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The ghost orchid, Dendrophylax lindenii (Lindl.) Bentham ex Rolfe (Orchidaceae), is a rare, leafless epiphyte restricted to forests in southernmost Florida and western Cuba. The species' appealing floral display, high public profile, and challenging cultivation contribute to its ongoing removal from the wild by unethical collectors. To effectively conserve this and other native orchids that rely on seed for reproduction, a thorough understanding of natural pollination mechanisms is essential. Digital single lens reflex camera traps were used to survey for potential pollinators visiting D. lindenii flowers on the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge during the summers of 2016 to 2018. Based on suspected D. lindenii pollinia affixed to photographed moths, we provide visual evidence that D. lindenii is pollinated by at least 2 large hawk moths (Sphingidae) in southern Florida, which include the fig sphinx moth, Pachylia ficus Linnaeus, and pawpaw sphinx moth, Dolba hyloeus Drury (both Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Species that were documented probing D. lindenii flowers, but lacked pollinia, included the giant sphinx moth (Cocytius antaeus Drury), banded sphinx moth (Eumorpha fasciatus Sulzer), and streaked sphinx moth (Protambulyx strigilis Linnaeus) (all Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). In addition to the aforementioned species of hawk moths (sphinx moths), the seagrape spanworm moth (Ametris nitocris Cramer; Lepidoptera: Geometridae), palamedes swallowtail (Papilio palamedes Drury; Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), monk skipper (Asbolis capucinus Lucas; Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), Brazilian skipper (Calpodes ethlius Stoll; Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), and 3 unidentifiable geometrid moths were observed visiting D. lindenii flowers within the study area. During 2017 and 2018, a total of 21 different visits by Lepidoptera were recorded, and the duration of each visit was rarely longer than 1 s. Hawk moth visits were infrequent, but did show some evidence of clustering by species. Measurements of proboscis lengths of the 2 documented pollinators from museum specimens were of sufficient length (50–100 mm) to probe D. lindenii nectar spurs, further lending support to our field observations. Larval food sources of the 2 confirmed pollinators include plant species native to southern Florida, suggesting that these moths are natural pollinators of D. lindenii. Our findings, although preliminary, provide critically needed baseline information that will augment ongoing conservation efforts in southern Florida aimed at the recovery of D. lindenii.
Four predatory spider species, Leucauge venusta (Orchard) (Araneae: Tetragnathidae), Lycosa pseudoannulata (Boeset) (Araneae: Lycosidae), Larinioides cornutus (Clerck) (Araneae: Araneidae), and Tetragnatha shikokiana (Yaginuma) (Araneae: Tetragnathidae), were used to control Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in the laboratory and greenhouse, and their longevity without food was observed. For the laboratory experiment, the spiders' feeding capabilities were checked at 1, 4, 8, and 16 h of exposure in a 10 mL vial containing 50 five-d-old whiteflies. For the greenhouse experiment, the preys' feeding ability was recorded at 24 and 48 h, with 100 five-d-old adult whiteflies in a screened cage. Individual spiders were kept in the lab in 10 mL vials, and their survival time was recorded every 5 h. Of the 4 spider species, L. pseudoannulata was the most active in the lab and consumed an average of 3.00 ± 0.22, 6.17 ± 0.27, 9.67 ± 0.43, and 13.50 ± 0.49 at 1, 4, 8, and 16 h of the bioassay, followed by L. venusta, L. cornutus, and T. shikokiana. However, in the greenhouse experiment, L. venusta consumed the greatest number of whiteflies, with an average of 24.66 and 51.33 (out of 100) at 24 and 48 h, respectively, followed by L. pseudoannulata, L. cornutus, and T. shikokiana. The maximum longevity was recorded for L. venusta with 26.67 h, followed by T. shikokiana, L. pseudoannulata, and L. cornutus without prey. All spider species killed and consumed adult whiteflies in both experiments, which suggests that they are a controlling tool in the natural ecosystem. The results from our experiment will contribute to the biological control of whitefly.
The emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), quickly established itself as an invasive species in North America after it was first detected near Detroit, Michigan, USA, in 2002. Just 1 yr later, emerald ash borer was introduced accidentally into Maryland, USA, on imported ash nursery stock. After quarantine and eradication efforts failed, a classical biological control program was initiated in Maryland in 2009 with the release of 2 larval parasitoids: Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Spathius agrili Yang (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and 1 egg parasitoid, Oobius agrili Zhang and Huang (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Timing is critical to the success, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of classical biological control programs where release of parasitoids must coincide temporally with that of susceptible stages of the host. In 2017, periodic field surveys at 2 sites in central Maryland were conducted to assess emerald ash borer phenology using green funnel traps to sample adults, and debarking infested ash trees to sample larval stages. Adult emerald ash borer first appeared in traps on 18 May 2017 (479 growing degree d base 10 [GDD10]), peaked on 15 Jun (823 GDD10), and were absent from 13 Jul (1,301 GDD10) through 12 Oct (2,598 GDD10) when surveys were terminated. Larval sampling in early Aug (1,698 GDD10) found all larval instars present, the most common being the second instar (46%), followed by the third instar (28%), fourth instar (20%), first instar (5%), and prepupal J-shaped larvae (J-larva) (0.5%). J-larvae are so called because after excavating a pupal chamber, the head is bent down 180 degrees to the rest of the body, resembling the shape of the letter J. Larval sampling in late Oct (2,710 GDD10) found J-larvae to be the dominant stage present (92.2%), followed by fourth instar (4.8%), third instar (2.4%), and second instar (0.6%). We found that emerald ash borer was univoltine, and that nearly 50% of emerald ash borer larvae had developed to stages susceptible to parasitism (third and fourth instar) by early Aug (1,698 GDD10). By late Oct (2,710 GDD10), 92% had developed beyond parasitoid susceptible stages (J-larvae). These findings suggest that egg parasitoid releases are best targeted from early May to late Jun at an approximate GDD10 range of 300 and 1,100 with larval parasitoid releases best targeted between 1,400 and 2,500 GDD10.
In the guava crop, insecticides are frequently used throughout the yr in an attempt to protect new shoots from the attack of the key pest Triozoida limbata (Enderlein) (Hemiptera: Triozidae). Research is essential to investigate the resistance of cultivars for management of T. limbata populations in sustainable production systems. We evaluated the preference of T. limbata on guava cultivars in the field, and determined the longitudinal and transverse incidence of the triozid for plants of Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae). The evaluations were carried out in an orchard located in the Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, with 8 cultivars of P. guajava, from May 2013 to Jul 2014. There were 96 plants in the area used; they were evaluated biweekly, quantifying the number of immatures and adults of the triozid using new leaves from the apex of the branches to the second pair of leaves fully expanded in 4 main branches (branches leaving the trunk) per plant. Simultaneously, to capture adults 96 plants were monitored with a yellow adhesive trap (10 × 15 cm) fixed at the height of the canopy, and the traps were changed every 15 d. The cultivars ‘Cascuda' and ‘Kumagai' were non-preferred for immatures of T. limbata, whereas ‘Paluma,' ‘Tailandesa,' ‘Novo Milênio,' and ‘Pedro Sato' cultivars were susceptible. There was a significant difference in the incidence of T. limbata adults between ‘Sassaoka' and ‘Paluma' cultivars. For the adults caught in adhesive traps, ‘Sassaoka,' ‘Kumagai,' and ‘Cascuda' cultivars were not preferred, compared to ‘Paluma' (susceptible). No difference occurred in the incidence of nymphs and adults of T. limbata between the positions of the branches, nor between plants or streets. The ‘Cascuda' and ‘Kumagai’ cultivars are promising for guava breeding programs, aiming at resistance to T. limbata attack. To sample for T. limbata in orchards, one can evaluate the leaves of any of the 4 main branches that leave the trunk.
The biological control agent, Cyrtobagous salviniae Calder and Sands (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (salvinia weevil), is being used for management of the highly invasive fern Salvinia molesta Mitchell (Salvinaceae) in Louisiana and Texas, USA. The weevils and plants are transported from the nurseries and rearing facilities to the field release sites in plastic totes. Despite the increased transport of weevil-infested plants during the warmer months, limited data exist on the impact of heat stress and survivability of adult C. salviniae. Therefore, research was conducted to determine temperatures inside totes during summer transport, and to determine the upper temperature threshold for adult weevil survival. Field data demonstrated that temperatures within the totes were capable of exceeding 35 °C, and the type of lid used to secure plant material influenced internal temperature. In addition, there were no differences in temperature within the totes. Growth chamber trials determined the upper lethal time to kill 50 and 90% of the test population (ULt50 and ULt90) at 35 °C was 27.5 and 42.8 hours, respectively, while at 40 °C, the ULt50 and ULt90 was 15.0 and 25.0 hours, respectively. As the temperature increased to 50 °C, the calculated ULt50 and ULt90 values were 5.0 and 11.0 minutes, respectively. These data provided evidence that C. salviniae mortality occurs more rapidly as the temperature increases, especially > 45 °C, and that extreme temperatures can occur within transportation totes.
Exophthalmus cupreipes Champion (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adult weevils were detected feeding on young leaves and shoots of Persian limes (Citrus latifolia [Tanaka ex Yu. Tanaka] Tanaka; Rutaceae) in commercial plantations in the states of Veracruz and Tabasco, Mexico. Weevil damage to foliage is apparently not significant enough to cause production losses. However, there are reports of related species included in the Exophthalmus genus complex that are considered primary pests of agriculturally important citruses. This study complements the original description by Champion (1911) for adults of both sexes, and provides images of external and internal structures useful for its identification. Moreover, field observations of damage on citrus are presented, and the potential importance as a pest is discussed.
A new parasitoid wasp species, Torymus moazopisp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae), is described from Mexico. This new species was reared from seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Phaseolus lunatus L. (both Fabaceae) associated with some Bruchinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Torymus moazopisp. nov. is morphologically similar to Torymus atheatus Grissell (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), but it can be distinguished by its ovipositor length, thorax coloration, and the distinctively wide fore and hind femora in males.
Demian F. Gomez, Andrew J. Johnson, Paloma Carton de Grammont, Janet Alfonso-Simonetti, Janelim Montaigne, Ana I. Elizondo, Berta Lina Muiño, Dairon Ojeda, Jesús Vidal, Jiri Hulcr
We present a reassessment of the diversity of bark and ambrosia beetles in Cuba. For the first time in decades, an official Cuban-American binational collaboration allowed us to re-visit all known entomology collections in Cuba, and collect in the field. There are at least 94 species of scolytine beetles in Cuba. We report a new species, Xylosandrus aurinegro Gomez & Hulcr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and 7 new species records, including the first genus record for Dryocoetoides Hopkins and Tricolus Blandford (both Coleoptera: Curculionidae) for the island. In terms of species with potential concern to the USA, we corroborate a subspecies of Ips calligraphus Wood & Bright (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) that acts as a pine pest in Cuba and is not yet present in North America.
Cinthia Luzia Teixeira Silva, Lígia Alves Paiva, Fernanda Correa, Franciele Cristina Silva, Ana Paula Pelosi, Márcio da Silva Araujo, André Cirilo de Sousa Almeida, Flávio Gonçalves Jesus
Insect pests, including caterpillars, cause losses in maize (Zea mays L.; Poaceae) which is one of the most important agricultural crops in the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate the management of Spodoptera frugiperda Smith & Abbot (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with transgenic and conventional maize genotypes. The experiments were conducted in the field in summer crops from the seasons 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 in a randomized complete block design with sub-subdivided plots represented by: control (no control), chemical control (methomyl + diflubenzurom), Integrated Pest Management–spinosade, and biological control (Trichogramma pretiosum Riley; Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) with 3 maize genotypes (Impact VIP 3, P3862 HX, and BM 3061) and 4 replications. Control and reduction of S. frugiperda damage were higher in the Impact VIP 3 corn genotype. The crop yield was higher (11,838.59 kg per h-1), and the damage to the ears was lower in the biological control with T. pretiosum.
Miguel Ángel Zavala-Sánchez, José Luis Rodríguez-Chávez, Rodolfo Figueroa-Brito, Cinthia Magali Quintana-López, Mamadou Moustapha Bah, Juan Campos-Guillén, Jaime Amadeo Bustos-Martínez, Daniel Zamora-Avella, Miguel Angel Ramos-López
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (fall armyworm) is a pest native to the Americas that affects a variety of crops. Its control is based on chemical insecticides. However, this practice has been associated with changes in the susceptibility of pests to various insecticides. The use of plant products represents an eco-friendly alternative. The objective of this work was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of the chloroform extract of Senna crotalarioides (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby (Fabaceae) to control S. frugiperda. The chloroform extract of S. crotalarioides caused significant larval mortality, and reduced pupal weight and adult emergence. The analysis by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) revealed the presence of 22 compounds in the chloroform extract of S. crotalarioides leaves, with the straight-chain aliphatic fatty alcohol 1-octacosanol as the main component. This study revealed that the leaves of S. crotalarioides synthesize long chain alcohols, which increased the mortality of S. frugiperda in its larval stage, including the pupal stage. The extract also caused a decrease in the S. frugiperda pupal weight. The potential use of the chloroform extract obtained from S. crotalarioides and its principal chemical constituent is proposed as a promising alternative to control S. frugiperda.
Yesica P. Cubillos-Salamanca, José C. Rodríguez-Maciel, Samuel Pineda-Guillermo, Hilda V. Silva-Rojas, Jacinto Berzosa, Manuel A. Tejeda-Reyes, Ángel Rebollar-Alviter
Mexico is among the most important blackberry producers in the world. In this crop, thrips damage is associated with poor fruit set. The objectives of this study were to identify the main thrips species associated with the flowers of cultivated blackberries, and to determine the resistance level of 13 field-collected populations of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), to the insecticides malathion, bifenthrin, and spinosad in the states of Michoacán and Jalisco, Mexico. Verification of F. occidentalis was conducted by morphology and PCR amplification of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) partial gene using LCO and HCO primers The susceptibility of adult thrips to insecticides was determined using residual contact exposure on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.; Fabaceae) leaf sections dipped into aqueous solutions of 8 different concentrations of malathion, bifenthrin, and spinosad. The morphological identification of thrips from 8 different sampling zones confirmed that the main thrips species associated with blackberry flowers was F. occidentalis. However, Retanathrips funestus (Hood), Frankliniella insularis (Franklin), Frankliniella tolucensis Watson, Taenothrips frici (Uzel), and Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall (all Thysanoptera: Thripidae) also were found. Most of the evaluated populations of F. occidentalis showed significant differences from the susceptible population in terms of the level of resistance to bifenthrin, malathion, and spinosad. The resistance ratios (RR50) for malathion varied from 36 to 2,458, followed by 4 to 974, and 2 to 248 in bifenthrin and spinosad, respectively. These results suggest the need to establish insecticide resistance management programs, particularly in zones that resulted in the highest levels of insecticide resistance.
Antennal sensilla and compound eyes of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), Drosophila immigrans (Sturtevant), and Drosophila hydei (Sturtevant) (all Diptera: Drosophilidae), were observed with stereoscopic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the antenna consists of 3 segments: a proximal scape, a pedicel, and a flagellum composed of a funiculus and a dendritic arista. Six morphologically distinct types of sensilla were observed on the antenna: chaetica, microtrichia, trichoid (Tr I, Tr II), basiconic, clavate, and coeloconic (Co I, Co II). Basiconic sensilla were significantly shorter than other sensilla in the funiculus of D. melanogaster. The number of clavate sensillae was less than other sensilla in the funiculus of D. melanogaster and D. immigrans, but was greater in D. suzukii and D. hydei. Moreover, coeloconic sensilla were absent in D. suzukii and D. hydei. The length and abundance of the chaetica sensilla on the compound eyes were different significantly among the 4 species. Drosophila hydei had chaotic sensilla with the greatest length and abundance; they were lowest for D. suzukii. Based on the previous literature, the possible functions of these sensilla are discussed. We inferred that fruit flies may regulate their behaviors according to the information detected by these sensilla.
The leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) are a diverse and cosmopolitan group of Hemiptera that feed on plants, and occasionally cause losses due to the direct damage they inflict to their hosts, or by transmission of viruses and phytoplasmas. Phytoplasmas are plant pathogenic bacteria that can adversely affect many plant families. In the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, several species of urban trees, potatoes, and strawberry crops are affected by phytoplasma diseases. The family Cicadellidae contains the largest number of known vectors of phytoplasmas, but in Colombia, knowledge of their biology is scarce. The objective of this work was to characterize the diversity of Cicadellidae associated with kikuyu grass Cenchrus clandestinus (Hochst. ex Chiov.) Morrone (Poaceae) in the grasslands of the Sabana de Bogotá, at an urban site of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a semirural site at the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, located in Bogotá and Cajicá, Colombia, respectively. Species richness, abundance, and cicadellid dominance were compared for the 2 sampling sites, using alpha and beta diversity estimators. In total, 3,334 leafhoppers were collected, represented by subfamilies Deltocephalinae (82.3%), Cicadellinae (15.8%), Aphrodinae (1.2%), Iassinae (0.6%), Idiocerinae (0.03%), and Typhlocybinae (0.03%). Of the 15 leafhopper species present, 6 were identified to the species level. DNA barcodes were established for 12 morphotypes, including 6 species and 6 superior taxa by amplification of the COI gene. In both locations, the sampling effort was deemed insufficient. Species richness at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada was greater (n = 13) than at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (n = 10), but abundance was higher at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (n = 1,982) than at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (n = 1,352). The 2 most abundant species were Amplicephalus funzaensis Linnavuori and Exitianus atratus Linnavuori (both Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), both recorded as vectors of phytoplasmas. Other common leafhopper species in collections were Haldorus sp. and Dalbulus sp. (both Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and are considered possible phytoplasma vectors. Because C. clandestinus is host to several cicadellid species, it may play an important role in the epidemiology of phytoplasma transmission in the Sabana de Bogotá.
Fred Bennett was a legend in biological control before he was hired by the University of Florida, which surely was the reason he was snapped up. The position he was offered was that of Graduate Research Professor made available by the retirement of Reece Sailer in 1985. Fred had been the Director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, based in Trinidad, West Indies, but also with station units at that time in England, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Switzerland. Established to mitigate pest problems in Commonwealth countries, the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control now worked also under contract in non-Commonwealth countries. That caused Fred to travel widely for research projects and to attend scientific meetings. Although biological control calls for expertise in applied ecology and ethology, knowledge of various taxonomic groups helps very much. Fred's taxonomic interests are in bees, Sphingidae, and in scale insects and their chalcidoid parasitoids (Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, and Eulophidae). Fred was born and educated in Canada, performed his Ph.D. research in California, was employed briefly in Bermuda, then Trinidad, and finally Florida. As Graduate Research Professor at the University of Florida he was popular, mentored graduate students, and worked with faculty members of the Entomology & Nematology Department in Gainesville, and at various Research Stations in Florida. When he retired with his wife Betty in 1993, he moved to the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, where he continued entomologizing and publishing. Why there? Because it was close to England where his daughter and 2 sons live.
The titles and publication details of 270 scientific publications and reports by Fred D. Bennett are here assembled in approximately chronological order. They began in 1951 and ended in 2012. Fred is known worldwide as a specialist in biological control, a former director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, and in 1986 to 1993 a Graduate Research Professor of the University of Florida.
Acarapis woodi Rennie (Acari: Tarsonemidae) is an endoparasitic mite, which can affect the respiratory system in the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) causing mortality. This mite was first recorded in Brazil in the 1970s, but its current presence is unclear. Therefore, we evaluated the presence of A. woodi in the Africanized honey bee A. mellifera in Brazil, to update the occurrence data of this parasite, 47 yr after its detection. We examined a total of 153 honey bee colonies, from 15 different states using dissection and molecular techniques. This is the first study of the detection of A. woodi in Brazil using molecular techniques. The results were negative for both methods employed, and we can conclude that A. woodi is not present in Africanized honey bee colonies in Brazil.
MED was detected for the first time in the Dominican Republic from 2 provinces (Santo Domingo and Santiago), 2 host plants (tomato and tobacco), and 2 environments (greenhouse and open field). All MED sequences were identical and determined to be of Eastern Mediterranean origin. MEAM1 was the predominant B. tabaci cryptic species present, and was detected in all but 1 sample, which was 100% MED. NW was detected twice on eggplant in different geographical regions, and once on Mexican prickly poppy in a native habitat, but always with MEAM1.
The occurrence of green semilooper, Chrysodeixis acuta Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in onion was recorded for the first time from the Pune district of Maharashtra State of India. Weekly observations of the pest and its damage were made to assess the intensity of the caterpillar population and its impact to the onion crop. Early instar larvae of C. acuta feed by scraping the leaves, whereas the later instars make circular cuts in the leaves. The presence of large cuts and defoliation is a sign of infestation in onion. Since C. acuta is polyphagous, it may spread to onion crops in the region and cause significant damage to the crop. Therefore, further research is required to monitor its spread and ability to become a pest in onion.
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