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Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger, 1798) is a Palearctic generalist predator native to Europe. It was unintentionally introduced to North America at least twice in the mid 1920s and has since become widespread in Canada and the United States. Although P. melanarius is a valuable natural enemy in many different agricultural systems, we are not aware of any effort to compile in one publication details of its life history, diet, distribution, and factors that influence its populations. Some studies in North America have investigated the effects of P. melanarius on pest species and native carabid assemblages. Moreover, given that it is an exotic species whose range appears to still be expanding, it will be valuable to predict its potential distribution in North America. Therefore, the goals of this paper are to: 1) compile information on the life history and biology of P. melanarius, 2) review the effects of various agricultural practices on this species, and 3) use ecological niche modeling to determine the potential range of P. melanarius in the United States and which climate variables are most important for range expansion. Our review revealed that P. melanarius appears to provide benefits most consistently in diverse agricultural systems managed with no-till or reduced till methods, whereas our modeling revealed that P. melanarius likely occupies, or will occupy, more of the northern U.S. than is currently recognized, particularly in the Appalachian and Rocky Mountain regions.
The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White), is an invasive planthopper that was first discovered in North America in Berks County, Pennsylvania in 2014. Currently, L. delicatula has spread to eight additional states and threatens agricultural, ornamental, and timber commodities throughout the United States.The timing of insect life events is very important in the development of pest management tools and strategies. In 2019 and 2020, L. delicatula phenology was successfully documented in Winchester, Virginia using weekly 5-min observational surveys at established monitoring plots. Each year, L. delicatula were active in the environment from May to November with initial detections of first, second, third, fourth, and adults occurring in May, May, June, June, and July, respectively. Cumulative average growing degree days were also calculated for the onset of each L. delicatula life stage using local weather data and a lower developmental threshold of 10°C. First-instar L. delicatula were initially observed at 135 and 111.5, adults at 835 and 887, and egg masses at 1673.5 and 1611.5 in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Combined, these data can be used by growers and land managers to facilitate timing of effective pest management strategies.
Reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can limit negative impacts of agriculture on insects and is a crucial step towards sustainable agriculture. In the United States, organic agriculture has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutant runoff, and biodiversity loss in the Midwestern Corn Belt—an area extending over 500,000 km2 devoted to intensive production of corn Zea mays (Linnaeus 1753) (Poales: Poaceae), often in rotation with soy Glycine max (Linnaeus 1753) (Fabales: Fabaceae) or wheat Triticum aestivum (Linnaeus 1753) (Poales: Poaceae).Working in 30-yr-long landscape experiments in this region, we tested for impacts of conventional versus organic agriculture on ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and potential ecosystem services they provide. Organic fields supported higher ant diversity and a slightly more species-rich ant assemblage than conventionally managed fields but did not otherwise differ in community composition. Despite similar community composition, organic and conventional fields differed in seasonal patterns of ant foraging activity and potential for natural pest suppression. Conventional plots experienced higher overall ant foraging activity, but with the timing skewed towards late in the growing season such that 75% of ant foraging occurred after crop harvest in a wheat year and was therefore unavailable for pest suppression. Organic fields, in contrast, experienced moderate levels of ant foraging activity throughout the growing season, with most foraging occurring during crop growth. Organic fields thus supported twice as much pest suppression potential as conventional fields. Our results highlight the importance of timing in mediating ecosystem services in croplands and emphasize the value of managing landscapes for multiple services rather than yield alone.
Plants release volatiles in response to caterpillar feeding. These herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) attract natural enemies of the herbivores and repel or attract conspecific adult herbivores in a tri-trophic interaction which has been considered to be an indirect plant defense against herbivores. Recently, we demonstrated the attraction of male and female European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to a blend of phenylacetonitrile and acetic acid, two compounds identified as HIPVs in heterospecific apple-leafroller interactions. The ecological basis of our findings is not clearly understood. Thus, this work was undertaken to investigate HIPVs in the grapevine-leafroller interaction and study the response of heterospecific adults L. botrana, to these volatiles. We collected headspace volatiles emitted from uninfested grapevines and grapevines infested with larvae of a generalist herbivore, the grapevine leafroller moth, Sparganothis pilleriana (Denis & Schiffermüller), and analyzed them using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Infested grape leaves released three compounds (phenylacetonitrile, indole, and 2-phenylethanol) not found from uninfested leaves. Nine different blends, comprising a full factorial set of the three compounds with each blend containing acetic acid, were tested in a field-cagetrial. Only lures containing phenylacetonitrile caused a significant increase in trap catches compared to the other lures and blank traps. Electroantennographic tests show that L. botrana can detect the compounds. The results confirm our hypothesis that phenylacetonitrile is released during grapevines infestation with herbivores, and attracts adult L. botrana.
A number of recent studies have demonstrated the potential for using blends of pheromones of cerambycid beetles to attract several species simultaneously. Here, we tested the effects of adding the pheromones of two invasive species, Trichoferus campestris (Faldermann) and Aromia bungii (Faldermann), on the attraction of native species to a generic blend of synthesized pheromones, in season-long field trials at 12 sites in Pennsylvania. Of the four species attracted in significant numbers, Megacyllene caryae (Gahan), Phymatodes amoenus (Say), and P. testaceus (L.) (all subfamily Cerambycinae) were not significantly affected by the addition of the T. campestris pheromone trichoferone and the A. bungii pheromone (E)-2-cis-6,7-epoxynonenal to the generic blend. In contrast, trap catches of Sternidius alpha (Say) (subfamily Lamiinae) were completely shut down by addition of the pheromones of the two exotic species. In addition, there was no indication that any native species were attracted to trichoferone or (E)-2-cis-6,7-epoxynonenal, suggesting that these pheromones are probably not used by species native to eastern North America.
Bumblebees are important pollinators of agricultural crops and wildflowers, but many species are in decline. Neonicotinoid insecticides are the most commonly used insecticide globally and can have negative sublethal effects on bumblebee colony growth and reproduction. Individual bumblebees can visit hundreds to thousands of flowers a day to forage for their colony. As such, they are a model species for studying optimal foraging, and small impairments to an individual's foraging decisions may have compounding effects on the colony's nutritional intake. We exposed bumblebees (Bombus impatiens) to an acute, field-realistic dose of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid, before allowing them to forage on an artificial floral array. We found that neonicotinoid-exposed bumblebees made suboptimal foraging decisions, as they were more likely to visit flowers located further apart than control bees.This indicates that for a given flower patch, individual bees exposed to a neonicotinoid will likely use more energy and forage less efficiency than unexposed bees, although further studies that directly measure energetic cost are required to confirm this. Given the robust and growing body of evidence demonstrating negative sublethal effects of neonicotinoids on bees, sublethal assessments on non-Apis bees should be made mandatory within the regulatory process.
Semiochemical background in the environment can influence insect orientation to release points of the same or different semiochemicals. endo-Brevicomin is a pheromone component of the tree-killing bark beetle Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) that has a biphasic dose–response curve, enhancing attraction at low release rates but reducing attraction at high rates. We investigated the effect of artificial manipulation of background levels of endo-brevicomin on D. frontalis responses to sources of aggregation attractant in the field. Traps baited with the aggregation pheromone component frontalin and the host odor alpha-pinene were deployed either with or without a background of endo-brevicomin produced by three surrounding dispensers of this semiochemical each located 20 m away. Two tested levels of endobrevicomin background caused catches to increase by an order of magnitude above those in the absence of background. Presence of background also altered the beetles' biphasic dose–response when endo-brevicomin dispensers were added to traps. Background reduced or concealed attraction-enhancement otherwise observed for low-release dispensers added to traps, and it decreased the release rate necessary to produce reductions in catches. We propose that spatial variability in abundance of natural, background sources of endobrevicomin in the environment (i.e., infested trees) is a cause of the observed variability in effects of endobrevicomin dispensers on southern pine beetle behavior in the field. Furthermore, our results illustrate the potential complexity of the density-dependent effects of biphasic pheromone components on bark beetle mass attack and colonization behavior.
Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Anacardiaceae), is one of the most invasive weeds of natural and agricultural areas of Florida, Hawaii, andTexas (USA). Herbicides are the main tool used to manage populations of this weed. Faunal inventories of the insects associated with invasive populations of the weed have mostly listed leaf-feeding phytophagous, pollinator, or predacious species. Among these, bark and ambrosia beetles were collected only once from S. terebinthifolia in the invaded range and there are no reports from the native range. A diverse assemblage of bark and ambrosia beetles, many well-known economic pests of ornamentals, was reared from S. terebinthifolia bolts collected at a restoration site in Florida that had been treated with herbicide (triclopyr ester). A similar collection of beetles was captured on ethanol-baited sticky traps. No beetles emerged from bolts of untreated trees, almost none emerged from those wounded with a machete (3.1% of total), whereas nearly all the beetles collected emerged from bolts that had been treated with herbicide (62.3%) or the combination wounded + herbicide (34.6%). Ethanol was detected from the herbicide and wound + herbicide-treated bolts suggesting this was the attractive kairomone. Abundant amounts of other volatiles were collected from all bolts, especially from the wounded treatment, but no association was detected between volatile emissions and beetle infestation. Further studies are needed to determine whether invasive populations of S. terebinthifolia treated with herbicides constitute reservoirs for pest bark and ambrosia beetles that may spill over onto neighboring ornamental hosts.
The application of feeding and oviposition repellents is limited to arthropod systems in which habituation does not occur. Although several compounds appear to reduce Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Dipetra: Drosophilidae) oviposition in berries, previous studies have yet to address whether habituation is a significant risk following preexposure. We tested the response of adult female D. suzukii to three previously identified semiochemical oviposition repellents, 1-octen-3-ol (octenol), ±-geosmin, and 2-n-pentylfuran, following adult and larval preexposure. Using a two-choice gated trap capture assay, we assessed captures in repellent-treated versus blank traps, female survival, and oviposition frequency in the selected trap. We did not find evidence of habituation to octenol or 2-pentylfuran in adult flies preexposed for 24, 48, or 72 hr. When exposed to each of the repellents as larvae, D. suzukii showed similar deterrence as those exposed as adults alone. However, mortality did decrease in F1 octenol treated flies. In contrast with previous investigations we did not observe repellent effects in response to geosmin. Our results suggest that neither exposure during the adult life stage nor during larval development inhibited the effectiveness of octenol and 2-pentylfuran. However, greater survivorship on octenol treated baits in F1 flies, combined with apparent neurotoxic effects of this compound, indicate that octenol may be less suited for field applications. For this reason, 2-pentylfuran appears to be a better candidate for ongoing research aimed at developing an effective push–pull system of behavioral management.
Livestock grazing puts major anthropogenic pressure on biological communities worldwide. Not all species are expected to be affected in the same way, and the impacts will depend on species' traits. Focusing on traits thus helps identify the mechanisms underlying changes in community composition under grazing pressures. We investigated how fine-scale grazing heterogeneity affects the trait composition and diversity of dung beetle assemblages in Western Europe. We sampled dung beetles in habitat patches differing in terms of grazing intensity within rangelands of two distinct biogeographical areas: a Mediterranean lowland steppe and Western alpine meadows. We measured five morphological traits expected to respond to the local-scale filtering pressure exerted by variations in grazing intensity. Using individual-based data, we assessed responses in terms of single-trait mean values in communities and complementary trait diversity indices. We found strong shifts in trait composition and diversity between the habitat patches. In both study areas, variations in habitat conditions are likely to have filtered the local occurrence and abundance of dung beetles by the mean of traits such as body mass (which have several functional implications), as well as traits linked to underground activity. We hypothesize that fine-scale variation in resource availability (i.e., droppings) and disturbance intensity (i.e., trampling) are key drivers of the observed patterns in species assemblages. Trait richness peaks at moderate grazing intensity in both study areas, suggesting that patches with an intermediated level of available resources and soil disturbance enable individuals with a greater range of autecological requirements to coexist.
Global declines of bumble bees place natural and agricultural ecosystems at risk. Given bumble bees importance to Maine's major agricultural crops, we conducted a statewide, quantitative survey of bumble bee species seasonal and ecoregional abundance, richness, diversity, and floral resource use. We recorded 11 Bombus species at 40 survey sites across Maine's three ecoregions, with Bombus ternarius Cresson, 1863 and Bombus impatiens Cresson, 1863 being the most common and Bombus citrinus Smith, 1854 the least commonly encountered. Bumble bee species richness did not differ as a function of ecoregion, but did decline over the season, while species diversity differed by ecoregion and also declined over the season. Multiple response permutation procedure (MRPP) indicated ecoregional differences in species composition of bumble bee assemblages and nonmetric multidimensional scaling produced a stable ordination suggesting assemblage differences were associated with survey site variables including forage plant cover, forage plant richness, elevation, development, and deciduous forest cover. Both MRPP and correspondence analysis also revealed differences in the floral resources utilized by bumble bee species in each ecoregion. Low connectance and nestedness levels indicated low stability pollinator networks in each ecoregion, suggesting Maine bumble bee assemblages may be at risk of decline in response to additional external perturbations.
As part of a quantitative survey of Maine's bumble bee fauna (Butler et al. 2021), we compared and contrasted genetic diversity, parasite and pathogen burdens, and pesticide exposure of the relatively common Bombus ternarius Say, 1937 and the spatially rare Bombus terricola Kirby, 1837. We recorded 11 Bombus species at 40 survey sites across three Maine ecoregions, and B. ternarius was the most common species, while B. terricola was spatially rare. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling indicated that B. terricola was associated with higher elevation sites in Maine, while B. ternarius was more broadly distributed in the state. Pollinator networks constructed for each bee indicated B. ternarius foraged on more plant species than B. terricola, but that there was considerable overlap (73%) in plant species visited. Genetic diversity was greater in the spatially restricted B. terricola, whereas the widely distributed B. ternarius was characterized by greater genetic differentiation among regions. Bombus terricola had higher molecular marker levels of the microsporidian fungi Nosema spp. and the trypanosome Crithidia spp., and both species had high levels of Trypanosoma spp. exposure. No Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera, Linnaeus, 1758) viruses were detected in either species. Pesticides were not detected in pollen samples collected from workers of either species, and B. ternarius worker tissue samples exhibited only trace levels of diflubenzuron.
Woody debris left after timber harvest may be used to produce bioenergy. This will help reduce reliance on nonrenewable fossil fuels. There are ecological impacts to the use of this woody material as many species use coarse woody debris for food and shelter. An understanding of how the removal of woody biomass after forest harvest changes the functional diversity of forest communities is needed to make sustainable management decisions. Many longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) provide ecosystem services by reducing woody debris in forests and pollinating flowering plants including trees. I used a taxonomically and functionally diverse community of longhorned beetles to examine changes to functional diversity following different levels of biomass removal in a secondary forest in south-central Indiana, USA.The functional diversity was measured prior to forest harvest and biomass removal and for 2 yr after treatment. I predicted that the abundance and functional group richness of the longhorned beetles would correlate positively with the volume of woody biomass left on the site, and that the community would show resilience by returning to the functional portfolio that was in place in the pre-harvest communities and occurred in the control. The abundance and functional group richness increased with more woody debris left on site.There was much variance in the trajectory of the community following harvest, with no clear trend toward pre-harvest functional portfolio that would indicate resilience. A 3-yr study is likely not long enough to capture this resilience, especially on sensitive sites.
In soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, production, losses to, and control costs for insect pests can be significant limiting factors. Although the heterogeneity of pests has typically been ignored in traditional field management practices, technological advancements have allowed for site-specific pest management systems to be developed for the precise control of pests within a field. In this study, we chose to determine how the in-field distributions of the larvae of three major lepidopteran pests [velvetbean caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), soybean looper Chrysodeixis includens (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and green cloverworm Hypena scabra (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) (Fabricius)] were spatially associated with defoliation, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and plant height in soybean. Spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) of data from two South Carolina soybean fields in 2017 and 2018 revealed a limited number of spatial aggregations for insect datasets. However, 14% and 6% of paired plant–insect datasets were significantly associated or dissociated, respectively. NDVI was found to be more associated with pest distributions than soybean plant heights and defoliation estimates, and the majority of all plant–insect associations and dissociations occurred in the first 4 wk of sampling (late July–early August). If changes are to be implemented regarding how a pest is managed, critical factors explaining the spatial distribution of pests must be identified. Results from this study advocate for the relationship between early-season distributions of pests and important plant variables such as NDVI to be further investigated to better determine the strength of the correlations across years and sites.
The pink stalk borer, Sesamia cretica Led. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most important sugarcane pests in many regions of the world, causing severe damage to sugarcane every year. This insect has a specialized form of the auditory organ called the tympanal organ, and ultrasound can be employed as a potential tactic employed in physical control strategy against the pest. The present study evaluates the efficacy of ultrasound in controlling the pest in laboratory conditions. For this purpose, the repellent properties of various ultrasonic frequencies ranging from 21 to 100 kHz with 0.5 kHz intervals and wave shapes, including Sin(x), Cos(x) square, and sawtooth, were studied in choice experiments on the moths.The repellent effects of ultrasonic waves at frequencies 39.5 and 37.5 kHz were more significant than other frequencies in male and female moths, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the repellent properties of different wave shapes. In non-choice experiments, the effects of the most repellent ultrasonic treatment, at frequency 37.5 kHz, on biological characteristics of various life stages and distribution patterns of the moths were investigated. The results showed that the ultrasonic treatment causes substantial reductions in many biological parameters of the immature life stages of pests, including longevity, weight, survival rate, and fecundity. Moreover, the pattern indicated that the moths tended to escape from the ultrasound. The findings of this study can be employed for manufacturing the ultrasonic repeller to be used in sugarcane fields.
Understanding cues for diapause termination in insects can be valuable in predicting phenological events in their lifecycles. Once identified, such cues can be utilized as a biofix, the point at which the majority of individuals within a population begin to accumulate degree days. We investigated the impact of photoperiod on completion of reproductive diapause in the invasive eastern North American population of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), by exposing diapausing females to varying light regimes in otherwise identical environments. The critical photoperiod estimated to initiate reproductive development in at least 50% of the potential reproductive population was 13.0–13.5 h, with increasing photoperiods coinciding with increased probability of females reproducing, earlier time to first oviposition, and higher rates of fecundity. These data on the species' response to photoperiod are in agreement with previous modeling that predicted the twin constraints of photoperiod and temperature on H. halys reproduction prevents populations that undergo diapause from producing more than two generations annually anywhere within the continental U.S. However, the facultative nature of diapause in H. halys leaves open the possibility that sub-populations may not enter diapause in some conditions, potentially allowing for additional annual generations.
Tolerance of terrestrial insects in temperate regions to water immersion and hypoxia has rarely been studied but can be an important adaptation to moist environments, with implications for insect dispersal through waterways. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera:Tephritidae), can be found in riparian habitats subject to flooding. Here, survival of R. pomonella larvae and different age puparia after flotation or immersion in 13.3°C or 21.1°C water for 1–12 d was determined. Larvae sank in water and when submerged for 1 or 2 d suffered greater mortality than control larvae. Fewer young (1–2 d old) than older puparia (13–15 d old) floated in water. When immersed in water for 1–12 d, young puparia suffered greater mortality than older puparia, which were not affected by water immersion. Consequently, fewer adult flies eclosed from puparia that had been water treated when young than older. Adult flies from pre-chill and post-chill puparia that had been water treated eclosed later than control flies, but treatment flies survived about 60 d and reproduced. Although newly-formed puparia are susceptible to hypoxic water conditions, increased buoyancy and water tolerance occur rapidly after formation, perhaps making survival possible and allowing water-borne dispersal of older puparia.
The potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc), is a major pest of potato (Solanales: Solanaceae) as a vector of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (Lso). Bactericera cockerelli colonizes potato from noncrop host plants, yet we do not yet know which noncrop species are the primary sources of Lso-infected psyllids. The perennial weed, Physalis longifolia Nutt., is a high-quality host for B. cockerelli and Lso under laboratory conditions but has been overlooked in recent field studies as a source of Lso-infected psyllids. Our current study had four objectives: 1) determine whether P. longifolia is abundant in potato-growing regions of Washington and Idaho, 2) determine whether stands of P. longifolia harbor B. cockerelli and Lso, 3) identify the psyllid haplotypes occurring on P. longifolia, and 4) use molecular gut content analysis to infer which plant species the psyllids had previously fed upon prior to their capture from P. longifolia. Online herbaria and field searches revealed that P. longifolia is abundant in western Idaho and is present at low densities in the Columbia Basin of Washington. Over 200 psyllids were collected from P. longifolia stands in 2018 and 2019, confirming that B. cockerelli colonizes stands of this plant. Gut content analysis indicated that a proportion of B. cockerelli collected from P. longifolia had arrived there from potato. Confirmation that P. longifolia is abundant in certain potato-growing regions of the Pacific Northwest, and that B. cockerelli readily uses this plant, could improve models to predict the risk of future psyllid and Lso outbreaks.
In insect–plant biology, oviposition choices and larval development on different host plants are crucial factors to be investigated.To design conservation strategies for protected Lepidoptera, which are overall oligophagous but locally monophagous, it is important to understand which host plant species is locally preferred. We thus investigated oviposition choices and larval development of the protected butterfly Zerynthia polyxena in controlled laboratory conditions, using three possible host plant species which are present in the Piedmont region: Aristolochia pallida, A. clematitis, and A. rotunda. We found that laboratory conditions are not favorable for Z. polyxena oviposition, even if the fertility of the females was in normal range for Papilionidae. However, we were able to understand the local monophagy of the species on A. pallida in the Susa Valley through larval survival and development stages. Egg hatching was similar among the three host plant species; however, even if larvae eat and grow similarly on the different host plant species until the third larval stage, the only larvae that reached the pupal stage were those fed with A. pallida. In conclusion, whereas Z. polyxena is oligophagous in the rest of Europe for the genus Aristolochia, the species is locally monophagous on A. pallida in the Susa Valley.
The developmental time of pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), immatures was investigated on the host plant Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poiret variety ‘Black Futsu.’ Because host plant species influences developmental rates of M. hirsutus, understanding the life history of this specific host plant has implications for the mass rearing protocols of its natural enemy, Anagyrus callidusTriapitsyn, Andreason and Perring, currently being released in California, United States. Fruit from ‘Black Futsu’ squash were infested with first instar pink hibiscus mealybug and kept at 26.6 ± 2°C, 50 ± 10% RH, and 0:24 (L:D) h photoperiod for the duration of the experiment. Every 24 h the life stages of pink hibiscus mealybug individuals on the squash were recorded. After adult eclosion, observations of adult females continued until the first eggs hatched, which revealed an average pre-oviposition period of 7.2 ± 0.1 d and an average length of the egg stage of 7.0 ± 0.0 d. The average developmental times for both sexes were similar from the egg stage through the second instar.Third instar females took nearly twice as long (7.2 d) to develop into adults as did third instar males. However, females have just three immature instars while males have four.The males spent an average of 4.5 ± 0.3 d as third instars and 4.8 ± 0.4 d as fourth instars before developing into winged adults. On average, female immature developmental time was 27.8 ± 0.2 d from egg to adult and male developmental time was 29.4 ± 0.2 d from egg to adult.The implications of these results on rearing A. callidus are discussed.
1) Many wild bee species interact with soil either as a nesting substrate or material. These soil interactions create a risk of exposure to agrochemicals such as imidacloprid or other neonicotinoid pesticides that can persist in soil for months after application. At the landscape level, concentrations of imidacloprid residue in soil are limited to the immediate treatment area, and thus risks to soil-interacting bees could be low if they avoid contaminated soils. 2) We utilized Osmia lignaria (Say), a solitary cavity nesting bee which collects mud to partition and seal nests, and conducted two laboratory experiments to test whether nesting females select or avoid soils containing various levels of imidacloprid residue. For the first experiment, we assessed behavioral responses of females to treated soil utilizing a choice arena and pairing various choices of soil with imidacloprid residues ranging between 0 and 780 ppb. For the second experiment, we developed a laboratory assay to assess soil selection of actively nesting O. lignaria, by providing choices of contaminated soil between 0 and 100 ppb and 0 and 1,000 ppb to nesting females. 3) We found no evidence that O. lignaria females avoided any level of imidacloprid contamination, even at the highest residue level (1,000 ppb) in both the experiments, which may have implications for risk. The in situ nesting methodology developed in this study has future applications for research on soil or pollen preferences of cavity nesting Osmia species, and potential for breeding of O. lignaria in laboratory.
Although Aphrophora nr. permutata (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) is a reported vector of the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa (Wells) (Xanthomonadales: Xanthomonadaceae), its ecology and role in Pierce's disease dynamics in coastal California vineyards are poorly understood. From 2016 to 2020, we surveyed the abundance of A. nr. permutata nymphs among potential host plants along the vineyard floor, the vineyard edges, and adjacent vegetation in vineyards in Napa and Sonoma county. In 2019 and 2020, vineyards adjacent to woodland habitat hosted larger A. nr. permutata populations than those next to riparian habitat, while in 2017 and 2018, the nymphal populations were similar among riparian and woodland sites. Among 2020 plant cover taxa, nymph abundance was positively associated with Helminthotheca echioides, Vicia sativa, and Daucus carota cover and negatively associated with Taraxacum officinale cover. In 2018 and 2019, we also tracked early-season occurrence and development of A. nr. permutata nymphs among potential host plants. Analyses showed a significant effect of site, year, and plant taxa on the first detection of nymphs and a significant effect of site and year on the estimated development time between first and fifth instars. In 2019, we conducted grapevine to grapevine X. fastidiosa transmission experiments with individuals and groups of five A. nr. permutata adults. In the transmission experiment, 5% (3 of 60) individual A. nr. permutata and 7.7% (1 of 13) of groups successfully transmitted X. fastidiosa. This study provides preliminary evidence of potential host plant associations with A. nr. permutata abundance and phenology that should be explored further with field and greenhouse-based approaches.
The Hawaiian flower thrips, Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan), a common flower-inhabiting thrip, is now a potential pest globally. Effective control of T. hawaiiensis requires information about the effects of temperature on its ontogeny and population growth. In this study, the life history characteristics and demography of T. hawaiiensis were defined at eight temperatures (9–35°C). Additionally, the thermal constant and temperature threshold were estimated by regression analysis. The developmental duration and longevity of T. hawaiiensis decreased with an increase in temperature between 16°C and 32°C; females survived for longer than males at all temperatures. The lower temperature threshold and thermal constant of preadult T. hawaiiensis were 10.5°C and 132.5 degree-days, respectively. The oviposition days of the females gradually decreased from 16°C to 32°C, and net maternity was higher at 20°C than at 16°C, even though the same number of eggs were laid at both temperatures. The mean longevities of the populations were greatest at 20°C; the life expectancy and reproductive value decreased with temperature. The intrinsic rate of increase and finite rate of increase were significantly highest at 20°C, 25°C, and 30°C. Population growth was triggered at 12.3°C, and reached a peak at approximately 27°C when it proliferated to the largest population size. Therefore, the results suggest that although the population of T. hawaiiensis starts to grow at lower temperatures, it adapts to a wide range of temperatures, and these findings facilitate prediction of different stages of damage, population size, and seasonal occurrence of T. hawaiiensis.
We examined the abundance, nesting ecology, and colony survival of two invasive species of paper wasp, Polistes dominula Christ (Hymenoptera:Vespidae) and Polistes chinensis Pérez (Hymenoptera:Vespidae), within their invaded range in New Zealand. The more recent invader, P. dominula, exhibited a strong habitat preference, reaching the highest abundances within suburban areas with an average of 87.4 wasps per 1,000 m2. Coastal habitats were also found to be suitable environments for P. dominula, although wasp abundance in these areas was comparatively lower than suburban sites at 26.5 wasps per 1,000 m2. Although P. chinensis were observed to build more nests in coastal habitats, this was not reflected in the abundance of adult wasps in these areas. Nests of P. dominula were larger and more productive, likely a result of the multiple founding and earlier emergence of workers compared to P. chinensis. Both species exhibited significant differences in nest survival, with P. dominula observed to have a higher colony survival rate, particularly in suburban habitats where this species utilized man-made substrates as nesting sites. Neither species nested within forest sites and translocated nests of P. dominula failed to thrive within forest habitats. Findings of this research suggest that P. dominula will not pose a threat to species inhabiting forested areas. Instead, biodiversity managers should focus their efforts on suburban and coastal environments as native species in these areas will require the greatest protection.
Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. (Xanthomonadales: Xanthomonadaceae) is a xylem inhabiting bacterium which is exclusively transmitted by xylem sap feeding insects. Among them, Philaenus spumarius Linnaeus and Neophilaenus campestris Fallén are the most abundant species in Europe. During 2018 and 2019 a survey was conducted in olive groves in Greece aimed to improve the knowledge about the biology and ecology of those spittlebugs in areas with Mediterranean climate. Moreover, the host preference of the nymphs was studied. The nymphs of P. spumarius and N. campestris were observed between early March and middle May depending on geographic location and year. The spittlebug adults were present during two periods every year, one in spring and another one in autumn and early winter. During summer months the spittlebugs were totally absent from olive groves. Our observation on host plant selection revealed that there was a strong preference of N. campestris nymphs for plants belonging to the family Poaceae. On the contrary, P. spumarius nymphs were polyphagous. The most preferable plants for the nymphs of this species belonged to the families Asteraceae and Fabaceae. The importance of these findings for control measures for these spittlebugs is discussed.
Density-dependent mortality by predation and cannibalism has been observed in aquatic insects such as dragonflies in response to shrinking habitat caused by summer drought. Winter conditions might also reduce the amount of livable habitat in temperate ponds and could augment rates of cannibalism. We hypothesized that cannibalism in dragonfly nymphs would increase in winter due to a seasonal decrease in available habitat caused by stratified lower oxygen levels leading to increased nymph density around pond edges. To determine whether cannibalism in nymphs is density-dependent and size-dependent (i.e., with smaller nymphs consumed) we experimentally manipulated nymph density in aquaria. To evaluate whether these patterns are observed in nature during the winter, we conducted field surveys for nymphs in two ponds across the fall and winter seasons. When nymphs were housed at different densities for 24 h, cannibalism was density-dependent, and only smaller nymphs were preyed upon. Our field surveys found that fewer nymphs were caught in the late winter sampling period (mixed-effects model, P < 0.001), and that these were larger than nymphs caught in the fall, although both patterns were restricted to the deeper pond (P < 0.05). Our results were consistent with the process we hypothesized, and the observed reduction in dissolved oxygen at the bottom of the deeper pond. The lack of significant changes to the relative abundance and size of nymphs in the shallower pond reveals that differences in pond characteristics can influence the degree to which winter conditions induce density-dependent cannibalism among dragonfly nymphs.
The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) (White, 1845), is an invasive pest in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Understanding this pest's dispersion patterns is fundamental for development of management and surveillance programs.To address this knowledge gap, we quantified spotted lanternfly nymph dispersion patterns by instar for rural and urban/suburban habitats, and we compared the number of sample units required for sticky traps and in situ visual counts to estimate population densities at several precisions. In addition, we assessed the ability of two experimental designs (completely random and randomized complete block) to detect management practices' impacts in the field. All instars typically followed an aggregated dispersion pattern. Sample size and time requirements for checking and replacing sticky traps and for conducting in situ counts were similar, but in situ counts do not require purchasing traps, installation time, or delays before treatment, and do not remove insects. Although the cost for using in situ counts is likely less than for sticky traps, early instar spotted lanternfly nymph populations are harder to visually detect than later instars because of their small size, which may negate any cost advantage when treatments are applied early. In general, using a randomized complete block design resulted in higher statistical power than a completely random design, allowing detection of proportional population reductions of 10–20% less with equal replication. Studies aiming to evaluate treatments that reduce spotted lanternfly numbers by less than 60% will require researchers to evaluate the feasibility of using the required large sample sizes.
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