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Flowering time of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a critical determinant of grain yield. Frost, drought and heat stresses from either overly early or overly late flowering can inflict significant yield penalties. The ability to predict time of flowering from different sowing dates for diverse cultivars across environments in Australia is important for maintaining yield as autumn rainfall events become less reliable. However, currently there are no models that can accurately do this when new cultivars are released. Two major Photoperiod1 and three Vernalisation1 development genes, with alleles identified by molecular markers, are known to be important in regulating phasic development and therefore time to anthesis, in response to the environmental factors of temperature and photoperiod. Allelic information from molecular markers has been used to parameterise models that could predict flowering time, but it is uncertain how much variation in flowering time can be explained by different alleles of the five major genes.
Drought stress is a primary abiotic constraint affecting crop production worldwide. In this study, the role of exogenous spermidine (Spd) in conferring drought-stress-tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings was studied by analysing polyamine metabolism and the antioxidant defence system. Two maize cultivars, Xianyu 335 (drought resistant) and Fenghe 1 (drought susceptible), were subjected to drought stress (–0.8 MPa) induced by 15% polyethylene glycol 6000 with or without Spd (0.1 mm) application. Spd significantly reduced the inhibition of plant growth and decreased malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide contents and the generation rate of oxidised glutathione caused by drought stress, particularly in Fenghe 1. The activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase further increased with the application of Spd to the stressed plants. Application of Spd significantly moderated the drought-induced reduction in activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase and dehydroascorbate and the ratio ascorbate : dehydroascorbate and reduced the ratio glutathione : oxidised glutathione. With the application of Spd, the contents of Spd and spermine and the activities of arginine decarboxylase, S-adenosyl methionine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase increased significantly in the stressed plants, and the increases were greater in Xianyu 335 than in Fenghe 1. Thus, exogenous Spd successfully reduced oxidative damage by enhancing the antioxidant components, raising the redox state of ascorbate and glutathione, and altering the polyamine pool, which play important roles in improving physiological characteristics and drought stress in maize.
Biofortification of lines of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) with increased iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) will have great impact because pearl millet is an indispensable component of food and nutritional security of inhabitants of arid and semi-arid regions. The aim of the present study was to assess the stability of Fe and Zn content in recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed for grain Fe and Zn content, and to use these lines in developing micronutrient-rich pearl millet hybrids. A mapping population consisting of 210 RILs along, with parents and checks, was assessed in three consecutive years (2014–16) under rainfed conditions at the same experimental location in an alpha design with two repetitions. Significant differences were observed in genotype, environment and genotype × environment interaction mean squares for all variables, particularly grain micronutrients. The first two principal components of an interaction principal component analysis cumulatively explained 100% of the total variation; respective contributions of the first and second components were 64.0% and 36.0% for Fe, and 58.1% and 41.9% for Zn. A positive and moderately high correlation (0.696**) between Fe and Zn contents suggests good prospects of simultaneous improvement for both micronutrients. Among the 210 RILs, RIL 69, RIL 186, RIL 191, RIL 149 and RIL 45 were found to be more stable with higher mean micronutrient content, additive main effects and multiplicative interaction stability value (ASV) and genotype selection index (GSI) under rainfed condition. These RILs are promising and can be tested further for their combining ability for yield as well as grain micronutrient content for developing superior biofortified, heterotic pearl millet hybrids.
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) production in arable, Mediterranean-type climates is limited by heat waves and unreliable rainfall. Under climate change scenarios, increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration will increase plant growth; however, the net effect of increasing occurrence and intensity of heat waves and drought is unclear. This study tested the response of combined acute high temperature (>32°C) at the early pod-filling stage and (i) crop-available soil water, and (ii) elevated CO2 on three lentil genotypes in two experiments. The three lentil genotypes selected were commercial cultivar PBA Bolt and two landraces sourced from the Australian Grains Genebank, AGG 71457 and AGG 73838. High soil-water availability (0.42 Mg m–3) throughout the growing season increased yield by 28% compared with low soil-water availability (0.35 Mg m–3). Across contrasting water treatments, there was no difference in patterns of crop response to high temperature during the early pod-filling phase (5 days at 42°C daytime, 25°C night), where yields were reduced by 45%. A significant interaction between high temperature response and genotype was observed, where reduction in grain number was higher for AGG 73838 (0.20% per degree-hour >32°C) than for AGG 71457 (0.07% per degree-hour >32°C) or PBA Bolt (0.10% per degree-hour >32°C). For heat and CO2 effects, there was no significant interaction between high temperature (3 days at 38°C daytime, ambient night temperature) and CO2 treatment on yield components. There was, however, an overall trend of increased biomass, grain number and yield due to elevated CO2. Although non-limiting soil water did not reduce the impact of high temperature in this study, the range in response across genotypes to high temperature supports opportunity for increased adaptation of lentil toward increasing yield stability under effects of climate change.
Lentil rust incited by the fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae is a major impedance to lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) production globally. Host-plant resistance is the most reliable, efficient and viable strategy among the various approaches to control this disease. In this study, 26 lentil genotypes comprising advanced breeding lines and released varieties along with a susceptible check were evaluated consecutively for rust resistance under natural incidence for two years and at five test locations in India. A heritability-adjusted genotype main effect plus genotype × environment interaction (HA-GGE) biplot program was used to analyse disease-severity data. The results revealed that, among the interactive factors, the GE interaction had the greatest impact (27.81%), whereas environment and genotype showed lower effects of 17.2% and 20.98%, respectively. The high GE variation made possible the evaluation of the genotypes at different test locations. The HA-GGE biplot method identified two sites (Gurdaspur and Pantnagar) as the ideal test environments in this study, with high efficiency for selection of durable and rust-resistant genotypes, whereas two other sites (Kanpur and Faizabad) were the least desirable test environments. In addition, the HA-GGE biplot analysis identified three distinct mega-environments for rust severity in India. Furthermore, the analysis identified three genotypes, DPL 62, PL 165 and PL 157, as best performing and durable for rust resistance in this study. The HA-GGE biplot analysis recognised the best test environments, restructured the ecological zones for lentil-rust testing, and identified stable sources of resistance for lentil rust disease, under multi-location and multi-year trials.
Saponin chemical composition was phenotyped and genotyped, and saponin composition-based geographical genetic diversity and differentiation were evaluated in Chinese wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.). Thirty-two phenotypes and 34 genotypes were confirmed from 3805 wild soybean accessions. Eleven phenotypes (AaαK, AaαIK, AaαIJK, AaBcEαJ, AaBcαK, AbEαIJ, AbαK, AbαIK, AbαIJK, AbβHAb and Aβ0) were newly detected. Four genes had frequencies: Sg-1a 78.8% and Sg-1b 21.0% at the Sg-1 locus; Sg-4 30.7% and Sg-6e 13.7% at their respective loci. The north-eastern and southern populations showed high genetic diversity; the Northeast region contained more novel variants (AuAe, A0, A0Bc, αH, αI αJ, αK, and AbβHAb), and the southern populations contained high frequencies of the Sg-4 gene. Gene differentiation (Fst) analysis suggested that Sg-4 and four group-α saponin alleles or genes (Sg-6e, Sg-6h, Sg-6i, Sg-6j) were important factors influencing the genetic structure and differentiation in Chinese wild soybeans. Geographical differentiation was characterised mainly by latitudinal differences, with two primary groups (north and south) based on saponin genes. Chinese wild soybean accessions differed from Japanese and South Korean ones in genetic structure based on saponin composition, the latter two being likely to have spread from southern China in the glacial stages during the last Ice Age.
The genetic basis of post-drought recovery, summer dormancy and persistence under drought stress is little investigated in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). In this study, polycross populations (half-sib genotypes) were evaluated under normal and regulated deficit irrigation for 3 years (2012–14) in the field. Irrigation was then withheld in 2015, and the genotypes were evaluated for post-drought recovery and persistence. The results showed that regulated deficit irrigation decreased forage yield, yield components, persistence and recovery. A broad range of general combining ability was observed for most of the measured traits. Moderate to high estimation of narrow-sense heritability for yield components, persistence, recovery and summer dormancy index indicated that phenotypic selection may be successful to attain genetic progress. Under deficit irrigation, flowering time was positively correlated with persistence and recovery, indicating that selection based on lateness would lead to improvement in these traits. Stable and superior families across environments were identified based on regression coefficients and principle component analysis that would be desirable in future breeding programs.
Polycross designs bridge the two usual mapping approaches (bi-parental mapping and association analysis) and increase mapping power by incorporating greater genetic diversity. In this study, we used diverse genotypes selected from polycrossed progenies to identify marker loci associated with a set of seed- and forage-related traits as well as drought tolerance in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Associations were estimated between phenotypic traits and 923 DNA markers (including 446 inter-simple sequence repeats and 477 sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers). Positive relationship was found between forage yield and seed yield under normal and water-stress conditions, indicating that simultaneous improvement of seed and forage yield could be achieved in orchardgrass. The results of population structure analysis identified five main subpopulations possessing significant genetic differences. Under normal and water-stress conditions, respectively, 341 and 359 markers were significantly associated with the studied traits. Most of these markers were associated with more than one trait. Water-environment specificity of trait-associated markers indicates that genotype × environment interactions influence association analysis. However, 75 stable associations were identified across two moisture conditions for traits such as seed and forage yield. Marker–trait association revealed that markers M1/E1-5, M2/E6-5, M3/E4-6, P14-7 and P845-7 were consistently linked with drought-tolerance index. The identified marker alleles associated with multiple traits across environments may be considered for further analysis for their chromosome locations, the corresponding sequences and their potential functions.
The aim of this study was to quantify the relative importance of leaf age and leaf length on the dynamics of neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and 24-h in vitro digestibility of NDF (NDFD) and dry matter (DMD) of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb) Darbysh.). Mini-swards were conditioned and used to conduct two experiments, the first with 4-cm plant stubble height in spring–summer 2009 and autumn–winter 2011, and the second with 4-cm or 10-cm plant stubble height in spring–summer 2011. Plants were harvested at consecutive leaf-appearance intervals to measure nutritive value up to the four-leaf stage. In parallel, leaf morphogenetic traits (appearance, elongation and lifespan) and sheath length of the successive leaves produced on marked tillers were measured. Leaf NDF contents remained stable with increasing leaf age and length but showed a marked variation across seasons. Leaf NDFD and DMD showed a consistent decrease with increasing leaf age and length, and irrespective of growing season or residual pasture height. The negative effect of leaf age and length on digestibility was related to variations in sheath tube length and associated differences in leaf appearance and elongation rates. These findings highlight the relevance of monitoring the sheath tube length as a complementary measure to leaf stage for further management of the NDFD and DMD of grass forages. Although the focus of this study was tall fescue swards, the same morphogenetic implications on forage nutritive value could apply to other temperate and tropical grass species; however, the testing of this hypothesis warrants carefully controlled investigations.
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