VOL. 23 · NO. 4 | December 2021
M.A. Adams, Y.T. Tegegne, S. Ramcilovik-Suominen, E. Acheampong, A. Attah
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 405-417, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777206
KEYWORDS: Ghana, FLEGT VPA, SWOT analysis, illegal logging, timber trade
M.A. Healey, S.A. Lawson, S. Somany, W. Tasen, Q. Dao Ngoc
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 418-436, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777215
KEYWORDS: forest biosecurity, plant health, policy, law, legislation
S. Ji, Y. Lee
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 437-447, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777242
KEYWORDS: Agroforestry, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), food security, sustainable development goals (SDGs), Voluntary National Review (VNR), Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT)
J. Logmani-Aßmann, K. Beland Lindahl, M. Krott, S.L. Burns, L. Giessen
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 448-461, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777251
KEYWORDS: Convention on Biological Diversity international governance, Nagoya Protocol Aichi Targets, bureaucratic politics, legally binding and voluntary forest policy instruments, NWE5
R. Martin, D. Mwaseba
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 462-475, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777224
KEYWORDS: governance, access, benefits, value chain, forestry
T.T. Pham, M. Moeliono, B. Dwisatrio, J. Yuwono, S. Atmadja
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 476-491, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777170
KEYWORDS: REDD+, Finance, safeguards, policy, Ethiopia
R.C. Purwestri, M. Hájek, M. Hochmalová, P. Palátová, D.C. Huertas-Bernal, S.P. García-Jácome, V. Jarský, J. Kašpar, M. Riedl, R. Marušák
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 492-510, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777260
KEYWORDS: forest strategy, forest policy, forest bioeconomy, Sustainable forestry, Czech Republic, Sweden, comparative analysis
D.A. Wardell, M. Elias, M. Zida, A. Tapsoba, K. Rousseau, D. Gautier, P.N. Lovett, T. Bama
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 511-533, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777198
KEYWORDS: Burkina Faso, colonial history, periodic local markets, gendered landscapes, shea nuts and shea butter, women
D.A. Wardell, A. Tapsoba, P.N. Lovett, M. Zida, K. Rousseau, D. Gautier, M. Elias, T. Bama
International Forestry Review 23 (4), 534-561, (19 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821834777189
KEYWORDS: Burkina Faso, shea kernels and shea butter, gender, Cocoa Butter Equivalents, global production networks, regenerating gendered landscapes
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