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The generic classification of Neotropical Eumeninae has been termed chaotic, and synonymisation of taxa has become constant in recent years. Recognition of some generic limits are problematic due to features showing a great deal of variation, such as the length of the first metasomal tergum. This applies to the Neotropical Alphamenes van der Vecht, Minixi Giordani Soika and Pachyminixi Giordani Soika. Minixi has already been demonstrated to be paraphyletic in regards to Pachyminixi. These taxa are the focus of the present study, which used morphological data to infer the phylogenetic relationships among their constituent species. A total of 14 taxa and 34 characters were subjected to cladistic analysis under implied weighting. A single most-parsimonious cladogram was obtained, recovering Pachyminixi as monophyletic. Minixi, however, was paraphyletic relative to Pachyminixi and they are thus synonymised, with the former name having priority. A new species from Mexico, Minixi mariachii, sp. nov., is described. Minixi joergenseni bicingulatus (Zavattari, 1912) is synonymised under M. joergenseni (Schrottky, 1909), comb. nov. Additional new combinations are: Minixi arechavaletae (Brèthes, 1903), comb. nov., M. bifasciatum (von Schulthess, 1904), comb. nov., M. brethesi (Bertoni, 1927), comb. nov., M. sumichrasti (de Saussure, 1875), comb. nov., and M. uruguyense (de Saussure, 1855), comb. nov. Illustrations and a new key to species of Minixi are provided. The present study enhances our knowledge on Neotropical potter wasp systematics, providing one further step into a natural classification for a group whose taxonomy has suffered from irrational splitting of genera in the past century.
The South Australian members of the flat-millipede genera Oncocladosoma Jeekel, 1985 and Somethus Chamberlin, 1920 are revised using an integrative approach incorporating sequence data and morphology. The partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding gene and partial nuclear ribosomal 28S rRNA were amplified and sequenced for 15 Oncocladosoma specimens and 10 Somethus specimens and the datasets were used for molecular phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance determination. Both morphology and molecular data indicate that all species of Oncocladosoma fall within Somethus, and therefore, Oncocladosoma is synonymised with Somethus. Within those species supported by molecular data, features of the solenomere tip are relatively stable and useful for species identification. 28S rRNA has proven to provide sufficient nucleotide variation to provisionally discriminate species. Oncocladosoma castaneum ingens Jeekel, 1985, O. clavigerum Jeekel, 1985 and O. conigerum Jeekel, 1985 are junior synonyms of Somethus castaneus, comb. nov., and Somethus modicus Jeekel, 2002 is a synonym of S. scopiferus Jeekel, 2002. New records and electron scanning micrographs of gonopods are provided for S. castaneus, comb. nov., S. inflatus (Jeekel, 2002), comb. nov., S. lancearius Jeekel, 2002, S. scopiferus Jeekel, 2002, and Somethus grossi Jeekel, 1985, together with a key to the South Australian species of Somethus.
Recent studies in southern Africa have revealed a wealth of novel freshwater crab species in high mountainous regions. In the present study, phylogeographic affinities between two sister mountain-living freshwater crab species (Potamonautes brincki and P. parvicorpus) were examined for novel lineages. Seventy-six crab specimens were collected throughout the Western Cape Province of South Africa and sequenced for the COI locus. Evolutionary relationships were analysed using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony, a haplotype network and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA). Results revealed three divergent clades. Clade A comprised specimens of P. brincki restricted to the Hottentots Holland; sister to which was Clade B from the Overberg, while Clade C comprised specimens of P. parvicorpus from the Cape Peninsula and adjacent interior. Haplotype networks and AMOVA provide evidence for the absence of gene flow whilst morphology of the male gonopods and the mandibular palp revealed subtle but consistent differences between the three clades. Since Clades A and C represent two described species, P. brincki and P. parvicorpus, respectively, Clade B is herein described as a new species, P. tuerkayi, sp. nov. These results highlight the importance of continued sampling of mountain habitats to document aquatic invertebrate diversity.
The ostracod genera Parapolycope Klie, 1939 and Kliecope Tanaka, Tsukagoshi & Karanovic, 2014 have a sexually dimorphic upper lip, and males use their lip during courtship. Here we study the male upper lip of 14 species in order to find homologous structures. For this purpose, the lip is divided into six homologous parts, determined by their relative position on the lip and the lip’s position in relation to other body parts. We found that the distal part (‘c’) is the most variable across taxa, probably due to high sexual selection. Six characters of the male upper lip are used in our cladistic analysis, along with another 12, in order to study phylogenetic relationships between Parapolycope species from East Asia. In addition, 18S rRNA is used to reconstruct molecular phylogeny and test the congruence between morphological and molecular data. The recovered topology on all obtained trees is almost identical, emphasising the importance of the male upper lip morphology in interpreting phylogenetic relationships in this peculiar ostracod group. Parapolycope viriosa, sp. nov. and P. widoensis, sp. nov. from marine interstitial habitats in South Korea are described here. To aid further identification of the 12 East Asian Parapolycope species we provide a taxonomic key.
Gall-inducing insects are relatively host-specific compared with their non-galling relatives. In Australia, there have been at least four origins of gall induction among eriococcid scale insects, with the most species-rich genus, Apiomorpha, inducing galls only on species of Eucalyptus. Here we describe two recently discovered species of Apiomorpha that induce galls on eudesmid eucalypts in Western Australia: Apiomorpha gongylocarpae, sp. nov., which is very similar morphologically to A. pomaphora, and A. jucundacrispi, sp. nov., the adult females of which induce an unusual gall covered in woody protrusions that, when older, have a knobbly appearance. Using molecular, morphological and host-association data, we show that these two species form a monophyletic group with the only other species of Apiomorpha that feed on eudesmid eucalypts (A. hilli and A. pomaphora). We place all four species of eudesmid-feeding Apiomorpha in the A. hilli species group, thus revising the current placement of A. pomaphora by removing it from the A. malleeacola species group. This study highlights additional faunal diversity endemic to Western Australia, with two of the four species being restricted to the globally recognised biodiversity hotspot of the South West Australia Floristic Region.
One of the major problems hindering the systematic study of tachinid flies is that genera are often poorly defined, making it difficult to unambiguously assign species among closely related genera. Within the tribe Winthemiini, an example of this problem is represented by the unstable classification of the Afrotropical species most recently classified as Smidtia capensis (Schiner). This species has been previously assigned to four different genera on the basis of limited examination and evidence. Here, we evaluate the identity and phylogenetic affinities of this species and other members of the tribe Winthemiini using morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis. We demonstrate that S. capensis actually belongs to the genus Winthemia Robineau-Desvoidy. We also find that Winthemia is paraphyletic with respect to two monotypic genera, Crypsina (type species Crypsina prima Brauer & Bergenstamm) and Hemiwinthemia (type species Hemiwinthemia calva Villeneuve). On the basis of morphological and genetic evidence, we propose to extend the generic limits of Winthemia to include W. londti, sp. nov. (South Africa), W. capensis (Schiner), comb. nov. (South Africa), W. prima (Brauer & Bergenstamm), comb. nov. (China, Japan, Australia) and W. calva (Villeneuve), comb. nov. (D.R. Congo), thus synonymising with Winthemia the generic names Crypsina, syn. nov. and Hemiwinthemia, syn. nov.
The aeolid nudibranch Fiona pinnata (Eschscholtz, 1831) is an obligate rafter that occurs exclusively on macroalgal rafts and other floating substrata, and has a seemingly cosmopolitan marine distribution. Mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA sequence data were generated from specimens collected worldwide to test for global connectivity in this species. Phylogeographic analyses revealed three divergent mtDNA lineages, two of which were abundant and widespread. One of these lineages has an apparent circumequatorial distribution, whereas the other may have an antitropical distribution within the Pacific Ocean. Low genetic divergences within each lineage suggest that rafting can mediate dispersal across transoceanic scales. A third, highly divergent, lineage was detected in a single Indonesian specimen. Broadly concordant phylogeographic relationships were detected for the nuclear ITS1 region, with distinct tropical versus antitropical lineages observed. The substantial genetic divergences and largely allopatric distributions observed among the F. pinnata lineages suggest that they represent a species complex.
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