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VOL. 10 · NO. 1 | January-March 2017

Case Study (1)
Research and Education
Daniel R. Tekiela, Jacob N. Barney
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 1-8, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: Global Invader Impact Network (GIIN), impact, legacy effect, multivariate, Species similarity
Matt A. Sanderson, Holly Johnson, Mark A. Liebig, John R. Hendrickson, Sara E. Duke
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 9-16, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: invasive species, long-term pastures, soil carbon, Soil nitrogen
Daniel Z. Atwater, Wonjae Kim, Daniel R. Tekiela, Jacob N. Barney
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 17-25, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: competition, dispersal, propagule pressure
Invasion Alert
Kyle C. Roerig, Corey V. Ransom
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 26-32, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: Bluebunch wheatgrass [Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve], non-cropland, patch expansion, volunteer rye, weed invasion, weedy rye
Case Study
Craig C. Young, Jordan C. Bell, Chad S. Gross, Lloyd W. Morrison, Jennifer L. Haack-Gaynor
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 33-43, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: Data collection, effectiveness monitoring, GPS, invasive plants, point data, point mapping, weed mapping, NAISMA
Research and Education
William L. Bruckart III, Farivar M. Eskandari, Jami L. Michael, Emily L. Smallwood
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 44-52, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: biological control, Poaceae, Pleosporaceae
Kim Canavan, Iain D. Paterson, Martin P. Hill
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 53-60, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: biological control, chloroplast, haplotype, microsatellites, tall-statured grasses
Yumiko Higuchi, Yoshiko Shimono, Tohru Tominaga
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 61-71, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: exotic, genetic diversity, intentional/unintentional introduction, introduction pathways, nSSR, postintroduction process
Joseph M. DiTomaso, Guy B. Kyser, David J. Lewis, John A. Roncoroni
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 72-79, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: chemical weed control, grassland, herbicide, invasive, invasive plant control, Organic weed control, rangeland
Corie B. Ereth, John R. Hendrickson, Donald Kirby, E. Shawn DeKeyser, Kevin K. Sedivec, Mark S. West
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 80-89, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: Fall burn, invasive perennial grass, spring burn
Niels A. Jorgensen, Mike J. Moechnig, Mary B. Halstvedt, Mark J. Renz
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 90-98, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: herbicide, invasive species, native plant establishment, prairie restoration
Derek J. Sebastian, Scott J. Nissen, James R. Sebastian, Paul J. Meiman, K. George Beck
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 99-109, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: Dose-response, Great Basin, invasive weed, invasive winter annual grass, rangeland, restoration
Rodney G. Lym, Roger L. Becker, Michael J. Moechnig, Mary B. Halstvedt, Vanelle F. Peterson
Invasive Plant Science and Management 10 (1), 110-117, (1 March 2017)
KEYWORDS: invasive weed control, reseeding, revegetation
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