VOL. 31 · NO. 3 | September 2012
Freshwater Science
Song S Qian
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 681-694, (24 May 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-026.1
KEYWORDS: Generalized linear model, multinomial distribution, urbanization, species tolerance, functional groups, benthic macroinvertebrates, disturbance, multinomial regression
Ruijia Wang, Chao Li, James Stoeckel, Gregory Moyer, Zhanjiang Liu, Eric Peatman
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 695-708, (24 May 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-149.1
KEYWORDS: mussel, RNA-seq, transcriptome, heat stress, microsatellite, next-generation sequencing, Unionidae
Travis S Schmidt, William H Clements, Brian S Cade
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 709-723, (5 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-133.1
KEYWORDS: quantile regression, population, metals, risk, biological assessment
Ellard R Hunting, Merrin H Whatley, Harm G van der Geest, Christian Mulder, Michiel H. S Kraak, Anton M Breure, Wim Admiraal
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 724-732, (5 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-134.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Decomposition, Aquatic invertebrates, Bioturbation, functional traits, bacterial community structure, redox potential
Michael D Rennie
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 733-749, (5 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-079.1
KEYWORDS: Lake Simcoe, Dreissena polymorpha, benthic invertebrates, benthic–pelagic coupling, ecosystem engineering, productivity, Community composition
Ginette Méthot, Christiane Hudon, Pierre Gagnon, Bernadette Pinel-Alloul, Alain Armellin, Anne-Marie Tourville Poirier
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 750-764, (5 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-120.1
KEYWORDS: freshwater benthic invertebrates, biomass, length–dry mass relationships, ash-free dry mass, comparison of model predictions, variance component, total density
Andrew L. Sheldon
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 765-774, (26 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-135.1
KEYWORDS: climate change, elevation shift, streams, Plecoptera, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Andrew M. Gascho Landis, Tyler L. Mosley, Wendell R. Haag, James A. Stoeckel
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 775-786, (30 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-082.1
KEYWORDS: life-history strategies, parasites, conglutinates, Unionidae, Ligumia subrostrata, host infection, thermal regime
Jessica Hua, Rick A. Relyea
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 787-799, (26 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-098.1
KEYWORDS: trophic cascade, acetylcholine esterase inhibitor, community ecotoxicology, Pennsylvania amphibian assemblage, Oregon amphibian assemblage
Declan J. McCabe, Erin M. Hayes-Pontius, Alexandra Canepa, Kaitlyn S. Berry, Bridget C. Levine
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 800-812, (26 June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-080.1
KEYWORDS: lotic, macroinvertebrate, standardized artificial substrate, kick net, kick sample, biomonitoring, EPT index, rapid bioassessment, Hester–Dendy, standardized effect size, Cohen's d
Antonia Liess, Ariane Le Gros, Annika Wagenhoff, Colin R. Townsend, Christoph D. Matthaei
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 813-824, (10 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-019.1
KEYWORDS: nutrient ratios, species richness, ecological stoichiometry, benthic algae, benthic invertebrates, grazers, land use, Eutrophication, N-cycle, stream ecosystem
Thomas F. Turner, Melanie S. Edwards
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 825-834, (10 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-063.1
KEYWORDS: dryland river, δ13C, δ15N, Regulated river, Fish, food webs, trajectory analysis
David P. Gillette
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 835-847, (10 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-101.1
KEYWORDS: stream fishes, trophic subsidies, functional groups, foraging behavior, stable isotopes
Natalie A. Griffiths, Jennifer L. Tank, Sarah S. Roley, Mia L. Stephen
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 848-864, (10 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-095.1
KEYWORDS: allochthonous inputs, organic matter, detritus, litter, corn, breakdown, Decomposition, agriculture, restoration, floodplain, isopods
Melanie L. Blanchette, Richard G. Pearson
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 865-881, (10 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-068.1
KEYWORDS: macroinvertebrate, dryland river, spatial variation, seasonal, diversity, habitat, site, hydrology, biophysical, Burdekin
Jacob F. Schaefer, Scott R. Clark
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 882-894, (10 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-107.1
KEYWORDS: diversity, stability, insurance hypothesis, stream fish
Hélène Cyr
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 895-907, (17 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-099.1
KEYWORDS: temperature, littoral, sediments, thermal diffusivity, lake
Kristie Klose, Scott D. Cooper, Allen D. Leydecker, Jason Kreitler
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 908-927, (17 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-155.1
KEYWORDS: nutrients, streams, land use, Mediterranean, algae, dissolved oxygen, nutrient diffusing substrata
Jason M. Taylor, Jeffrey A. Back, Theodore W. Valenti, Ryan S. King
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 928-944, (17 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-113.1
KEYWORDS: ecosystem function, nutrient ratios, consumer-mediated nutrient recycling, ecological stoichiometry, central stoneroller
Verónica Ferreira, Andrea C. Encalada, Manuel A. S. Graça
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 945-962, (17 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-062.1
KEYWORDS: biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship, litter richness, Litter decomposition, temperate stream, tropical rainforest stream
C. H. A. van Leeuwen, G van der Velde
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 963-972, (17 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-023.1
KEYWORDS: Gastropoda, ectozoochory, Desiccation, dispersal, adhesion
Lee M. Demi, Kevin S. Simon, Stephen M. Coghlan, Rory Saunders, Dennis Anderson
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 973-985, (23 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-124.1
KEYWORDS: ecosystem subsidies, lake outflow, zooplankton, filter feeder, macroinvertebrates, food web interactions, resource subsidies, ecosystem boundaries
Anett S Trebitz
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 986-1002, (23 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/12-055.1
KEYWORDS: nutrient enrichment, ecological response, criteria derivation, benchmark value, log-transformation, coastal wetlands
Marc Peipoch, Eugènia Martí, Esperança Gacia
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 1003-1015, (23 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/11-157.1
KEYWORDS: stable isotopes, nitrogen, stream, river, Food web, basal resources, land use
Book Reviews
Rosemary A. Burk, Michelle A. Baker
Freshwater Science 31 (3), 1016-1017, (23 July 2012) https://doi.org/10.1899/31.3.BR.1016
No abstract available
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