Yunwei Du
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 14-17, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-004.1
KEYWORDS: Marine resource environment, ECC
Xiaoning Zhu, Ziqian Zhao, Rui Yan
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 18-21, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-005.1
KEYWORDS: Marine economy, sustainability, coupling coordination degree, Hainan Province
Songying Zhao, Ping Yan, Chaoyang Zhao, Hong Chang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 22-25, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-006.1
KEYWORDS: Ocean thermal energy (OTE), cooling and heating source air conditioning system, energy consumption analysis
Jiang Wang, Xiaofei Jiang, Chong Shan
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 26-29, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-007.1
KEYWORDS: Free trade port, Shanghai Port, Singapore Port, Busan port, efficiency of transportation service
Na Xu, Ying Ma, Jingjing Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 30-33, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-008.1
KEYWORDS: Fund management, ocean shipping, cost control theory, Efficiency, flow of funds
Chunmei Mao, Yun Li, Minghui Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 34-37, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-009.1
KEYWORDS: internal control, inefficient investment, overinvestment, underinvestment
Xiangmei Li, Ying Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 38-41, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-010.1
KEYWORDS: Managerial power, quality of internal control information disclosure
Yanhong Li, Shengnan Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 42-45, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-011.1
KEYWORDS: Environmental information disclosure, cost of equity (COE), listed company, petrochemical industry
Yongmei Qian, Mingxiao Li, Yujie Jin, Ruozhu Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 46-49, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-012.1
KEYWORDS: horizontal force, slope angle of plate, rigid CEP pile, undisturbed soil test
Longting Wang, Liping Sun, Jichuan Kang, Baoping Cai, Yanfu Wang, Yaonan Wu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 50-54, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-013.1
KEYWORDS: Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO), oil and gas (O&G) leakage, Marine environment, disaster chain model, bow-tie analysis
Tianyang Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 55-57, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-014.1
KEYWORDS: Marine engineering, pressure vessel, safe reliability, Monte Carlo numerical simulation
Hong Huo, Zuotie Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 58-61, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-015.1
KEYWORDS: port supply chain, evaluation model, benefit distribution, cloud environment
Yi Mao, Lei Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 62-66, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-016.1
KEYWORDS: internet of things, warehouse management system, port bulk cargo
Hualing Shi
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 67-70, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-017.1
KEYWORDS: Marine regional economic forecast, BP neural network, nonlinear nonlinear complex system
Yijie Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 71-74, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-018.1
KEYWORDS: Medium and long term prediction, coastal economy, support vector regression
Yujie Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 75-79, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-019.1
KEYWORDS: E-commerce, database, Information management
Jiancheng Yang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 80-83, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-020.1
KEYWORDS: Cloud computing, Logistics service supply chain, joint contract
Wenrui Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 84-87, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-021.1
KEYWORDS: ant colony algorithm, coastal tourist route planning, Data mining, intelligence
Shan Fu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 88-91, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-022.1
KEYWORDS: Visual effects, ship, driving behavior, safety
Wenxian Li
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 92-95, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-023.1
KEYWORDS: Offshore engineering (OE), project management (PM), risk analysis, fuzzy membership function, r-isk countermeasure
Xiaoting Li, Jingling Bao, Jianguang Sun, Ji Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 96-99, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-024.1
KEYWORDS: Resource-based industries, coastal cities, circular economy, natural resources, sustainable development
Chunlei Lin, Xin Wang, Yan Chen
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 100-103, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-025.1
KEYWORDS: marine resources, marine enterprises, earnings management, external audit quality, social responsibility performance
Fuyong Liu, Yong Li, Ruimin Hao
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 104-109, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-026.1
KEYWORDS: Collaborative design system (CDS), access control, login mode, data storage
Jinfeng Lv, Buying Zhang, Fucai Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 110-112, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-027.1
KEYWORDS: Ship transport, fuzzy control, decision making, trajectory, control system
Zaijun Song, Hongmei Hu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 113-116, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-028.1
KEYWORDS: internet of things (IoT), marine meteorological broadcasting system, design and implementation
Yanliang Wang, Weijia Du
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 117-120, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-029.1
KEYWORDS: Port supply chain (PSC), Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, supply chain (SC) diagnosis, industry benchmark
Feng Xiao, Xibo Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 121-124, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-030.1
KEYWORDS: Maritime transport, revenue management, empty container theory, transportation costs, pricing strategy
Jing Pu, Yue Meng
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 125-128, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-031.1
KEYWORDS: Visual design, marine tourist resources, development
Lanqin Wang, Ying Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 129-132, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-032.1
KEYWORDS: Continuous inversion, marine pollutants, dynamic diffusion, simulation
Zheshu Jia
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 133-136, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-033.1
KEYWORDS: ORM, Data integration, ocean information, comprehensive database
Zheshu Jia
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 137-140, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-034.1
KEYWORDS: Marine environment information, Cloud computing, system load detection, search
Zou Cui, Jun Yang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 141-145, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-035.1
KEYWORDS: Distributed network, ocean big data, service technology, Digital Ocean
Liyun Wang, Yang Shi
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 146-150, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-036.1
KEYWORDS: Quantum dots, fluorescence method, heavy metal ions
Yingji Cui
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 151-154, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-037.1
KEYWORDS: Quality evaluation, marine statistical data, clustering algorithms, FCM algorithm
Xiaolin Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 155-158, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-038.1
KEYWORDS: response time, economic management of enterprises, innovation strategy
Danjie Wu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 159-162, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-039.1
KEYWORDS: ports, Marine economy, Development Demonstration Zone
Yang Yu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 163-166, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-040.1
KEYWORDS: Tropical cyclone formation, air-sea interaction, initial vortex, sensible heat
Chunyang Chen, Qian Wu, Huayu Xin
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 167-170, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-041.1
KEYWORDS: Low-carbon economy, marine energy, carbon balance
Haopeng Wang, Zhenzhi Zhao
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 171-174, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-042.1
KEYWORDS: Offshore oil service industry, logistics cost optimization, ABC cost method, System dynamics model
Jing Zhao, Kun Zhang, Tao Duan
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 175-178, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-043.1
KEYWORDS: Offshore platform structure, real-time monitoring, computational model, environmental load, safety assessment
Shida Song, Xiaoyun Wang, Chunguang Su
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 179-182, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-044.1
KEYWORDS: Exploration method, uncertainty, science and technology support, Jiangsu Modern Marine Economy
Yajin Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 183-186, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-045.1
KEYWORDS: big data, random distribution, strategic analysis
Xiaoxing Gao, Hanxin Wang, Xiaoxia Li
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 187-190, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-046.1
KEYWORDS: open source, big data framework, ocean information, processing
Chao Zhang, Xu Chen, Jingfu Lu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 191-194, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-047.1
KEYWORDS: Equitable and non-equilibrium development, spatial-temporal differentiation, macro economy, China's Marine Economic Elasticity
Pengfei Gui, Sanggyun Na
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 195-198, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-048.1
KEYWORDS: Activity-based cost model, marine third party, logistics cost, management application
Jun Zhang, Xiangnan Lu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 199-202, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-049.1
KEYWORDS: Marine architecture, historical characteristics, timing logic, coastal architecture style
Ru Jin, Jianke Guo, Fei Li
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 203-206, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-050.1
KEYWORDS: Development level, comprehensive evaluation, regional differentiation characteristics, shipbuilding industry agglomeration, Chinese coastal areas
Ping Chen
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 207-210, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-051.1
KEYWORDS: maritime logistics, status quo, development countermeasures
Chunyou Li, Shuwen Li, Dong Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 211-214, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-052.1
KEYWORDS: Gross marine product, accounting methods, tertiary industries, basic accounting model
Liulu Zhan, Jianzhou Yang, Yisheng Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 215-218, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-053.1
KEYWORDS: Dynamic mechanism, economic growth, Marine economy, Interprovincial Panel Data model
Wanchun Zhu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 219-222, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-054.1
KEYWORDS: belt and road, Marine economy, Marine industry, structural adjustment
Juming Xie
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 223-226, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-055.1
KEYWORDS: Virtual reality technology, virtual marine environment, illumination model, OpenGL
Yan Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 227-230, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-056.1
KEYWORDS: Marine economy, total factor productivity, Malmquist-Luenberger index
Zhiyong Dong
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 231-234, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-057.1
KEYWORDS: Industrial structure transformation, Marine economy, innovation
Tao Wang, Xin Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 235-238, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-058.1
KEYWORDS: Ocean multitarget, tracking control, echo state network
Ping Pan
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 239-242, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-059.1
KEYWORDS: Constant current, sliding mode variable structure control
Yan Liu, Qian Cao, Quanlin Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 243-246, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-060.1
KEYWORDS: Oil and gas distribution, Main controlling factors, Bohai sea area
Guoying Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 247-250, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-061.1
KEYWORDS: Offshore areas, rural areas, economic development, path
Ming Chen, Jinglei Su, Peng Cui, Yuening Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 251-254, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-062.1
KEYWORDS: big data, dual-channel and optimized model, strategic analysis
Fengjie Cen, Dongfang Yang, Ma Li
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 255-258, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-063.1
KEYWORDS: Structural design of marine architecture, BIM, hybrid feature, stereo disparity
Baofeng Yao, Lei Wang, Shijun Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 259-262, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-064.1
KEYWORDS: Component, semantic similarity, genetic algorithm
Shan Shan
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 263-266, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-065.1
KEYWORDS: Coastal construction enterprises, financing channels, value for money
Zhoumin Liu, Hua Li, Qingrong Cao
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 267-270, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-066.1
KEYWORDS: Ocean tourism, Imagery, maritime
Yuhui Li
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 271-276, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-067.1
KEYWORDS: Coastal highway projects, efficiency evaluation, data envelopment
Chi Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 277-283, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-068.1
KEYWORDS: Marine crop production, attribution, artificial neural network
Xinyu Niu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 284-289, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-069.1
KEYWORDS: Welfare transport, decentralized decision, centralized decision, transport prices
Peng Xiao, Aiqin Zhou
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 290-293, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-070.1
KEYWORDS: Port coastal highway construction project, maintenance, decision-making model
Huiqi Zhu, Mingli Yu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 294-299, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-071.1
KEYWORDS: Object-identifier-unified degree, logistics resource optimized allocation, genetic algorithm
Yanhua Zhang, Jihong Fan, Silin Chen, Tongyu Li, Zixi Yu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 300-305, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-072.1
KEYWORDS: Urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, factor analysis, index system, phase division of ecological cities, ecological city
Meng Zhao, Wenbing Wu, Mingyu Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 306-310, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-073.1
KEYWORDS: Coastal rural logistics, spatial and temporal evolution mechanism
Ruiliang Bai
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 311-313, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-074.1
KEYWORDS: data envelopment analysis, science and technology input, science and technology output
Bojie Xie, Rong Zhang, Shuai Sun
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 314-319, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-075.1
KEYWORDS: Marine industrial structure, marine economic growth, industrial structure rationalization, industrial structure advancement
Shuli Gao, Jianbin Chen, Yingying Zhou
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 320-324, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-076.1
KEYWORDS: Knowledge heterogeneity, organizational learning, corporate innovation performance
Qiang Lu, Xiaoye Yang, Rong Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 325-329, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-077.1
KEYWORDS: Drop and pull transport, port, vehicle scheduling, container distribution
Qiang Lu, Zepeng Wang, Rong Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 330-334, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-078.1
KEYWORDS: Nash equilibrium, port construction, seawater erosion
Han Hong, Lili Fu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 335-338, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-079.1
KEYWORDS: urbanization, DEA-BCC model, efficiency evaluation
Hao Ji, Yating Sui, Hui Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 339-343, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-080.1
KEYWORDS: supply chain integration, sustainable development, innovation
Qian Zhang, Qingcheng Zeng
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 344-349, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-081.1
KEYWORDS: Maritime Silk Road, complex network, route network, analysis of complexity
Mingyang Zhang, Zhiguo Wu, Chenguang Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 350-355, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-082.1
KEYWORDS: One Belt–One Road (OBOR), maritime routing problem, time windows, ant colony algorithm (ACA)
Nan Wang, Xuemeng Guo, Bei Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 356-362, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-083.1
KEYWORDS: Port PPP projects, social capital, social risk decision-making behavior, expected utility
Yu Wang, Baodong Cheng, Guangyuan Qin
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 363-366, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-084.1
KEYWORDS: Fishery industry, industrial linkage, driving effect, input-output table
Guangyuan Qin, Sen Zhang, Xuying Liu, Baodong Cheng
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 367-370, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-085.1
KEYWORDS: Fishery industry, noncompetitive IO model, final demand, structure decomposition method
Hanqing Hu, Jianling Li, Yuanyuan Jin, Yuqin Wu
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 371-375, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-086.1
KEYWORDS: Multiple regression model, information industry in coastal areas, influencing factors
Lixin Wang, Guojuan Zhang, Qian Hao
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 376-380, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-087.1
KEYWORDS: Cold chain marine logistics, index system, evidence theory, RBF neural network, risk evaluation
Xinfei Li, Yuan Tian, Chang Xu, Baodong Cheng
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 381-384, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-088.1
KEYWORDS: Marine fishery, fishery economy, investment in environmental pollution control
Qin He, Yue Qiu, Xiaoyu Dong
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 385-391, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-089.1
KEYWORDS: Work behavior, sharing economic platform-based, flexible employment relationship, worker subjectivity
Zhihui Ma, Xinlei Pei, Yunfeng Yi, Yi Liu, Xiaotao Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 392-401, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-090.1
KEYWORDS: Ukraine crisis, natural gas pipeline, Russia, Europe
Yuxin Shuai, Zhefang Zhou
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 402-406, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-091.1
KEYWORDS: time series analysis, ARIMA model, Granger causality test
Wentao Lu, Zhen Li, Hongyu Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 407-413, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-092.1
KEYWORDS: Coastal highway, total quality management, evaluation
Wenying Zhu, Chao Gao, Xiaheng Zhang, Doudou Li
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 414-417, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-093.1
KEYWORDS: Multimodal transport, dynamic alliance, cost model
Lifu Chen
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 418-421, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-094.1
KEYWORDS: Transoceanic international trade (TIT), fuzzy optimum, risk evaluation
Jianguo Qin, Liquan Wang
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 422-425, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-095.1
KEYWORDS: Offshore, backfill, fender, vortex
Jingyu Jin, Rui Zhao, Yansheng Yang, Min Chuan
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 426-432, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-096.1
KEYWORDS: economic development, environmental investment, green development, PVAR
Bojie Xie
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 433-437, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-097.1
KEYWORDS: RMB exchange rate, price level, exchange rate pass-through, asymmetry
Lina Wang, Long Ye
Journal of Coastal Research 98 (sp1), 438-442, (27 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI98-098.1
KEYWORDS: Labor relations atmosphere, win-win atmosphere of labor relations, the consistency of labor relations atmosphere, emotional commitment, work input
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