VOL. 24 · NO. 3 | October 2022
S. Wyatt, J. Bulkan, W. De Jong, M. Gabay
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 257-268, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941931
T. Bauer
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 269-297, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941913
KEYWORDS: Indigenous forest management, climate policies, traditional ecological knowledge, Adaptation, mitigation, SLR, MCA
M. Baumflek, T. Cabe, J. Schelhas, M. Dunlavey
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 298-314, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941841
KEYWORDS: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Indigenous knowledge, co-production, non-timber forest products
S. Cho, Y-C Youn, D. Kweon
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 315-329, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941850
KEYWORDS: co-management, forestry networks, forest cultural history, socio–ecological systems, woodland sustainability
P.R. Cunha, C. Rodrigues Neto, C. Morsello
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 330-344, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941869
KEYWORDS: Market integration, small-scale communities, peasants, land-use change, socioecological systems, forest conservation
F.-X. Cyr, S. Wyatt, M. Hébert
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 345-359, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941823
KEYWORDS: Indigenous People and forestry, Adapted Forestry Regime, treaty implementation, collaboration processes, sovereignties, equity
G.E. Frey, S. Charnley, J. Makala
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 360-379, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941832
KEYWORDS: Forest Stewardship Council, community forest enterprise, tropical forestry, financial analysis, perceptions
W. de Jong, A. Flores Urushima, B. Jacquet, T. Takahashi
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 380-392, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941896
KEYWORDS: Kyoto, Japan, Cryptomeria japonica, traditional forest management, integrated forest, cultural policy domains
G. Mattalia, N. Stryamets, Á. Balázsi, G. Molnár, A. Gliga, A. Pieroni, R. Sõukand, V. Reyes-García
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 393-410, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941887
KEYWORDS: biocultural diversity, Carpathian Mountains, ethnobiology, local ecological knowledge, non-timber forest products
I.Z.F. Musthafa, Y-C Youn
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 411-425, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941904
KEYWORDS: REDD+, traditional knowledge, tagal hutan, Kadazandusun, willingness to participate
A. Rawluk, A. Sanders, T.W. Yuwati, D. Rachmanadi, N. Izazaya, N. Yulianti, N. Sakuntaladewi, A. Dyson, L. Graham, A. Kunarso, Z. Damanik, R. Farquharson, S. Lestari, T. Angga, A. Ardhana, B. Winarno, A. Sinclair, Y. Francisca, S.S. Hakim, R.S. Wahyuningtyas, Junaidah, D. Alimah, G. Margasetha, W. Halwany, B. Rahmanto, Siswadi, Supriyadi, B. Hermawan, A.A. Musthofa, P. Sidauruk, Y.P. Bay, F. Lestari, S. Grover
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 426-440, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941922
KEYWORDS: INDIGENOUS, restoration, collaboration, adaptive doing, fire, Indonesia
U. Roos, G. Lidestav, S. Sandström, P. Sandström
International Forestry Review 24 (3), 441-457, (4 October 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554822835941878
KEYWORDS: Consultation, environmental politics, indigenous land use, Participatory mapping, power
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