VOL. 73 · NO. 4 | March 2022
Shreyas Elma Mathew, Devindra Shakappa
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 401-414, (3 March 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21030
KEYWORDS: antinutritional factors, cancer, Chickpea, DIABETES, nutraceuticals, nutritional composition, obesity, prebiotics
Research Paper
Charles I. Nwankwo, Hannatou M. Oumarou, Maman Nouri, Ali M. Aminou, Ludger Herrmann
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 390-400, (11 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21158
KEYWORDS: dry sowing, erratic rainfall, early crop growth, local production system, local resources, low chemical soil fertility, micro-dosing, panicle yield increase, peasant farmers, Sahelian farming, seedling establishment, small-scale millet production, staple crop
Juliana Arango, Albeiro López, Edna Márquez, Julián Echeverri
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 415-424, (7 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21331
KEYWORDS: Cenchrus clandestinus, clonal genotype detection, genetic diversity, genetic structure, kikuyu grass, microsatellite markers, molecular marker, next generation sequencing, population genetics
Darsha Manjula Withanawasam, Madhavilatha Kommana, Syamala Pulindala, Aparna Eragam, Vinodkumar N. Moode, Amarnath Kolimigundla, Ramanarao V. Puram, Sudhakar Palagiri, Ravindrareddy Balam, Lakshminarayana R. Vemireddy
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 356-369, (14 March 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21410
KEYWORDS: drought ressitance, grain yield, heat tolerance, marker assisted pedigree breeding, QTL pyramiding, pyramided lines, rice, water use efficiency
Ehsan Rabieyan, Mohammad Reza Bihamta, Mohsen Esmaeilzadeh Moghaddam, Valiollah Mohammadi, Hadi Alipour
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 337-355, (14 March 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21500
KEYWORDS: artificial neural network, cluster analysis, digital imaging, drought, genetic variability, principal component analysis, seed characteristics, wheat
Solomon O. Olagunju, Muftau O. Atayese, Olalekan S. Sakariyawo, Enoch O. Dare
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 370-389, (28 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21563
KEYWORDS: bending stress, grain yield, growth stages, lodging, NERICAs, silicon fertiliser, stem thickness, vegetative biomass
G. J. Rebetzke, A. R. Rattey, W. D. Bovill, R. A. Richards, B. J. Brooks, M. Ellis
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 325-336, (14 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21645 Open Access
KEYWORDS: coleoptile, dwarf, early vigour, Establishment, germplasm, harvest index, lodging, physiology
Farrer Review
Michael J. Walsh, Stephen B. Powles
Crop and Pasture Science 73 (4), 313-324, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21647 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bale direct system, Chaff cart, Chaff lining, chaff tramlining, Herbicide resistance, HWSC, impact mill, narrow windrow burning, weed seed retention
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