Special Issue 53 - Coastal Applications of Airborne Lidar [Brock & Purkis]
VOL. 2009 · NO. 10053 | Fall 2009
John C. Brock, Samuel J. Purkis
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 1-5, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-001.1
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, laser altimetry, remote sensing, coastal mapping, benthic habitats, storm hazards, shoreline change, dune vegetation
David G. Zawada, John C. Brock
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 6-15, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-002.1
KEYWORDS: coral reef roughness, fractal dimension, reef segmentation, zonation
Greg Foster, Brian K. Walker, Bernhard M. Riegl
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 16-26, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-003.1
KEYWORDS: AGDS, acoustic ground discrimination, benthic surveys, E1, E2, echo, habitat mapping, Coral reef, South Florida
Simon J. Pittman, Bryan M. Costa, Tim A. Battista
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 27-38, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-004.1
KEYWORDS: Topographic complexity, terrain morphometrics, seascapes, predictive modeling, fish species richness, spatial scale, Puerto Rico
Brian K. Walker, Lance K. B. Jordan, Richard E. Spieler
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 39-48, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-005.1
KEYWORDS: Seascape ecology, habitat complexity, rugosity, coral reef fish, LIDAR, GIS
Dean B. Gesch
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 49-58, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-006.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: accuracy assessment, digital elevation model, geospatial data, hazards, maps, uncertainty
Hilary F. Stockdon, Kara S. Doran, Asbury H. Sallenger Jr.
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 59-65, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-007.1
KEYWORDS: dune erosion, inundation, vulnerability, Fire Island
Jason M. Stoker, Dean J. Tyler, D. Phil Turnipseed, K. Van Wilson Jr., Michael J. Oimoen
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 66-72, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-008.1
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, data, Hurricane Katrina, digital elevation models, storm tide, northern Gulf of Mexico
P. Kempeneers, B. Deronde, S. Provoost, R. Houthuys
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 73-82, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-009.1
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, vegetation classification, mapping, digital elevation models, Dunes
Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy, Amar Nayegandhi, John Brock, Robert Woodman, C. Wayne Wright
Journal of Coastal Research 2009 (10053), 83-97, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI53-010.1
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, EAARL, vegetation metrics, vegetation classification, bare earth, general linear models, generalized additive models
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