Special Issue 55 - Research & Monitoring of NERRS Aquatic Ecosystems [Kennish]
VOL. 2008 · NO. 10055 | Summer 2008
Katherine Mills, Michael J. Kennish, Kenneth A. Moore
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 1-8, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-012.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: NERRS, System-Wide Monitoring Program, research, monitoring
Y. Peter Sheng, Bilge Tutak, Justin R. Davis, Vladimir Paramygin
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 9-25, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-002.1
KEYWORDS: circulation, flushing, hydrodynamic model, GTMNERR
Nicole G. Dix, Edward J. Phlips, Richard A. Gleeson
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 26-37, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-008.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: hurricanes, salinity, nutrients, phytoplankton, continuous monitoring
H. Lee Edmiston, Stephanie A. Fahrny, Megan S. Lamb, Lauren K. Levi, Jennifer M. Wanat, Jessica S. Avant, Kim Wren, Nicole C. Selly
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 38-49, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-009.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: water quality, coastal erosion, oyster reefs, submerged aquatic vegetation, sea turtles
Erin Shields, Chris Weidman
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 50-58, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-003.1
KEYWORDS: dissolved oxygen, DO, Eutrophication, estuary, hypoxia
Jude K. Apple, Erik M. Smith, Thomas J. Boyd
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 59-75, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-005.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bacterioplankton, National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS), estuary, Chlorophyll-a
Amanda McGuirk Flynn
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 76-94, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-010.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Dissolved organic matter, nutrients, seasonal cycles, fluxes, budgets, estuaries
Dennis M. Allen, Virginia Ogburn-Matthews, Tracy Buck, Erik M. Smith
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 95-110, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-004.1
KEYWORDS: plankton, Salt marshes, tidal creeks, larval recruitment, grass shrimp, Larval fish, long-term, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
Robert S. Whyte, Dawn Trexel-Kroll, David M. Klarer, Robert Shields, David A. Francko
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 111-120, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-19.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: invasive species, Great Lakes, Old Woman Creek, water levels, biodiversity
Steven S. Rumrill, Derek C. Sowers
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 121-134, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-016.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: eelgrass, Zostera marina, Salt marsh, sedimentation, nutrients, diversity, estuarine gradient
Kenneth A. Moore, Jessie C. Jarvis
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 135-147, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-014
KEYWORDS: submerged aquatic vegetation, anoxia, hypoxia, dissolved oxygen, Turbidity, light attenuation, inorganic phosphorus, nitrate, Ammonium, climate change, National Estuarine Research Reserve
Michael J. Kennish, Scott M. Haag, Gregg P. Sakowicz
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 148-170, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-0013.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Little Egg Harbor, seagrass beds, Zostera marina, Ruppia maritima, macroalgae, demographics, habitat change
Scott M. Haag, Michael J. Kennish, Gregg P. Sakowicz
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 171-179, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-011.1
KEYWORDS: seagrass, macroalgae, underwater videographic imaging, monitoring, Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary
Kenneth B. Raposa
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 180-192, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-015 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Nekton, estuarine birds, Emergent vegetation, water quality, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, New England
Lawrence DeLancey, Elizabeth Wenner, James Jenkins
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 193-199, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-007.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Size frequency, abundance, penaeid, resource management, climatic conditions, estuary, water quality
Saundra Upchurch, Elizabeth Wenner
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 200-213, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-017.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Decapod crustaceans, Fish, distributions, ACE Basin
Jill L. Schmid, David S. Addison, Maureen A. Donnelly, Michael A. Shirley, Thane Wibbels
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 214-220, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-001.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: habitat restoration, temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD)
Alan W. Wells, William C. Nieder, Bryan L. Swift, Kelli A. O'Connor, Carol A. Weiss
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 221-235, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-018.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Avian breeding habitats, tidal marshes, Hudson River Estuary
Michael J. Kennish
Journal of Coastal Research 2008 (10055), 236-239, (1 July 2008) https://doi.org/10.2112/SI55-006.1
No abstract available
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