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Allysen M. Welty Peachey, Ethan R. Moses, Adesola J. Johnson, Meredith G.M. Lehman, James M. Yoder, Stefano G. De Faveri, Jodie Cheesman, Nicholas C. Manoukis, Matthew S. Siderhurst
Wind affects the movement of most volant insects. While the effects of wind on dispersal are relatively well understood at the population level, how wind influences the movement parameters of individual insects in the wild is less clear. Tephritid fruit flies, such as Bactrocera jarvisi, are major horticultural pests worldwide and while most tephritids are nondispersive when host plants are plentiful, records exist for potentially wind-assisted movements up to 200 km. In this study, harmonic radar (HR) was used to track the movements of both male and female lab-reared B. jarvisi in a papaya field. Overall flight directions were found to be correlated with wind direction, as were the subset of between-tree movements, while within-tree movements were not. Furthermore, the effect of wind direction on fly trajectories varied by step-distance but not strongly with wind speed. Mean path distance, step distance, flight direction, turning angle, and flight propensity did not vary by sex. Both male and female movements are well fit by 2-state hidden Markov models further supporting the observation that B. jarvisi move differently within (short steps with random direction) and between (longer more directional steps) trees. Data on flight directionality and step-distances determined in this study provide parameters for models that may help enhance current surveillance, control, and eradication methods, such as optimizing trap placements and pesticide applications, determining release sites for parasitoids, and setting quarantine boundaries after incursions.
Understanding the movement and distribution patterns of insects is crucial for developing effective stored grain management protocols.This research investigates 3-dimensional movement and distribution of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) separately at different temperatures (5, 10, 20, and 30°C) and for different movement periods (1, 2, 3, and 24 h) in stored wheat with a uniform moisture content of 14.5% (wet basis).The experiments were conducted in a wooden container with internal dimensions of 0.7 × 0.7 × 0.7 m.The wheat was filled into 343 mesh cubes (referred to as cubes), each measuring 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.1 m, arranged in 7 layers after being loaded into the container. One hundred insects were introduced into the center cube (the center of the container) at the start of each experiment. After the desired movement period, the cubes were removed in less than 45 min from the wooden container.The wheat in each cube was wrapped in labeled plastic bags, sieved, and the insects were recovered and counted. Results indicated that both species exhibited movement speeds > 7.2 m/d in vertical and horizontal directions at higher temperatures (20 and 30°C). At lower temperatures (5 and 10°C), their vertical speed was higher than their horizontal speed. Tribolium castaneum ceased movement at 5°C, whereas ∼13% of C. ferrugineus adults continued to move at this temperature.The drift effect and geotaxis influenced the movement and distribution of both species in the vertical direction, while their horizontal movement followed a diffusion pattern.
Jeffrey D. Cluever, Julie A. Peterson, Robert J. Wright, Sara Salgado Astudillo, Katharine Swoboda-Bhattarai, Priscila Colombo Da Luz, Samantha Daniel, Jeffrey D. Bradshaw
The western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta) is a primary pest of corn and dry edible bean, for which control measures are often warranted. Inundative releases of Trichogramma ostriniae have been used to control lepidopterous pests, such as the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), in eastern North America (e.g., New York, Virginia). However, no prior field studies have assessed T. ostriniae as a biological control agent in the North American Great Plains. Objectives for this study were (i) to determine the suitability of S. albicosta as a host for T. ostriniae and (ii) to assess the feasibility of T. ostriniae as a biological control agent of S. albicosta in Nebraska corn and dry edible bean fields. Dispersal and parasitism were monitored with yellow sticky cards and sentinel egg masses (O. nubilalis, S. albicosta, and Ephestia kuehniella) at 36 locations surrounding a central release point. Trichogramma ostriniae adults tended to be concentrated near the point of release. However, egg parasitism was so low that the minimum rates of T. ostriniae needed for effective control could not be determined. Our evidence indicates that the low parasitism measured in this study may indicate low suitability of T. ostriniae to Western Nebraska and, possibly, the Great Plains.
Facultative diapause is a life history trait that allows insects to undergo continuous development when conditions are favorable or to enter diapause when they are not. Insect voltinism can have an impact on the success of a weed-biological control agent because additional generations can increase agent population growth and reduce late-season recovery in the target weed.The most common factors that cue diapause are photoperiod and temperature; however, the role of nutrition is increasingly being recognized. We conducted a laboratory experiment to examine the effects of photoperiod and foliage age on diapause induction, pupal weight, and pupal development time in Hypena opulenta (Christoph) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), a biological control agent for invasive swallow-worts in North America. A factorial experimental design was employed whereby H. opulenta was reared at long (16:8 h light:dark) and short (12:12 h) photoperiods on young and old swallow-wort foliage (Vincetoxicum rossicum Kleopow) Barbar. (Apocynaceae). Photoperiod was the only factor that affected diapause induction in H. opulenta. While foliage age did not affect diapause induction, it did affect pupal weight and pupal development time, with older foliage resulting in lower pupal weight and extended pupal phase. In field conditions, these impacts could affect pupal mortality through reduced winter preparedness and increased exposure to predators.These results support H. opulenta voltinism models based on photoperiods and indicate that the tendency of captive-reared H. opulenta to enter diapause after 2 or 3 generations, even in the absence of short photoperiods, is not a result of changing foliage age.
Some coniferophagous bark and woodboring beetles overlap spatially and temporally in host trees. These larval interactions have been classified as competitive and predatory in favor of the larger and more mobile woodborer larvae. In some bark beetles, larval traits have been reported that facilitate evasion of woodborer larvae. Both bark beetles and woodborers mediate mating on host material with volatile pheromones. Although it is known that some woodborers eavesdrop on bark beetle aggregation pheromones to facilitate host location, it is not known what effect woodborer pheromones have on bark beetles. The pheromone monochamol is used by most Monochamus spp. Dejean and coniferophagous species from this genus co-occur with bark beetles in host tissues. Because of the negative consequences these larval interactions have for bark beetles, we hypothesized that the woodborer pheromone monochamol would inhibit captures of sympatric and synchronic bark beetles to intercept traps baited with their aggregation pheromones and host volatiles. We tested this hypothesis in 2 systems, 1 in Ontario, Canada, and another in Setúbal, Portugal with field trapping experiments. Trap captures of Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) (2 bark beetle species captured in Portugal), and Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) (1 bark beetle species captured in Canada) were reduced by the presence of monochamol. These results suggest that an additional evasion mechanism in some bark beetles is the detection of the woodborer pheromone monochamol and subsequent reduced response to aggregation pheromone and host volatiles in the presence of this woodborer pheromone.
JoshuaTree National Park (JOTR) in southern California offers a unique opportunity to explore insect biodiversity across 2 distinct desert ecosystems: the lower-elevation Sonoran Desert and the higher-elevation Mojave Desert. In these harsh environments, many blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) serve as important decomposers, feeding on animal waste and decomposing tissue. Some blow fly species, notably non-native species, are associated with human activity, which underscores the need to study their communities in JOTR, where annual visitation has reached 3 million. This study investigated the community composition of blow flies across the park and assessed the impact of visitor activity on blow fly communities in JOTR. Sampling from 2021 to 2023 using traps baited with squid carcasses revealed higher blow fly diversity in the Mojave Desert relative to the Sonoran Desert, in contrast to previous insect and vegetation surveys within the park. Across the park, blow fly community composition (i.e., β-diversity) differed by season. Blow fly abundance, richness, and diversity were similar between low- and high-visitor activity sites. However, more non-native species were collected in areas of low visitor activity, suggesting regular waste removal practices in high-visitation sites might limit their ability to complete development as secondary colonizers. This study is the first to characterize blow fly communities in JoshuaTree National Park.These findings demonstrate that blow fly communities reflect previously established park boundaries and underscore the importance of waste management practices in reducing the spread of non-native species throughout the park.
Wild bee communities are the target of various conservation and ecological restoration programs. Strategic conservation can influence bee communities visiting fields and help mitigate pollinator limitations in fruit production. However, planning compatible conservation strategies and gauging their effectiveness requires understanding how local communities vary across space and time in crops and adjacent semi-natural areas. Here, we assessed the spatiotemporal changes in the composition of wild bee communities in blueberry fields and adjacent forests. In partnership with commercial farms in southeast Georgia, USA, we deployed blue vane traps at the interior and edge of blueberry fields and within adjacent forests of 8 fields, from March to October over 2 yr. We identified 72 wild bee species across 26 genera. The most common were Melissodes communis (Cresson, Hymenoptera: Apidae), Bombus bimaculatus (Cresson, Apidae), Melissodes bimaculatus (Lepeletier), Ceratina floridana (Mitchell, Apidae), Lasioglossum pectorale (Smith, Halictidae), and Lasioglossum nymphale (Smith), which accounted for nearly 60% of the wild bees caught. Bee diversity and richness fluctuated over time, with peaks in all 3 habitat types occurring after the blueberry blooming. Bee abundance in the adjacent forest was relatively constant throughout the season, while in the field interior and edge assemblages, abundance peaked between May and June. We observed dissimilarity in species composition related to month and field location. This difference was explained by fluctuation in the identity and relative abundance of the most abundant species.Together, our study advances foundational knowledge of wild bee community dynamics and species identity in blueberry fields which will help inform and prioritize conservation practices.
Climate change has been repeatedly linked to phenological shifts in many taxa, but the factors that drive variation in phenological sensitivity remain unclear. For example, relatively little is known about phenological responses in areas that have not exhibited a consistent warming trend, making it difficult to project phenological responses in response to future climate scenarios for these regions. We used an extensive community science dataset to examine changes in the adult flight onset dates of 38 butterfly species with interannual variation in spring temperatures in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, a region that did not experience a significant overall warming trend in the second half of the 20th century. We also explored whether voltinism, overwintering stage, and mean adult flight onset dates explain interspecific variation in phenological sensitivity to spring temperature. We found that 12 out of 38 species exhibited a significant advance in adult flight onset dates with higher spring temperatures. In comparison, none of the 38 species exhibited a significant advance with year. There was a significant interaction between mean onset flight date and voltinism, such that late-emerging, multivoltine species tended to be the most sensitive to spring temperature changes. We did not observe a significant correlation between phenological sensitivity and the overwintering stage. These results suggest that butterfly arrival dates may shift as temperatures are projected to rise in the southeastern United States, with late-emerging, multivoltine species potentially exhibiting the greatest shifts in adult flight onset dates.
Microplastics (MPs) are a growing problem worldwide. Soils are long-term storage sinks of MPs because of the many pathways they enter the soil and their long degradation period. Knowing how MPs influence soil organisms, the effects of organisms on the fate of MPs, and what this means for soil additions, losses, transformations, and translocations is paramount. MPs in soil could impede the breakdown of organic matter by adult darkling beetles. We set up an experiment to test this hypothesis by adding finely ground scrap tire rubber to organic soil and a small population of adult darkling beetles (Zophobas morio, Fabricius 1776, Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The beetles are omnivores that accelerate the breakdown of soil organic matter when feeding on soil detritus. As a control, we released beetles into organic soil with no MPs. We also surveyed published manuscripts on the effects of MPs on insects, decomposers, and decomposition in soil, providing a reference frame for our findings. Darkling beetles ate, fragmented, and humidified the soil mixture, enhancing microbial decomposition. All treatments lost weight over the experiment period, with the control losing 10%, significantly more than the other treatments (an average loss of 5%). Higher concentrations of microplastics in soils led to lower reductions in soil mass through decomposition.These findings suggest that MPs impede detritivores from breaking down soil organic matter. Even so, only a handful of studies evaluated the effects of tire particles on soils and detritivores in the literature survey. Still, these particles are among the largest sources of MPs on land.
Carolina Jordan, Vanessa Rafaela de Carvalho, André Ballerini Horta, Manoel Victor Franco Lemos, Jardel Diego Barbosa Rodrigues, José Raimundo de Souza Passos, Maurício Magalhães Domingues, José Cola Zanuncio, Carlos Frederico Wilcken
The growing expansion of eucalyptus plantations in Brazil and the impact of exotic pests, such as Gonipterus platensis, demand effective, and sustainable biological control strategies.The aim of this study was to assess the pathogenicity of 10 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) isolates to neonate Gonipterus platensis larvae, commonly known as the eucalyptus weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with the specific focus of evaluating their potential to manage this pest while preserving its egg parasitoid, Anaphes nitens.To achieve this, the genomic DNA of the 10 Bt isolates was extracted using the thermal lysis method for molecular characterization of their Cry and Vip proteins. Neonate G. platensis larvae were subjected to bioassays with each isolate, at a concentration of 1 × 109 spores/ml, was applied on 10 larvae per replication (3 replications).The concentration and lethal time to kill 50% of the larvae were determined for the most effective isolates.The Bt isolates 107 and 178 isolates even at concentrations 10× lower than those recommended for commercial Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebrionis (Btt) formulations against Coleoptera pests, achieved 100% mortality of G. platensis larvae.These isolates, with coleopteran-specific genes, caused high mortality of neonate Gonipterus platensis larvae.This indicates their potential for the biological control of this pest and maybe of other Coleoptera pests.Their use poses minimal risk to non-target organisms such as the egg parasitoid A. nitens and indicates a promising avenue for integrated pest management strategies with effective pest control while preserving the ecological balance.
Many endosymbionts of insects have been shown to manipulate and alter their hosts' reproduction with implications for agriculture, disease transmission, and ecological systems. Less studied are the microbiota of classical biological control agents and the implications of inadvertent endosymbionts in laboratory colonies for field establishment and effects on target pests or nontarget organisms. While native-range field populations of agents may have a low incidence of vertically transmitted endosymbionts, quarantine and laboratory rearing of inbred populations may increase this low prevalence to fixation in relatively few generations. Fixation of detrimental endosymbionts in founding biological control agent populations prior to release may have far-reaching effects. Significant female-biased sex-ratio distortion was found within laboratory populations of the weevil Ceratapion basicorne (Illiger), a classical biological control agent that was recently approved for use against yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.).This sex-ratio distortion was observed to be vertically inherited and reversible through antibiotic treatment of the host insect. Molecular diagnostics identified a Rickettsia sp. as the only bacterial endosymbiont present in breeding lines with distorted sex ratios and implicated this as the first reported Rickettsia associated with sex-ratio distortion within the superfamily Curculionoidea.
The microbial composition of insect guts is typically influenced by the type of food consumed, and conversely, these microbes influence the food habits of insects. Western flower thrips (WFT; Frankliniella occidentalis) is an invasive pest with a wide range of hosts, including vegetables and horticultural crops. To elucidate variations in gut bacteria among WFT feeding on rose (Rosa rugosa) flowers (FF), kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) pods (PF), and kidney bean leaves (LF), we collected adult guts and extracted DNA for 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing of microbial communities. The results revealed that the FF population had the highest number of annotations. Alpha diversity analysis revealed that the Chao and Ace indexes were the greatest in the PF population, indicating a higher abundance of gut bacteria. Moreover, the Simpson index was the highest in the FF population, indicating that gut bacterial diversity was the highest in the FF population. Comparison of species composition demonstrated that Proteobacteria dominated all 3 populations at the phylum level, with Actinobacteria being the subdominant phylum. At the genus level, Stenotrophomonas was the dominant bacteria in the PF and LF populations, whereas Rosenbergiella was dominant in the FF population. KEGG pathway annotation predicted that the gut bacteria of adult WFT were mainly involved in carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. Our results revealed that the diversity and composition of WFT gut microbiota are influenced by diet, offering evidence for future studies on the ecological adaptability of WFT and the mechanisms underlying the interaction between gut microbiota and host.
To assess the effects of sublethal concentrations of 3 acaricides—Bifenazate, Etoxazole, and Azocyclotin—on the development and reproduction of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks. Our results indicated that the LC20 values of Bifenazate, Etoxazole, and Azocyclotin against T. urticae are 3.196, 25.249, and 32.387 mg/L, and against P. latus to be 18.058, 4.641, and 13.755 mg/L, respectively. Sublethal concentrations of these acaricides significantly impacted the development time, lifespan, and fecundity of both mite species. Among the acaricides, Azocyclotin significantly extended the immature developmental period of T. urticae and P. latus. All acaricides reduced the lifespan and fecundity of both species, with Etoxazole having the most substantial impact on the daily fecundity and reproductive of T. urticae.The intrinsic rates of natural increase (rm) for T. urticae exposed to Bifenazate, Etoxazole, and Azocyclotin were 0.17, –0.04, and 0.20, respectively. For P. latus, the rm values were 0.27, 0.23, and 0.25, respectively. These results suggest that under the exposure of sublethal acaricides, P. latus gained a competitive advantage in population competition. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the differential impacts of acaricides on various mite species to develop effective pest management strategies.
Many countries operate continuous trapping programs to detect invasive fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) that threaten fruit and vegetable production. Food-based attractants are an important component of these programs, as they are generalized baits that attract both sexes of all target species. However, food baits are considered weak attractants, and the development of improved food attractants would benefit surveillance efforts. Prior work on protein bait sprays demonstrated that the addition of ammonium acetate increased their attractiveness to tephritid fruit flies, and the present study was conducted to determine whether adding ammonium acetate to torula yeast borax solution (a commonly used food bait) similarly increased its attractiveness. Four field experiments were performed in Hawaii comparing captures of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), and Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) in Multilure traps baited with standard torula yeast borax solution or with the standard solution plus 1% ammonium acetate. Captures of C. capitata and B. dorsalis were significantly higher for the ammonium acetate-supplemented solution, while results for Z. cucurbitae were inconsistent. In one experiment involving only C. capitata, an additional bait having 5% ammonium acetate was included, and captures for both 1% and 5% ammonium acetate exceeded the standard solution but did not differ from one another. Sex ratios of captured flies were similar between food baits for all three species. These results are compared with similar studies on Anastrepha spp., and implications for surveillance programs are discussed.
Stink bug species emerged as major insect pests of cotton in the mid-southern United States following the eradication of the boll weevil and the introduction of genetically modified Bt cotton for lepidopteran pests. Considering the limited number of chemical classes available for insect control, further insights into other chemistries are necessary to inform management strategies with the overall goal of establishing and maintaining the most cost efficient and efficacious control programs for stink bugs in Alabama. The insect growth regulator, novaluron, has shown control of tarnished plant bugs, but little research has been done on its effect in stink bugs.The objective of our study is to evaluate the effects of novaluron, in a laboratory setting, on adult fecundity, nymphal mortality, and yield and damage in the field. We hypothesized that novaluron would have a direct effect on mortality in nymphs and could decrease fecundity in adult stink bugs. Although the effect on fecundity was counter to our hypothesis, this study shows effective control of nymphs in our model insect, the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Future evaluation of proper timing of novaluron applications could make this a valuable tool for residual control of stink bugs in cotton.
Diapause regulates seasonal insect life cycles and may be highly variable within and among populations due to genetic and environmental variability. Both types of variation may influence how populations respond plastically or evolutionarily to changing climates. We assessed diapause variability in spruce beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), a major forest pest whose life cycle timing is regulated by both prepupal and adult diapauses. Using mating studies and ovary dissections, we tested for variability in adult diapause within and between collection sites in Colorado and Wyoming, USA. Ovary morphology suggested that most females from both sites enter diapause prior to egg formation (oogenesis) when reared at warm temperatures. Though previous studies suggested that adult diapause is obligate, we found that a small proportion of females from both populations terminated diapause without winter chilling in the lab. Moreover, we found that most female beetles sampled at the Colorado field site had mature ovaries relatively early in the fall, suggesting that transient exposure to low temperatures may potentiate pre-winter reproductive development. Adult diapause may act primarily as a block to prevent offspring production late in the season but not necessarily as an overwintering phenotype. Overall, our data do not suggest imminent life cycle shifts mediated by adult diapause, but if the observed variability is heritable, diapause regulation may evolve in response to changing environmental conditions.
Climate change is expected to lead to rising winter temperatures in temperate zones, coinciding with a decrease in winter snow cover. Insects adapted to winter conditions in the temperate zone might be exposed to changing winter conditions and higher temperature fluctuations, which can affect diapause and mortality. We studied the effects of climate change on Chrysolina polita, a temperate zone species overwintering as an adult in the shallow surface of the soil. We tested the effects of increased and fluctuating temperature on the mortality and body composition of the beetles in a laboratory environment, as well as the effects of snow cover removal on the mortality and body mass in field conditions. We found that in the laboratory study, a 2 °C increase in mean temperature increased mortality and resulted in increased lipid consumption, whereas temperature fluctuation caused desiccation of the beetles but did not affect mortality compared to the control condition. In the field study, the snow removal caused the mean soil temperature to decrease by 3 °C and fluctuate (ranging from –26.4 to 2.5 °C compared to a range of –1.7 to 0.5 °C in the control), yet these differences did not affect beetle mortality or body mass. We conclude that C. polita exhibits greater resistance to cold temperatures than to higher temperatures during diapause.Therefore, the rising temperatures associated with climate change can pose challenges for overwintering.
Histia rhodope (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) is one of the most destructive defoliating pests of the landscape tree Bischofia polycarpa (Levl.) S in China and other Southeast Asian regions, posing a critical threat to urban landscapes and their ecological benefits. This pest has shown a trend of northward range shift in recent years in China, making it urgent to understand its potential distribution. This study investigated the cold tolerance of overwintering H. rhodope larvae from October 2022 to March 2023 and estimated their overwintering potential in China. The results showed that the supercooling points (SCP) differed significantly across months. The SCP tended to decrease as the ambient temperature dropped until January, after which it gradually increased until the end of winter. The highest monthly mean SCP was –7.5 ± 2.22°C (October 2022), while the lowest monthly mean SCP was –15.09 ± 2.61°C (January 2023). The mortality rate increased with longer exposure times and lower exposure temperatures but decreased as winter progressed. Moreover, 50% and 90% lethal temperature (Ltemp50 and Ltemp90) exhibited a similar trend, decreasing to a minimum in January 2023, which indicates increased cold tolerance during the colder months. Using Ltemp90 in January as the isotherm for its northern limit indicated that H. rhodope may be limited by low temperatures along the 40°N latitude. These results provide a basis for predicting the dispersal potential and possible geographic range of this pest in China.
The foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), is a polyphagous economic pest. In this study, A. solani were fed on detached leaves of dockleaf knotweed, Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Delarbre. Survival, development, and reproduction were studied at constant temperatures of 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, and 32 °C.These data were compared with those of controls fed on Glycines max (L.) Merrill. At 17, 20, 23, and 26 °C, the survival rate of A. solani adults fed on P. lapathifolia were lower than those fed on G. max; the adult longevity, aphid total longevity, and reproduction period were shorter. At 20, 23, and 26 °C, the adult fecundity, intrinsic rate of increase, finite rate of increase, and net reproductive rate of A. solani fed on P. lapathifolia were smaller than those fed on G. max. At 29 °C, the survival rate of A. solani adults fed on P. lapathifolia were higher than those fed on G. max; the adult longevity and aphid total longevity were longer. These results are consistent with our finding that A. solani feed on P. lapathifolia, which is important for studying the host adaptability of A. solani.
Insect pollinators are essential for natural ecosystems. Without pollination, native plants are less likely to be able to persist. As natural ecosystems have become more fragmented and degraded, interest in their restoration and preservation has increased. Understanding the roles that individual plant and pollinator species play in an ecosystem can assist with these tasks. One way to examine the ecological drivers for patterns of pollination is through module analysis. The Palouse Prairie is a fragmented native prairie that supports high plant and insect diversity and has experienced severe habitat loss. Bees were collected on native plants in prairie fragments in 2022 and 2023 to construct a plant–pollinator network. From this network, modules were computed and analyzed. This network contained 10 modules representing multiple different ecological patterns, including modules grouped by morphological, taxonomic, and phenological similarities. These modules also identified plant–pollinator pairs with specialized relationships. The network was then analyzed to identify plant and insect members that play structural roles in the network. Understanding the patterns of interactions represented in the modules and the network structure may allow for better conservation and restoration of this imperiled ecosystem.
Planting native flora is a popular conservation strategy for pollinators. When searching for native plants, consumers may encounter cultivars of native plants, which can have different phenotypic traits than plants found in wild populations (“wild-type native plants”). Previous research evaluating pollinator visitation to wild-type native plants and native cultivars has yielded mixed results, in terms of whether their visitation rates are similar or distinct. We established a garden experiment in Corvallis, Oregon, to examine pollinator visitation and utilization of Pacific Northwest native plant species and cultivars. Over 3 years, we collected and observed bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea), and syrphid flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) to understand (i) if plant pairs had different visitation rates, (ii) whether any pollinators were associated with differential visitation, and (iii) if specialist taxa preferred wild types over cultivars. Pollinator visitation rates varied by plant and pollinator groupings, but in comparisons between native plant and cultivar pairs, native plants were preferred 37.2% of the time (n = 29 comparisons), cultivars 7.7% of the time (n = 6), and there was no difference in 55.1% of comparisons (n = 43). Our pollinator community data found native plants had greater observed total pollinator richness (except for 1 tie) and bee richness than cultivars, though predicted richness varied. Specialist bees were collected more often from wild types. Cultivars with high visitation rates were minimally developed selections, as opposed to interspecific hybrids. Our results join a growing body of literature in suggesting wild-type native and minimally developed plants should be emphasized for supporting pollinator fauna.
Imidacloprid is a widely used insecticide for controlling piercing-sucking pests. However, its impact on nontarget insects must not be ignored. In this study, we assessed the effects of sublethal dose of imidacloprid on Sclerodermus alternatusi (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), which is an important predator of many pests. The data indicate that imidacloprid at LD10 (0.1468 ng active ingredient per insect) and LD30 (0.2376 ng active ingredient per insect) significantly reduced the longevity and fecundity of the F0 generation of S. alternatusi. However, the adult female longevity of the F1 generation of the LD10 dose group showed a significant increase, and the LD30 dose group showed a nonsignificant increase. The study found that as the imidacloprid dose increased, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) decreased, while the mean generation time (T) increased. The imidacloprid groups also showed a decrease in age-stage specific survival rate (Sxj) and age-specific survival rate (lx). However, the female age-specific survival rate (fx4) showed an increasing and then decreasing trend for all treatments. The study found that imidacloprid had an impact on the longevity of S. alternatusi in the F0 generation and extended the mean generation time (T) in the F1 generation. However, it had negative effects on population growth parameters. These findings can be used as a basis for developing integrated pest management strategies.
In recent years, the damage caused by thrips has become a key factor impacting the winter and spring production of fruits and vegetables in Hainan Province, China.This study aimed to elucidate the effects of different pupation environments on pupal development and eclosion of chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) by analyzing pupal development and eclosion of chilli thrips in an indoor environment with simulated natural soils and water content. Soil type, soil water content, and temperature substantially affected the eclosion of chilli thrips during the pupal stage. Both a low soil water content of 1% and a high soil water content of 15% were not conducive to the pupation and eclosion of chilli thrips. Moreover, the results indicated an interaction between soil type and soil water and temperature and soil water content, affecting the eclosion of chilli thrips. Chilli thrips not only pupated in soil but also completed pupation and eclosion in other soil-less environments, such as tender mango leaves, stalks, plastic mulch, and weed fabric.This study suggests that in addition to adopting pest control measures that target the canopy layer of crops, appropriate measures such as increasing soil water content can also be implemented in the ground layer to enhance the overall effectiveness of pest control.
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