Environmental Sustainability: Water Resources Integrated Management and the Development of Coastal Environments
VOL. 96 · NO. sp1 | Winter 2019
Hsingchun Lin, Lichen Chou
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 1-4, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-001.1
KEYWORDS: agriculture, products loss, climate change, inter-country input-output (ICIO) model, cross-strait
Peihao Shi, Peng Hu, Xiding Chen, Fangfang Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 5-11, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-002.1
KEYWORDS: Institutional ownership, environmental responsibility, coastal areas
Haoxianyi Huang, Xiding Chen, Xiaoguang Yue, Meilan Chen
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 12-20, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-003.1
KEYWORDS: Energy conservation efficiency, production efficiency, prefecture-level cities, secondary industry
Yiming Dong, Jie Yang, Peng Hu, Lichen Chou
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 21-25, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-004.1
KEYWORDS: Efficiency, pollution, undesired output, Chinese economic performance
Jinyan Yu, Peng Hu, Lichen Chou
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 26-31, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-005.1
KEYWORDS: One Belt One Road, supply-driven input output analysis, coastal typhoons
Mengjia Tang, Huabing Wang, Weilun Huang
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 32-41, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-006.1
KEYWORDS: Gulf industrial economy, industrial policy, Beach Management, industrial structure
Wanmei Chen, Xinman Zhu, Wei Shan
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 42-49, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-007.1
KEYWORDS: water pollution, financial loss, econometric model, China's coast
Li-Shu Chen, Wen-Hong Liu, Hsiu- Lin Yen
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 50-61, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-008.1
KEYWORDS: Ecological conservation purposes, socio-economic cost, coral coverage, fish richness, Marxan analysis
Jing Zhang, Yu Zhang, Shi-Jun Sun, Wang-Wang Zhang, Shu-Han Zhang
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 62-67, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-009.1
KEYWORDS: Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), urban storm, urban flood, Low Impact Development (LID), runoff reduction control
Weiwei Hu
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 68-75, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-010.1
KEYWORDS: dams, sand mining, annual precipitation, annual sediment load, multi-year average water leve, double mass curve, the Hanjiang river
Weijie Diao, Yong Zhao, Jiaqi Zhai, Fan He, Qingming Wang, Guohua He
Journal of Coastal Research 96 (sp1), 76-83, (5 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI96-011.1
KEYWORDS: climate change, land-cover change, pure contribution, terrestrial water cycle
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