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Brittany Corley, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Eleanor Rogan, Donald Coulter, John Sparks, Lorena Baccaglini, Madeline Howell, Sidra Liaquat, Rex Commack, Alan S Kolok
In 2009, a paper was published suggesting that watersheds provide a geospatial platform for establishing linkages between aquatic contaminants, the health of the environment, and human health. This article is a follow-up to that original article. From an environmental perspective, watersheds segregate landscapes into geospatial units that may be relevant to human health outcomes. From an epidemiologic perspective, the watershed concept places anthropogenic health data into a geospatial framework that has environmental relevance. Research discussed in this article includes information gathered from the literature, as well as recent data collected and analyzed by this research group. It is our contention that the use of watersheds to stratify geospatial information may be both environmentally and epidemiologically valuable.
Effectiveness in controlling mosquitoes in storm water catch basins in the North Shore Mosquito Abatement District (northeastern Cook County, Illinois) was determined for 3 formulations of methoprene-based larvicides (Altosid XR 150-day Briquets, Altosid 30-day Pellets, Altosid 30-day Granules) in 2017 using a pass/fail evaluation criterion, in which emergence of a single adult from pupae collected from the basin constituted a control failure. Over the course of the 16-week study, basins receiving the 150-day briquets were treated once and basins receiving the pellet and granular formulations were treated every 4 weeks, with the first treatment occurring during the last week of May. Untreated basins were also observed for comparison with the treated basins. Over the course of the study, adult mosquitoes emerged from pupae collected in 94.2% of the untreated basins that contained pupae. All of the formulations evaluated in the study demonstrated some degree of control compared with the untreated basins, with pupae successfully emerging as adults in 64.6%, 55.5%, and 21.8% of samples from 150-day briquet, 30-day tablet, and 30-day pellet–treated basins that contained pupae, respectively. Pellets reapplied every 28 days provided significantly more effective control than the other formulations. The simple pass/fail criterion for evaluating control effectiveness proved to be a useful procedure for comparing effectiveness to untreated basins and among treatments.
Rising concentration of air pollution and its associated health effects is rapidly increasing in India, and Delhi, being the capital city, has drawn our attention in recent years. This study was designed to analyze the spatial and temporal variations of particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in a mega city, Delhi. The daily PM2.5 concentrations monitored by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi during November 2016 to October 2017 in different locations distributed in the region of the study were used for the analysis. The descriptive statistics indicate that the spatial mean of monthly average PM2.5 concentrations ranged from 45.92 µg m−3 to 278.77 µg m−3. The maximum and minimum spatial variance observed in the months of March and September, respectively. The study also analyzed the PM2.5 air quality index (PM2.5—Air Quality Index (AQI)) for assessing the health impacts in the study area. The AQI value was determined according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) system. The result suggests that most of the area had the moderate to very unhealthy category of PM2.5-AQI and that leads to severe breathing discomfort for people residing in the area. It was observed that the air quality level was worst during winter months (October to January).
With the growth of the human population, a greater quantity of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) have been released into the environment. Although research has addressed the levels and the impact of PPCPs in the environment, the fate of these compounds in surface waters is neither well known nor characterized. In the environment, PPCPs can undergo various transformations that are critically dependent on environmental factors such as solar radiation and the presence of soil particles. Given that the degradation products of PPCPs are poorly characterized, these “secondary residues” can be a significant environmental health hazard due to their drastically different toxicologic effects when compared with the parent compounds. To better understand the fate of PPCPs, we studied the degradation of selected PPCPs, including ibuprofen and clofibric acid, in aqueous solutions that contained kaolinite clay and were irradiated with a solar simulator. The most abundant degradation products were identified and assessed for their toxicologic impact on selected microorganisms. The degraded mixtures showed lower toxicity than the starting compounds; however, as these degradation products are capable of further transformation and interaction with other PPCPs in natural waters, our work highlights the importance of additionally characterizing the PPCP degradation products.
Heat-related illness (HRI), injury, and death among oil spill cleanup responders can be prevented through training and educational materials. This study assessed heat-related training and educational materials currently used and desired by oil spill cleanup responders. A needs assessment was completed by 65 oil spill cleanup responders regarding their occupational heat-related experiences and training needs. Oil spill cleanup responders reported participating on average in 37 oil spill cleanup activities per year. Most reported experiencing additional HRI risk factors, such as high temperatures and humidity and wearing personal protective equipment and clothing ensembles, respirators, and personal flotation devices. Many reported experiencing symptoms of HRI (profuse sweating, headache, weakness, decreased urine output, high body temperatures) and experiencing heat exhaustion. Although multiple prevention controls were reported, only 1 in 4 reported using an acclimatization plan. The most common training delivery method and education received included just-in-time training and printed materials. The most desirable future training delivery methods and education products were smartphone or tablet applications, printed materials, and online training. Findings from this study may be beneficial to safety and health professionals and health educators, particularly those interested in developing heat stress training and educational materials for oil spill cleanup responders.
Mohan Ananth, Reghunath Rajesh, Rajeevan Amjith, Achu A L, Mathew J Valamparampil, M Harikrishnan, M S Resmi, K B Sreekanth, Varghese Sara, S Sethulekshmi, V Prasannakumar, S K Deepthi, Aby Jose Jemin, D S Krishna, T S Anish, Ilyas Selene Insija, Zinia T Nujum
To assess the sanitary condition and water quality of household wells and to depict it spatially using Geographic Information System (GIS) in an urban area of Trivandrum, Kerala state, India.
Study design:
A community-based cross-sectional census-type study.
Study was conducted in an urban area of Trivandrum. All households (n = 449) residing in a 1.05 km2 area were enrolled in the study. Structured questionnaire and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) device were used for data collection. Water samples taken were analyzed in an accredited laboratory.
Most of the wells were in an intermediate-high contamination risk state, with more than 77% of wells having a septic tank within 7.5 m radius. Coliform contamination was prevalent in 73% of wells, and the groundwater was predominantly acidic with a mean of 5.4, rendering it unfit for drinking. The well chlorination and cleaning practices were inadequate, which were significantly associated with coliform contamination apart from a closely located septic tank. However, water purification practices like boiling were practiced widely in the area.
Despite the presence of wells with high risk of contamination and inadequate chlorination practices, the apparent rarity of Water-borne diseases in the area may be attributed to the widespread boiling and water purification practices at the consumption level by the households. GIS technology proves useful in picking environmental determinants like polluting sources near the well and to plan control activities.
The built environment encompasses the physical components of the environment, inclusive of infrastructure, households, buildings, streets, and open spaces, within which individuals reside and carry out their daily activities. It affects both indirectly and directly on the outdoor and indoor physical environment as well as the socio-economic environment. The elements which comprise the built environment and those of the physical and socio-economic environments, which are affected by it, are recognised as key determinants of health. In this study, health dynamics in the built environment are explored along the urban-rural gradient in Trinidad and Tobago. The gradient is measured by a statistically validated Urban Intensity Index developed previously, using physical data from the built environment. Published physical health data from National Surveys as well as data collected on perceptions of health care access and environmental quality are utilised in conjunction with the Urban Intensity Index values to model chronic illness. Multivariate statistical analysis and maps are used to explore and illustrate these dynamics. Ultimately, the outputs of this study can potentially support efforts to diminish the gap between rhetoric and reality, through provision of critical information for policy and decision making, as the global development agenda moves towards evidence-based policy making.
This commentary presents a summarized discussion of key findings and relevant ideas from previously published study, index analysis, and human health risk model application for evaluating ambient air-heavy metal contamination in Chemical Valley Sarnia (CVS). The CVS study provides previously unavailable data in the CVS area which evaluates the adverse effects on air quality due to nearby anthropogenic activities. The study provided an assessment of environmental pollutants, finding that carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic substances are present in trace quantities. The main findings of the study suggest that chronic exposure of humans to several contaminants identified in the area studied may lead to carcinogenic health effects, including cancer (such as nephroblastomatosis) as well as non-carcinogenic health effects, such as damage to the tracheobronchial tree. Children were found to have a significantly higher risk, that is, a higher hazard index: a value used to measure non-carcinogenic health risk from heavy metals identified in air samples collected during the research period from 2014 to 2017. This study quantified the influence of environmental contaminants, relative to human exposures and the consequence of developing nephroblastomatosis in the human population.
Stress poses a major issue in our modern society, making restoration an important research focus. Restoration likelihood has mostly been observed in nature, which was compared with urban environments that have little restorative potential, eg, industrial areas. However, many people reside in and need to find restoration in cities. The main aim of this review is to summarize research that has focused on investigating restoration possibilities in urban environments and the environmental elements interacting with the restoration likelihood of an urban environment.
This review focuses on studies addressing the topic of restoration possibilities in urban settings in built and human-made natural urban environments. The studies were searched via Google Scholar, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and PSYNDEX. All studies concerned with restoration in urban environments were included. However, studies concerned with nonoriginal data, solely investigating effects of natural environments or treating urban environments as a control for restoration in nature, were excluded from the review. Overall, 39 studies corresponded to the criteria and were included.
Natural elements in urban environments have a restorative potential and can increase the restorativeness of urban settings. Furthermore, built urban environments vary in their restorative potential, but promising results have been uncovered as well. Architectural elements, cultural, and leisure areas had a restorative value, whereas the findings on streets and residential areas differ. In sum, many urban locations can have restorative effects, but these effects may be influenced by factors such as cultural background, age, social components, and individual dispositions.
Certain urban environments hold a restorative potential. However, the literature on restoration in urban environments is still quite scarce and therefore has been of little practical use. Even though applying the findings to real-life environments is desirable, it might prove difficult, considering the overall sparse evidence. More research on the predictors of restoration likelihood (eg, social factors), generational and cultural differences, and comparisons between natural and urban environments is recommended.
While providing medical services, hospitals generate many data about patients. Such medical data could contribute to better treatments once their associations or patterns have been identified. With properly analyzed medical data, traditional knowledge at an individual level could be further extended to broader populations. This comprehensive study was performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of light using medical data accumulated over 15 years.
Patients who were admitted to the window or door side of a six-bedded room were included. Patients admitted to the emergency room and elderly people aged >80 years were excluded. Patients’ length of stay was compared per what bed they were in (excluding middle beds). A multiple regression analysis was performed with patients admitted to the window or door side to determine whether the window affected their hospital stay. In addition, a multiple regression analysis was performed after adjusting for confounders by 1:1 matching between the two groups (ie, age, sex, and admitting department).
Participants were 38 788 patients with a bed near the window and 46 233 patients with a bed near the door. Results revealed that patients’ length of stay was shorter for those near the window compared with those near the door, which was also true after group matching (33 921 participants in each group).
Clinical trials that test evidence-based designs of physical environments in wards or hospital rooms are usually difficult to perform. As an alternative strategy, using accumulated electronic medical data, we assessed this key element of hospital design.
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