VOL. 16 · NO. 3 | July–September 2023
Alexandros Tataridas, Miguel Moreira, Luciana Frazão, Panagiotis Kanatas, Noboru Ota, Ilias Travlos
Invasive Plant Science and Management 16 (3), 139-159, (14 August 2023) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2023.21
KEYWORDS: BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS, integrated weed management, invasive plant species, silverleaf nightshade
No abstract available
Hannah M. Hartman, Oscar J. Rocha
Invasive Plant Science and Management 16 (3), 160-169, (10 August 2023) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2023.23
KEYWORDS: diffusion, encroachment, gene flow, genetic structure, long-distance dispersal, microsatellite markers, range expansion
Mackenzie E. Bell, Stephen F. Enloe, James K. Leary, Dwight K. Lauer
Invasive Plant Science and Management 16 (3), 170-176, (18 August 2023) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2023.22
KEYWORDS: Aminocyclopyrachlor, Aminopyralid, basal bark application, Individual plant treatment, reduced hack and squirt, triclopyr acid, triclopyr butoxyethyl ester
Carol A. Rolando, Matthew B. Scott, Brenda R. Baillie, Fiona Dean, Christine L. Todoroki, Thomas S. H. Paul
Invasive Plant Science and Management 16 (3), 177-190, (10 August 2023) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2023.20
KEYWORDS: contamination, herbicide persistence, lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta, wilding conifer
Alyssa M. Haram, Ryan M. Wersal
Invasive Plant Science and Management 16 (3), 191-195, (3 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2023.18
KEYWORDS: Bulbil, Clipping, macroalgae, management, nuisance relief, starry stonewort
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