VOL. 9 · NO. 4 | October-December 2016
Stephen F. Enloe, Sarah E. O'Sullivan, Nancy J. Loewenstein, Eve F. Brantley, Dwight K. Lauer
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 235-241, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00028.1
KEYWORDS: Basal bark treatment, Individual plant treatment, invasive plant control, woody plant control
Ruth B. Rauber, Pablo A. Cipriotti, Marta B. Collantes, Juan P. Martini, Enrique Frers
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 242-251, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00037.1
KEYWORDS: grasslands, hawkweeds, NIS, pastures, Sheep grazing, soil disturbance, spatial modeling, suitability
Rodney G. Lym
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 252-260, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00031.1
KEYWORDS: dissipation, invasive species, seeding native species, soil residual
Robin B. Hunter, John C. Callaway, Andrew P. Rayburn, Gretchen C. Coffman
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 261-271, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00026.1
KEYWORDS: flooding, invasive species, riparian, wetland
Graham M. Tuttle, Gabrielle L. Katz, Jonathan M. Friedman, Andrew P. Norton
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 272-289, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00029.1
KEYWORDS: invader impacts, nitrogen, Plant community composition
Rebecca A. Sherry, Patrick B. Shafroth, Jayne Belnap, Steven Ostoja, Sasha C. Reed
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 290-307, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00034.1
KEYWORDS: Acroptilon repens, Aristida purpurea, biological control, Bromus tectorum, legacy effects, secondary invasion, Sporobolus cryptandrus, Tamarix
Derek J. Sebastian, Scott J. Nissen, Juliana De Souza Rodrigues
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (4), 308-316, (1 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00045.1
KEYWORDS: Dose-response, Great Basin, invasive weed, invasive winter annual grass, rangeland, restoration
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