VOL. 9 · NO. 3 | September 2007
International Forestry Review
S. Shackleton, P. Shanley, O. Ndoye
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 697-712, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.697
KEYWORDS: NTFPs, local markets, global markets, rural livelihoods, non-timber forest products
C. J. A. Samuel, A. M. Fletcher, R. Lines, O. Rackham, A. C. Newton, Chen Hin Keong, A. Cunningham, B. Campbell, B. Belcher
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 811-815, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.811
No abstract available
A.E. Ogden, J. Innes
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 713-733, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.713
KEYWORDS: climate change, Adaptation, boreal forest, Montréal Process, forest management plans
A.M. Larson, P. Pacheco, F. Toni, M. Vallejo
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 734-747, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.734
KEYWORDS: decentralisation, natural resources, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, marginalised groups, local government
Z. Guo, C. Sun, D. L. Grebner
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 748-758, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.748
KEYWORDS: Bioenergy, forest landowner, legislation, public policies, woody biomass
H. Hain, R. Ahas
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 759-770, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.759
KEYWORDS: FSC, forest certification, certification impacts, Estonia, state forests
T. H. Lee
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 771-785, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.771
KEYWORDS: ecotourism, satisfaction, theory of planned behaviour, national forest recreation areas, Taiwan
I. Mustalahti, P. White
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 786-796, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.786
KEYWORDS: sector-wide approach, Mozambique, Tanzania, Vietnam, forestry sector
M. Richards
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 797-804, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.797
KEYWORDS: SFM, economic incentives, participatory forest management, policies, governance
Chen Hin Keong
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 805-810, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.805
KEYWORDS: CITES, international trade in species, illegal logging, timber trade, timber species management
International Forestry Review 9 (3), 816-817, (1 September 2007) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.9.3.816
No abstract available
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