Ohmura, Y. & Mayrhofer, H. 2016. Protothelenella sphinctrinoides (Protothelenellaceae) new to Japan and new chemical features for several species in the genus. — Herzogia 29: 137–142.
Protothelenella sphinctrinoides is newly reported for Japan (Hokkaido and central Honshu). It is a bryophilous lichen in arctic-alpine to boreal-montane and circumpolar regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Japanese collections were found on the bryophytes Andreaea rupestris var. fauriei, Cephalozia otaruensis, Dicranum viride var. hakkodense and Jungermannia sp. growing on soil or rock in alpine areas. Although no chemical substance has been reported for this species previously, an unidentified substance that can react C red was detected in all specimens collected in Europe and Japan. Other species of Protothelenella which also give a C red reaction are discussed.