Tan, H.; Jiao, Z., and Cai, Z., 2015. Long term field test on structure forces of sheet-pile wharf with barrier piles.
Based on the first engineering application of new-type sheet-pile wharf with barrier piles, the field test has been conducted for 7 years. According to the long term field testing results, the structure forces of the wharf front wall and barrier piles have been obtained in different periods. The results have showed that the new wharf structure was effective for a large harbor basin, the maximum positive bending moments for both front wall and barrier piles appeared in dredging period, and the maximum negative bending moment appeared in operation period. The rebar stress of front wall was about twice larger than that of barrier piles. In order to make full use of the potential bearing capacity of front wall and barrier piles, the optimal design was to make them in the same stress level. The modified bending moment calculation method has been proposed based on the field testing data.