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Transgenic cotton lines that ectopically express a cotton germin-like protein (GLP) were screened for resistance/tolerance factors to the beet armyworm (BAW) Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) via feeding assays. The number of BAW eggs that successfully hatched was not statistically different at 72 h after infestation for wild-type cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L. c.v. ‘Coker 312’) or plants of 4 independent transgenic lines (ABP-A, ABPB and ABP-C and ABP-D). However, the damage caused by these same larvae at 72 h was higher for ‘Coker 312’ and line ABP-D when compared to ABP-A, ABP-B and ABP-C transgenic plants. Larval live weights were also significantly higher for Coker 312 and ABP-D at 5, 7, and 14 d when compared to ABP-A, ABP-B and ABP-C. The percentage of larvae that successfully completed pupation was significantly higher for BAW larvae fed ‘Coker 312’ and ABP-D tissue compared to the other 3 lines. These feeding bioassays show the potential for using cotton germin like protein to improve resistance or tolerance for BAW attacking cotton.
Larval survival of Cry1F-susceptible (FL), -resistant (PR and Cry1F-RR), and -heterozygous (FL x PR and Cry1F-RS) populations of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) to purified Cry1F protein and corn leaf tissue of 7 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn hybrids and 5 non-Bt corn hybrids was evaluated in the laboratory. The 7 Bt corn hybrids represent 5 Bt corn traits: Herculex®I, which expresses a single Bt protein (Cry1F), and Genuity® VT Double Pro™, VT Triple Pro™, SmartStax™, and Agrisure® Viptera® 3111, which contain ≥ 2 pyramided Bt genes. The original FL and PR populations were collected from corn fields in 2011 in Florida and Puerto Rico, respectively. Diet-incorporation bioassays showed that FL was susceptible to Cry1F protein with a LC50 value of 0.13–0.23 µg/g, while PR was highly resistant to Cry1F protein (> 137-fold). FL was also susceptible to all 7 Bt corn hybrids with a 7-day mortality of > 95%, while PR and a backcrossed and reselected population, Cry1F-RR, were highly resistant to Cry1F corn leaf tissue. The resistance was recessive or incompletely recessive. None of the 5 populations of S. frugiperda could survive on Viptera™ 3111, suggesting this Bt corn trait can completely overcome the resistance and thus should provide a means of managing Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda. However, Cry1F-RR exhibited a significant cross-resistance to the leaf tissue of the other 3 pyramided Bt corn traits. The possible cross-resistance between single-gene and pyramided Bt corn products suggest that careful selection of Bt genes is essential in use of gene pyramiding strategy for resistance management.
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), is a target species of transgenic corn containing pyramided Bt genes in the United States. During 2011, a total of 149 F2 two-parental family lines were established using single-pairing of S. frugiperda collected from 3 locations in Louisiana and Florida. This study examined the susceptibility of these F2 two-parental family lines to 2 commonly used pyramided Bt corn traits, Genuity®VT Double Pro™ and Genuity®SmartStax™. Nine out of the 149 family lines showed less susceptibility to the leaf tissue of Genuity®VT Double Pro™ or Genuity®SmartStax plants. Larvae of these 9 family lines exhibited significant survivorship and growth on leaf tissue of the Bt corn plants. Two laboratory colonies were established from the F2 survivors of 2 of the 9 family lines. However, larvae from both colonies could not survive on whole plants of their corresponding Bt corn products in the greenhouse, suggesting these families were not resistant to the pyramided Bt corn traits. The results suggest that the pyramided Bt corn products containing Genuity®VT Double Pro™ or Genuity®SmartStax™ corn traits are effective in protecting against S. frugiperda.
Two anthranilic diamide insecticides, chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole, were evaluated as seed treatments on soybean, Glycine max L., for control of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). Bioassays were conducted using 2nd instars and plants grown from the field and greenhouse. In field-grown soybeans, cyantraniliprole and chlorantraniliprole significantly lowered survival of fall armyworm larvae at the V7 growth stage (51 DAP), and, at the R6 growth stage (112 DAP), and survivorship was significantly lower on plants treated with both chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole. In 6 out of 9 total post treatment evaluations, survivorship was significantly lower in chlorantraniliprole seed treatments than in cyantraniliprole seed treatments. Greenhouse grown plants treated with cyantraniliprole and chlorantraniliprole significantly reduced survival at the V3 growth stage, 2, 3 and 4 days after infestation when compared with other seed treatments. These products could be useful in reducing the number of foliar applications required for lepidopteran pests.
Traps baited with 4 different commercial sex pheromone lures that contained 2, 3, or 4 components were used to capture male fall armyworm [Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith)] in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Texas from 2006–2009. A subset of the moths collected was analyzed for their host strain to determine if there was a difference in attraction to these lures. Chemical analysis of the lures was completed to identify the pheromone components released. Each lure released the number of components expected, but the Trécé lure released relatively higher amounts of the minor component Z7-12:Ac and at a higher percentage of its blend, than the other lures. The 4 lures attracted similar numbers of moths in Alabama, Georgia, and Texas, and there was only a difference among lures in the Florida 2006 trial. More moths were captured in fall 2007 than fall 2008 in Alabama and Georgia. The southern region in Alabama and Georgia averaged more than 13 moths per night, compared to 8.5 in the central region, and 1.9 in the northern region. Lures attracted both host strains of moths, but across years and locations (n = 4546), all lures attracted more corn strain than rice strain males (>55% of moths analyzed were corn strain). However, traps baited with Trécé lures captured a 5% lower percentage of corn strain moths than Scenturion-baited lures. Geographic location and time of season appeared to be much more important in determining host strain identity than the specific commercial lure used. Results from these trials suggest that any of the commercial lures tested will attract the numbers of fall armyworm moths necessary for genetic and migration analysis, and that site location (away from trees and in open areas) and periodic trap maintenance (removal of spiders and frogs from clogging the funnel or eating trap catch) are also important in capturing the highest number of moths.
Early detection of potentially invasive pests is critical to avert significant economic and environmental damage that may result from their successful introduction and establishment in the U.S. Recent advances in affordable USB (universal serial bus) compliant digital microscope cameras and internet platforms for disseminating information in real time have created the potential for enhanced training for insect pest identification. Using the palm weevil genus Rhynchophorus as a test group, we conducted real time training demonstrations which suggested that remote identification training is possible with the U.S. government internet-based portal “FoodShield” which employs Adobe Connect software, along with an open conference call line to reduce audio feedback. A training module was developed employing easy to use keys with photographs of diagnostic characters for species of Rhynchophorus that were distributed with an observation kit (containing image capture software, a digital microscope, a stand, and a specimen holder) to remote participants along with numbercoded but unidentified voucher specimens of R. cruentatus, R. palmarum and R. ferrugineus prior to the training evaluations. The screen-sharing features of the portal allowed each test participant to project back images of diagnostic features of their unknowns for confirmation that they were correctly identifying their voucher specimens.
The ability to manage geospatial data has made Geographic Information Systems (GIS) an important tool for a wide range of applications over the past decades, including management of natural resources, analysis of wildlife movement, ecological niche modeling, or land records management. This paper illustrates, using invasive termite species as examples, how GIS can assist in identifying their potential sources of infestations and model their spread in urban South Florida. The first case study shows that the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, and the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), were introduced into and dispersed across South Florida by sailboats and yachts. The second case study shows an agent-based model to simulate the natural spread of Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) (Isoptera: Termitidae) in Dania Beach, Florida. This paper provides an overview of basic functionalities in GIS and demonstrates how they can be customized for advanced modeling and simulation.
There are 2 major invasive cryptic species within the Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) cryptic species complex in Florida, called MEAM1 or biotype B, and MED or biotype Q. We used loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA to detect these groups. Primer sets developed in-house and those previously published were compared for specificity to the target species by measuring time-to-amplification of non-target and target DNA templates using real-time PCR. All these primer sets were designed using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene. Our findings indicate that primer sets designed for MEAMl were more specific than those designed for MED across published studies and in-house designed primers. The optimal primer set for MEAM1 detection, in conjunction with the magnesium ion color indicator hydroxynaphthol blue, provided visual confirmation of target whitefly DNA amplification in 45 min. This assay was highly specific and did not amplify DNA from 8 additional sweetpotato whitefly cryptic species nor from 10 non-Bemisia whitefly species found in Florida. The assay amplified non-target DNA from 1 sweetpotato whitefly cryptic species not present in Florida and shows potential to amplify MED DNA rarely. While additional genes should be used to design more specific primers, particularly for MED, this MEAM1 assay shows promise as the foundation of a field-based tool that could quickly identify the most commonly encountered Florida whitefly species.
Most invasive species hitchhike on human transportation, and their close associations with human activity increase their chances of uptake. Once aboard, potential invaders have to survive the journey, and those with traits such as being a general feeder or tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions tend to survive the transportation better. Similar traits are generally considered to also aid their establishment in new habitats, but studies showed that the propagule pressure, not any of the species-specific traits, is the most important factor contributing to their successful establishment. Higher propagule pressure, i.e., repeated invasions of larger numbers of individuals, reduces Allee effects and aids the population growth of invasive species in alien lands. Coined as the invasive bridgehead effect, repeated introduction also selects a more invasive population that serves as the source of further invasions to other areas. Invasive species is the consequence of homogenocene (our current ecological epoch with diminished biodiversity and increasing similarity among ecosystems worldwide) that began with the Columbian Exchange of the 15th century and possibly the Pax Mongolica of the 13–14th century. Anthropogenic movement of goods among major cities will only accelerate, and the heightened propagule pressure will increase the number of invasive species for as long as the current practices of global commercial activities continue.
Insects that arrive in new regions can be hosts for a variety of unseen metazoans, including microscopic nematodes, which are carried phoretically as dauer juveniles or as internal/ external parasites in various stages. This includes insects that arrived by natural means, were purposefully introduced for biological control before strict APHIS/PPQ provisions, were inadvertently introduced as hitchhikers or stowaways, or were brought in as part of the pet trade or for food. In some cases, the host associations are so specific that they may pose little threat, but in other cases where host specificity is relatively wide and/or host transfer opportunities exist, the nematode associates can expand, colonize and establish associations with native insects causing various downstream environmental effects. Because nematodes are mostly microscopic, the consequences of such introductions are usually not considered in the pet trade or as an added consequence as introduced or invasive insects arrive in the state and establish themselves. These arrival scenarios are discussed with real-world examples, including one with damage potential for Florida and the southeastern U.S., i.e. the red ring nematode that is associated with palm weevils.
The origins and status of the non-endemic termite species established in Florida are reviewed including Cryptotermes brevis and Incisitermes minor (Kalotermitidae), Coptotermes formosanus, Co. gestroi, and sp. (Rhinotermitidae), and Nasutitermes corniger (Termitidae). A lone colony of Marginitermes hubbardi (Kalotermitidae) collected near Tampa was destroyed in 2002. Amature colony of an arboreal exotic, Nasutitermes acajutlae, was destroyed aboard a dry docked sailboat in Fort Pierce in 2012. Records used in this study were obtained entirely from voucher specimen data maintained in the University of Florida Termite Collection. Current distribution maps of each species in Florida are presented. Invasion history suggests that established populations of exotic termites, without human intervention, will continue to spread and flourish unabatedly in Florida within climatically suitable regions.
Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), invaded Miami Dade-county in 1990 and caused significant economic damage by defoliating various vegetable crops. It commonly occurs on the abaxial surface of host leaves where eggs are deposited individually inside the leaf tissues. Highest abundance of T. palmi was recorded on bean and eggplant in 1991–1994 in Tropical Research and Education Center research plots and commercial fields in MiamiDade County. Density of T. palmi decreased significantly in subsequent years after the use of spinosad and other effective chemical insecticides. Thrips palmi populations increased in 2008 in spite of use of spinosad and showed increasing pattern causing crops loss at economic level. Orius insidiosus Say population was low in both TREC research fields and commercial fields due to harsh chemical management program, where insecticides belonging to various chemical classes were used alone (TREC fields) or in combination (commercial fields) to control T. palmi and other insect pests. None of the commonly used available insecticides alone or in combination provided satisfactory control of T. palmi in the early stage of invasion. Amongst various insecticides tested spinosad provided significant control of T. palmi on the crops until 2008 after which there was reduced effect of the chemical due to frequent use for managing multiple pests.
Germano Leão Demolin Leite, Ronnie Von Dos Santos Veloso, José Cola Zanuncio, Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, Chrystian Iezid Maia Almeida, José Milton Milagres Pereira, José Eduardo Serrão, Marcus Alvarenga Soares
Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae) trees have a wide distribution in the Cerrado, a tropical Brazilian savanna, with high diversity and endemism. This plant is protected by federal laws and is untouched in deforested areas of the Cerrado. This situation increases the damage to leaves from galling insects (Hymenoptera). We studied populations of galling insects and their natural enemies on C. brasiliense trees for 3 successive yr during each season in the Cerrado. A globoid gall-inducing Eurytoma sp. (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) and its parasitoid Sycophila sp. (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) adults and predator Zelus armillatus (Lepeletier and Serville) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) on the leaves were most abundant in the winter. The numbers of vein galls correlated negatively with the numbers of discoid and spherical galls, and the numbers of spherical galls correlated negatively with the numbers of discoid galls on C. brasiliense leaflets. Increased percentages of defoliation were correlated with reductions in the percentages of leaflets with total galls and leaflet area with total galls. Increased numbers of Sycophila sp. and decreased numbers of Ablerus magistretti Blanchard (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) were correlated with reduction in the numbers of Eurytoma sp. Numbers ofQuadrastichus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and A. magistretti correlated negatively with the numbers of Sycophila sp. Increased numbers of Z. armillatus were correlated with reduction in the numbers of Eurytoma sp. and its galls and parasitoids. We concluded that this differential temporal distribution of galling insects and their natural enemies was influenced by plant phenology and time of colonization on C. brasiliense leaves.
KEYWORDS: Termite movement efficiency, tunnel surface irregularity, termite tunnel network, foraging efficiency, eficiencia del movimiento de termitas, irregularidad de la superficie del tónel, red de tóneles de termitas, eficiencia de forrajeo
Subterranean termites (Isoptera) build tunnel networks to obtain food resources and nesting space. When tunneling, termites encounter spatial heterogeneity, such as differing soil pore space and moisture levels. This heterogeneity creates 2 types of irregularities in the tunnel surface: (1) a bumpy tunnel-wall structure caused by variable soil texture; and (2) hollow space within the tunnel, where tunnels pass through soil pores. We previously explored the response of termites to bumpy tunnel structure. In the present study, we investigated termite behavior in response to differing volumes of soil pore space. This response behavior is closely related to movement efficiency. We designed 8-cm-long artificial tunnels with hollow spaces in a 2-dimensional arena. The hollow spaces were represented as circular holes with varying diameters D (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 10 mm), positioned at the center of the tunnel. Tunnel widths, W, were 2 and 3 mm. We systematically observed the movement of termites (Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis Morimoto) at the hole, and measured the time required (τ) for termites to pass through the tunnels. Time τ was shorter for tunnels with holes between 2 and 6 mm diameter than for those with holes of 8 or 10 mm diameter, for tunnels of both widths. Time τ was significantly different between (W, D) = (2, 10) and (3, 10). These results were explained by 3 types of behaviors. The implications of these findings are briefly discussed in relation to termite foraging efficiency.
New records of 3 genera and 3 species of Salticidae from Turkey are presented for Bianor albobimaculatus (Lucas, 1846), Dendryphantes rudis (Sundevall, 1833) and Hyllus insularisMetzner, 1999. Their morphology is briefly described and illustrated. Current knowledge on diversity of Salticidae in Turkey is also reviewed. Total number of Salticidae species recorded from Turkey now is 102.
Baculentulus xizangensis sp. nov. from Tibet Autonomous Region, China is described. The new species is characterized by the presence of sensillum b' on foretarsus, short sensillum a' , one pair of A-setae (AS) on tergite VII, one pair of P-setae (P1) on sternite I, and comb with few teeth and straight hind margin. It is similar to Baculentulus ogawai (Imadaté, 1965) from Thailand, but differs in the length of sensilla a' and b' shape of maxillary gland and comb, and in the chaetotaxy on sternite I. The key to the group of Baculentulus spp. with foretarsal sensillum b' present is provided.
Acquisition of enemy-free-space has been suggested to reduce selective pressure against host range expansion in phytophagous insects. The gall midge, Asphondylia borrichiae Rossi and Strong (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), which attacks the stem tips of its 3 host plants produces a spherical tumor-like growth (= gall). Juvenile stages (larvae and pupae) of A. borrichiae develop inside the gall; the midge spends approximately 95–98% of its life cycle embedded within the gall. During these juvenile stages, A. borrichiae are parasitized by 4 species of hymenopterans. Previous studies have found that one of the most common and the largest parasitoid, Torymus umbilicatus (Gahan), tends to dominate large galls owing to its significantly longer ovipositor, which enables it to penetrate the biggest galls and reach larvae and pupae that become unavailable to the other 3 parasitoids, which have much shorter ovipositors. Moreover, previous studies suggest that the gall midge is diverging both morphologically and genetically in sympatry. The current study is the first to provide morphological evidence that T. umbilicatus, which is a dominant member of the parasitoid guild that attacks A. borrichiae, may also be diverging in sympatry along with its host. Female T. umbilicatus from sea oxeye daisy (Borrichia frutescens [L.] DC) were significantly larger than those from alternative host plants of the gall midge, dune elder (Iva imbricata Walter) and marsh elder (I. frutescens L). Additionally, size of female T. umbilicatus collected from 2 geographically distant sites were significantly different and these differences were consistent with a latitudinal gradient in size between plant species. Although T. umbilicatus were larger from galls collected from B. frutescens compared to I. frutescens at both sites, gall diameter demonstrated a significant decline along a south-north latitudinal gradient. However, a significant interaction between plant species and site suggests that differences in T. umbilicatus size (and most likely their gall midge host) is caused either by phenotypic plasticity of the species at the 2 sites, or these insects (T umbilicatus and gall midges) tend to be smaller with increasing latitude. Moreover, galls on I, frutescens, owing to their smaller size and increased crowding, decline in size at a greater rate than those from B. frutescens which produces significantly larger and less crowded galls.
For successful application of the sterile insect technique (SIT), wild female insects should not be more receptive to remating after mating with a mass-reared sterile male than after to mating with a wild fertile male. The remating frequencies of melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) females were assessed in field cages with male melon flies from: (1) a male-only genetic sexing strain (GSS) originating from Hawaii, (2) a bisexual (male and female) laboratory strain originating from Mauritius, and (3) a wild colony (less than 5 generations in culture) also from Mauritius. One objective of this study was to assess the ability of GSS males to suppress the remating of females of different strains as compared to the ability of males of bisexual strains to do so. A second objective was to assess the effect of mass-rearing and irradiation on the ability of GSS males to suppress female remating. The males of the GSS achieved significantly fewer matings with female flies from the laboratory adapted and wild strains during the first mating than males of these bisexual strains. However, GSS males were equally able to diminish the females' remating frequency as laboratory and wild males. Remating frequencies of GSS females were significantly higher than those of females of the bisexual strains. Our results, however, indicate that laboratory rearing had no effect on the remating frequency of melon fly females. Thus the higher remating frequency of GSS females seemed to be a strain specific characteristic. Furthermore, irradiation of male melon fly pupae with 70 Gy had no effect on female remating frequencies, and the abilities of irradiated GSS and wild males to suppress wild female remating were similar. These results are discussed in the context of the feasibility of incorporating the use of irradiated GSS males as the SIT component of area-wide pest management programs against B. cucurbitae.
Olla v-nigrum Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) preys on eggs and larvae of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera and on aphids in arboreal plants. Alternative prey supplemented with artificial diets may be used to mass rearing Coccinellidae predators for biological control programs. This study assessed the development and reproduction of O. v-nigrum fed Anagasta kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs supplemented with an artificial diet. Adults of O. vnigrum were collected from Caesalpinia peltophoroides Benth. (Fabales: Fabaceae) and taken to the laboratory. Three male female couples were fed on A. kuehniella eggs and an artificial diet (100 g of yeast, 40 g of honey, 0.5 g of ascorbic acid and 60 mL of water). Eight male female couples obtained from this initial generation were subjected to the same procedure in order to assess the effects on subsequent generations. The mean number of eggs per egg mass was 11.7 ± 0.7 with a viability of 54.8 ± 2.9% and an incubation period of 3.1 ± 0.02 days. The durations of instars I, II, III and IV and the durations of the larval, pre-pupal, pupa and larva to adult stages were 2.4 ± 0.3, 1.8 ± 0.2, 2.0 ± 0.3, 5.8 ± 0.1, 12.1 ± 0.3, 1.0 ±0.01, 4.0 ±0.2 and 17.1 ± 0.5 days, respectively. The viabilities of the larval, pre-pupal and pupal stages of this predator were 46.3 ± 4.5%, 90.0 ± 5.0% and 100%, respectively. The diet and other methods employed in this study were adequate for laboratory rearing of O. v-nigrum but, because of the low viabilities of the eggs and immature stages observed with these methods, further improvements will be necessary for successful mass rearing of this valuable predator.
The galling thrips Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimmermann (Phlaeothripidae) has attained pest status by attacking the leaves of the weeping fig, Ficus benjamina. Another thrips species, Androthrips ramachandrai Karny (Phlaeothripidae), was recently reported feeding on G. uzeli immatures. Here we conducted choice tests with adults of A. ramachandrai to evaluate any preference for the immature stages of G. uzeli (egg, larva or pupa) in artificial arenas. Nochoice experiments were also conducted to measure the rate of feeding on each immature stage of the galling thrips by adults of A. ramachandrai in a period of 24 h. There was no significant preference by the predators for the different immature stages of G. uzeli, but adults consumed more eggs than larvae or pupae of the gall thrips. Here we discuss the predatory behavior of this thrips and its potential as a biological control agent against G. uzeli.
The Oriental and Neotropical delphacid genus Malaxa is reviewed and currently includes 11 species. Malaxa fusca Yang and Yang (1986) is removed from synonymy with M. semifuscaYang & Yang 1986, and is considered valid. Malaxa bispinata Muir, 1926, is re-described and re-illustrated as a new record in China. The fifth instar of M. delicataDing & Yang 1986, is described and illustrated for the first time. A key to the species of this genus in China is provided.
Liquid nitrogen (LN2) injection was used to against the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) by taking the advantage of rapid killing, no side effects from residuals, and non-dependence on weather conditions of this method. Red imported fire ants workers were placed in glass bottles and treated by sub-zero temperatures for either two or zero minutes after thermo-equilibrium to determine the lethal low temperature. Fire ant nests were then treated by LN2 and the survival of the ants was monitored. Thus -15 °C was shown to cause 100% of mortality of workers at 24 hours post treatment. Large numbers of ant corpses, which included larvae, pupae and queens, were discovered in the nest after LN2 treatment. In a field experiment, 10 nests were treated by LN2, while 9 were left as controls. The number of active nests significantly decreased to just one nest at the 14th day post LN2 application and none was considered to be functional at the 21st day. These results suggest that LN2 freezing is capable of eliminating individual fire ant nests effectively, and that this treatment is useful for areas of high human activity and for agricultural and other areas that have a low tolerance to conventional pesticides.
KEYWORDS: citrus, congeneric species, leafminer, mating disruption, sex pheromone, cítricos, especies congenéricas, minador de hojas, disrupción del apareamiento, feromona sexual
We collected a native North American species, Phyllocnistis insignis (Frey & Boll) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), in traps baited with a 3:1 blend of (Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal (triene) and (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal (diene), 2 components of the sex pheromone of the invasive citrus leafminer, P. citrella Stainton. No moths were caught in unbaited traps during 6 months of monitoring. We evaluated seasonal abundance of P. insignis by monitoring traps in citrus (Citrus spp.; Sapindales: Rutaceae) groves at 4 sites in southeastern Florida during 2012. Phyllocnistis insignis moths were found in pheromone-baited traps year round with a peak flight in May. In trials designed to evaluate mating disruption of P. citrella, application of triene (SPLAT CLM™) disrupted trap catch of P. insignis during a 9 week period following treatment in spring (825 mg triene/ha), but not winter (750 mg triene/ha). In a second experiment, application of triene (837 mg/ha) and a 3:1 blend of triene and diene (840 mg triene 280 mg diene/ha, respectively) loaded onto rubber dispensers disrupted catch of male P. insignis during a 12 week period following treatment of 0.14 ha plots. Also, application of a 3:1 blend of triene and diene (764 mg 253 mg/ha, respectively) formulated in SPLAT CLM disrupted trap catch of male P. insignis during a 4 week period following treatment in a 66 ha plot. In a third experiment, application of blend (837 mg triene 278 mg diene/ha) reduced the incidence of trap catch to zero during a 16 week period following treatment of 0.87 ha plots. These data suggest that efforts to disrupt mating of P. citrella influence non-target populations of the congeneric leafminer species, P. insignis.
Study of the dynamics and distribution of lepidopteran defoliators is important because some of them are major pests of eucalyptus. More than 3,000,000 ha of eucalyptus are now planted in Brazil even though the genus is not native there. The goal of this study was to document the frequency and constancy indexes of lepidopteran pests of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden (Myrtaceae) collected with 5 light traps (replicates) in different habitats. The first and second traps were installed in a eucalyptus plantation at 400 and 200 m, respectively, from the interface with a native vegetation area (Atlantic Rainforest); the third in the interface and the fourth and the fifth in native vegetation at 200 and 400 m, respectively, from the interface zone. The most frequent primary pest species were Stenalcidia grosica Schaus, 1901 (Geometridae) and Thyrinteina leucoceraea Rindge, 1961 (Geometridae) with greater frequencies in the eucalyptus plantation at 400 and 200 m from the interface with the native vegetation. In the native vegetation at 200 m from the interface Oxydia vesulia Cramer, 1779 (Geometridae) (33.33%) was the most frequently collected primary pest species, and in the interface zone, Eupseudosoma involuta Sepp, 1855 (16.27%), and Eupseudosoma aberrans Schaus, 1905 (Arctiidae) (15.22%) were the most frequently collected primary pest species. Native vegetation areas of Atlantic Rainforest are more spatially heterogeneous and abundant in host plant species than eucalypt plantations and the high level of species diversity within native vegetation helps to provide natural biological control of herbivorous insects in nearby areas reforested with eucalyptus species.
Artemisia annua (Asterales: Asteraceae) is one of the important natural sources of antimalarial compounds i.e., artemisinin and artemisinic acid. Also this plant is cultivated on a large area in India under industry-farmer partnerships. With a view to enhance the added value of the raw material of A. annua and its chemical constituents, we evaluated methanolic extract of powdered A. annua leaves and different compounds isolated from the extract for toxicity and inhibition and disruption of growth and development of the African pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Methanol extract of A. annua and eight known constituent compounds [artemisinic acid, artemisinin, scopoletin, arteannuin-B, deoxy-artemisinin, artemetin and isomeric flavonoids (casticin and chrysosplenetin)] were bio-assayed for larval mortality, abnormal development, and growth inhibition. The methanol extract severely affected 100% of the larva treated, i.e., larvae gained very little weight, some larvae died, some formed larval-pupal intermediates, some pupae died and a few abnormal adults (adultoids) emerged. The mean weight of treated larvae reached only 0.026 g compared to the 0.270 g in the control and at par with larvae treated with 2% neem seed kernel extract (0.035 g) and 0.02% w/w azadirachtin (0.059 g).Among A. annua constituent compounds, the isomeric flavonoids exhibited a strong reduction in mean larval weight (58.5%), and growth inhibition (50.0%) as compared to the control. Extracts of A. annua and its isomeric flavonoids appear to have potential for developing novel biopesticides.
KEYWORDS: potato psyllid, tomato psyllid, population dynamics, life table, psyllid yellows, psílido de la papa, psílido del tomate, dinámica de la población, tabla de vida, amarillamiento de psilidos
The potato psyllid or tomato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (SŠulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), has become severely detrimental to the fresh tomato market by transmitting the plant pathogen ‘Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous’ (syn. solanacearum). Because suppression of insect transmitted plant diseases relies on sensible insect vector management, the life table parameters of B. cockerelli reared on tomato under both laboratory and field conditions in southern Texas were determined and the population dynamics were estimated according to the life table results. Generally, B. cockerelli reared on tomato in the laboratory had greater survival, fecundity, and longevity than those reared on tomato in the field, and the intrinsic mortality was the primary factor contributing to population decrease. In contrast, up to 74.2% of B. cockerelli were missing in the field. B. cockerelli reared under field conditions had a longer developmental time, shorter preoviposition and oviposition periods, shorter adult longevity, lower fecundity and higher mortality than those reared under laboratory conditions. Therefore, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm finite rate of increase (λ), and net reproductive rate (R0) of field-reared B. cockerelli in south Texas were lower than the laboratory reared. These results could help in the understanding of B. cockerelli population dynamics under natural conditions in tomato fields, as well as suggest possible biotic and abiotic mortality factors that may contribute to sound insect vector management, and a better understanding of the epidemiology of B. cockerelli related diseases of tomato in south Texas and elsewhere.
The yellowmargined leaf beetle, Microtheca ochroloma Stål (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a key pest of organic crucifer production in the southern United States. The susceptibility of larvae and adults of M. ochroloma to some botanical and microbial insecticide formulations was evaluated using laboratory leaf-dip bioassays. Insecticides evaluated included OMRI (Organic Material Review Institute) approved formulations of PyGanic® (pyrethrum), Entrust® (spinosad), Mycotrol O® (Beauveria bassiana strain GHA), and NOFLY® (Isaria fumosoroseus strain FE 9901). Others were MBI-203 (experimental organic formulation of Chromobacterium subtsugae) and BotaniGard® 22WP (conventional formulation of Beauveria bassiana strain GHA). The insecticides were first evaluated at the field recommended rate against M. ochroloma larvae and adults, followed by multiple-concentration assays to determine the LC50 and LT50 for promising formulations. At the field recommended rates, all tested formulations were toxic to the larvae compared to the untreated control, whereas only Entrust® and PyGanic® were effective against the adults. Entrust® and PyGanic® caused 100% mortality to the larvae and adults after just 24 h of exposure. The LC50 values of Entrust® and PyGanic® were 200 × and 15 × less than the field recommended rates, respectively. MBI-203 was effective against the larvae (100% mortality after 5 days) but not against the adults. The entomopathogenic fungal formulations, Mycotrol®, NOFLY®, and BotaniGard®, were much less toxic with LT50 values of 10, 12, and 9 days, respectively. Although all 3 fungal formulations caused significantly higher larval mortality than the untreated control after 5 days of exposure, none resulted in more than 50% larval or 14% adult mortalities over the 9-day exposure period.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is an emerging zoonotic disease in Iran. It became a public health problem in the country after an epidemic during 1999 in western Iran. Subsequent studies showed that the disease is now endemic in 23 out of 31 provinces of Iran. The more people become aware of CCHF, the more this disease will be prevented. Therefore, knowledge assessment studies are essential for planning a structured questionnaire to conduct a program of interviews and in training programs. The present study was conducted in an at risk area in western Iran. During Jun-Jul, 2012, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted involving 194 people in Darreh Shahr County, Ilam Province, western Iran. The first interrogation was conducted in 4 villages and the second was focused on the health and veterinary staffs of the County who may have been exposed to the disease or may have come in contact with patients suffering from the disease. An interview was conducted through a structured questionnaire concerning CCHF in all studied populations. Statistical analysis of the collected revealed that 61.7% of those interviewed had some information about the role of ticks in disease transmission, while only 14.8% had correct information about CCHF and its’ vector. The education levels and jobs of the respondents correlated significantly with their knowledge about the role of ticks in disease transmission, awareness of CCHF and its'routes of transmission, as well as with the symptoms of the disease (P = 0.000). Most health and veterinary staff members had varying levels of knowledge about ticks and tick-borne diseases, while 64.6% recognized CCHF as a tick-borne disease. Their information about ticks was obtained mainly from academic courses (61.1%). A relationship of direct employment in public health or veterinary medicine areas led to improved knowledge of 41.6% of respondents. Education of the interviewed personnel was correlated with their knowledge related to methods of tick control (P = 0.002); and the efficacy of various methods of control (P = 0.02). Public education related to CCHF and its transmission routes is recommended via TV/radio broadcasts; however health workers can also play an important role in educating and training villagers. Specialized programs are needed to improve the knowledge of relevant health and veterinary staffs.
Honeydew is a carbohydrate-rich solution excreted by phloem-feeding insects such as aphids. Ants often consume this substance and, in return, protect aphids from natural enemies. This indirect benefit of ant-aphid mutualisms to aphids (reduced predation) has been examined extensively. Few studies, however, have quantified the direct benefits that aphids may gain from the mutualism. We conducted greenhouse experiments to estimate the direct benefits that cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), receive from their mutualistic relationship with red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta (Buren) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). We compared population growth and alate production between ant-tended and untended aphid colonies in the absence of natural enemies. We found strong evidence that cotton aphids receive direct benefits from their relationship with fire ants. After 12 days, aphid colonies with tending ants were 46% larger than their non-tended counterparts. Alate production, however, was not affected by ant tending, suggesting that a reduction in dispersal did not explain the ant effect on aphid population growth. We hypothesize that the increase in aphid population size results from altered feeding behaviors in the presence of ants. This study suggests that there may be constant selection for this mutualism even in the absence of aphid natural enemies because aphids gain direct benefits.
KEYWORDS: western flower thrips, biological invasion, mitochondrial COI gene, sudden widespread distribution, trips occidental de la flor, invasión biológica, gen mitocondrial COI, distribución generalizada
In Shandong Province, China, the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), was first detected in Qingdao in 2007. The pest is composed of 2 genetic strains or types based on analyses of the mitochondrial DNA gene, mtCOI. These are known as “the Greenhouse strain” and “the Lupin strain”, hereafter referred to as “WFTG” and “WFT-L”, respectively. To investigate the status and pathways of spread of this alien species in its new environment, we collected 78 samples of thrips from various plants in all of the 17 counties of Shandong Province during May–Jul, 2011. In total we made 16 collections of western flower thrips in 12 counties, and we analyzed the mtCOI gene of each of these samples. Most individuals (98.6%) in these 16 collections belonged to the WFT-G type and 3 (1.4%) belonged to WFT-L type. The results demonstrated that F. occidentalis has—without being noticed—become widespread in Shandong Province, and the main type is WFT-G. Field surveys coupled with genetic analyses proved to be helpful in revealing the invasion process including the invasion pathways or mechanisms, and such analyses may help in identifying approaches and options for prevention and management of the pest.
KEYWORDS: Eucalyptus plantation, Euselasia eucerus, life table, mortality, Riodinidae, Trichogramma maxacalii, mortalidade, plantação de Eucalyptus, tabela de vida
We tested the hypothesis that Euselasia eucerus (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) the intensities of mortality factors in eucalyptus plantations in xeric environments are greater near fragments of native forest and they diminish with increasing distance from the latter. Samples were collected along a transect crossing a 70-ha planting of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis hybrid extending from adjacent native vegetation to a hilltop. Sampling was completed along an elevation and distance gradient from the native forest in three environments, near the native forest (base), intermediate (mid way between the native forest and the hilltop) and distant from the native forest (hilltop) ones. Fungi, parasites and predators caused mortality of E. eucerus pupae. Damage to E. urophylla x E. grandis hybrid by E. eucerus was greater at the more distant location possibly because of plant water deficits and/ or increased E. eucerus survival. Mortality of E. eucerus in all ontogenetic stages was greater in areas near the native forest. Proximity to native vegetation appeared to be a key factor that influenced survival of local E. eucerus populations in E. urophylla x E. grandis hybrid plantations. The results presented here reinforce the concept that native vegetation near eucalyptus plantations exerts a local effect supporting the maintenance of natural enemies of E. eucerus, and favoring infections by entomopathogenic fungi during the pupal stage of this insect.
Frequent outbreaks and widespread transmission of rice black-streaked dwarf virus by Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) have aggravated yield losses of rice in eastern China. The use of insecticides for suppression of the vector has been a fundamental approach to prevent epidemics of the virus disease. However, the status of insecticide resistance in S. furcifera has not been examined recently in China. In this study, dose responses of S.furcifera to buprofezin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, chlorpyrifos and pymetrozine were evaluated. Most populations in eastern China have developed moderate resistance to buprofezin (up to 25-fold). Approximately 32% of field populations exhibited moderate resistance to imidacloprid, while other field populations showed minor changes (7.6-fold) in their susceptibility to this insecticide. Low variation of susceptibility to thiamethoxam (<6-fold) was observed among field populations, and no obvious resistance to this product was observed. Obvious variation (10.2-fold) of susceptibility to chlorpyrifos existed in field populations of which 8% displayed moderate resistance, and 32% exhibited low level resistance. Most populations (72%) were susceptible to pymetrozine, and relatively low variation of susceptibility to it was detected among the field populations of S.furcifera. Frequent and extensive use of buprofezin had driven the rapid development of resistance, and buprofezin resistance is widespread in the field populations of S. furcifera in China. To prevent further development of the resistance, use of buprofezin should be limited and rotated with alternative insecticides with different modes of action.
A new leafhopper species Pediopsis ningxiaensis Dai & Li sp. nov. from Ningxia Province of China is described and illustrated, an updated checklist of the genus Pediopsis from the world is provided, along with a key for identification to distinguish males of species of the genus in different geographic regions.
To reveal the genetic diversity and to infer potential source areas of adventive western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in Shandong, China, we used mitochondrial and microsatellite markers to analyze the genetic diversity of 15 populations from Shandong, as well as 3 populations from Yunnan and 2 populations from Beijing—these latter 2 sites having the earliest populations to establish in China—and 2 populations from California, which are part of the pest's native range in North America. Data involving the mtCOI gene and microsatellite markers showed that the Chinese populations were less diverse genetically than the native USA populations. The distribution of mtCOI haplotypes and percentage of shared alleles in this study suggested that the populations from Shandong may have arrived as a secondary incursion from Yunnan. We found that the diversity of mitochondrial alleles in some populations from Shandong had declined drastically, whereas the diversity of their nuclear alleles had remained high, i.e., the drastic loss of mitochondrial haplotype diversity in some populations was not accompanied by substantial reductions in nuclear allelic diversity. Therefore, further analyses of nuclear genetic diversity may demonstrate that it provides a better indication of the adaptability of an adventive species than mitochondrial genetic diversity. Also, the FST data and genetic diversity analysis suggest that the substantial gene flow among the Shandong populations might have minimized the bottleneck effects.
KEYWORDS: horticultural mineral oil, carbon number distribution, emulsifying efficiency, repellency, aceite minerai horticultura, la distribución del número de carbonos, emulsionar eficiencia, repelencia
The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), is the vector of huanglongbing, a destructive citrus disease worldwide. Horticultural mineral oils (HMOs) are commonly used for management of D. citri. In the past, repellency of HMOs against D. citri was reported. The primary objective of this study was to determine the repellency characteristics of 5 HMOs against D. citri. The settling and oviposition responses of D. citri to aqueous emulsions of the HMOs were assessed by bioassay. The relationships between repellency and carbon number distribution, as well as the emulsifying efficiency of each HMO were analyzed. The results showed that the various HMOs had significantly different behavioral repellent effects against D. citri. Correlation analysis using Pearson's correlation coefficient indicated that the repellent effects of the HMOs against D. citri were significantly correlated with the mass percentages of C22, C23 and C24, but not with their emulsifying efficiencies. These results can help to select and develop HMOs with high repellencies for D. citri control. The mechanism of HMO repellency against D. citri is unclear and needs to be investigated.
The phytosanitary irradiation (PI) literature relating to the genus Anastrepha was analyzed to determine if it was sufficient to support a generic dose < 150 Gy (the accepted generic dose for all of Tephritidae) that could be used on fruit in areas of the tropical and subtropical Americas where only species of the genus are quarantine pests. Although Anastrepha contains > 230 species only 7 have been consistently of quarantine significance, and PI research has been reported on all but one of those. The measure of efficacy for PI of Tephritidae is prevention of adult emergence when eggs or larvae are irradiated in fruit; the 3rd instar is the most radio-tolerant stage. Large-scale testing where ∼100,000 third instars have been treated at one dose with no adults emerging has been successfully conducted at up to 100 Gy with 4 species. However, a rationale for a generic dose of 70 Gy is given based on the apparent homogeneity in response to radiation within the genus and the fact that the International Plant Protection Convention has approved a dose of 70 Gy for 2 key species.
The life cycle of Disholcaspis quercusvirens Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), a species previously known only from its asexual generation, is closed with the association of generations confirmed using molecular data. The description and diagnosis of the sexual generation of D. quercusvirens is given. Morphological and molecular data are used to determine that Disholcaspis quercussuccinipes Ashmead is a new synonym of D. quercusvirens.
KEYWORDS: Rynaxypyr®, DPX-E2Y45, anthranilic diamides, sweetpotato whitefly, pest Management, pesticide resistance, diamidas anthranílicas, mosca blanca de la batata, manejo de plagas, resistencia a insecticidas
Chlorantraniliprole 200 mg ai L-1 (Rynaxypyr® 200 SC) is the first xylem systemic insecticide in the new chemistry class, anthranilic diamides. A laboratory systemic bioassay using cut stems of cotton seedlings was developed to quantify the baseline susceptibility of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B, to chlorantraniliprole. Bioassays were conducted for a susceptible laboratory colony and for 11 field populations collected in 2008 and 2009 in Southern Florida. Baseline data of the susceptible colony (targeting first instar nymphs with initial exposure at the egg stage) for chlorantraniliprole in 2008 and 2009, revealed a pooled LC50 and slope values of 0.033 mg ai L-1 and 1.186, correspondingly. With the implementation of the stabilization period in the bioassay method in 2009, the susceptible colony generated LC50 and slope values of 0.182 mg ai L-1 and 0.972, respectively. LC50 and slope values of field collected populations (targeting nymphs as above) ranged from 0.016 to 0.046 mg ai L-1 and 0.889 to 1.595, respectively, in 2008 and 2009. Resistance ratio values at 50% mortality (RR50) on nymphs of field colonies ranged from 0.496 to 1.377. LC50 and slope values of the last 3 field collected populations of 2009, using the stabilization period, ranged from 0.117 to 0.251 mg ai L-1 and 0.885 to 1.395, respectively, and RR50 values ranging from 0.645 to 1.381. The overlapping of the fiducial limits of the LC50 values, the low RR50 values, and no significant differences in the slopes of the probit lines between the laboratory and field colonies, indicate that B. tabaci populations collected in Florida in 2008 and 2009 were highly susceptible to chlorantraniliprole. This anthranilic diamide insecticide is a promising tool in integrated pest management programs for B. tabaci, particularly where field populations have developed resistance to other insecticide groups. The baseline information developed in the present study confirmed the susceptibility of field populations in Florida and represents the basis for future susceptibility monitoring programs to help ensure the continued viability of chlorantraniliprole for B. tabaci management.
The German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae), is a serious pest in rural and urban housing. The aim of this study was to ascertain the pest control practice used by home residents to control the German cockroach and to assess the level of residents’ awareness and knowledge of integrated pest management. A face-to-face survey of 100 participants was carried out in 3 rural counties in NC. Only individuals who acknowledged that the German cockroach was a pest in their homes were selected for the survey. Of these participants only 23% indicated that the German cockroach was a major indoor pest, while 48% indicated that mosquitoes and 50% indicated that ants were major pests in their homes. The majority (71%) of survey respondents reported that to cope with domestic pest problems, they or a member of their household applied pesticides, and 16% worked with a contractor to do so. Pesticides were the main control measure used in homes and most (65%) respondents indicated these were applied routinely irrespective of need. The majority (93%) of residents surveyed were unfamiliar with the strategy of integrated pest management (IPM) and associated measures of control and prevention. Based on our findings, we believe that organizing an educational IPM program would increase awareness among residents of the economic, human health and environmental costs and benefits of each control measure and make sustainable IPM implementation more likely to succeed.
The midgut epithelium of insects is composed mainly of digestive cells, responsible for the digestion and absorption of food, and regenerative cells, which play a role in cell renewal. The morphological and histochemical analyses of the midgut of Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) showed that it is similar to those of other Hymenoptera. Morphometric analyses revealed differences in cell height, length of the striated border, and nuclear area of the digestive cells along the midgut. The nuclear area of regenerative cells was similar between the anterior and posterior midgut regions. These results demonstrate that the anterior and posterior midgut regions are morphologically distinct from each other.
We conducted trials in a citrus grove infested with Argentine ants [Linepithema humile (Mayr); Hymenoptera: Formicidae] using bait stations (9.8 per ha) filled with bait consisting of either 0.001% imidacloprid as one treatment or 0.25% methoprene as a second treatment. The 2 treated areas and a control were widely separated in the grove. Within each area, trees were randomly selected to receive sucrose water monitors. Consumption of the sucrose water is a measurement of ant foraging activity that we used to compare treatments and the control. For all weekly samples except one, consumption by ants in the imidacloprid-treated area was significantly lower than in the controls. The methoprene treatments gave a more complex outcome: the consumption of the bait was significantly higher than in the controls during wk 5 and 8, but then rapidly descended below the consumption level of the control during wk 11 and 12. A post-experimental examination of the control and methoprene areas showed that queen numbers in the methoprene area were 93% lower than in the control area. A subsequent laboratory experiment comparing the methoprene bait in sucrose to sucrose only showed significant worker mortality after 9, 12, and 16 wk, while at the end of the experiment queen mortality was 24% higher than in the controls (ns). The initial rise in field ant numbers with the methoprene bait would pose a problem for its use by growers unless it would be used early in the season before hot weather would drive the annual increase in ant numbers.
KEYWORDS: mango mealybug, invasive pest, insect-host plant interactions, development, survivorship, life table, cochinilla de mango, Rastrococcus iceryoides, interacciones planta-insecto hospedero, desarrollo, la sobrevivencia, tabla de vida
The effect of 6 host plant species [Mangifera indica L., Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh, Coffea arabica L., Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, Parkinsonia aculeata L., and Ficus benjamina Roxb.], on bionomics of the mango mealybug Rastrococcus iceryoides Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) was studied in the screenhouse. Biological and life table parameters of the mealybug differed significantly among the host plants. Developmental period (egg to adult) was shortest on M. indica (23.5 days and 25.3 days for females and males, respectively), whereas it was longest on F. benjamina (33.0 days and 37.3 days for females and males, respectively). The egg to adult female survivorship was highest on C. moschata (79.6%) and lowest on C. arabica (30.9%). Fecundity was highest on C. moschata (811.3 egg/female) followed by M. indica (716.8 egg/female). The sex ratio was female-biased on C. moschata, M. indica, C. cajan and P. aculeata. Adult mealybug longevity also varied with host plant for both mated and unmated females. Adult female body length and width were significantly higher on C. moschata, M. indica, C. cajan and P. aculeata than on F. benjamina and C. arabica. The highest intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), finite rate of increase (λ) and the shortest mean generation time (GT) and doubling time (Td) were recorded on M. indica. The highest and lowest net reproductive rate (Ro) occurred on C. moschata and C. arabica, respectively. The implication of these findings in relation to damage, population growth and management of R. iceryoides on the target crops is discussed.
Semi-artificial diets consisting of redbay (Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng.; Laurales: Lauraceae) sawdust and various nutrients were tested for rearing Xyleborus glabratus Eichoff (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in vitro. Comparison of 2 media, modified and standard, adapted from Biedermann et al. (2009) showed that the more solid consistency of the modified medium resulted in greater rates of successful brood production in cultures. A 2-layered medium structure with a nutrient rich lower layer and a nutrient poor upper layer proved to be superior to a single-layered structure. Using a 2-layered structure, 72.5% of foundresses successfully produced brood, which was similar to or greater than success rates of X. glabratus under natural field conditions. The most successful media recipes used finely ground wood from redbay, but some successful brood production also occurred when wood from pondberry (Lindera melissifolia ) (Walter) Blume; Laurales: Lauraceae) and California bay laurel (Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt.; Laurales: Lauraceae) were used instead of redbay. A 2-layered structure with nutrient levels slightly higher than those in the modified medium of Biedermann et al. (2009) is recommended for rearing X. glabratus in vitro.
A population of adult reproductive female brown widow spiders, Latrodectus geometricus Koch (Araneae: Theridiidae) was collected in North Central Florida. Within weeks, the spiders displayed reduced foraging behavior and began to die. A white fungal growth was observed on deceased individuals and others who showed signs of decline. Fungal samples were collected from living spiders as well as from recently deceased specimens. Samples were excised from the spiders and isolated on acidified potato dextrose agar. Morphological characterization was cross referenced with the most recent phenotypic variability studies to confirm probable matches. Molecular identification was rendered using ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 and Mucor fragilis Bainier (Mucorales: Mucoraceae) was indicated with 99% match. Little is documented regarding M. fragilis, and no prior records of pathogenic occurrence are known by the authors. Subsequent bioassay trials supported with 83% mortality that this novel strain of M. fragilis does infect and kill L. geometricus.
A taxonomic study of the genus Adota Casey in Korea is presented. Four species are recognized, 2 of which are newly described (A. koreanasp. nov. and A. minutasp. nov.). Adota ushio (Sawada) is newly added to the Korean fauna. A key to the known species, descriptions, habitus photographs, and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.
The influence of different polyandrous situations on clutch size was determined in the predatory coccinellid, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, as a measure of female reproductive fitness. The study revealed that single female beetles each held with 3 mates under a continuous mating situation laid significantly more eggs (6.93/ day) than females each similarly held either with 2 males or with 1 male. However, correlation analysis revealed a highly significant negative correlation (r = -0.60**) between the progression of days and clutch size with 3 mates. The number of multiple matings and clutch size also decreased over time compared to other treatments. The implications of these results are discussed.
Key to the effectiveness of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) suppression efforts using insecticidal bait sprays is the determination of how long the bait remains attractive to adult flies after application. Using a comparative approach, field studies were conducted in commercial papaya (Carica papaya L.; Brassicales: Caricaceae) orchards in Hawaii with the goal of quantifying the response of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) wild females to yellow bait stations treated with 2 dilutions (40% and 20%) of GF-120 NF Naturalyte™ Fruit Fly Bait that had been aged either outdoors (for 3 and 7 days) or indoors (for 1, 2, 3, and 7 days). Important variations in the level of female response to the baits were documented between these 2 fruit fly species, and the response levels were modulated by bait dilution, duration of aging and aging conditions. For B. dorsalis wild females, the attractiveness of 40% GF-120 and aged outdoors for either, 3 or 7 days did not differ significantly from the fresh bait, whereas for B. cucurbitae wild females a significant reduction (48 %) in bait attractiveness was recorded within 1 day of aging indoors independent of percent dilution of the bait. Environmental conditions, in particular mean temperature and relative humidity, prevailing during bait aging outdoors differed significantly from those recorded indoors, and these differences appeared to have influenced the attractiveness of GF-120. The types of variations in the level of responses to the aged baits documented in this study between fruit fly species within a genus, and potentially across genera need to be considered when developing suppression programs for fruit flies that involve the use of bait sprays.
The tomato fruitworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is the foremost pest of tomato in the Mariana Islands. Similarly, the red spider mite, Tetranychus marianae McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae), is a chief pest of vegetables particularly on tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae). However, the infestations by T. marianae are heavy during the early stages of crop growth, while infestations of H. armigera become prominent at later stages. Because no threshold levels are available for these pests, many growers apply up to 15 chemical applications per tomato cropping period. To reduce the regular spray schedules chemical applications and to prevent damage to foliage and fruit quality, the present study was undertaken for the development of action threshold levels for the timing of chemical applications for T. marianae and H. armigera on tomato in the Mariana Islands. Therefore, different threshold levels were evaluated for timing applications of Sun-spray 6E® horticultural oil against T. marianae and Aza-Direct®, neem against H. armigera on tomato in the wet and dry seasons at 2 locations, Dededo and Inaranjan, in Guam, USA during 2011 and 2012. Based on T. marianae infested leaves, incidence of T. marianae and yield levels, the plots sprayed at 8–12 mites/leaf in the dry season and 8–14 mites/leaf during the wet season had significantly lower leaf damage and T. marianae densities compared to a greater number of mites/leaf, regular based sprays and control plots. Likewise, an initial spray scheduled when 2 eggs of H. armigera were detected on 10 of the samples, followed by an added spray only if 2 damaged fruit or H. armigera larvae were detected per 50 immature fruit resulted in lower percent fruit damage and higher marketable yield compared to other threshold levels or a regular spray schedule.
In Jun and Jul 2011 traps were deployed in Tuskegee National Forest, Macon County, Alabama to test the influence of chemical and visual cues on the capture of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). The first experiment investigated the attractiveness of traps baited with different ratios of ethanol to methanol (0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, 100:0). No differences occurred in total Scolytinae trap captures for any of the various ratios of ethanol to methanol. The second experiment tested the attractiveness of ethanolbaited traps supplemented with light emitting diodes (LED) of various wavelengths to Scolytinae. Ethanol-baited traps supplemented with UV (395 nm) and green (525 nm) LEDs were more attractive than traps baited only with ethanol, but they were not more attractive than ethanol-baited traps supplemented with blue (470 nm) and red (625 nm) LEDs. This study indicates ethanol-baited traps supplemented with UV or green LEDs would be useful for detecting various Scolytinae.
Visual and gustatory responses of Spodoptera frugiperda Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae to artificial food dyes were studied. The objective was to determine the ability of these substances to attract and elicit feeding of insect larvae to assess their feasibility for improving the efficacy of ingested insecticides. The artificial food dyes lemon green, lemon yellow, orange red, chlorophyll and carmine red were used. Different blends were prepared with each dye to evaluate larval visual responses to color, larval preferences to color compared with a control, and larval gustatory responses. Only lemon green and lemon yellow dyes visually evoked the attraction of significant percentages of the larvae, but the other colorants did not elicit responses different from the control. Gustatory response tests indicated that larvae preferred to feed on gelatinized blends containing chlorophyll. The gelatinized blend containing lemon green dye was a strong gustatory repellent, and none of the other dyes evoked negative gustatory responses. Adding the artificial food dye lemon green to an insecticidal formulation could enhance insect attraction, while adding chlorophyll could enhance ingestion of the formulation. The study of sensory aspects of insect behavior can be useful for maximizing the efficiency of insecticidal formulations.
Radka Břízová, Adriana L. Mendonça, Lucie Vanícková, Alana L. Mendonça, Carlos Eduardo Da Silva, Aleš Tomčala, Beatriz Aguiar Jordão Paranhos, Vanessa Simões Dias, Iara Sordi Joachim-Bravo, Michal Hoskovec, Blanka Kalinová, Ruth R. Do Nascimento
KEYWORDS: South American fruit fly, two-dimensional gas chromatography with timeof-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC×GC/TOF-MS), principal component analysis (PCA), mosca das frutas Sul-Americana
The South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) cryptic species complex is presently one of the most studied pest models in terms of speciation and population mating compatibility. The improvement of pest-control techniques has strongly relied on successful implementation of laboratory strains into wild populations. Pheromone communication plays an important role in the mating process in the South American fruit fly. Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to investigate the pheromone composition of 7 different populations, originating from geographically distant locations in Brazil and Argentina. Fourteen volatile compounds were identified in calling male emanations by GC×GC/TOF-MS and the data obtained were subsequently analyzed by multivariate statistics. The pheromone composition varied both quantitatively and qualitatively among the studied populations. These results will serve as the basis for further electrophysiological analyses.
KEYWORDS: Mediterranean fruit fly, Caribbean fruit fly, detection, monitoring, trap, mosca mediterránea de la fruta, mosca Caribe de la fruta, detección, monitoreo, trampa
Field trials were conducted in south Florida to compare capture of wild Caribbean fruit flies, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), and sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in Multilure traps, which are McPhail-type traps that use an aqueous solution to retain attracted flies, and Phase 4 traps, which are open-bottom dry traps that use a sticky insert to retain attracted flies. One study was conducted in a guava orchard and compared capture of A. suspensa in both trap types baited with ammonium acetate plus putrescine alone (two-component BioLure) or in combination with trimethylamine (three-component BioLure). A second study compared captures of A. suspensa and sterile male C. capitata in traps baited with three-component BioLure in an urban area near the end of the eradication program for a C. capitata outbreak. In both studies, captures were higher in the Multilure traps than the Phase 4 traps baited with the same lure, with catches ranging from 5:1 for sterile C. capitata, and ∼10:1 to ∼100:1 for wild A. suspensa. Large scale area-wide deployment of fruit fly detection traps is costly in both materials and in the time and effort required in routine servicing. Although a simpler and cheaper trap such as the Phase 4 trap would be a welcome relief to any large scale area-wide detection programs, it must perform effectively. This is the first report of tests of fruit fly capture in Phase 4 traps conducted under of south Florida conditions.
Among phytophagous insects, the Cicadomorpha are important economically because they damage crops by sucking plant sap and by transmitting plant pathogens, such as Spiroplasma citri and Xylella fastidiosa to citrus. In Argentina little knowledge exists about this subject. The aim of this work was to study the diversity of Cicadomorpha associated with citrus orchards in Entre Ríos province, and their seasonal fluctuation in relation with climatic and phenological conditions. A total of 1,554 specimens belonging to 28 species of Cicadomorpha were collected with yellow sticky traps in sweet orange (Citrus × sinensis (L.) Osbeck) and tangerine (Citrus unshiu Marc) orchards. The Shannon index and the Simpson index suggested a similar trend in the distribution of the dominant species in both crops. In the orange orchard, Cicadomorpha populations increased in the summer coincidently with temperature increases. On the other hand, a significant increase in abundance during the winter months was coincident with increase of early sprouts of the citrus plants. Entre Ríos province represents a new distribution record for 13 species. Tangerine is a newly recorded host-plant for 16 species studied, and eight species are reported for the first time on ‘Valencia Late’ orange.
The use of simple and economic traps with long lasting lure dispensers is key for implementation of mass trapping strategies against pestiferous fruit flies. Simplicity, cost, ease of assembly, storage and transportation were considered during evaluation of a folding conical trap for mass trapping the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens. The application of deltamethrin to the lid of the trap resulted in a cost-effective treatment, which helped retain flies in dry traps for at least 10 wk. However, the conical trap design and the diam, type and disposition of entry-holes, negatively affected performance of the trap under laboratory conditions. High numbers of flies could escape the trap over a short period of time after their release into its interior, although most of them died after escaping because of the delayed effect of exposure to deltamethrin. Under field conditions, no significant differences were observed between orange and yellow traps in capturing either A. ludens or lacewings. In contrast, the folding conical trap model was significantly more efficient in capturing Mexican fruit flies when baited with CeraTrap® lure than when baited either with the conventional hydrolyzed protein or with BioLure®. CeraTrap® lure was also significantly more attractive to beneficial lacewings than the other 2 lures. These results indicated that additional studies on fly population suppression under field conditions will be necessary before deciding to use the folding conical trap as part of a mass trapping strategy to control the Mexican fruit fly.
Associational resistance (AR) is an emergent property of ecological communities and may play an important role in their assembly and structuring. Gall densities of the midge Asphondylia borrichiae Rossi & Strong (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on the coastal plant Iva frutescens L. (Asteraceae) are reduced in the presence of a second host, Borrichia frutescens (L.) (Asteraceae). In this system associational resistance is mediated by parasitoid natural enemies that emerge from Borrichia galls and attack galls on Iva, thereby reducing gall densities on Iva. We quantified distances between patches of Iva and Borrichia and the relative abundances of both plant species and predicted that gall densities would be reduced and parasitism rates elevated on Iva closer to Borrichia compared with more distant patches and on Iva occurring with relatively greater Borrichia abundance in comparison to reduced ratios of Borrichia to Iva abundance. Although gall densities were elevated on Iva more distant from Borrichia, as compared with Iva adjacent to Borrichia, parasitism rates were unaffected by patch distance in this system. Increasing relative abundance of Borrichia was found to significantly reduce gall densities on Iva, though parasitism rates on Iva galls were unaffected by Borrichia abundance. These results suggest other factors, e.g., environmental quality, host plant genotype, etc., may swamp out the effects of parasitoid—mediated AR in this system as Iva becomes more distant from Borrichia or as the abundance of Borrichia relative to Iva is reduced.
Raul Da Cunha Borges Filho, Dirceu Pratissoli, Dori Edson Nava, Fernanda Garcia Monte, Antônio Lourenço Guidoni, Sérgio Delmar Dos Anjos E Silva, Ricardo Antonio Polanczyk
Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) is a polyphagus insect and is traditionally considered the key-pest of jatropha (Jatroph acurcas L.; Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae); however, occurrences of this pest have also been observed on strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum Sabine; Myrtales: Myrtaceae) and the tung tree (Aleurites fordii Hemsl.; Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae). This study investigated the development of P. torridus in fruits of jatropha, strawberry guava and tung to provide information for phytosanitary management of this pest. We evaluated the biological parameters in the nymphal and adult stages of the pest at 25 ± 2 °C, RH 70 ± 10% and 12:12 h (L:D). Nymphs of P. torridus did not develop in fruits of tung. In fruits of jatropha and strawberry guava, P. torridus had 5 instars of nymphal development with variable durations and survival rates. The nymphal stage showed durations and viabilities of 55 days and 33.7% and 56.1 days and 38.9% in strawberry guava and jatropha, respectively. The sex ratio (proportion of females in the population) was 0.6 in strawberry guava and 0.5 in jatropha. The weights of adult females and males were greater in jatropha (152.0 and 117.2 mg) than in strawberry guava (127.9 and 105.9 mg). Females fed with jatropha showed a longer pre-oviposition period and shorter periods of oviposition and post-oviposition than those fed on strawberry guava. Fecundity was similar in both treatments (hosts). Fruits of strawberry guava and jatropha are adequate for the development and reproduction of P. torridus.
The redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a wood-boring pest that transmits the fungal pathogen Raffaelea lauricola, the causal agent of laurel wilt disease in American Lauraceae. This study documents the gallery formation patterns of X. glabratus as well as its life cycle and development at 25 ± 2 °C in logs of 3 natural hosts: avocado (Persea americana), redbay (P. borbonia) and swampbay (P. palustris). Females were observed to excavate galleries perpendicular to the tree trunk; galleries were characterized by a main entrance tunnel, from which branched secondary tunnels that, in turn, gave rise to tertiary tunnels. By dissecting infested logs daily, the length of time was determined for each developmental stage, and found to be comparable in all 3 hosts. Eggs were first encountered in avocado, redbay, and swampbay at 7, 11, and 10 days after gallery initiation (agi), respectively; larvae at 14, 20, and 14 days agi; pupae at 24, 26, and 26 days agi; and teneral adults at 31, 30, and 27 days agi. Despite comparable rates of development in all hosts, there were fewer progeny per female produced in avocado. Oviposition by the founding female extended over a broad time-span, and all stages were observed in the gallery at 1 month agi. Three larval instars were present, with mean head capsule widths of 0.21, 0.26, and 0.37 mm, respectively. Long term rearing of X. glabratus was achieved on swampbay logs soaked in water prior to infestation. Emergence of new females from logs was first observed at 60 d agi, indicating that teneral adults remain in hosts for ∼1 month prior to dispersal. Emergence continued for up to 240 days, with maximum emergence observed between 120–150 days agi.
A glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) gene encodes a transmembrane domain protein that is an important target for insecticides. In insects, the GluCl genes of Tribolium castaneum, Apis mellifera, Nasonia vitripennis, Drosophila melanogaster, Musca domestica, Lucilia cuprina, Aedes aegypti, Schistocerca gregaria, Plutella xylostella and Acyrthosiphon pisum were cloned, but not the corresponding gene of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), the small brown planthopper. In this study, the complete cDNA sequence of GluCl gene from L. striatellus was cloned and sequenced. The sequence includes 2,112 nucleotides, and the open reading frame ranges from 208 to 1,566 bp. The sequence encoded 452 amino acid residues. Alignment of the amino acid sequences of the GluCls between L. striatellus and other species indicated that the similarity of sequences was in the range of 48%–86%. The purified reverse transcription PCR product of GluCl coding sequence was cloned into a T-vector and then the sequence was analyzed. This analysis revealed polymorphism of GluCl gene among several strains, including a relatively susceptible strain, a fipronil resistant strain and a field strain of L. striatellus. Because the GluCls is an important target receptor, the GluCl gene in L. striatellus is worthy of further investigation.
Here we report on the first record of the mole cricket parasitoid Larra bicolor F. (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in North Carolina. The presence of larvae and adults was documented at a mole-cricket-infested golf course near the South Carolina border. The means of arrival is not known, and may have occurred at the same time the hosts arrived or as the result of natural dispersal and range expansion. Evidence suggests that the parasitoids were able to survive through at least one severe winter.
Two new leafhopper species, Pediopsoides (Celopsis) rhombicasp. nov. from Guizhou Province, and P. (C.) trifurcatasp. nov. from Hainan Province of China, are described and illustrated. The type specimens examined here are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China (GUGC).
KEYWORDS: additive model, binomial response variables, goodness-of-fit, non-linear effects, proportional data set, modelo aditivo, variables de respuesta binomial, grado de ajuste, efectos no lineales, conjunto de datos proporcionales
Temperature and day-length are considered to be the 2 important factors that can significantly affect insect diapause, which is a typical proportional dataset. In the previous studies, the method of arcsine square root transformation is widely used to analyze the effect of temperature or day-length or their joint effects on diapause in insects. However, this method has many limitations, for example, the proportional data should be normally distributed. The logistic regression in generalized additive models is a promising method for analyzing the effects of temperature and day-length on diapause. Compared to the arcsine square root transformation method, this method does not require normal distribution of proportional diapause data. The logistic regression also provides better goodness-of-fit by using the non-parametric fitting technique. In this report, we used the diapause data of Pieris melete (Xiao et al. 2012) to compare the fitted results of the logistic regression in generalized additive models with arcsine square root transformation. We found that the logistic regression in generalized additive models is better than linear regression of arcsine square root transformed data in following ways: (1) reasonable predictions about diapause ranging from 0 to 1 can be made without transforming the proportional data; (2) non-linear effects of temperature and day-length on diapause can be determined; (3) the goodness-of-fit can be substantially improved.
Chitinase activity was measured from nonmolting workers of a subterranean termite, Reticulitermes virginicus Banks. The specific activity of cellulase was 6-fold greater than that of chitinase. An ability of R. virginicus to digest chitin would allow utilization of additional food resources that contain dietary nitrogen lacking in wood.
Nine species of sap beetles (Nitidulidae) were collected in pitfall traps and during whole plant examinations in strawberry fields during the 1994–95, 1999 and 2000 seasons in the strawberry production area of eastern Hillsborough County, Florida. Haptoncus luteolus (Erichson), Lobiopa insularis (Castelnau) and Carpophilus fumatus Boheman accounted for about 95% of the specimens collected while C. humeralis (F), C. freemani Dobson, C. mutilatus (Erichson), Stelidota geminata (Say), S. ferruginea Reitter and Colopterus truncatus (Randall) each accounted only for ≤ 2% of the specimens.
The dispersion of the egg-larval parasitoid Copidosoma floridanum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was studied under vegetable greenhouse conditions in southwestern Ontario where Trichoplusia ni is a major problem. The parasitoid dispersed up to 146 m, the limit of the greenhouse size, and probably it is able to disperse more than 146 m from the point of release.
Clonacris kirbyi Finot (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Hemiacridinae) is reported for the first time from the Patgaon of Maharashtra state, a region of North Western Ghats.
Hesperus splendoris (Last) is transferred from the genus Cafius to Hesperus Fauvel and the name is replaced as H. neosplendoris. Illustrations of the holotype and label data are presented.
Diatraea tabernella is recorded for the first time in the Cauca River Valley of Colombia. Even though there has been no information on the status of D. tabernella in Colombia for almost a century, its recent appearance creates concern about its potential economic importance by virtue of its abundance and distribution in the northern region of the Cauca River Valley. Descriptions of the pupae and the male genitalia of D. saccharalis, D. indigenella, and D. tabernella are given, together with a key to aid in the identification of Diatraea species in the region. Also information and perspectives on biological control of D. tabernella are presented.
Larval habitats of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say in the epiphyte Aechmea distichantha Lemaire (Poales: Bromeliaceae), were found and described both in semi-urban and rural localities of piedmont forest of the subtropical mountainous Yungas rainforest in the province of Tucuman, northwestern Argentina. This finding suggests that these anthropophilic disease vectors have achieved a degree of introduction and adaptation to the primitive forest, and that the bromeliad, which possesses phytotelmata, has an epidemiological role in providing natural water containers for the breeding of mosquito vectors.
This is the first report of Palmistichus elaeisis (Delvare & LaSalle) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a generalist pupal parasitoid of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, parasitizing pupae of Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), a major forest pest in Latin America and the Caribbean. This finding offers new perspectives for the use of parasitoids in biological control programs against pests of mahogany and cedar species in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The life cycle of the brown marmorated stink bug, H. halys, was studied at the Gainesville, Florida quarantine facility at 25° C constant temperature, 16:8 h L:D and 50–55% RH. Nymphs, which emerged from 32 egg masses, were reared on bean pods and carrots in Petri dishes and checked daily to determine the number and duration of each nymphal stadium and percent survival. Twenty-five recently emerged couples were set-up in clear plastic containers, fed daily with bean pods and carrots, and provided with moisture. The pre-oviposition period, number of egg masses, and longevities of males and females were determined. The general life cycle of this potential crop pest of Florida is discussed.
The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, is a major pest of citrus throughout the world. The larval stage of the moth mines leaves and reduces photosynthesis and increases the incidence and severity of citrus canker disease. A lure comprised of 2 aldehyde compounds isolated from pheromone glands of female P. citrella is widely used to monitor field populations. We conducted a preliminary morphological and molecular analysis to examine candidate species of Phyllocnistis that are attracted to pheromone lures containing the 2 major components of the P. citrella sex pheromone. Our results demonstrated that several species of Phyllocnistis, including P. insignis and P. vitegenella, are attracted to the 2 major pheromone components of P. citrella.
We recorded the occurrence of Compsus sp., Compsus niveus, Platyomus cultricollis, and Rembus auricinctus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in tea plantations in the municipality of São Miguel Arcanjo, SP, Brazil. The damage caused by these insects is related mainly to the presence of insect fragments in dried tea leaves, hindering the marketing of the product. This is the first report of the occurrence of weevils in tea crops in Brazil.
Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) are important sucking insects, acting as pests of crops. In this study, the occurrence of the cicada, Dorisiana viridis (Olivier), was observed in a macadamia orchard in the Jaboticabal municipality, São Paulo state, Brazil. It is noteworthy that this is the first report of D. viridis infestation on macadamia nut trees.
A new phytotelm plant for the Americas is recorded for San Miguel de los Bancos, Pichincha Province, Ecuador. In the leaf axils of Crinum moorei Hook. f. (Amaryllidaceae) were collected larvae and pupae of a common mosquito, Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) complosa (Dyar) (Diptera: Culicidae: Sabethini). This plant is a South African native, introduced into several countries, but never reported as a habitat for immature mosquitoes. We provide notes about its botanical and ecological characteristics, and also of the mosquito associated at this locality.
KEYWORDS: Schinus terebinthifolia, biological control of weeds, life history, Exocrine glands, control biológico de malezas, historia de vida, glándula exocrina
A species of Notodontidae, Nystalea ebalea was discovered feeding on leaflets of the invasive weed Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Sapindales: Anacardiaceae) in south Florida. The larvae of this species generally have 5 instars and require 20–22 days to reach the pupal stage. Discovery of wild populations of this Neotropical species in the weed's invasive range precluded its consideration as a classical biological control agent.
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