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Both hexaploid bread wheat (AABBDD) (Triticum aestivum L.) and tetraploid durum wheat (AABB) (T. turgidum spp. durum) are highly significant global food crops. Crossing these two wheats with different ploidy levels results in pentaploid (AABBD) F1 lines. This study investigated the differences in the retention of D chromosomes between different hexaploid × tetraploid crosses in subsequent generations by using molecular and cytological techniques. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in the retention of D chromosomes in the F2 generation depending on the parents of the original cross. One of the crosses, 2WE25 × 950329, retained at least one copy of each D chromosome in 48% of its F2 lines. For this cross, the retention or elimination of D chromosomes was determined through several subsequent self-fertilised generations. Cytological analysis indicated that D chromosomes were still being eliminated at the F5 generation, suggesting that in some hexaploid × tetraploid crosses, D chromosomes are unstable for many generations. This study provides information on the variation in D chromosome retention in different hexaploid × tetraploid wheat crosses and suggests efficient strategies for utilising D genome retention or elimination to improve bread and durum wheat, respectively.
This study pioneered the use of multiple technologies to combine the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) pooling strategy with high-throughput next- and third-generation sequencing technologies to analyse genomic difference. To understand the genetic background of the Chinese soybean cultivar N23601, we built a BAC library and sequenced 10 randomly selected clones followed by de novo assembly. Comparative analysis was conducted against the reference genome of Glycine max var. Williams 82 (2.0). Therefore, our result is an assessment of the reference genome. Our results revealed that 3517 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 662 insertion–deletions (InDels) occurred in ∼1.2 Mb of the genomic region and that four of the 10 BAC clones contained 15 large structural variations (72 887 bp) compared with the reference genome. Gene annotation of the reference genome showed that Glyma.18g181000 was missing from the corresponding position of the 10 BAC clones. Additionally, there may be a problem with the assembly of some positions of the reference genome. Several gap regions in the reference genome could be supplemented by using the complete sequence of the 10 BAC clones. We believe that accurate and complete BAC sequence is a valuable resource that contributes to the completeness of the reference genome.
Diversity as a function of drought tolerance may be identified by morphological characters, and molecular tools used to find the most divergent genotypes for breeding programs for drought tolerance in future. The narrow genetic base of chickpea can be circumvented by using diverse lines in breeding programs. Forty chickpea genotypes were studied for their morphological and molecular diversity with an objective of identifying the most diverse drought-tolerant lines. In total, 90 alleles were detected with 3.6 alleles per locus. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.155 to 0.782 with an average value of 0.4374 per locus. The size of amplified products ranged from 160 bp to 390 bp. Primer TA136 with eight alleles showed the highest PIC value of 0.7825, indicating its ability to differentiate the genotypes at molecular level. DARwin neighbour-joining tree analysis based on dissimilarity estimates was done for the molecular data and sequential agglomerative hierarchical non-overlapping (SAHN) grouping for the morphological data. It could clearly discriminate the tolerance and the sensitivity of genotypes. Two-dimensional principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot indicated good diversity for drought tolerance. The genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.115 (genotypes BGD72 to ICCV 5308) to 0.828 (genotypes ICCV 10316 to ICCV 92337).
Management is the most important handle to improve crop yield and resilience under climate change. The aim of this study was to evaluate how irrigation, sowing date, cultivar maturity group and planting density can contribute for increasing the resilience of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under future climate in southern Brazil. Five sites were selected to represent the range of Brazilian production systems typical for soybean cultivation. Yields were obtained from a crop-model ensemble (CROPGRO, APSIM and MONICA). Three climate scenarios were evaluated: baseline (1961–2014), and two future climate scenarios for the mid-century (2041–70) with low ( 2.2°C, A1BLs) and high ( 3.2°C, A1BHs) deltas for air temperature and with atmospheric [CO2] of 600 ppm. Supplementary irrigation resulted in higher and more stable yields, with gains in relation to a rainfed crop of 543, 719, 758 kg ha–1, respectively, for baseline, A1BLs and A1BHs. For sowing date, the tendencies were similar between climate scenarios, with higher yields when soybean was sown on 15 October for each simulated growing season. Cultivar maturity group 7.8 and a plant density of 50 plants m−2 resulted in higher yields in all climate scenarios. The best crop-management strategies showed similar tendency for all climate scenarios in Southern Brazil.
A variance-based global sensitivity analysis (extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test, EFAST) was applied to the Feddes module of the HYDRUS-1D model, and the sensitivity indices including both main and total effects of actual root water uptake (RWUa) to seven Feddes parameters were quantified at different growth stages of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): seedling, bud, flowering and maturity. The effects of soil salinity, climate conditions, and crop root growth on parameter sensitivity were explored by analysing three precipitation frequencies and two maximum root depths across four field locations with different soil salinity levels in China’s sunflower-growing regions. Uncertainties for RWUa were evaluated at four stages with varying Feddes parameters for different field locations, precipitation frequencies and maximum root depths. We found that the water stress factor concerning ceasing root water uptake (h4), and two salt stress factors ht and Sp, indicating the salinity threshold and the slope of the curve determining the fractional decline in root water uptake per unit increase in salinity below the threshold, respectively, were three most important Feddes parameters for RWUa estimation in HYDRUS-1D. In addition, the effects of soil salinity and precipitation frequencies were stronger than maximum root depth on the order of the parameters’ impacts on RWUa. Our study suggested that h1, h2, h3h, and h3l might be determined by an economical method (e.g. literature review) in saline soils with limited observations, but it is better to calibrate wilting point (h4) and salt stress parameters (ht and Sp) based on local measurements.
Graeme A. Sandral, Rebecca E. Haling, Megan H. Ryan, Andrew Price, Wayne M. Pitt, Shane M. Hildebrand, Christopher G. Fuller, Daniel R. Kidd, Adam Stefanksi, Hans Lambers, Richard J. Simpson
The mainstream pasture legume species such as Trifolium subterraneum, T. repens and annual Medicago spp. used in the temperate pasture systems of southern Australia have high critical external requirements for phosphorus (P) (i.e. P required to achieve 90% of maximum yield). This work aimed to identify alternative pasture legume species that could be used in systems with lower P input. Shoot and root biomass of 12 species of pasture legume was measured in response to seven rates of P applied to the top 48 mm of soil in a pot experiment. Most species had maximum yields similar to T. subterraneum, but some required only one-third of the applied P to achieve this. The critical external P requirement of the species, ranked from lowest to highest, was as follows: Ornithopus compressus = O. sativus < Biserrula pelecinus < T. michelianum = T. vesiculosum = T. glanduliferum < T. hirtum = Medicago truncatula = T. purpureum = T. incarnatum < T. spumosum = T. subterraneum. An ability to maximise soil exploration through a combination of high root-length density, high specific root length and long root hairs (i.e. a large specific root-hair-cylinder volume) was associated with a low critical external P requirement. The results indicate that Ornithopus spp. could be used to achieve productive, low P-input pasture systems.
Integration of tropical forage legumes into cropping systems may improve subsequent crop nitrogen (N) supply, but removal of legume biomass for forage is likely to diminish these benefits. This study aimed to determine: (i) under irrigated conditions, the potential N inputs that can be provided by different tropical forage legumes to a subsequent cereal crop; and (ii) the residual N benefits once fodder had been removed. Available soil mineral N following tropical forage legumes lablab (Lablab purpureus), centro (Centrosema pascuorum), butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) and burgundy bean (Macroptilium bracteatum) and grain legume soybean (Glycine max) was compared with a maize (Zea mays) control when legume biomass was retained or cut and removed (phase 1). An oat (Avena sativa) cover crop was then grown to ensure consistent soil-water across treatments (phase 2), followed by a maize grain crop (phase 3) in which N uptake, biomass production and grain yield were compared among the phase 1 treatments. To determine N-fertiliser equivalence values for subsequent maize crop yields, different rates of fertiliser (0–150 kg urea-N/ha) were applied in phase 3. Retained biomass of butterfly pea, centro and lablab increased phase 3 unfertilised maize grain yield by 6–8 t/ha and N uptake by 95–200 kg N/ha compared with a previous cereal crop, contributing the equivalent of 100–150 kg urea-N/ha. When legume biomass was cut and removed, grain yield in the phase 3 maize crop did not increase significantly. When butterfly pea, centro and lablab biomass was retained rather than removed, the maize accumulated an additional 80–132 kg N/ha. After fodder removal, centro was the only legume that provided N benefits to the phase 3 maize crop (equivalent of 33 kg urea-N/ha). Burgundy bean did not increase subsequent crop production when biomass was either retained or removed. The study found that a range of tropical forage legumes could contribute large amounts of N to subsequent crops, potentially tripling maize grain yield. However, when these legumes were cut and removed, the benefits were greatly diminished and the legumes provided little residual N benefit to a subsequent crop. Given the large N trade-offs between retaining and removing legume biomass, quantification of N inputs under livestock grazing or when greater residual biomass is retained may provide an alternative to achieving dual soil N–fodder benefits.
Experiments were conducted to study the relationship between autumn (fall) dormancy rating (FDR) and salt tolerance of lucerne (alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.). Seeds of eight cultivars with different FDRs (range 2.0–10.2) were germinated in a growth chamber under five concentrations of NaCl (range 0–1.2%). A subordinate function value method was adopted for comprehensive evaluation of salt tolerance of the lucerne cultivars. Seed germination rate and germination potential, and seedling electrolyte leakage, shoot length, root length, fresh weight, root : shoot length ratio, Na and K concentrations and K : Na ratio were used as the indices of evaluation. Under 1.2% salt treatment, salt-tolerance ranking of the cultivars was WL656HQ > WL440HQ > WL712HQ > WL525HQ > WL343HQ > WL319HQ > WL363HQ > WL168HQ, with respective FDRs of 9.3, 6.0, 10.2, 8.2, 3.9, 2.8, 4.9 and 2.0. The results of this study show that non-dormant cultivars were generally more salt tolerant than dormant cultivars.
Evidence indicates that silicon (Si) alleviates diverse stresses by improving the antioxidant capacity and phenolics metabolism of plants. We assessed the effect of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and calcium silicate (CaSiO3) on Si and aluminium (Al) uptake, antioxidant performance and phenolics (with antioxidant or structural function) of ryegrass cultivated on an acid Andisol under greenhouse conditions. Ryegrass was treated with either sodium silicate or calcium silicate at gradually increasing doses (250, 500 and 1000 mg Si kg–1 soil). Yield and concentrations of Si and Al were measured in roots and two shoot cuts. At the first cut, phenols, antioxidant enzymes, antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation and lignin production and composition were also determined. Ryegrass supplied with sodium silicate exhibited the highest Si content. Root Si was closely correlated with Al or Si : Al ratio. Shoot Si uptake increased total phenols and activities of antioxidant enzymes (CAT, APX and POD), but reduced lipid peroxidation. Silicon also changed the lignin production and composition in shoots at the highest sodium silicate dose. Silicon uptake reduced the deleterious effect of soil acidity in ryegrass. Sodium silicate had the greatest influence on the antioxidant system through enhancement of phenols production and antioxidant enzyme activation. Peroxidase activity appears to be associated with increased lignin biosynthesis in plants supplied with sodium silicate.
The redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Tucker) (Acari: Penthaleidae), is an important pest of pastures, broad-acre crops, and vegetables across southern Australia. Populations of H. destructor in Western Australia have been known to be resistant to pyrethroid and organophosphorus pesticides since 2006 and 2014, respectively. Resistant populations are currently widespread across Western Australia’s southern growing region but have, until now, remained undetected in the large south-eastern Australian range of H. destructor, despite ongoing resistance screening since 2006. Following reports of a field control failure in the Upper South East district in South Australia in 2016, resistance testing determined this South Australian population was resistant to pyrethroid and organophosphorus pesticides. The levels of resistance discovered were similar to resistant H. destructor populations in Western Australia, which are associated with chemical control failures. This work confirms for the first-time that pesticide resistant populations of H. destructor are no longer isolated to Western Australia.
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