VOL. 1 · NO. 1 | January 2009
Helen Hull-Sanders
International Journal of Insect Science 1 (1), (1 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/117954330900100001 Open Access
Original Research
Xing P. Hu, Wei Ding
International Journal of Insect Science 1 (1), (1 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/IJIS.S2378 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Solenopsis invicta, individual mound treatment, bait application, season effect
Takumasa Kondo, Michael L. Williams
International Journal of Insect Science 1 (1), (1 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/IJIS.S2827 Open Access
KEYWORDS: soft scale insects, coccids, taxonomy, new combination, new species
Rapid Communication
Poonam Sharma, Pallavi R. Shankar, Geetha Subramaniam, Amit Kumar, Aanchal Tandon, C.G. Suresh, Meenakshi V. Rele, Lalitha Sunil Kumar
International Journal of Insect Science 1 (1), (1 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1177/IJIS.S3384 Open Access
KEYWORDS: S. incertulas walker, α-amylase, cDNA cloning, homology modeling, wheat dimeric α-amylase inhibitor, sequence analysis
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