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Lepidium seydelii (Brassicaceae), a new species from Namibia, is described and illustrated. It is easily distinguished from the closely related to L. divaricatum and all other southern African species of Lepidium by having pubescent, elliptic to elliptic-ovate fruit 1.3–1.6 × 1–1.2 mm and fruiting pedicels densely hirsutulous all around. A key distinguishing the four species of Lepidium native to Namibia is presented.
Clusia sect. Anandrogyne is the most species-rich section in the genus and it includes approximately 70 species. Taxonomic boundaries within the group have been difficult to establish due to high degree of homoplasy in morphological characters. In order to make informed taxonomic decisions, an evaluation of both morphological (fruit morphology) and molecular (nrDNA ITS) data was made among species included in Clusia sect. Anandrogyne. It was found that Clusia multiflora subsp. scariosepala has strikingly distinctive fruit morphology and, furthermore, it is phylogenetically more closely related to other species of Clusia than to Clusia multiflora. Therefore, raising this taxon to the rank of species is proposed herein. Conservation status assessment for the species is also provided.
We present a synopsis of the Trichocentrum-clade of Oncidiinae. In this revision, we recognize 85 taxa assigned to four genera: Cohniella with 23 species in five complexes and two natural hybrids; Lophiaris with 27 species and eight natural hybrids, six of which are yet to be named; Trichocentrum with 27 species and two subspecies; and Lophiarella with three species. Cohniella yuroraensis is referred to the synonymy of C. ultrajectina, C. allenii and C. christensoniana to the synonymy of C. nuda, and C. croatii to C. lacera. Trichocentrum perezii is referred to the synonymy of Lophiaris andreana. A key to the genera of the Trichocentrum-clade is presented as well as keys to the complexes or groups of species and, when applicable, natural hybrids of Cohniella, Lophiarella, Lophiaris, and Trichocentrum.
The phylogenetic relationships within the Acianthera affinity are re-evaluated using Bayesian analyses of nrITS and chloroplast matK sequence data. Emphasis is made on species from the Antilles, Central America and the Andean South America as those have been less represented in previous studies. Acianthera is retrieved largely monophyletic, but is redefined to include the genera Aberrantia, Antilla, Apoda-prorepentia, Arthrosia, Brenesia, Cryptophoranthus, Didactylus, Dondodia, Kraenzlinella, Ogygia, Pleurobotryum, Proctoria, Sarracenella and Unguella. Four well-supported subgenera are proposed for Acianthera and characterized both geographically and morphologically. The species belonging to the three newly proposed subgenera are listed.
A new species of Myrtaceae from lowland forests of Peru is described and illustrated. Calyptranthes mcvaughii is characterized by the subsessile, ovate to lanceolate leaves, obtuse to subcordate at base and by the spiciform panicles.
An additional fifty new species of Stelis from Colombia are described and illustrated in this the second of a series, of fifty species at a time, that includes those not identified when compared with any of the previously known species.
Salvia ali-askaryi (Lamiaceae), a new species from Kurdistan Iraq, is described and illlustrated, and its distinguishing characters are discussed. It is easily separated from S. microstegia by having broadly ovate or elliptic-oblong (vs. ovate to oblong), irregularly serrate or dentate (vs. obtusely lobed) leaves, 12–23- (vs. 4–6)-flowered verticillasters, shortly bilobed or emarginate (vs. shortly tridentate, and median tooth much shorter) upper lip, and globose (vs. ovoid) nutlets 3–4 mm in diameter (vs. 3 × 2.5 mm). It differs from S. argentea by having usually eglandular lanate (vs. not lanate) lower stems, irregularly serrate or dentate (vs. irregularly erose) leaf margins, and white (vs. white, with a violet tinged) upper corolla lip.
Literature and herbarium studies of various orchid taxa that occur in the New World leads to the recognition of four new species, epitypification, lectotypification, and synonymisation of some neglected names, and the transfer of three names. Furthermore, reviews are presented on the synonymy and identity of the red-orange flowered Fernandezia species in Colombia and Venezuela, and the circumscription of Odontorrhynchus chilensis in Chile. The new species proposed are Aspidogyne jussariensis, Liparis vasquezii, L. yanachagae, and Microchilus tunquianus ; new combinations are Bulbophyllum pinelianum, Maxillaria humilis, and Microstylis section Chrysanthera; new lectotypifications and synonymy are Epidendrum acinacifolium (= Tolumnia variegata), E. calcaratum (= Ionopsis utricularioides), E. minimum (= Polystachya foliosa), and E. obtusifolium (= E. nocturnum); Polystachya extinctoria (= P. concreta) is neotypified; new synonyms are Centropetalum lanceolatum (= Fernandezia sanguinea), Fernandezia aurantiaca, F. ortiziana (both = F. myrtillus), Fernandezia tica (= F. sanguinea), Gomesa stricta (= Pleurothallis quadrifida), Nasonia hartwegii (= Fernandezia myrtillus), Odontorrhynchus domeykoanus, O. erosus, O. variabilis (all = O. chilensis), and Pachyphyllum favosifolium (= Fernandezia sanguinea).
Lepanthopsis kayi, a new species from the Amazonas region in Ecuador, is described, illustrated, compared with similar species, and its generic placement discussed. Lepanthopsis kayi is distinguished from all other species in the genus by the combination of ramicauls shorter than the leaf, with glabrous sheaths with the ribs and ostia thickened, and a very congested inflorescence bearing many overlapping, simultaneous flowers arranged in two opposite-facing ranks, the flowers with a proportionally very large, densely pubescent lip, ca. 50 percent longer than the lateral sepals.
Sobralia turrialbina is described and illustrated from Costa Rica. The new species is compared with the morphologically similar S. chrysostoma, from which can be distinguished by the leaves restricted to the terminal third of the stem, the floral bracts twice longer, the flowers dusty pink or pale rose, and the lip with no keels, provided with a hazelnut-brown gorge and the apical margin finely striped with rose-purple. Notes on species distribution, habitat and ecology, and etymology are provided.
The Swiss botanist Adolphe Tonduz worked in Costa Rica from 1889 to 1920. For 20 years he carried out important activities as a plant collector and the curator of the largest Costa Rican herbarium beginning at the Instituto Físico-Geográfico Nacional, and later at the National Museum. A large number of new species of Orchidaceae are found among his collections, most of which were published by the German taxonomist Rudolf Schlechter between 1906 and 1923. The type specimens of most of these species were lost during a fire in the Berlin herbarium in 1943. The typification of the orchid species described on the basis of collections by Tonduz is a fundamental step for correct interpretation of Schlechter's and other authors' taxonomic concepts, and this paper follows the path of similar works aimed at typifying the orchid species originally collected in Costa Rica by M. A. Brenes, R. E. Endrés, and C. Wercklé. Previously lectotypified and neotypified taxa are recorded, including their bibliographical references. Here we formally designate lectotypes for Brassavola scaposa, Bulbophyllum vinosum, Camaridium costaricense, C. dendrobioides, Chysis costaricensis, Cranichis nigrescens, Elleanthus tonduzii, Epidendrum abbreviatum, E. cardiophorum, E. henrici, E. octomerioides, E. pachycarpum, E. polychlamys, Goodyera ovatilabia, G. turrialbae, Habenaria endresiana, H. gymnadenioides, Maxillaria microphyton, M. pachyacron, Microstylis adolphii, M. microtoides, M. pandurata, M. tonduzii, Ornithocephalus tonduzii, Pittierella calcarata, Pleurothallis microtatantha, Scaphyglottis brachiata, Sobralia amparoae, Spiranthes tonduzii, Stelis aemula, S. conmixta, S. effusa, S. longicuspis, S. sarcodantha, Stenoptera costaricensis, and Tetragamestus gracilis. A new lectotypification is proposed for Epidendrum adolphi. Neotypes are designated for Cycnoches tonduzii and Epidendrum barbeyanum, and epitypes are designated for Pleurothallis microtatantha and Stelis aemula. Spiranthes tonduzii is not typified, as we did not have access to any extant materials for study.
The recent transfer to the genus Xylobium of three orchid species originally described by Ruiz and Pavón as members of Maxillaria is challenged on the basis of the extant evidence found in the herbarium and the archives of the Royal Botanic Garden, Madrid, where the first set of materials intended for the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis is deposited. The study of the taxonomic literature does not support the claims about a common usage of the three names, Maxillaria alata, M. bicolor, and M. cuneiformis, as being referable to Xylobium.
Masdevallia utriculata and M. zahlbruckeri are characterized and illustrated based on living plants from Costa Rica. The species are compared with each other on the basis of their general similar morphology. Their taxonomic status is reviewed.
Ternstroemia washikiatii a new species of Pentaphylacaceae from the Amazonian forests of Eastern Ecuador, is here described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the remaining species in the genus by the large leaves (21–33 × 8.5–11 cm), and the very distinctive large fruits (4.5–5.5 × 6.5–7.7 cm) with six to nine seeds. Ternstroemia washikiatii is assessed as Near Threatened.
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