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Descurainia is represented in South America by nine native and one introduced weedy species. Full synonymies and typifications are provided for all taxa previously recognized from this continent. A key to all species and their distribution in South America are presented. The Colombian new species D. cleefii is described and illustrated, and its distinguishing characters from all of the New World species of Descurainia are given.
Lepidium galapagoensis is described, and its distinguishing characters from all of the New World species of Lepidium are discussed. The species is readily identified by a combination of two stamens, elliptic and wingless fruits, short styles exserted from the apical fruit notch, and bimodal trichomes, of which those on the stems are minute and recurved and those on the leaves are distinctly larger and restricted to the margins of otherwise glabrous blades and petioles.
Otostylis alba, relegated to the synonymy of O. lepida in recent Venezuelan orchid literature, is reinstated and recognized as a distinct species. A brief overview of Otostylis is provided, and a complete typification and synonymy of O. alba is presented; representative specimens of the species also are cited.
The species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) collected by Ludwig Riedel are commented and contextualized according to the different itineraries he travelled in Brazil, from 1821 to 1836, indicating the localities and dates of collections, whenever possible. To complete this work, two diaries of Riedel have been consulted and the information from them crossed-checked with the annotations found on specimen labels. An annotated list of 44 entries provides information on the status of species names and their types, currently accepted names, and collections found in different herbaria. Lectotypes for 19 names are designated, two new synonyms are proposed, as well as the new combination Ocotea estrellensis (Meisn.) P.L.R. Moraes, based on Oreodaphne estrellensis Meisn.
Ormosia mataridek (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Sophoreae s.l., Genistoid clade) from Sierra de Lema, Bolivar state, Venezuela, is described, illustrated, and its relationships with allied species in Ormosia section Ormosia are discussed. The new species is similar to the Amazonian and Guayana Shield close species O. bolivarensis and O. nobilis; however, it differs in its smaller leaflets, flowers and fruit, calyx lobes 1.5–3 mm long, the standard 8–9 mm long, and the 1–2-seeded, entire, suborbicular to ovate fruit.
The original description of Ipomoea sphenophylla by Urban in 1908, based upon a fruiting specimen, did not include a description of the flowers. The holotype was subsequently lost and plants in flower were recollected in 1994; a neotype was then designated by Howard and McDonald in 1995. An amended description of the species was also supplied, detailing the characteristics of the cotyledons, a swollen root system, and dimorphic flowers. The flowers were described as including a more common morph with a normal funnelform corolla, and an abnormal morph having a 3–5 polypetalous corolla. Presently, both morphs occur together on one sterile individual that is located in the area where the neotype was collected. We have examined approximately 150 additional plants, and all contain funnelform flowers. The polypetalous morphology is therefore atypical of Ipomoea sphenophylla. The species description is emended and the reference to polypetalous flowers is removed.
Three new neotropical species of Sabiaceae, M. robusta from Peru, M. starkii from Mexico, Meliosma cornejoi, and a new variety, M. boliviensis var. sumacensis from Ecuador, are here described and illustrated.
Três novas espécies neotropicais de Sabiaceae, M. robusta do Peru, M. starkii do México, Meliosma cornejoi, e uma variedade, M. boliviensis var. sumacensis do Ecuador, são descritas e ilustradas.
A new species of Campsiandra (Caesalpinieae) from the Lower Rio Napo and Rio Nanay of Peruvian Amazonia is described and illustrated. Campsiandra cowaniana resembles C. angustifolia in the size and general characteristics of the flower and chartaceous leaflets, and C. steyermarkiana and C. robclarkiana by the tortuous stamens. However, it is distinguished from all other species of the genus by the large, chartaceous but glabrous, nitid, obovoid-lanceolate leaflets and one of the 5 petals rotate.
Morphometric analyses are used to test two competing hypotheses of classification for Aiphanes (Arecaceae: Cocoseae) in the Antilles. Three vegetative characters and three characters of the inflorescence were analyzed via one-way analyses of variance followed by a test of pairwise comparisons for the least-squares means. We found a complex pattern of morphological variation that supports the recognition of a single, variable species, Aiphanes minima.
Se usaron análisis morfométricos para evaluar dos hipótesis opuestas referentes a la clasificación de Aiphanes (Arecaceae: Cocoseae) en las Antillas. Se sometieron tres caracteres vegetativos y tres de las inflorescencias a análisis de varianza de una via, seguidos por una prueba de comparaciones en pares para las medias de mínimos cuadrados. Se encontró un patrón complejo de variación morfológica que apoya la existencia de una sola especie variable, Aiphanes minima.
Ten new species are described and illustrated in the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) of Brazil. They are listed here in generic alphabetical order: Acianthera echinosa, A. marquesii, Anathallis klingelfusii, A. ova trochilorum, Pabstiella brasilica, Stelis capijumensis, S.freyi, S. kautskyi, S. mystax-felis, and S. sessilis.
In traditional societies, religious and political leaders often use elements from the surrounding ecosystems to symbolically affirm their power. This ethnobotanical research looks for a similar pattern of use in urbanized western societies. We selected the use of plants by Queen Elizabeth II as a case study due to her singular position as a political and religious leader. We analysed the use of plants in public ceremonies to study how they are symbolically linked to the renewal of traditions.
A new species of Indofevillea, based on a single male individual discovered in 2001 in Kachin State, northeastern Myanmar, is described. It differs from the only other species in the genus, I.khasiana, in leaf pubescence and shape, calyx and corolla morphology, and structure of the male inflorescence. A phylogenetic analysis based on the nuclear ribosomal ITS region, two plastid genes (rbcL and matK), one intron (trnL), and two spacer regions (trnL-trnF and rpl20-rps12) confirms the close relationship but genetic distinctness of the two species. The presence of oil producing glands on the inner surface of the corolla segments indicates that the new species is pollinated by oil-collecting bees, presumably of the genus Ctenoplectra.
Forty-one new species and one new forma from regions north and west of Brazil are described and illustrated in miscellaneous genera of the Pleurothallidinae. The genera follow logical taxonomic delimitations. In alphabetical order, the new species and forma proposed herein are: Acianthera biseta, A. bryonii, A.carcinopsis, A. dubbeldamii, A. ericae; Acronia thoerleae; Alaticaulia apoloae, A. jimenezii; Brachionidium demissum; Crocodeilanthe vasquezii; Dracula soennemarkii, D. tobarii, D. vierlingii; Lepanthes biruviensis, L. calocerca, L. cercopetala, L. dactylopetala, L. gonzalezii, L. larsenii, L. nautica, L. nephridia, L. oblivia, L.pachychila, L. scoliosa, L. uncinata, L.yamileana; Lindleyalis saueri; Masdevallia deburghgraevei, M. dickinsoniana, M. ecallosa, M. rosacea, M. wetzelii; Porroglossum zelenkoi; Restrepia aristulifera forma leathersii; Scaphosepalum ximenae; Spilotantha aureoportensis; Stelis aguirreae, S. caesariata, S. ebenea, S. marioi, S. perexigua; and Trichosalpinx carmeniae. New combinations in the genus Acianthera are proposed: A. martinezii, A. quadricristata, A. venulosa, and A. zumbae. A new combination in Crocodeilanthe is proposed, C. erectiflora, as well as a new combination in Elongatia, E.jimii. Three species are proposed as synonyms: Crocodeilanthe franciscensis as a synonym of Pleurothallis divaricans; Dracula gerhardii as a synonym of D. diabola; and Lindleyalis hemirhoda as a synonym of the new combination L. nuda.
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