VOL. 74 · NO. 3 | February 2023
Research Paper
Fariha Ilyas, Muhammad Arif Ali, Abdulaah Modhish, Niaz Ahmed, Sajjad Hussain, Muhammad Bilal, Muhammad Arshad, Subhan Danish, Adel M. Ghoneim, Ayesha Ilyas, Arslan Akram, Shah Fahad, Mohammad Javed Ansari, Rahul Datta
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 157-172, (10 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21042
KEYWORDS: arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi, cereal, growth attributes, inorganic fertilisers, photosynthesis, symbiosis, transpiration rate, yield attributes
Gustavo Krahl, Tiago Celso Baldissera, Cassiano Eduardo Pinto, Fábio Cervo Garagorry, Simone Silmara Werner, Cássio Felipe Lopes, Henrique Mendonça Nunes Ribeiro Filho
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 259-269, (31 August 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21592
KEYWORDS: Axonopus catharinensis Valls, canopy height, defoliation severity, defoliation target, herbage accumulation, integrated crop-livestock systems, tiller density
María A. Tomás, Marina Maina, Mauro E. Lifschitz, Lorena V. Armando, Mabel C. Giordano
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 194-203, (13 July 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22023
KEYWORDS: breeding, GENETIC CORRELATION, Genetic gain, heritability, phenotypic plasticity, seed yield components, shattering, warm season forage grass
Ajoy Kumar Roy, Devendra Ram Malaviya, Pankaj Kaushal, Sanat Kumar Mahanta, Rupali Tewari, Roopali Chauhan, Amaresh Chandra
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 244-258, (15 August 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22057
KEYWORDS: core collection, forage grass, genetic diversity, grassland, morphology, nutritive value, plant genetic resource, rangeland
Subarna Hajong, Krishnappa Rangappa, Harish Ganjalagatta Dasaiah, Prabha Moirangthem, Uday Sankar Saikia, Bijoya Bhattacharjee, Sudhir Pal Ahlawat, Basant Kumar Kandpal
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 204-218, (13 September 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22062
KEYWORDS: acid soil, drought, hill agriculture, leaf morphology, photosynthesis, stomatal structure, Root morphology, yield components
Aseem Kumar Anshu, Vineet Kumar, Anita Rani, Trupti Tayalkar, Hamendra Singh Parmar
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 219-229, (8 August 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22095
KEYWORDS: biosynthesis, genomic region, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phospholipids, QUANTITATIVE TRAIT LOCI
Pablo Prystupa, Flavio Gutierrez-Boem
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 173-181, (27 July 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22096
KEYWORDS: barley, critical period, grain number determination, intercepted radiation, nitrogen, photothermal quotient, radiation use efficiency, sulfur
Ignacio R. Hisse, Karina E. D’Andrea, María E. Otegui
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 182-193, (21 July 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22111
KEYWORDS: additive genetic effects, corn crop, dominance genetic effects, F1 hybrid, full diallel mating design, maize breeding, plant grain yield, secondary attributes, soil nitrogen content
Quratulain Khosa, Qamar uz Zaman, Tingting An, Kamran Ashraf, Asim Abbasi, Saba Nazir, Riffat Naz, Yinglong Chen
Crop and Pasture Science 74 (3), 230-243, (6 September 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22192 Open Access
KEYWORDS: antioxidants, heat stress, photosynthetic pigments, physio-biochemical, plasma membrane, silicon, spinach, water relations
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