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Beck, T.M.; Wang, P.; Li, H., and Wu, W., 2020. Sediment bypassing pathways between tidal inlets and adjacent beaches. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 897–914. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
This study investigated the sediment transport pathways in three sandy barrier, tidal inlet systems through sediment tracking within a numerical model that simulates hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. The three tidal inlet systems, Coos Bay, Oregon, Shark River Inlet, New Jersey, and John's Pass, Florida, represented high-, medium-, and low-wave energy regimes for U.S. inlets (Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico Coasts, respectively). Three methods employed to define sediment pathways from the results of a numerical morphology model were evaluated: (1) morphodynamic interpretation, (2) mean transport vectors across the modeled inlet, and (3) sediment tracer migration. The sediment tracing methodology employed in this study allowed for an evaluation of the sediment transport pathways between the various morphologic features of a tidal inlet, as well as their respective processes that drive the exchange of sediments. Characterizing and correlating the dominant and subdominant, or seasonal, sediment pathways between tidal inlet morphologic features (sediment reservoirs) can improve long-term models of an inlet sediment system. Divergences in pathways to subfeature shoals of a complex tidal inlet shoal, such as the updrift and downdrift shoals of an ebb-tidal delta, can be resolved through tracking sediment migration. The results of this study illustrate the value of including sediment-tracking techniques in simulating sediment bypassing and the potential of this application to inform coastal engineering and design modifications to the sediment reservoirs of tidal inlet systems.
Watson, P.J., 2020. Updated mean sea-level analysis: Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 915–931. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
As an island nation with 60,000 km of open coastline and extensive margins of increasingly urbanised intertidal estuarine foreshores, Australia is critically exposed to the global threat posed by rising sea levels into the future. This study provides a contemporary assessment of sea-level rise around Australia to the end of 2018, based on all available tide gauge records and satellite altimetry. The study provides the first national assessment of vertical land motion (VLM) around the coast, identifying margins more prevalent to subsidence, which in turn exacerbate the localised effects of a rising global mean sea level. These areas include coastlines between Townsville and Coffs Harbour, Burnie to Port Pirie, and Fremantle to Wyndham. State-of-the-art time-series analysis techniques applied to all high-quality tide gauge records exceeding 75 years in length (four sites) enabled improved insights into the temporal resolution of current rates of rise and accelerations in mean sea level around Australia than were previously available. Averaged across these four records in 2018, approximately 40% of the “relative” velocity observed (∼2.2 ± 1.8 mm/y, 95% confidence limit [CL]) is attributable to VLM. When corrected for VLM, only the Fort Denison site exhibits “geocentric” mean sea-level velocity in 2018 exceeding 2 mm/y. The average geocentric velocity across all four sites in 2018 equates to 1.3 ± 2.0 mm/y (95% CL). Interestingly, each long record exhibits similar temporal characteristics, whereby a low point in the velocity time series occurs sometime in the period from 1970 to 1990, after which velocity increases over time to a peak occurring sometime after ca. 2010, suggesting the presence of a small acceleration (albeit not statistically different to zero at the 95% CL) in the record.
Wang, P.; Adam, J.D.; Cheng, J., and Vallée, M., 2020. Morphological and sedimentological impacts of Hurricane Michael along the northwest Florida coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 932–950. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
On October 10, 2018, category 5 Hurricane Michael made landfall at Mexico Beach, generating a nearly 5-m storm surge. The greater landfall area is characteristic of a cuspate headland protruding into the Gulf of Mexico for up to 50 km. The headland is composed of several barrier islands with different orientations fronting a large estuary. The hurricane-impacted areas include densely developed small beachfront communities, modestly to sparsely developed shoreline communities, mostly pristine state parks, and a completely pristine national wildlife refuge. Therefore, Hurricane Michael provides an excellent opportunity to study the impact of an extreme storm over various coastal environments with different degrees of human developments. Because of the shoreline orientation and bathymetry changes induced by the headland, the wave field associated with the hurricane is complicated, with different locations for the highest wave and the landfall site where the surge and wind speed were the greatest. Numerical wave modeling revealed two wave-focusing points along the headland where barrier-island breaching occurred. Beach-dune erosion and impact to infrastructure were examined and compared among various natural–human coastal systems. The magnitude of dune erosion was mostly controlled by the storm wave height and prestorm beach width, but the height of the prestorm dune was not a determining factor. Sedimentological characteristics of storm deposits along the barrier islands, within Apalachicola Bay, and in the surrounding coastal marsh were examined using 116 sediment cores and 40 grab sediment samples. Characteristics of storm deposits and their preservation are described for various subenvironments, including beaches, dunes, interior wetlands, back-barrier bay, and coastal marsh along the landward side of the estuary. The landward penetrations of identifiable sandy overwash deposits were less than 150 m along the barrier islands and less than 30 m along the mainland marshes. These results should have potential implications on paleostorm study.
Gopalakrishnan, T. and Kumar, L., 2020. Potential impacts of sea-level rise upon the Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka: How climate change can adversely affect the coastal zone. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 951–960. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Sea-level rise (SLR) is anticipated to be one of the most crucial factors putting pressure on the livelihood of human life in the 21st century. The Jaffna Peninsula, located at the northern tip of Sri Lanka, is no exception. This area lies entirely within 10 km of the coast and has an almost flat topography with a maximum elevation of 15 m above mean sea level (a.s.l.), whereas 50% of the total land area is less than 2 m a.s.l., making it highly vulnerable to coastal hazards, including SLR. An attempt was made to estimate the extent of land and paddy fields area that will be potentially inundated by 2050 and 2100 on the basis of different Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. Across four SLR scenarios, the total land area of the Jaffna Peninsula that will be directly inundated by 2050 is 6.8–13% and by 2100 this value will rise to 10–35%. Moreover, the Jaffna Peninsula is projected to lose approximately 7193–13,595 ha of paddy fields by 2050 and 10,630–36,786 ha by 2100. Considering the uncertainty in the inundation model, the total land area that could be under risk of inundation is 46.3% and 49.1% by 2050 and 2100, respectively, under the low-end scenario (RCP2.6), and 47% and 58.5% under the high-end scenario (RCP8.5). The areas surrounding the lagoons and the adjacent islands are identified as being the most vulnerable to SLR. The scale of the anticipated inundation on land and paddy fields underscores the urgent need for action to ensure the sustainable livelihoods of the region's population.
Yılmaz, K.T.; Alphan, H.; Kosztolányi, A.; Ünlükaplan, Y., and Derse, M.A., 2020. Coastal wetland monitoring and mapping along the Turkish Mediterranean: Determining the impact of habitat inundation on breeding bird species Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 961–972. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Within this study, bird species composition, spatial distribution of nests of the most common breeding bird species—the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus L.)—coastal habitat types, and spatiotemporal change on lagoon surface area were monitored. Field work and water-level monitoring occurred during a 2-year period form 2009 to 2011. Habitat mapping was accomplished through a combination of remote sensing (unsupervised classification of vegetation types) combined with ground truthing. Eleven habitat types were mapped in GIS software to create a dynamic habitat map for analyzing distribution and abundance of waterfowl. Annual changes in water levels and its effect on adjacent habitats are explored. Fifty-two nests were located in 2009 on places that were inundated by the spring flood and were, thus, potentially endangered by the flood. For change detection of the wetland, 13 Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus scenes, covering the period between January 2009 and October 2009, were used for pair-wise comparisons. For land cover classification, a WorldView-2 data was used and the information obtained was used in delineating boundaries of habitats. During the point surveys at the six observation points, 44 bird species were observed, whereas 65 bird species in total were recorded in the course of the project. At the salt marshes, 36 species were recorded, whereas at the freshwater marsh habitat, there were 28 species. In total, 247 Kentish plover nests were found during 2 years. The date eggs were laid was known for 198 nests; most nests were laid during May. The overall objective of this article was to develop a monitoring methodology for predicting the effect of inundation on reproductive success, understanding the habitat features of nesting waterfowl species, and estimating their population size for future monitoring of coastal wetlands.
McDonald, K.L., 2020. Differences in the morphology of restored and invaded foredunes on the North Spit of Humboldt Bay, California, U.S.A. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 973–980. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Invasive plants have altered wide-ranging coastal dune vegetation communities worldwide, and the effects of nonnative vegetation and invasive plant management on dune geomorphology are of interest to many coastal land managers, researchers, and coastal communities. This study compared the slopes, elevations, and profiles of invaded and restored foredunes on the North Spit of Humboldt Bay, California, using data from a high-resolution 2010 digital elevation model. Restoration of foredunes by removing invasive European beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria [L.] Link) took place over the last three decades in approximately half of the study area, and the restored areas now primarily support American dunegrass (Elymus mollis Trin.) and other native dune species. Despite recently voiced public concerns that restoration might be permanently lowering the foredune, restored and invaded areas showed no significant difference in height. However, invaded foredunes were significantly steeper with a flatter, plateau-like top, while restored areas were more gently sloping with rounded peaks. Foredune heights increased from the southern end of the study area to the north, regardless of restoration status, suggesting that other factors control foredune height.
Carbajal, N.; Montaño-Ley, Y.; Páez-Osuna, F.; Soto-Jiménez, M., and Tuxpan, J., 2020. Numerical investigation of sea-bottom morphological changes by the interaction of tidal flow and idealized coastal geometries. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 981–991. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Different idealized geometries, resembling shallow tidal-dominated seas with different geographical features like bays, islands, and headlands, were investigated by applying a two-dimensional hydrodynamic-numerical and morphological model. The geometries were exposed to fast oscillatory tidal velocities and unbounded sediment availability. The interaction between the oscillatory tidal flow and the seabed, in all the experiments, generated vorticity and small bed perturbations that evolved to incipient shoals or bed forms. The reversing tidal regime created asymmetric sediment transport, which in turn triggered sediment accretion at specific areas. The flow, residual circulation, and vorticity produced by mixed tides, and, in the presence of coastal morphological features like headlands, bays, and islands, also triggered the generation as well as the enhancement of asymmetric shoals. Experiments applying only one tidal component revealed a more symmetric pattern of vorticity and sediment accretion. Satellite images of areas of the Gulf of California including an island, bay, and headland were compared with the predicted tidal morphodynamics. They reflected quite well, in all cases, accretion areas located in sites similar to those predicted in the present numerical investigation.
Vezi, M.S.; Downs, C.T.; Wepener, V., and O'Brien, G., 2020. Macrobenthic communities in selected river-dominated estuaries in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Effects of contrasting environmental variables and seasonal flow changes. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 992–1004. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Globally, estuaries are ecologically important, but many are threatened by anthropogenic activities. Macrozoobenthos organisms are suitable ecological indicators in estuaries because they can detect the effects of stress and pollution. Spatial and temporal composition of macrozoobenthos communities were quantified and compared within and between the three estuaries (uMvoti, Thukela, and aMatikulu estuaries) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, with different levels of human pressure in their catchments. Macrozoobenthos of each estuary was also related to its respective environmental variables. The aMatikulu estuary was selected as a reference site because of its relatively good ecological condition. Sampling dates represented low flow (August and September) and high flow (March and April) from 2014 to 2016. Macrozoobenthos abundance expressed as individuals per square meter (ind·m–2) was highest in aMatikulu estuary (39,167 ind·m–2), followed by Thukela estuary (29,299 ind·m–2) and then uMvoti estuary (10,336 ind·m–2). Within estuaries, number of taxa and abundance between years were significantly different (p < 0.05), and number of taxa and species diversity between estuaries were also significantly different (p < 0.05). Coarse and very coarse sand were the important environmental determinants in structuring the macrozoobenthos community in the uMvoti estuary, whereas turbidity and water temperature were the important determinants in structuring the macrozoobenthos community in the Thukela estuary. Very fine sand, mud, and salinity were among the most important environmental variables in structuring macrozoobenthos communities in the aMatikulu estuary. Environmental variables differed between estuaries; consequently, macrozoobenthos communities differed between these three systems. Outcomes of the present study indicated that macrozoobenthos communities respond to changes in environmental variables. Results of this study showed that different levels of human pressure in the catchments of these three estuaries could explain variation in their environmental variables. Such variation could increase differences in taxon composition and abundances between the three estuaries, although they are from the same geographical region with similar river-dominated functions.
Jia, Q.; Zhou, L.; Yu, W.; Wang, X.; Wen, R., and Xie, Y., 2020. Surface energy flux changes and budget in a typical coastal reed wetland (Liaohe Delta, China). Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1005–1012. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Coastal wetlands are located between the continents and oceans, and their surface energy flux changes and budget play an important role in regulating regional climate. Liaohe Delta is a typical coastal reed wetland in China. The latent heat, sensible heat, and net radiation flux of reed wetlands in Liaohe Delta were studied for four consecutive years (2012–2015) on the basis of the eddy correlation system. The average annual accumulation of latent heat flux was 1525.39 MJ m–2, with a large seasonal variation. The latent heat flux was positive, and the peak value did not exceed 320 W m–2 in the daytime. The latent heat flux increased with the increase of temperature each day. The annual average sensible heat flux was 550.96 MJ m–2, with the minimum sensible heat in June and July, and the daily average change peak did not exceed 160 W m–2. The annual net radiation accumulation was 2868.32 MJ m–2, and the net radiation in winter decreased. The maximum value of net radiation in summer reached 622 W m–2. Latent heat flux accounted for 41%–63% of solar radiation, followed by storage flux, and sensible heat flux had the lowest value. This typical reed wetland has a strong water vapor regulation ability. These results contribute to research on land surface processes in wetlands.
Amos, C.L.; Kassem, H.; Townend, I.; Umgiesser, G.; Madricardo, F.; Zaggia, L.; Manfe, G.; Lorenzetti, G., and Gomez, E., 2020. Using historical data to examine the accuracy of sand transport field measurements in two nearshore marine settings. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1013–1028. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
A re-analysis of historical data from two field campaigns was undertaken to examine the accuracy of measurements of bed load (Qb) and total transport (Qtot) of sand in (1) a wave-dominant shoreface off western Newfoundland, Canada, and (2) a tide-dominant inlet of Venice Lagoon, Italy. Video tapes recorded within Sea Carousel (a benthic annular flume) deployed off Newfoundland were used to determine the transport of medium to coarse sand under controlled unidirectional flow conditions. These results were compared with Helley-Smith sand trap measurements of bed load of fine to medium sand in a tidal inlet of Venice Lagoon, Italy. Ripple migration rates in Sea Carousel were similar to those measured in rivers and shallow marine settings at similar flows. Accuracy of sand transport rate (derived from ripple motion) was assessed by comparison to fundamental methods presented in the literature. Some of the scatter in correlations with earlier methods was removed by using a nondimensional form of total sand transport and correlating it to excess stream power (i.e. above a traction threshold). Better correlations were found between immersed (bed load) transport rate and excess stream power by applying a published adjustment to the observations for flow depth and grain diameter. Total immersed (normalized) sand transport () in Sea Carousel correlated with excess stream power in a fashion similar to results reported in the literature: = 0.288(ω – ωcr)1.65 kg m–1 s–1, where the immersed total sand transport is normalized with respect to flow depth and grain diameter. The sand trap data also followed this fit in part (2006 data only) but demonstrated greater scatter. The data herein thus fell in line with those reported in the literature from a wide variety of flume and field settings and for a wide variety of grain sizes. It is concluded that annular benthic flumes offer a reasonable and reliable method of assessing sand transport under controlled conditions of flow. The results from Sea Carousel and the Helley-Smith traps appear to follow the same relationships and so appear compatible. However, benthic sand traps show a higher degree of scatter, perhaps due to the uncertainties in how they sit on the seabed, and due to the arbitrary conditions of flow to which they are subjected when deployed.
Gallagher, J.B.; Chew, S.-T.; Madin, J., and Thorhaug, A., 2020. Valuing carbon stocks across a tropical lagoon after accounting for black and inorganic carbon: Bulk density proxies for monitoring. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1029–1039. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Total organic carbon (TOC) stocks of seagrass and mangroves across a Southeast Asian lagoon were measured and valued after correcting for black carbon (BC) and calcareous carbon equivalents (PICequiv) in mitigating CO2 emissions, along with sediment dry bulk densities (DBDs), as a cost-effective means of estimating carbon stock concepts. Overall, seagrass and mangrove TOC densities ranged from 15.3 ± 4.3 and 124.3 ± 21.1 Mg C ha–1, respectively, across the lower lagoon and 175.2 ± 46.9 and 103.2 ± 19.0 Mg C ha–1 for seagrass and 355.0 ± 24.8 and 350.3 ± 35.2 Mg C ha–1 for mangroves across the two upper lagoon branches. Only mangrove biomass made significant additional contributions, ranging from 178.5 ± 62.3 to 120.7 ± 94.8 Mg C ha–1 for lower and upper regions, respectively. The difference between the lagoon's seagrass and mangrove TOC total stock (5.98 ± 0.69 and 390 ± 33.22 Gg C, respectively) was further amplified by the larger mangrove area. When corrected for BC and PICequiv, the carbon stock mitigation service was reduced by a moderate 14.2%. Across the lagoon the sedimentary DBD showed strong (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.001) to moderate (R2 = 0.67, p < 0.001) linear correlations with seagrass and mangrove [TOC], respectively and moderate correlations with seagrass [PIC] (R2 = 0.6, p < 0.001). There was an invariant and relatively constant response to mangrove [PIC] (2.7 ± 0.07 kg m–3). Valuations were worth on average US$0.44 million y–1 over 20 years, and less than the total income of the indigenous custodians (US$1.8 and US$7.4 million y–1).
Guo, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, Z., and Zhao, Y., 2020. Saltwater transport under the influence of sea-level rise in coastal multilayered aquifers. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1040–1049. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
The dynamic behavior of groundwater flow and salt transport in coastal multilayered aquifers is affected by sea-level rise (SLR). Two sets of laboratory experiments were completed that took into account SLR (seawater rising from 85 to 105 cm for scenario 1 and inland head decreasing from 100 to 80 cm for scenario 2). Groundwater flow and salt transport in the multilayered aquifers were observed during the experiment. SEAWAT software was used to validate the processes of seawater transport in the coastal multilayered aquifer under the influence of SLR. The hydrogeological parameters were identified by fitting the observed values of groundwater level and salinity in the model. The influences of aquifer heterogeneity, SLR, and boundary condition on solute mixing of saltwater and freshwater were described. Results showed that the transient toe penetration xtoe and area of the seawater wedge increased initially and then tended to stabilize as the seawater level increased in each stage of both scenarios. The spreading rate of the seawater wedge during the process of releasing water in scenario 2 was faster than that of storing water in scenario 1, although the difference between sea level and inland boundary head was the same in the two scenarios. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the estimated parameters were reasonable. Moreover, the variation of the seawater wedge could not be reproduced well when the hydraulic conductivities and saltwater density of the upper and lower layers were increased or decreased. The analysis provided insights into how SLR and inland water head influence seawater intrusion rate and area.
Dai, P.; Zhang, J., and Xiao, L., 2020. Temporal evolution assessment of dynamic tidal power including turbine effects. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1050–1058. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
The dynamic tidal power system adopts a coast perpendicular dike in capturing tidal potential energy and is basin free as opposed to the conventional tidal barrage system. Since it is important for the developers to have detailed information of the power output characteristics prior to implementation, the temporal evolution of the power output has been studied to improve the understanding of the dynamic tidal power resource using a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The model accurately simulates the tidal motion characteristic of Chinese marginal seas. As an essential input for the temporal power estimation, the turbine operation is taken into account for this study, while the watertight dike has often been considered in previous feasibility studies. The results show that the monthly average power output increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases with an increase in the number of turbines. The temporal evolution of power is featured by strong semidiurnal intermittency due to the semidiurnal tide. The peak power is recorded as 2.81 GW during spring tide, when 8% of the dike is opened for turbines. The magnitude reduces in both the middle and neap tide stages. Four peaks in the monthly average hourly power variation histogram were picked up, with much more homogeneity as compared with the power series during any specific tidal stage. Structurally, the T-branch added to the seaward tip of the I-shaped system is called the T end and forms the T-shaped system. It is proposed that this T-shaped system leads to an increase in production. The T end harvests substantially greater M2 energy than K1 energy near the seaward end of the system. The concentration of M2 energy contributes to the improvement in power production.
Yan, X. and Mohammadian, A., 2020. Evolutionary prediction of the trajectory of a rosette momentum jet group in flowing currents. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1059–1067. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
This study proposes a new approach to predicting the trajectory of a rosette momentum jet group in flowing currents, using multigene genetic programming (MGGP), which is an evolutionary-based artificial intelligence (AI) technique. The MGGP algorithm is used to develop explicit mathematical models that predict the dimensionless coordinates of the jet centerline trajectory as functions of the jet-to-ambient velocity ratios, the Reynolds numbers, the dimensionless jet angle, and the dimensionless travel distance. Experimental data are used to train the models, and the optimal models are identified using the Pareto-optimal approach, based on a performance–complexity trade-off. The same data, and some additional unseen data, are used to assess the performances of the developed models. The results show that the MGGP predictions have a good match with both the training and testing experimental datasets. The best MGGP model is also found to be superior to the best single-gene genetic programming (SGGP) model. This study demonstrates the suitability and capability of the MGGP technique in developing models for predicting the trajectory of a rosette momentum jet group in flowing currents, which can be used in many applications in the field of coastal science and engineering, such as the design of coastal outfall systems and assessment of environmental impacts.
Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Chen, X., and Yu, G., 2020. Maximum vertical pullout force of torpedo anchors in cohesive seabeds at different steady pullout velocities. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1068–1078. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
A torpedo anchor is a new innovative mooring device. This device is simple to install, is inexpensive, and has good mooring performance. The maximum vertical pullout force of torpedo anchors is a crucial indicator for a mooring system. This paper reports the findings from large deformation numerical analysis and physical model tests of the torpedo anchor to provide insights of the effect of the pullout velocity on the pullout behavior of torpedo anchors in cohesive seabeds. The numerical model adopted the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method and was validated by the experimental data. The simulated soil flow around the torpedo anchor was also validated using the results of the half-anchor tests. A parametric study was performed to investigate the effect of pullout velocity on the maximum vertical pullout force of the torpedo anchor. Results showed that the maximum vertical pullout force corresponding to the actual pullout velocity and reference pullout velocity was 1.0 + 0.49log times the reference maximum vertical pullout force. A new formula based on earlier studies and present numerical simulated and experimental results was then developed; it can be used to readily predict the maximum vertical pullout force of torpedo anchors in cohesive seabeds. Finally, sensitivity analyses on the pullout velocity and reference undrained shear strength in the formula were also performed.
Griggs, G., 2020. Coastal airports and rising sea levels. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1079–1092. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Most of the world's major cities are located along coastlines, and their large international airports are typically built either very close to sea level or on filled shallow coastal waters. These large facilities handle thousands of flights and millions of passengers annually, and in addition to being critical infrastructure, they are huge economic engines. Being very close to sea level, however, many of these airports are already exposed to extreme flood events (hurricanes, typhoons, large storms, and high tides) and in the future will face increasing risks with global sea-level rise. LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy (JFK), and Newark all suffered some flood damage during Superstorm Sandy in 2012. San Francisco and Oakland airports have already developed plans to build walls to protect them from 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 0.9 m) of additional sea-level rise. In addition to these airports, the Federal Aviation Administration has designated the airports at Philadelphia, Washington National, Miami, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, Louis Armstrong New Orleans, and Honolulu as at-risk from future storm surge and high water from extreme events. A rising ocean is inevitable and will be additive over time with extreme events. The existing elevations of individual airports combined with projections of future sea-level rise can provide important guidance on when these facilities are likely to be exposed to tidal flooding and, therefore, when airport management should begin to plan to respond or adapt to the future threats.
Coch, N.K., 2020. Inland damage from hurricanes. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1093–1105. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Hurricanes result in severe wind and flooding along the coast. In general, their effects decrease in intensity inland. A less well-known feature is that some tropical storms can penetrate deep into the interior and cause severe freshwater flooding and wind destruction far from the coast. Exceptional inland damage can result from a number of meteorological and topographical scenarios. A deteriorating hurricane may merge with a moist extratropical low-pressure system, causing massive rainfall and river flooding (Tropical Storm Agnes in Pennsylvania, 1969). Winds can be channeled through passes on mountainous islands, like Kauai, to cause massive destruction on the lee side (Hurricane Iniki, 1992). Mountains can induce orographic precipitation that can result in massive debris flows (Hurricane Camille in Nelson County, Virginia, 1969). A decaying hurricane can have high convective centers inland that result in localized damage more typical of the hurricane at landfall (Hurricane Hugo, 1989). Finally, northern hurricanes can encounter polar air masses on their left sides as they move inland in the early fall (the New England Hurricane of 1938). While inland intensification is not common, it can occur under certain conditions as outlined in this paper. It is important to consider the possibility of inland intensification in every hurricane. Although the frequency is low, the consequences can be very high.
Ram, R.; Pavan-Kumar, A.; Jaiswar, A.K.; Gireesh-Babu, P.; Krishna, G., and Chaudhari, A., 2020. Identification of fish and shellfish larvae from mangroves using DNA barcodes. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(5), 1106–1110. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Mangrove ecosystems support coastal and marine fisheries by providing feeding, breeding, and recruitment grounds for a great diversity of fish species. Globally, mangroves are declining from anthropogenic factors, causing a reduction in fish production. Baseline data of fish species that use mangroves as nursery or breeding grounds is a prerequisite for monitoring the health of mangrove ecosystems. However, identification of fish and shellfish larvae up to species level is difficult because of a lack of distinguishing morphological characters. In the present study, fish and shellfish larval diversity from selected mangrove zones of the northwest coast of India was characterized by the DNA barcoding approach. Around 53% (n = 33) of sampled individuals could be identified up to species level without ambiguity. The study concluded that many commercially and ecologically important fish and shellfish species, such as, Pampus argenteus, Pampus chinensis, Sillago sihama, Lutjanus johnii, Boleophthalmus boddarti, and Penaeus monodon, are utilizing mangroves of the northwest coast of India as nursery grounds. The results of the present study provide baseline data for fish diversity of mangroves of the northwest coast of India.
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