VOL. 6 · NO. 2 | June 2004
International Forestry Review
H. Lin
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 79-88, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: Community Forestry (CF), decentralisation, land tenure, common property regime, empowerment approach
G.M. Mickey
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 89-98, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: sustainable forest management, hard law, soft law, forest certification, monitoring
B. Holvoet, B. Muys
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 99-122, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: Criteria and Indicators, reference standard, sustainability assessment, certification
M.S. Iftekhar, M.R. Islam
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 123-135, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: Bangladesh, Sundarbans, forest policy, integrated natural resource management, mangrove degradation
A.P. Gautam, G.P. Shivakoti, E.L. Webb
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 136-148, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: Nepal, forest policy, deforestation, community forestry, Conflicts
E. Kengni, C.M.F. Mbofung, M.F. Tchouanguep, Z. Tchoundjeu
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 149-160, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: domestication, Food quality, rural livelihoods, HIV / AIDS, nutrition
P. Bhattacharya, S.F. Hayat
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 161-168, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: dry tropical forest, NTFP, tribal livelihood, rural development
M.R. Guariguata, K.J. Mulongoy
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 169-172, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: Non-timber forest resources, forest resources assessment, forest management
A. Molnar, R. Butterfield, F. Chapela, P. Fuge, A. De Freitas, J. Hayward, J.W. Jansens, M. Jenkins, S. Madrid, A. Martin, T. Rezende De Azevedo, M. Ridder, P. Smith, C. Soza, A. White
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 173-180, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: forest certification, FSC, communities, chain of custody, private forests
C.P. Osborne, D.L. Royer, D.J. Beerling
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 181-186, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: Arctic, Antarctic, leaf habit, deciduous, respiration, fossil plants
H. Rosa, S. Kandel, L. Dimas
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 187-194, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: environmental services, compensation, indigenous communities, PES, CES
B. Foahom
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 195-200, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
KEYWORDS: insect attacks, forest disturbance, natural regeneration, Cameroon
Sen Wang, Peter Freer-Smith, Jeffrey Sayer, Steve Woodward
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 201-203, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
No abstract available
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 204-206, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
No abstract available
International Forestry Review 6 (2), 207-209, (1 June 2004) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.
No abstract available
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