VOL. 12 · NO. 3 | October 2019
Rui Zhang, Katriona Shea
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 155-160, (9 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.18
KEYWORDS: control, invasion, management interventions, mowing, population spread
Yue M. Li, Brett Stauffer, Jim Malusa
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 161-168, (9 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.23
KEYWORDS: Brassica tournefortii, large scale, plant invasion, Sahara mustard, spatial heterogeneity, U.S. National Vegetation Classification, weed management
Jeromy Biazzo, Lindsey R. Milbrath
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 169-175, (9 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.22
KEYWORDS: dog-strangling vine, invasive plant, mechanical control, natural areas, Old field, vine
Leeland Murray, Brian J. Schutte, Carol Sutherland, Leslie Beck, Amy Ganguli, Erik Lehnhoff
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 176-185, (15 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.20
KEYWORDS: Diorhabda sublineata, imazapyr, integrated pest management, mowing, riparian restoration, tamarisk leaf beetle
Bridget E. Hilbig, Edith B. Allen
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 186-193, (9 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.19
KEYWORDS: Bromus diandrus, fludioxonil, metalaxyl, soilborne pathogens, soil legacy effects
Emma K. Rice, Pamela Martínez-Oquendo, James N. McNair
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 194-201, (23 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.2019.21
KEYWORDS: invasive, management, percent germination, sand dune, weed
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