VOL. 58 · NO. 1 | January 2004
Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten, Kevin N. Laland
Evolution 58 (1), 1-11, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-212
KEYWORDS: CULTURAL EVOLUTION, CULTURAL TRANSMISSION, human culture, Lamarckian inheritance, memes, NATURAL SELECTION, The Origin of Species
Kevin J. McConway, Hallie J. Sims
Evolution 58 (1), 12-23, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-110
KEYWORDS: diversity, evolutionary rates, extinction, Likelihood, taxon pairs
Malte Andersson
Evolution 58 (1), 24-34, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-101
KEYWORDS: Classical polyandry, Coevolution, feedback, mating scrambles, quantitative genetic model, reversed sex roles, trade-off
Joost B. Beltman, Patsy Haccou, Carel ten Cate
Evolution 58 (1), 35-46, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-339
KEYWORDS: Colonization of niches, genetic divergence, learning, speciation, Viduidae
Derek Roff, Denis Réale
Evolution 58 (1), 47-58, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-408
KEYWORDS: developmental instability, diallel cross, fluctuating asymmetry, GENETIC CORRELATION, Gryllus firmus, heritability, inbreeding, QUANTITATIVE GENETICS
Vincent M. Eckhart, Monica A. Geber, Christopher M. McGuire
Evolution 58 (1), 59-70, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-450
KEYWORDS: Co-gradient variation, counter-gradient variation, geographic range limits, geographic variation, phenotypic plasticity, reciprocal transplant, species borders
José M. Gómez
Evolution 58 (1), 71-80, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-617
KEYWORDS: Evolutionary conflicts, logistic selection gradients, offspring size, seed-mass evolution, seed predators, selection episodes
Anders Hargeby, Jonas Johansson, Jonas Ahnesjö
Evolution 58 (1), 81-94, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-698
KEYWORDS: color, contemporary evolution, continuous trait, local selection, new environment
Adam M. Siepielski, Craig W. Benkman
Evolution 58 (1), 95-101, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-337
KEYWORDS: Conflicting selection, Eucosma recissoriana, geographic mosaic theory of coevolution, Loxia curvirostra, Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia, predator-prey interactions, seed predation
P. Nosil, B. J. Crespi
Evolution 58 (1), 102-112, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-231
KEYWORDS: geographic variation, host-specific selection, migration, reproductive isolation, speciation, trait divergence, walking-sticks
Eric G. DeChaine, Andrew P. Martin
Evolution 58 (1), 113-127, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-157
KEYWORDS: alpine, biogeography, Lepidoptera, nested clade, paleoclimate, Rocky Mountains
Denis Bourguet, Thomas Guillemaud, Christine Chevillon, Michel Raymond
Evolution 58 (1), 128-135, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-423
KEYWORDS: development time, Fitness components, fluctuating asymmetry, insensitive acetylcholinesterase, overproduced esterases, wing length
Nadia Aubin-Horth, Julian J. Dodson
Evolution 58 (1), 136-144, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-256
KEYWORDS: development, genotype-by-environment interaction, life history, otolith, phenotypic plasticity, Salmo salar, threshold trait
Eric A. Hoffman, Michael S. Blouin
Evolution 58 (1), 145-159, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/02-584
KEYWORDS: anuran, glaciation, mismatch distribution, nested clade, North America, Rana pipiens
David K. Skelly
Evolution 58 (1), 160-165, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-425
KEYWORDS: amphibian, development, divergence, embryos, light, local adaptation, temperature
Pamela J. Yeh
Evolution 58 (1), 166-174, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-182
KEYWORDS: Common garden experiment, Dark-eyed Junco, evolutionary rates, GENETIC DRIFT, Junco hyemalis, phenotypic plasticity, selection
Michael D. Thom, Dominic D. P. Johnson, David W. Macdonald
Evolution 58 (1), 175-183, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-062
KEYWORDS: ancestral state reconstruction, diapause, generalized least squares, life-history evolution, phylogeny
Thadsin Panithanarak, Heidi C. Hauffe, John F. Dallas, Anita Glover, Richard G. Ward, Jeremy B. Searle
Evolution 58 (1), 184-192, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-196
KEYWORDS: introgression, microsatellites, Mus musculus domesticus, Robertsonian fusions, speciation
John J. Wiens
Evolution 58 (1), 193-197, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-447
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, biogeography, ecology, NATURAL SELECTION, niche, speciation, vicariance
Charles D. Criscione, Michael S. Blouin
Evolution 58 (1), 198-202, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-359
KEYWORDS: cryptic species, gene flow, genetic structure, mitochondrial DNA, parasite evolution, salmon hosts, trematode
Anne Charmantier, Loeske E. B. Kruuk, Marcel M. Lambrechts
Evolution 58 (1), 203-206, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/03-350
KEYWORDS: Additive genetic variance, common brood environment effect, GENOTYPE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION, Parus caeruleus, Protocalliphora, tarsus length
Evolution 58 (1), 207-208, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/0014-3820(2004)058[0207:TSFTSO]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
Rick Harrison
Evolution 58 (1), 208-209, (1 January 2004) https://doi.org/10.1554/0014-3820(2004)058[0208:LFTE]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
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