VOL. 58 · NO. 5 | May 2004
Maria R. Servedio
Evolution 58 (5), 913-924, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-437
KEYWORDS: model, postmating isolation, reinforcement, sexual selection, simulation, species recognition, weak selection
David W. Hall
Evolution 58 (5), 925-931, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-440
KEYWORDS: Driver, migration, sex ratio, suppressor, X chromosome polymorphism, Y chromosome polymorphism
Paulo R. A. Campos, Viviane M. de Oliveira
Evolution 58 (5), 932-937, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-665
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, adaptive evolution, beneficial mutations, clonal interference, fixation
Paul R. Martin, John K. McKay
Evolution 58 (5), 938-945, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-611
KEYWORDS: genetic divergence, glaciation, Latitudinal variation, speciation, species richness
Andrew P. Martin, Elizabeth K. Costello, Allen F. Meyer, Diana R. Nemergut, Steve K. Schmidt
Evolution 58 (5), 946-955, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-452
KEYWORDS: 16S rRNA, lateral gene transfer, macroevolution, microbes, phylogeny
Jaroslaw Burczyk, Igor J. Chybicki
Evolution 58 (5), 956-963, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-200
KEYWORDS: gene flow, genetic markers, genotypic exclusion, mating model, parentage analysis
Spencer C. H. Barrett, Lawrence D. Harder, W. W. Cole
Evolution 58 (5), 964-975, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-417
KEYWORDS: allometry, floral morphology, frequent-dependent selection, geographical variation, Narcissus triandrus, style-morph ratios, tristyly
Myriam Heuertz, Jean-François Hausman, Olivier J. Hardy, Giovanni G. Vendramin, Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste, Xavier Vekemans
Evolution 58 (5), 976-988, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-512
KEYWORDS: ADMIXTURE, Bayesian methods, microsatellites, population genetic structure, postglacial recolonization
Andrew Fenton, Steve Paterson, Mark E. Viney, Michael P. Gardner
Evolution 58 (5), 989-1000, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-550
KEYWORDS: developmental plasticity, evolutionarily stable strategy model, parasite evolution, sexual reproduction, strain polymorphism
Andrea Šimková, Serge Morand, Edouard Jobet, Milan Gelnar, Olivier Verneau
Evolution 58 (5), 1001-1018, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-606
KEYWORDS: Cyprinidae, Dactylogyrus, intrahost speciation, molecular phylogeny, Monogenea, niche preference
David J. Allsop, Stuart A. West
Evolution 58 (5), 1019-1027, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-602
KEYWORDS: comparative analysis, protandrous, protogynous, sequential hermaphrodite, sex allocation, sex ratio
Stuart Wigby, Tracey Chapman
Evolution 58 (5), 1028-1037, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-568
KEYWORDS: Accessory gland proteins, Drosophila melanogaster, experimental evolution, mating frequency, sex ratio, sexually antagonistic coevolution
Samuel Cotton, Kevin Fowler, Andrew Pomiankowski
Evolution 58 (5), 1038-1046, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-514
KEYWORDS: Allometric dispersion, allometry, condition dependence, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, sexual selection, stalk-eyed flies
M. Alice Pinto, William L. Rubink, Robert N. Coulson, John C. Patton, J. Spencer Johnston
Evolution 58 (5), 1047-1055, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-334
KEYWORDS: Africanization, Africanized honeybee, Apis mellifera, biological invasion, mitochondrial DNA haplotype, mitotype
Else J. Fjerdingstad, Laurent Keller
Evolution 58 (5), 1056-1063, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-535
KEYWORDS: mating frequency, NATURAL SELECTION, polyandry, social insects, sperm
Michel Chapuisat, Samuel Bocherens, Hervé Rosset
Evolution 58 (5), 1064-1072, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-351
KEYWORDS: breeding system, dispersal, genetic structure, microsatellites, relatedness, social evolution, social structure
Mark Ponniah, Jane M. Hughes
Evolution 58 (5), 1073-1085, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-416
KEYWORDS: dispersal, Euastacus, evolution, freshwater crayfish, mitochondrial DNA, phylogenetic biogeography, simultaneous vicariance
Rebecca C. Fuller, Joseph Travis
Evolution 58 (5), 1086-1098, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-561
KEYWORDS: color polymorphism, Epistasis, Fundulidae, heritable plasticity, ultraviolet light
A. Y K. Albert, D. Schluter
Evolution 58 (5), 1099-1107, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-472
KEYWORDS: Male preference, mate discrimination, premating isolation, speciation, threespine sticklebacks
Jennifer M. Gee
Evolution 58 (5), 1108-1121, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-385
KEYWORDS: cline, ecotone, El Niño, hybridization, introgression, local adaptation, speciation
Ned K. Johnson, Carla Cicero
Evolution 58 (5), 1122-1130, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-283
KEYWORDS: Avian speciation, mitochondrial DNA divergences, phylogroups, Pleistocene, sister species
Shuang-Quan Huang, Lu-Lu Tang, Qian Yu, You-Hao Guo
Evolution 58 (5), 1131-1134, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-495
KEYWORDS: Aquilegia yabeana, floral sex allocation, pollen and ovule number, protandry, protogyny
Alexei A. Maklakov, Yael Lubin
Evolution 58 (5), 1135-1140, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-420
KEYWORDS: Antagonistic coevolution, Direct selection, multiple mating, sexual selection, Stegodyphus lineatus
Ken R. Helms, Denis Fournier, Laurent Keller, Luc Passera, Serge Aron
Evolution 58 (5), 1141-1142, (1 May 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-648
KEYWORDS: ants, colony productivity, Pheidole pallidula, queen-worker conflict, sex ratio
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