Integrating Biophysical Components in Coastal Engineering Practices
VOL. 92 · NO. sp1 | Summer 2019
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), (1 July 2019) Open Access
No abstract available
M. Luisa Martínez, Valeria Chávez, Debora Lithgow, Rodolfo Silva
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 1-5, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal ecosystems, ecosystem-based protection, human impact.
M. Luisa Martínez, Rosario Landgrave, Rodolfo Silva, Patrick Hesp
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 6-12, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: breakwaters, Coastal Squeeze, Mexico, mobile dune stabilization, urbanization
Arlett A. Rosado-Torres, Ismael Mariño-Tapia, César Acevedo-Ramírez
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 13-21, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: Coral phase shift, continental water influence, reef rugosity.
Carlos Francisco Rodríguez-Gómez, José Antolín Aké-Castillo, Gabriela Vázquez
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 22-32, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: circadian rhythm, harmful algal blooms, marine ecology, Veracruz, Mexico.
Liliana García Calva, Jordan Golubov, María del Carmen Mandujano, Ana Laura Lara-Domínguez, Jorge López-Portillo
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 33-43, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: Image classification, large scale mapping, mangrove communities, NDVI, object-based image analysis, RapidEye satellite image, visual interpretation.
Iris Neri-Flores, Patricia Moreno-Casasola, Luis Alberto Peralta-Peláez, Roberto Monroy
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 44-54, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal zone, dune lakes, nature-based solutions, risk management, wetland restoration.
Daniel Miret-Villaseñor, Cecilia Enriquez, Ismael Mariño-Tapia, Rodolfo Silva, Gabriel Ruiz
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 55-67, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: Hurricane Wilma, undertow currents, natural coastal protection.
Yandy Rodríguez Cueto, Rodolfo Silva
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 68-74, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: Coastal exposure, natural habitats exposure ranking, Manning coefficient, relief ranges, slope orientation
Román Canul, Edgar Mendoza, Rodolfo Silva
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 75-84, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal vulnerability, chronic erosion, green infrastructure, coastal ecosystems.
Angel Kuc Castilla, Edgar Mendoza, Gregorio Posada, Rodolfo Silva
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 85-91, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal erosion, anthropization, ecosystem based solution
Sanaz Hadadpour, Maike Paul, Hocine Oumeraci
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 92-100, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: wave damping, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model, wave-vegetation interaction, coastal vegetation, equivalent porosity
Debora L. Ramírez-Vargas, Edgar Mendoza, Debora Lithgow, Rodolfo Silva
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 101-111, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal management, land use change, coastal hardening.
Marianella Bolívar, Germán Rivillas-Ospina, William Fuentes, Andrés Guzmán, Luis Otero, Gabriel Ruiz, Rodolfo Silva, Edgar Mendoza, Mauro Maza, Lina García, Yeison Berrío
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 112-120, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal processes, coastal infrastructure, Puerto Colombia coast, Wetlands, ecological based approach.
Francisco Fabián Criado-Sudau, Douglas Duarte Nemes, Marcos Nicolás Gallo
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 121-127, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: Human drifter, surf zone, microtidal beach, morphodynamic variability, beach states
Jassy Rivera, Valeria Chávez, Rodolfo Silva, Edgar Mendoza
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 128-135, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: coastal management, water quality, Veracruz, Mexico, inlet management
Cesia J. Cruz, Edgar Mendoza, Rodolfo Silva, Valeria Chávez
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 136-144, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: Type of coast, pressure indicators, land use, coastal regions, coastal compartments, coastal management
Joseph S. Guevara, Rodolfo Silva, Debora Lithgow
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 145-156, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: estuaries, erosion, sedimentation, soil loss, coastal management, reforestation, dredging, ecosystem services valuation, anthropic impact
Karoline Angélica Martins, Pedro de Souza Pereira, Luciana S. Esteves, Jon Williams
Journal of Coastal Research 92 (sp1), 157-164, (1 July 2019)
KEYWORDS: beach profile, principal components analysis – PCA, beach stability, wave energy, Brazilian Northeast.
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