VOL. 9 · NO. 1 | January-March 2016
Lindsey R. Milbrath, Antonio DiTommaso, Jeromy Biazzo, Scott H. Morris
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 1-11, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00042.1
KEYWORDS: biological control, dog-strangling vine, invasive plant, mechanical control, natural areas, Old field, vine
Adriana E. Martinez, Patricia F. McDowell
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 12-21, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00046.1
KEYWORDS: channel, riparian zone, river, roughness, stem stiffness
Jeffrey C. Mosley, Rachel A. Frost, Brent L. Roeder, Tracy K. Mosley, Gerald Marks
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 22-32, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00034.1
KEYWORDS: biological control, compensatory recruitment, cumulative stress, resource dilution, targeted livestock grazing
William L. Bruckart, Farivar M. Eskandari, Dana K. Berner
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 33-40, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00045.1
KEYWORDS: Asteraceae, Crupina vulgaris, invasive plant, plant disease, Pucciniales, rust fungus
Case Studies
Amanda Buerger, Katherine Howe, Ellen Jacquart, Monika Chandler, Theresa Culley, Christopher Evans, Kelly Kearns, Robert Schutzki, Laura Van Riper
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 41-54, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00018.1
KEYWORDS: invasive species, Midwest, risk assessment
Scott Charlton, Robyn Henderson, Ian McGowen, Bernie Dominiak, Michael Michelmore
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 55-59, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-14-00079.1
KEYWORDS: Data warehousing, national livestock identification system, NLIS, pathway analysis, tracing
David R. Clements, Todd Larsen, Jennifer Grenz
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 60-70, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00047.1
KEYWORDS: biological control, Genetics, Glyphosate resistance, herbicides, hybridization, management, mechanical weed control
Sharon Gillies, David R. Clements, Jennifer Grenz
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 71-80, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00039.1
KEYWORDS: allelopathy, clonal reproduction, epigenetics, hybridization, ideal weed characteristics, invasive species
Doria R. Gordon, S. Luke Flory, Deah Lieurance, Philip E. Hulme, Chris Buddenhagen, Barney Caton, Paul D. Champion, Theresa M. Culley, Curt Daehler, Franz Essl, Jeffrey E. Hill, Reuben P. Keller, Lisa Kohl, Anthony L. Koop, Sabrina Kumschick, David M. Lodge, Richard N. Mack, Laura A. Meyerson, Godshen R. Pallipparambil, F. Dane Panetta, Read Porter, Petr Pyšek, Lauren D. Quinn, David M. Richardson, Daniel Simberloff, Montserrat Vilà
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 81-83, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00053.1
No abstract available
Jacob N. Barney, Larissa L. Smith, Daniel R. Tekiela
Invasive Plant Science and Management 9 (1), 84-85, (1 January 2016) https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-16-00001.1
No abstract available
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