VOL. 6 · NO. 4 | December 2004
International Forestry Review
Jintao Xu, A. White
International Forestry Review 6 (4), (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.ii.59978
No abstract available
G. Q. Bull, S. Nilsson
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 210-220, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: statistics, supply, demand, consumption, production
Xiufang Sun, Liqun Wang, Zhenbin Gu
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 221-226, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: China, timber market system, timber producers, timber distributors, wood processing industry
Xlufang Sun, E. Katsigris, A. White
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 227-236, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: China, forest product imports, Asia-Pacific, timber products, pulp and paper
E. Katsigris, G. Q. Bull, A. White, C. Barr, K. Barney, Y. Bun, F. Kahrl, T. King, A. Lankin, A. Lebedev, P. Shearman, A. Sheingauz, Yufang Su, H. Weyerhaeuser
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 237-253, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: China, Asia Pacific, forest product exports, livelihoods, policy issues
D. He, C. Barr
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 254-266, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: China, paper and paperboard, pulp, wood fibre, supply-demand trends
C. Barr, C. Cossalter
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 267-281, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: China; wood pulp, plantations, Asia Pulp & Paper, Fuxing
Guangping Miao, R. A. West
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 282-298, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: collective forests, community forests, China, forest policy, tenure
S. Nilsson, G. Q. Bull, A. White, Jintao Xu
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 299-305, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: forest sector, policy analysis, data, supply chain, forest resources
M. Ruiz Pérez, B. Belcher, Maoyi Fu, Xiaosheng Yang
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 306-316, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.306.59968
KEYWORDS: rural livelihoods, poverty, forestry, bamboo, China
Zhlgang Xu, M. T. Bennett, Ran Tao, Jintao Xu
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 317-326, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.317.59976
KEYWORDS: sloping land conversion, program sustainability, targeting, rural household income
Qiang Ma
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 327-334, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.327.59972
KEYWORDS: cost-benefit analysis, afforestation, Agroforestry, desertification, revegetation
Jinlong Liu, Shougong Zhang, Jinzhong Ye, Yihuan Wang
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 335-340, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.335.59967
KEYWORDS: China, forestry taxes, levies, sustainable forest management, economic appraisal
M. Ruiz Pérez, M. Fu, J. Xie, X. Yang, B. Belcher
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 341-345, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.341.59981
KEYWORDS: forestry research, collaborative research, bibliometric, China
International Forestry Review 6 (4), 346-353, (1 December 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.6.3.346.59975
No abstract available
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