VOL. 69 · NO. 2 | February 2018
Sriram Padmanaban, Peng Zhang, Mark W. Sutherland, Noel L. Knight, Anke Martin
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 121-130, (5 February 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17240
KEYWORDS: DArTseq, Fish, GISH, interploidy crosses
Tingting He, Longshu Yang, Xianlong Ding, Linfeng Chen, Yanwei Li, Tanliu Wang, Hao Zhang, Junyi Gai, Shouping Yang
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 131-141, (29 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17204
KEYWORDS: BAC clones, comparative genomic analysis, gene variation, structural variation
Supriya Sachdeva, C. Bharadwaj, Vinay Sharma, B. S. Patil, K. R. Soren, Manish Roorkiwal, Rajeev Varshney, K. V. Bhat
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 142-153, (2 February 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17284
KEYWORDS: genetic diversity, membrane stability index, molecular markers, relative water content
Rafael Battisti, Paulo C. Sentelhas, Phillip S. Parker, Claas Nendel, Gil M. De S. Câmara, José R. B. Farias, Claudir J. Basso
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 154-162, (31 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17293
KEYWORDS: adaptation strategies, crop cycle, simulation model, sowing window, soybean yield
Wenzhi Zeng, Guoqing Lei, Yuanyuan Zha, Yuanhao Fang, Jingwei Wu, Jiesheng Huang
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 163-173, (31 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17020
KEYWORDS: Crop production, Irrigation, modelling, salinisation, water use efficiency
Graeme A. Sandral, Rebecca E. Haling, Megan H. Ryan, Andrew Price, Wayne M. Pitt, Shane M. Hildebrand, Christopher G. Fuller, Daniel R. Kidd, Adam Stefanksi, Hans Lambers, Richard J. Simpson
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 174-182, (25 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17276
KEYWORDS: arrowleaf clover, balansa clover, barrel medic, bladder clover, crimson clover, French serradella, gland clover, purple clover, rose clover, subterranean clover, yellow serradella
Skye Traill, Lindsay W. Bell, Neal P. Dalgliesh, Ainsleigh Wilson, Lina-May Ramony, Chris Guppy
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 183-193, (2 February 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17081
KEYWORDS: cut and carry, fodder, green manure, hay, legume ley, subtropical
Kunyong Huang, Xiaoxia Dai, Yiquan Xu, Shibing Dang, Tianran Shi, Jianmin Sun, Kehua Wang
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 194-204, (22 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17121
KEYWORDS: fall dormancy rating
Alejandra Ribera-Fonseca, Cornelia Rumpel, María de la Luz Mora, Miroslav Nikolic, Paula Cartes
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 205-215, (2 February 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17202
KEYWORDS: acid soils, lignin, phenolic compounds, plant nutrition
James L. Maino, Matthew Binns, Paul Umina
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (2), 216-221, (22 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17327
KEYWORDS: chemical, insecticide, management, polyphagous, redlegged earth mite
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