VOL. 12 · NO. 4 | December 2019
Hannah L. Farrell, Elise S. Gornish
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 203-213, (5 November 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.28
KEYWORDS: competition, disturbance, dryland, fire, herbicide, invasive grass, soil nutrients, water cycle
Justin P. Kermack, Emily S. J. Rauschert
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 214-222, (22 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.27
KEYWORDS: invasion success, site characteristics, soil characteristics
Lindsay E. Koby, Timothy S. Prather, Harold Quicke, Jared Beuschlein, Ian C. Burke
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 223-228, (22 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.26
KEYWORDS: cover, Palouse Prairie, species richness
Richard Cristan, Patrick J. Minogue, Stephen F. Enloe, Brent Sellers, Anna Osiecka
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 229-235, (22 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.29
KEYWORDS: Coral ardisia, flumioxazin, imazamox, invasive shrub, pine–hardwood forest, triclopyr formulations
Candice M. Prince, Kaitlyn H. Quincy, Stephen F. Enloe, Jennifer Possley, James Leary
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 236-241, (22 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.30
KEYWORDS: carriers, cut surface, cut–return–treat, foliar applications, herbicide, invasive grass
Maryam Alomran, George Newcombe, Timothy Prather
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 242-245, (22 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.24
KEYWORDS: biological control, distributions, enemy release, invader, native range
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