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Many invasive species managers state that their objective is to “control” an invader. However, the appropriate choice of a management option requires a more explicit statement of management objectives, in terms of both the relevant time horizon and spatial scale. Using data from a 2-yr mowing experiment, we show that the most effective management strategy for controlling an invasive thistle depends fundamentally on the management goals. We integrate field data from a two-cohort experiment with modeling to assess 14 mowing treatments (differing in intensity, frequency, and timing, and thus also in their required logistical effort) based on their effectiveness in (1) reducing population density of the existing cohort, (2) decreasing projected long-term population growth, and (3) limiting projected population spread of an invasive thistle, musk thistle (Carduus nutans L.). The treatment with high intensity and a single late mow caused the largest reduction in plant survival (and density of existing adult plants); the treatment with high intensity and an early mow in addition to a late mow was most effective at reducing population growth rate and population spread. Against expectation and conventional wisdom, the most frequent mowing treatment did not provide the most effective management outcome for any stated objective. This study highlights the necessity of clearly defined management aims; the term “control” is too vague to be truly useful. The results also provide important insights for the management of this invasive species.
Large-scale control of invasive plants can benefit strongly from reliable assessment of spatial variation in plant invasibility. With this knowledge, limited management resources can be concentrated in areas of high invasion risk. We assessed the influence of spatial environments and proximity to roads on the invasibility of African mustard (Brassica tournefortii Gouan) over the 280,000-ha Barry M. Goldwater Range West in southwestern Arizona, USA. We used presence/absence data of B. tournefortii acquired from a vegetation classification project, in which lands were mapped to the level of vegetation subassociations. Logistic regression models suggested that spatial environments represented by the subassociations, not proximity to roads, represented the only factor significantly explaining B. tournefortii presence. We then used the best model to predict B. tournefortii invasibility in each subassociation. This prediction indicates management strategy should differ between the western part and the central to eastern part of the range. The western range is a large spatial continuum with intermediate to high invasion risk, vulnerable to an untethered spread of B. tournefortii. Controlling efforts should focus on preventing existing local populations from further expansion. The central and eastern ranges are a mosaic varying strongly in invasion risk. Control efforts can take advantage of natural invasion barriers and further reduce connectivity through removal of source populations connected with other high-risk locations via roads and other dispersal corridors. We suggest our approach as one effective way to combine vegetation classification and plant invasion assessment to manage complex landscapes over large ranges, especially when this approach is used through an iterative prediction–validation process to achieve adaptive management of invasive plants.
Pale swallowwort (Vincetoxicum rossicum), as well as its congener, black swallowwort (Vincetoxicum nigrum), is a European viny milkweed that has become invasive in natural areas and perennial cropping systems in the northeastern and midwestern United States and southeastern Canada. Mechanical control over 1 to 2 yr has not been effective, but studies of a longer duration are needed. We measured effects of mowing (no mowing or three or six times per growing season) on stem and root crown densities, percent cover, and follicle (seed pod) production of V. rossicum and percent cover of other vegetation over a 7-yr period. Stem density, root crown density, and percent cover of V. rossicum were reduced after 3 to 5 yr of mowing regardless of mowing frequency. Cover of other, mostly nonnative, broadleaf species increased. Follicle production was eliminated in all years of the study. In our environment, mowing three times at monthly intervals during the growing season can prevent seed production. However, mowing must occur for at least 3 yr to reduce, but not eliminate, stands of V. rossicum.
Invasive shrubs like Tamarix spp. are ecological and economic threats in the U.S. Southwest and West, as they displace native vegetation and require innovative management approaches. Tamarix control typically consists of chemical and mechanical removal, but these methods may have negative ecological and economic impacts. Tamarisk leaf beetles (Diorhabda spp.) released for biocontrol are becoming increasingly established within Western river systems and can provide additional control. Previous Diorhabda research studied integration of beetle herbivory with fire and with mechanical management methods and herbicide application (e.g., cut stump), but little research has been conducted on integration with mowing and foliar herbicide application, which cause minimal soil disturbance. At Caballo Reservoir in southern New Mexico, we addressed the question: “How does Tamarix respond to chemical and mechanical control when Diorhabda is well established at a site?” A field experiment was conducted by integrating mowing and foliar imazapyr herbicide at standard (3.6 g ae L–1 [0.75% v/v] and low (1.2 g ae L–1 [0.25% v/v]) rates with herbivory. Treatments were replicated five times at two sites—a dry site and a seasonally flooded site. Beetles and larvae were counted and green foliage was measured over 2 yr. Mowing and full herbicide rates reduced green foliage and limited regrowth compared with low herbicide rate and beetles alone. Integrating conventional management such as mowing and herbicide with biocontrol could improve Tamarix management by providing stresses in addition to herbivory alone.
Little is known about impacts of soilborne pathogen legacies on reestablishment of native plant species in abandoned agricultural fields. We tested whether pathogens found in abandoned citrus orchards affect growth of native and invasive plant species in a controlled greenhouse experiment. In previous research, we identified several species of ascomycete (Fusarium spp.) and oomycete (Pythium spp.) pathogens from field roots and soils. The invasive annual grass, ripgut brome [Bromus diandrus (Roth.)], and native forbs, common fiddleneck [Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.A. Mey.], coastal tidytips [Layia platyglossa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) A. Gray], and California goldfields [Lasthenia californica (DC. ex Lindl.)], were grown together in four different field soil treatments. Using pesticides on soils collected from abandoned citrus fields, we created four soil treatments that excluded different groups of potential pathogens: (1) untreated control (2) metalaxyl (oomyceticide) (3) fludioxonil (fungicide), and (4) steam-sterilized. Fludioxonil increased aboveground biomass of L. platyglossa (P = 0.005) and L. californica (P= 0.02) compared with sterile and metalaxyl-treated soils. Lasthenia californica had decreased arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization with metalaxyl, suggesting metalaxyl has non-target effects on mycorrhizae. Fludioxonil decreased potential pathogens in L. californica roots while having no effect on mycorrhizal colonization. Bromus diandrus had higher biomass in sterile and fludioxonil-treated soils than untreated soils (P = 0.0001), suggesting a release from soilborne pathogens. The release from soilborne pathogens with the use of fludioxonil in both native forbs and B. diandrus, combined with overall higher biomass across treatments in B. diandrus, suggests that pathogen impacts in a field setting are insufficient to reduce success of this invasive grass, and use of a fungicide would not benefit native species in mixed stands with B. diandrus.
Babysbreath or perennial babysbreath (Gypsophila paniculata L.) is an aggressive invasive plant in large parts of southern Canada and the northern and western United States. It reproduces and disperses by seed, so the phenology of seed maturation is important in designing management programs. The present study provides the first quantitative assessment of G. paniculata seed-maturation phenology in a field population, as well as the first quantitative assessment of how the efficacy of herbicide treatment in preventing production of germinable seeds depends on the timing of treatment in relation to this phenology. Seeds were collected from untreated plants on five dates during July and August in both 2016 and 2017 and tested for germinability. Percent germination increased from 20% to 81% between July 22 and 28 and exceeded 90% by August 4, 2016. The seed-maturation phenology in 2017 was similar but delayed by about 4 d. On a growing degree-day scale, seed-maturation phenologies for the 2 yr were nearly identical. We also tested germinability of seeds from plants sprayed with glyphosate (23.4 ml ae L–1) on July 11, 18, and 25, 2016 (one date per plant). Percent germination increased from 0% to 13% to 20% over successive treatment dates, highlighting the importance of completing treatment early in the growing season.
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