VOL. 21 · NO. 4 | December 2019
B. Basnyat, T. Treue, R.K. Pokharel
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 401-415, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906861
KEYWORDS: accountability, recentralisation, control, benefits, forest bureaucrats
B.P. Bhattarai, R.M. Kunwar, R. Kc
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 416-424, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906852
KEYWORDS: certification, sustainable forest management, collaborative forest, governance
J. Calvo-Alvarado, V. Jiménez, A. Calvo-Obando, M. Castillo
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 425-431, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906825
KEYWORDS: tropical deforestation, tropical dry forest, forest transition, land use change, secondary forest
W. Cano, A. Van De Rijt, W. De Jong, P. Pacheco
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 432-445, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906816
KEYWORDS: forest rights, timber extraction, community and smallholder forestry, Brazil nuts, forest sector reforms
E.M. Kumeh, D.K. Abu
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 446-459, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906843
KEYWORDS: Social Responsibility Agreement, Compliance, local communities, FLEGT, Ghana
P.R. Neupane, C.B. Wiati, E.M. Angi, M. Köhl, T. Butarbutar, . Reonaldus, A. Gauli
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 460-485, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906807
KEYWORDS: sustainable forest management, REDD+, FLEGT-VPA, Indonesia, specialists' viewpoint
H. Purnomo, B. Okarda, B. Shantiko, R. Achdiawan, A. Dermawan, H. Kartodihardjo, A.A. Dewayani
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 486-500, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906799
KEYWORDS: organized networks, power structure, oil palm and wood plantations, adat, gazetted law
L.D. Santos, S.L. Schlindwein, A.C. Fantini, M.C.N. Belderrain, G. Montibeller, L.A. Franco
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 501-515, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906834
KEYWORDS: Soft OR, SODA, Cognitive mapping, Atlantic forest
M. Tricallotis, P. Kanowski, N. Gunningham
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 516-527, (16 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1505/146554819827906870
KEYWORDS: CERTFOR, Chile, FSC, PEFC, forest certification
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